Ingest is desisgned to be the upload point for various data management solutions in the DOE space and beyond. It takes the place of Box and eventually Globus both. With an emphasis on gathering metadata along with the actual data, we hope that this tool becomes a powerhouse for enabling experiments to extract and collect data from various groups and sources more easily than before.
- Elixir 1.16.x
- Erlang OTP 27+
- asdf optional - used for managing Elixir/Erlang/OTP versions so that you can keep this project separate from your main installations
- asdf-elixir and asdf-erlang optional
- Mix - should be installed if you use asdf
- Postgres 14+
- optional Navigate to the root of the project and run
asdf install
- this will install all the toolchain and language dependencies needed locally. (In order for VSCode's Elixir plugin to work you must also set the global erlang and elixir versions viaasdf global {erlang/elixir} {latest/version in .tool-versions}
) - Run
mix deps.get
&mix deps.compile
- Install the
generator -mix archive.install hex phx_new
mix setup
- Run
mix phx.gen.secret
and copy the output to line 27 in yourconfig/dev.exs
file - undersecret_key_base
- If you're on VSCode you can use the default run configuration to run your application from the editor, or you may start your server by running
mix phx.server
in either your terminal or an iEX instance
- Mix can't find
or fails to installrebar3
via Hex: Download the rebar3 binary for your OS and put in a common location (/usr/local/bin
for Unix systems). Then use this command to point Hex torebar3
-mix local.rebar rebar3 path/to/rebar
- CA Cert problems: Typically you'll see a failed
library call and something about an unkown CA authority. The easier solution is to include an environment variable calledHEX_CACERTS_PATH
and set it to your root CA bundle. Another, less secure option, is to setHEX_UNSAFE_HTTPS
and turn off SSL completely. Not recommended - More CA Cert Problems - modify the configuration file in
- you will see various places referring to your SSL cert store (default /etc/ssl/certs on Unix systems) - change those to point to your certificate bundle - ElixirLS Problems - Two different solutions. Either make sure you are opening the project from the server directory or install hex globally.
mix archive.install github hexpm/hex branch latest
run this command in/users/{YourName}
We recommend that you use either VSCode or Neovim for Elixir. Setup for VSCode (Make sure you also install the Credo extension) Setup for NeoVim
To start your Phoenix server:
- Run
mix setup
to install and setup dependencies - Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
or inside IEx withiex -S mix phx.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
Ready to run in production? Please check our deployment guides.
- Official website:
- Guides:
- Docs:
- Forum:
- Source: