Powered by ESDoc.
Refer to commands to generate code documentation.
To document code, place a comment block immediately before it, eg:
/** This is example documentation for the example function */
function exampleFunction() {}
Documentation usually spans over multiple lines and contains several 'documentation tags' with more information, eg:
* This is example documentation for the example function
* @param {string} exampleParameter
function exampleFunction(exampleParameter) {}
* Description at top. Can link to other parts of code using {@link Identifier}.
* Text can span multiple lines. Supports markdown syntax and HTML.
* @example <caption>Optional example heading</caption>
* const exampleCodeLine1 = true;
* const exampleCodeLine2 = true;
* @example
* const canYouUseMultipleExampleTags = true;
class Example {
* Optional description.
* @param {type} paramName
* @param {type} paramName - With an optional description.
* Parameter description can support multiple lines.
* Supports markdown syntax, HTML, and {@link Identifier}.
* @param {type} [paramName] - this parameter is optional
* @param {type} [paramName=defaultValue]
* @param {(type1|type2)} paramName
* @param {type[]} paramName - an array containing `type`s
* @param {...type} paramName - spread / rest parameter
* @return {type} - with an optional description
methodName(paramName) {
* Optional description.
* @type {type}
this.propertyName = 'example';
* Optional description.
* @type {type}
get example() {}
* Optional description.
* @type {type}
set example(value) {}
- Array
- boolean
- function
- number
- Object
- string
- undefined
- null
- function(funcParam1: type, funcParam2: type): funcReturnType
- {objectPropertyName1: type, objectPropertyName2: type}
- AnyObjectNameYouLike
- this
- NodeList
- Returned from
- Returned from
- HTMLElement
- Returned from
- Returned from
- Error
- When using
throw new Error()
- When using
- ClassName
- ClassName#memberName
- ClassName.staticMemberName
- globalFunctionName
- globalVariableName
These are less common, but sometimes useful;
* @throws {identifier} - with an optional description when this is thrown
* @interface
* @implements {identifer to class marked with @interface}
* @abstract
* - This method *must* be overriden when sub classing
* @override
* - If you override a method within a sub class, mark it with this tag
* @emits {identifer} - optional description
* @listens {identifer} - optional description
* @protected
* @private
* - Identifiers beginning with an underscore are automatically marked with this
* @see http://example.com/
* @version version number
* @ignore
* @experimental optional description
* @deprecated optional description
A complete list is available on the ESDoc website.
These can be documented with destructuring syntax as the {type}
, eg:
{{objectPropertyName1: type, objectPropertyName2: type}}
This quickly becomes difficult to read and maintain, so prefer to use the longer technique described below.
@param {Object} objectParamName
@param {type} objectParamName.objectPropertyName1
@param {type} objectParamName.objectPropertyName2
@return {Object}
@property {type} objectPropertyName1
@property {type} objectPropertyName2
@type {Object}
@property {type} objectPropertyName1
@property {type} objectPropertyName2