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File metadata and controls

556 lines (388 loc) · 14.3 KB

Phrosemirror is a PHP library to work with Prosemirror (or TipTap) JSON content in an easy and type-safe way.

Here is what this library can do:

  • Convert Prosemirror JSON into a Document with typed Nodes, Marks, and Attributes
  • Analyze and change Documents
  • Convert a Document to HTML
  • Convert a Document to Text
  • Parse HTML to a Document
  • content and group for more strict schema conformity


composer require hyvor/phrosemirror

1. Schema

This library is unopinionated, which means there is no default schema. To start, you have to start with defining your schema that is similar to your front-end Prosemirror configurations.

You can find an example schema in the /example directory in this repo, which is similar to prosemirror-schema-basic package's schema.

use Hyvor\Phrosemirror\Types\Schema;

$schema = new Schema(
        new Doc,
        new Text,
        new Paragraph,
        new Blockquote,
        new Image
        new Strong,
        new Italic,  

In the Schema constructor, first argument is an array of Nodes Types and the second one is an array of Marks Types.

Node Types

A basic node type looks like this:

use Hyvor\Phrosemirror\Types\NodeType;

class Doc extends NodeType
    public string $name = 'doc';
    public ?string $content = 'block+';

They can contain content and group properties. If content is not set, no content is allowed in this node. See Content & Grouping below for more information on how these properties work.

Here is another example of a Node Type:

class Paragraph extends NodeType
    public string $name = 'paragraph';
    public ?string $content = 'inline*';
    public string $group = 'block';

Mark Types

A basic mark type looks like this:

use Hyvor\Phrosemirror\Types\MarkType;

class Strong extends MarkType
    public string $name = 'strong';

Attributes (Attrs)

One main goal of this library is to achieve type-safety. Therefore, attributes are defined in a typed class.

use Hyvor\Phrosemirror\Types\AttrsType;

class ImageAttrs extends AttrsType

    public string $src;
    public ?string $alt;

By defining explicit types, we are sure that src attribute of the Image is always a string. alt can be a string or null.

You can also define default values for attributes, which will be used if they are not present in the JSON document.

class ImageAttrs extends AttrsType
    public string $src = '';

Then, in the Node Type or Mark Type, you have to mention the Attrs class.

use Hyvor\Phrosemirror\Types\NodeType;

class Image extends NodeType
    // ...
    public string $attrs = ImageAttrs::class;

2. Document

Once the Schema is ready, we can start working with Documents.

use Hyvor\Phrosemirror\Types\Schema;
use Hyvor\Phrosemirror\Document\Document;

$schema = new Schema($nodes, $marks);
$json = '{}'; // <- this is the JSON from the front-end

$document = Document::fromJson($schema, $json);

$json can be a JSON string, a PHP array, or a PHP object. If the given JSON is valid, $document will be an instance of Hyvor\Phrosemirror\Document\Document. If not, an error will be thrown. See Error Handling below.


A Document is just a Node with the doc type. These are the properties of a Node.

namespace Hyvor\Phrosemirror\Document;

use Hyvor\Phrosemirror\Types\NodeType;
use Hyvor\Phrosemirror\Types\AttrsType;

class Node
    public NodeType $type;
    public AttrsType $attrs;
    public Fragment $content;
    public Mark[] $marks;

NodeType $type is the type of the node, which you defined in the schema

AttrsType $attrs is the attributes of the Node. This will be an object of the class you defined in Node Type attrs. For example, as in the above example of Node Types, if the node is Image, $attrs will be an object of ImageAttrs.

Fragment $content is a collection of children Nodes.

Mark[] $marks is an array of Marks assigned to this node.

TextNode is a special Node that represents the text node type in Prosemirror. It has the string $text property in addition to the above properties. Also, $marks only makes sense in the context of TextNode.

Checking Node Type

Use isOfType() to check if a Node is of a particular NodeType defined in your schema.

$json = ['type' => 'paragraph'];
$node = Node::fromJson($schema, $json);

$node->isOfType(Paragraph::class); // true
$node->isOfType(Image::class); // false
$node->isOfType([Paragraph::class, Image::class]); // true

Accessing Attributes

Use the attr() method to access an attribute of the Node.

$json = ['type' => 'image', 'attrs' => ['src' => 'image.png']];
$image = Node::fromJson($schema, $json);

// html-escaped (safe to use in HTML output)
$src = $image->attr('src');

// not html-escaped
$src = $image->attr('src', escape: false);

Traversing Through Nested Nodes

You can traverse through nested nodes using the traverse() method with a callback. Here is an example that traverse through all nodes and finds all image nodes.

$document = Document::fromJson($schema, $json);

$images = [];
$document->traverse(function(Node $node) use(&$images) {
    if ($node->isOfType(Image::class)) {
        $images[] = $node;

traverse() traverses through TextNodes too!

Traversing Through Direct Children

Use foreach with $node->content.

foreach ($node->content as $child) {
    if ($child->isOfType(Image::class)) {
        echo "I found an image!";

Finding Nodes

Earlier, we used traverse() to find nodes, but there is the getNodes() method to make it easier. It searches through the all nested nodes and returns Node[] of matched nodes.

// images

// all nodes (including TextNodes)

// nodes of multiple types
$node->getNodes([Paragraph::class, Blockquote::class]);

// images (only direct children)
$node->getNodes(Image::class, false);

Finding Marks

Similar to getNodes() you can use getMarks() to find marks within the current node. It searches all nested nodes and returns Mark[] of matched marks.

// links

// all marks

// multiple types
$node->getMarks([Strong::class, Italic::class]);

// without nesting (marks of the current node only)
$node->getMarks(Link::class, false);

JSON Serialize

You can serialize a Node/Document back to JSON.

$node->toJson(); // JSON string
$node->toArray(); // PHP array


namespace Hyvor\Phrosemirror\Document;

use Hyvor\Phrosemirror\Types\MarkType;
use Hyvor\Phrosemirror\Types\AttrsType;

class Mark
    public MarkType $type;
    public AttrsType $attrs;  

$type and $attrs are analogous to those of Node's.

Mark has isOfType(), attr(), toArray(), and toJson(), which works similar to Node's methods.

$mark = Mark::fromJson(['type' => 'link', 'attrs' => ['src' => '']);

$mark->isOfType(Strong::class); // false
$mark->attr('src'); //


$node->content is a Fragment. It contains an array of children nodes. You can think of it just as an array, but with helper methods that makes things easier.

$fragment = $node->content();


$fragment->first(); // Node | null
$fragment->last(); // Node | null
$fragment->nth(2); // Node | null

$fragment->count(); // int

// get all Nodes in the Fragment as an array
$fragment->all(); // Node[]

// loop through each node
$fragment->each(fn (Node $node) => false);

// WRITE (Be careful, these methods changes the document)

$fragment->addNode($node); // same as addNodeToEnd
$fragment->map(fn (Node $node) => $node); // update nodes in a callback


Next, let's convert your document to HTML. To do this, you have to define the toHtml() method in Node Types and Mark Types.

use Hyvor\Phrosemirror\Document\Node;
use Hyvor\Phrosemirror\Types\NodeType;

class Paragraph extends NodeType

    public function toHtml(Node $node, string $children) : string
        return "<p>$children</p>";


toHtml() should return the HTML string of the node, placing the $children string in it.

Here is another example using the attributes of that Node.

use Hyvor\Phrosemirror\Document\Node;
use Hyvor\Phrosemirror\Types\NodeType;

class Image extends NodeType

    public function toHtml(Node $node, string $children) : string
        $src = $node->attr('src');
        return "<img src=\"$src\">$children</p>";


Do not directly use $node->attrs->src as the raw attributes are not HTML-escaped. Always use $node->attr() or $node->attrs->get()

HTML: Document -> HTML

Use the toHtml() method to serialize a document (or any node) to HTML.

$document = Document::fromJson($schema, $json);
$html = $document->toHtml();

Parsing HTML

The HtmlParser class is responsible for parsing HTML to a Document. It takes the Schema and some parsing rules to parse the HTML.

use Hyvor\Phrosemirror\Converters\HtmlParser\HtmlParser;use Hyvor\Phrosemirror\Converters\HtmlParser\ParserRule;

$schema = new Schema($nodes, $marks); // this is the same schema you create for the document
$parser = new HtmlParser($schema, [
    new ParserRule(tag: 'p', node: 'paragraph'),
    new ParserRule(tag: '#text', node: 'text'),
    // ... other rules
$doc = $parser->parse($html);

However, in most cases, you only need one rule set to parse from multiple HTML inputs. Therefore, you can directly define rules in the Schema (in the fromHtml() method of Nodes and Marks).

use Hyvor\Phrosemirror\Types\NodeType;
use Hyvor\Phrosemirror\Converters\HtmlParser\ParserRule;
use Hyvor\Phrosemirror\Document\Node;

class Paragraph extends NodeType

    public string $name = 'paragraph';
    public ?string $content = 'inline*';
    public string $group = 'block';

    public function toHtml(Node $node, string $children): string
        return "<p>$children</p>";

    public function fromHtml(): array
        return [
            new ParserRule(tag: 'p'),


The fromHtml() method should return ParserRule[]. Here, the node property is not required as it is the same as the Node Type's name.

Then, use the fromSchema() method to create the parser.

$parser = HtmlParser::fromSchema($schema);
$doc = $parser->parse($html);

Parsing HTML Attributes to Node Attributes

Use the getAttrs() method to parse attributes from the HTML element.

use DOMElement;

class Image extends NodeType
    public string $name = 'image';
    public string $attrs = ImageAttrs::class;
    public function fromHtml() : array
        return [
            new ParserRule(
                tag: 'img', 
                getAttrs: fn (DOMElement $element) => ImageAttrs::fromArray([
                    'src' => $element->getAttribute('src'),
                    'alt' => $element->getAttribute('alt'),

The getAttrs() callback should return one of the following:

  • false to ignore the element
  • null if the attributes are not found
  • AttrsType if the attributes are found

Content & Grouping

Defining content and group properties in Node Types is important for parsing HTML.

For example, let's say we have a blockquote node with content set to block+. This means that the blockquote node can only contain block nodes. Therefore, the following HTML does not conform to the schema.

<blockquote>Hello World</blockquote>

This is when content and group properties come in handy. Because, we know that the blockquote node can only contain block nodes such as paragraphs, the HTML parser will automatically wrap the text in a paragraph when parsing. The resulting HTML would be:

<blockquote><p>Hello World</p></blockquote>

This logic is handled by Sanitizer class. Simply, it does the following to ensure content and group conformity:

  • Tries to wrap nodes
  • Tries to promote children
  • Tries to connect inline nodes
  • If all fails, it will remove the node

content expressions support everything the Prosemirror front-end library supports. Here are some examples:

  • paragraph
  • paragraph|heading
  • paragraph?
  • paragraph*
  • paragraph+
  • paragraph{1,3}
  • paragraph{1,}
  • paragraph heading (subsequent nodes)
  • paragraph (heading | code_block)+
  • block+ (using groups)

Note: This sanitization process is only run when parsing a document from HTML. It is not run when parsing a document from JSON, because we expect the JSON (usually from your front-end) to be valid. However, you can still run the sanitization process as follows if needed:

$doc = Document::fromJson($schema, $json);
$sanitizedDoc = Sanitizer::sanitize($schema, $doc);

Disabling Sanitization

You can disable content sanitization when parsing HTML by setting sanitize: false.

$parser = HtmlParser::fromSchema($schema);
$doc = $parser->parse($html, sanitize: false);

⚠️ Warning: Disabling sanitization can result in invalid documents.

Error Handling

This library is strict, and it expects correct input from the front-end. It can throw the following exceptions:

  • InvalidJsonException - on invalid JSON
  • InvalidAttributeTypeException - on invalid attribute type

Both exceptions extend the PhrosemirrorException class. Therefore, the best practise would be catching it when building the document.

use Hyvor\Phrosemirror\Exception\PhrosemirrorException;

try {
    $document = Document::fromJson($schema, $json);
} catch (PhrosemirrorException $e) {
    // invalid document

If the front-end (JS) and back-end (PHP) schema matches, the only way an exception can happen is when the Prosemirror JSON is altered. Therefore, it is a good practise to stop processing here.

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