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Giorgio Garofalo edited this page Jan 23, 2025 · 10 revisions

None is a particular kind of value, which represents nothing or emptiness (similarly to null in many programming languages).
While returnable by functions, it's also used as a placeholder for optional parameters.


Function Description Return type
.none Creates an empty value. none
.isnone {value} Checks whether value is none. Boolean
.otherwise {value} {fallback} Returns value if it is not none, fallback otherwise.
Works best with function call chaining.
Type of either value or fallback
.ifpresent {value} {lambda} If value is not none, maps it to a new value according to the lambda. If none, returns none.
Works best with function call chaining.
Type returned by lambda, or none
.takeif {value} {lambda} Returns value if the boolean-returning lambda is accepted on value. Returns none otherwise.
Works best with function call chaining.
Type of value, or none


Hi! I'm .name::otherwise {unnamed}

If name is John: Hi! I'm John
If it is none: Hi! I'm unnamed


.num::takeif {@lambda x: .x::equals {5}}

If num is 5: 5
Otherwise: None

Confused about @lambda? It begins a parametric inline Lambda. Check its page for further details.


.num::takeif {@lambda x: .x::iseven}::ifpresent {Even}::otherwise {Odd}

If num is even: Even
Otherwise: Odd


.x::ifpresent {@lambda Yes, .1 is present}::otherwise {Not present}

If x is something: Yes, something is present
If it is none: Not present

Here, the lambda parameter is implicit and accessed by position.

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