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Multi-Node Testnet Setup Guide

This guide will assist you in setting up all the infrastructure you may need to run a multi-node testnet.

  • It is recommended Debian 11 is used for all host machines.


We will use a scenario in which several hosts need to be set up on the domain. This is an example domain, you should replace it with your own.

The set of hosts includes several chain nodes and a monitoring host. Once these hosts are operational and the chain is live, any new node will be able to connect to the network and sync to the current block height.

Chain settings

  • Gaia version: v7.0.3
  • Chain ID: cosmos-testnet
  • Stake denom: uatom


The chain will start with three validators that together make up 100% of the voting power.

  • 40%
  • 30%
  • 30%

Sentry nodes

Two sentry nodes are responsible for protecting the validators from DDoS attacks.


State sync node

State sync nodes will serve chain snapshots every 1000 blocks.



A monitor host will provide a dashboard for checking the health of the testnet, including the current block height, transaction stats, peers, etc.



We can divide the deployment into the following stages:

  1. Set up the monitor host.
  2. (Optional) Prepare the genesis file and validator keys.
  3. Configure the inventory file.
  4. Run the node.yml playbook from the cosmos-ansible repo.



Each host must have an A and AAAA record. All hosts except for the monitor must have a set of CNAMEs to the host to provide the relevant interface.

In the table below, <host> acts as a placeholder for val1, val2, val3, sen1, sen2, sync1 and sync2.

Host Subdomain DNS records
<host> - A to IPv4 address
AAAA to IPv6 address
rest.<host> CNAME to <host>
grpc.<host> CNAME to <host>
rpc.<host> CNAME to <host>
p2p.<host> CNAME to <host> - A to IPv4 address
AAAA to IPv6 address


We must provide an email for the Let's Encrypt certificate. For this example we will use [email protected].


We must provide the SSH address for the Grafana monitor host. For this example we will use [email protected].


We must provide the SSH address for the PANIC monitor host. For this example we will use [email protected].


Set up the Monitor Host

Follow the instructions in the Testnet Monitoring Setup Guide page to set up the monitor host.

(Optional) Prepare the genesis file and validator keys

These steps can now be done automatically with our ansible playbook, please refer to /examples/

We will use a stand-alone install of gaia to generate a genesis file and keys for the three validator nodes. You can do this on a development machine.

Set up the environment and install Go 1.18

apt update
apt dist-upgrade
apt install git make build-essential
wget -q -O - | bash -s -- --version 1.18

Install Gaia v7.0.0

cd ~
git clone
cd gaia
git checkout v7.0.0
make install

Create a home folder for each validator

gaiad init val1 --chain-id cosmos-testnet --home ~/gaia-val1
gaiad init val2 --chain-id cosmos-testnet --home ~/gaia-val2
gaiad init val3 --chain-id cosmos-testnet --home ~/gaia-val3

Obtain node IDs and public keys

gaiad tendermint show-node-id --home ~/gaia-val1
gaiad tendermint show-node-id --home ~/gaia-val2
gaiad tendermint show-node-id --home ~/gaia-val3
gaiad tendermint show-validator --home ~/gaia-val1
gaiad tendermint show-validator --home ~/gaia-val2
gaiad tendermint show-validator --home ~/gaia-val3

We will work off the gaia-val1 home folder from now on.

cd ~/gaia-val1/config

Modify the genesis file to replace all instances of stake with uatom

sed -i s%stake%uatom%g genesis.json

Create self-delegation accounts: save the mnemonics shown in the output.

gaiad keys add val1 --keyring-backend test --home ~/gaia-val1
gaiad keys add val2 --keyring-backend test --home ~/gaia-val1
gaiad keys add val3 --keyring-backend test --home ~/gaia-val1

Add funds to accounts

gaiad add-genesis-account val1 140000000uatom --keyring-backend test --home ~/gaia-val1
gaiad add-genesis-account val2 130000000uatom --keyring-backend test --home ~/gaia-val1
gaiad add-genesis-account val3 130000000uatom --keyring-backend test --home ~/gaia-val1

Create gentx transactions to create validators

cd ~/gaia-val1/config
mkdir gentx
cd gentx
gaiad gentx val1 40000000uatom --pubkey '<val1 pubkey>' --node-id <val1 node-id> --moniker val1 --chain-id cosmos-testnet --keyring-backend test --home ~/gaia-val1 --output-document val1-gentx.json
gaiad gentx val2 30000000uatom --pubkey '<val2 pubkey>' --node-id <val2 node-id> --moniker val2 --chain-id cosmos-testnet --keyring-backend test --home ~/gaia-val1 --output-document val2-gentx.json
gaiad gentx val3 30000000uatom --pubkey '<val3 pubkey>' --node-id <val3 node-id> --moniker val3 --chain-id cosmos-testnet --keyring-backend test --home ~/gaia-val1 --output-document val3-gentx.json

Collect gentx messages

gaiad collect-gentxs --home ~/gaia-val1

Collect the following files:

  • ~/gaia-val1/config/genesis.json
  • ~/gaia-val1/config/node_key.json
  • ~/gaia-val1/config/priv_validator_key.json
  • ~/gaia-val2/config/node_key.json
  • ~/gaia-val2/config/priv_validator_key.json
  • ~/gaia-val3/config/node_key.json
  • ~/gaia-val3/config/priv_validator_key.json

Configure the Inventory

Make the following modifications to inventory-multi-node.yml:

  • Addresses for the validator, sentry, sync, and monitor hosts.
  • genesis_node defines the node where the secondary validators are initialized before being transferred to the validators nodes.
  • bonded_tokens_pool for the chain.
  • voting_power for each validator.
  • validator_moniker defines the moniker for the validator.

Run the playbook

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
ansible-playbook node.yml -i inventory-multi-node.yml

We can verify the chain is live by logging into any node machine and running journalctl -fu cosmovisor.

The monitor host will start getting data at this point.