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Playbook Variables Overview

You can set many variables on the command line when running a playbook.

For example, to specify a Gaia version for all the hosts in the play:

ansible-playbook node.yml -i examples/inventory-local.yml --extra-vars "chain_version=v7.0.2"
  • Default values and less commonly used variables can be found in the defaults main.yml file.
  • Update the ansible_vars template to modify additional variables in the gaia config files.

node role


Variable Description Example Value
target Target server IP/domain (for single node inventory files)
go_version Golang version to install "1.18.1"
enable_swap Enable/disable swap false
swap_size Swap file size in MB (8 GB default) 8192
chain_use_ssl_proxy Enable SSL proxy for chain endpoints using Nginx* false
chain_api_host Set the subdomain for REST API (e.g.* rest
chain_rpc_host Set the subdomain for RPC (e.g.* rpc
chain_grpc_host Set the subdomain for GRPC (e.g.* grpc
chain_p2p_host Set the subdomain for P2P (e.g.* p2p
reboot Reboot the machine after all tasks are done when true** false

*Configure DNS before provisioning.
**Recommended for initial deployment: this makes sure all services start up and pending system updates are applied.

Chain Binary Installation

Variable Description Example Value
node_user User account to install the chain binary in gaia
node_user_home Path to the user account home /home/gaia
chain_home Path to chain home folder home /home/gaia/.gaia
chain_home_clear Clear the chain_home folder before install when true false
node_unsafe_reset Clear the chain database before install when true true
chain_registry Define chain_version, chain_id and genesis_url using the chain registry
chain_version Chain repo tag, commit, or branch to check out and compile v6.0.4
chain_repository URL for chain repo
chain_binary_release URL of the binary to install
chain_binary_source Build the binary from source if set to build, download it if set to release build
node_service_name Chain service name when use_cosmovisor is false gaiad
chain_bin Full path for binary /home/gaia/go/bin/gaiad
chain_start Starts the chain service at the end of the play false
chain_id Chain ID my-testnet
addrbook_url URL to download the addrbook.json file from ""
addrbook_file File path to the addrbook.json file to use "addresses.json"

Chain Configuration: genesis.json

Variable Description Example Value
genesis_url URL to download the gzipped genesis file from ""
genesis_file File path to the genesis file*** "examples/genesis-three-node.json"
chain_voting_period Voting period for gov proposals 60s
chain_gov_testing Set minimum deposit to 1
and voting period to
chain_voting_period when true
chain_denom Set denom to replace stake with uatom
chain_create_validator Create a validator when starting from fresh state true
chain_recover_validator Recovers a self-delegation account creates a validator with it when true+ false
chain_gentx_validator Tokens validator will self-delegate at genesis "1000000uatom"
chain_validator_coins Funds assigned to validator through genesis "11000000uatom"
chain_recover_delegator Recovers an account and adds it to genesis when true++ false
delegator_account_coins Funds assigned to restored account through genesis "1000000000"
node_keyring Keyring for the validator keypair test
chain_airdrop Airdrop tokens to accounts list when true false
chain_airdrop_coins Amount to airdrop to specified accounts "10000uatom"
chain_airdrop_accounts List of accounts to airdrop tokens to [address-1,address-2,address-3]

***The file will not be copied if there already is an existing file with the same length.
+The mnemonic for this account must be set using the self_delegation_mnemonic variable. ++The mnemonic for this account must be set using the delegator_account_mnemonic variable.

Chain Configuration: config.toml

Variable Example Value
fast_sync true
rpc_port 26657
p2p_port 26656
p2p_seeds "node-id@,node-id@"
p2p_persistent_peers "node-id@,node-id@"
p2p_allow_duplicate_ip true
statesync_enabled true
statesync_rpc_servers ","
consensus_timeout_commit 3s

Chain Configuration: app.toml

Variable Example Value
minimum_gas_prices "0.001uatom"
api_enabled true
api_port 1317
grpc_enabled true
grpc_port 9090
grpc_web_enabled true
grpc_web_port 9091

Chain Configuration: client.toml

Variable Example Value
client_keyring_backend test
client_broadcast_mode block


Variable Description Example Value
use_cosmovisor Use cosmovisor service when true, standalone binary one when false true
cosmovisor_skip_backup Skip Cosmovisor backups true
cosmovisor_service_name Chain service name when use_cosmovisor is set to true cv-gaia
cosmosvisor_auto_download Download binaries listed in upgrade proposals when set to true false

Monitoring and Alerting

Variable Description Example Value
monitoring_prometheus Configure Prometheus / Grafana monitoring false
monitoring_panic Configure PANIC monitoring false
panic_ssh_url User and address for PANIC server [email protected]
panic_config_file Path on PANIC server /home/panic/panic_cosmos/config/user_config_nodes.ini
panic_is_validator Set host as a validator for PANIC no

faucet role

Variable Description Example Value
faucet_enabled Create faucet account and install REST server for it true
faucet_version Cosmos REST faucet version to install v0.2.1
faucet_service_name Service name for faucet REST server token-faucet
faucet_port Port for the faucet REST server to listen on 8000

bigdipper role

Variable Description Example Value
chain_id theta-testnet-001
bdjuno_version A bdjuno branch that matches the tracked chain chains/cosmos/testnet
bdjuno_rpc_address The RPC address bdjuno will collect block data from
bdjuno_grpc_address The gRPC address bdjuno will collect block data from
bdjuno_fast_sync Blocks close to genesis time will not be parsed if set to true false
bdui_chain Specifies whether the chain is mainnet or testnet testnet
bigdipper_genesis_time The time of the chain's genesis in UTC, RFC3339 format 2022-01-12T00:52:40
bigdipper_genesis_height The height of the chain at genesis 9034670
bigdipper_use_tls_proxy Enable TLS true
letsencrypt_email A valid email address must be entered when TLS is enabled
hasura_admin_secret A password to protect the Hasura service
hasura_host Subdomain for Hasura service "hasura."
rpc_host Subdomain for RPC service "rpc."
bdui_host Subdomain for Big Dipper UI "explorer."
bdui_icon URL for the chain icon
bdui_logo URL for the splash logo

hermes role

Variable Description Example Value
hermes_version Hermes repo release v1.0.0
hermes_relayer_keys Set to true if using key files true
hermes_relayer_mnemonics Set to true if using mnemonic files false
hermes_order Channel ordering unordered
hermes_set_channel_version Set to true to use the --channel-version flag when creating a channel true
hermes_channel_version IBC channel version "1"
hermes_set_clients Set up a connection over existing clients, a hermes_client_id variable must be specified for each chain when true true

consensus-monitor role

Variable Description Example Value
consensus_monitor_version cosmos-consensus-monitor version to use v1.0.0
consensus_api_node_url Node API endpoint
consensus_rpc_node_url Node RPC endpoint
consensus_ws_node_url Port for the Websockets server 9002
consensus_ui_node_url Port for the web UI server 8000
consensus_host Subdomain to prefix the inventory hostname, requires DNS setup consensus.