- Speedpaths are a formatted string expanded by the client before sent to the mud allowing for easy repetitive commands in the format of #command repeated with as many commands as you like with no spaces between. The leader command is the only command that can not have a number
- Speedpaths are executed by starting the line with the speedpath character if enabled, which by default is ! and can be changed in Settings > General
- You can escape the speedpath character by doubling it so !!2n would send !2n to the mud instead of being expanded, you can escape a number but doing \# so \0 would be considered a 0 in th command
- You may also group commands using () or {} and all text in () or {} will not be parsed allowing you to do nested speed paths
- Delay between path command allows you to set how fast to send path commands in milliseconds, default: 0
- Amount of path commands to send allows you you batch send commands between delay, default: 1
- Under Scripting Characters you can set:
the character to use for speed paths, default: !Parse
weather to parse commands using the command input parser as if entered from the command line, default: enabledEcho
echo each command to the screen as it is sent to the mud, default: disabled
would be expanded to "north west west" with each one being sent to the mud as a command!2say test2poke monster
would be "say test" 2 times then "poke monster" 2 times!2say test \1\2\3
would "say test 1 2 3" 2 times!2{n;w}
would send n;w twice, if parse enabled and command stack is ; it would send n, w, n, w