To make your theme production ready , just run the following command :
brunch build --production
The commonad will rebuild a clean public
All your theme folder expect the following:
- bower_components
- node_modules
- bower.json
- package.json
- config.rb
If you want , to automate your theme deployment using FTP/SFTP , then you can use dg/ftp-deployment tool.
And here is a simple config file :
[Production site] ; Optional section (there may be more than one section).
; remote FTP server
remote = ftp://user:[email protected]/directory
; you can use ftps:// or sftp:// protocols (sftp requires SSH2 extension)
; local path (optional)
local = /full/path/to/your/current/theme
; run in test-mode? (can be enabled by option -t or --test)
test = no
; files and directories to ignore
ignore = "
; files to preprocess (defaults to *.js *.css)
preprocess = no