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recon: construct valid/invalid set from pvt data
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This CR computes the valid pvt data and hash mismatch list
from a received pvt data list of old blocks.

To do that, we compare the hash of passed pvt data with the
hash present in the block.

FAB-11388 #done

Change-Id: I6cf9f7c0cdae50451121d148c54d3eaa67dac268
Signed-off-by: senthil <[email protected]>
Signed-off-by: manish <[email protected]>
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cendhu committed Nov 15, 2018
1 parent e7a9624 commit 1afa0f8
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Showing 10 changed files with 479 additions and 12 deletions.
144 changes: 144 additions & 0 deletions core/ledger/kvledger/hashcheck_pvtdata.go
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@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package kvledger

import (


// ConstructValidAndInvalidPvtData computes the valid pvt data and hash mismatch list
// from a received pvt data list of old blocks.
func ConstructValidAndInvalidPvtData(blocksPvtData []*ledger.BlockPvtData, blockStore *ledgerstorage.Store) (
map[uint64][]*ledger.TxPvtData, []*ledger.PvtdataHashMismatch, error,
) {
// for each block, for each transaction, retrieve the txEnvelope to
// compare the hash of pvtRwSet in the block and the hash of the received
// txPvtData. On a mismatch, add an entry to hashMismatch list.
// On a match, add the pvtData to the validPvtData list
validPvtData := make(map[uint64][]*ledger.TxPvtData)
var invalidPvtData []*ledger.PvtdataHashMismatch

for _, blockPvtData := range blocksPvtData {
validData, invalidData, err := findValidAndInvalidBlockPvtData(blockPvtData, blockStore)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if len(validData) > 0 {
validPvtData[blockPvtData.BlockNum] = validData
invalidPvtData = append(invalidPvtData, invalidData...)
} // for each block's pvtData
return validPvtData, invalidPvtData, nil

func findValidAndInvalidBlockPvtData(blockPvtData *ledger.BlockPvtData, blockStore *ledgerstorage.Store) (
[]*ledger.TxPvtData, []*ledger.PvtdataHashMismatch, error,
) {
var validPvtData []*ledger.TxPvtData
var invalidPvtData []*ledger.PvtdataHashMismatch
for _, txPvtData := range blockPvtData.WriteSets {
// (1) retrieve the txrwset from the blockstore
txRWSet, err := retrieveRwsetForTx(blockPvtData.BlockNum, txPvtData.SeqInBlock, blockStore)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err

// (2) validate passed pvtData against the pvtData hash in the tx rwset.
validData, invalidData := findValidAndInvalidTxPvtData(txPvtData, txRWSet, blockPvtData.BlockNum)

// (3) append validData to validPvtDataPvt list of this block and
// invalidData to invalidPvtData list
if validData != nil {
validPvtData = append(validPvtData, validData)
invalidPvtData = append(invalidPvtData, invalidData...)
} // for each tx's pvtData
return validPvtData, invalidPvtData, nil

func retrieveRwsetForTx(blkNum uint64, txNum uint64, blockStore *ledgerstorage.Store) (*rwsetutil.TxRwSet, error) {
// retrieve the txEnvelope from the block store so that the hash of
// the pvtData can be retrieved for comparison
txEnvelope, err := blockStore.RetrieveTxByBlockNumTranNum(blkNum, txNum)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// retrieve pvtRWset hash from the txEnvelope
responsePayload, err := utils.GetActionFromEnvelopeMsg(txEnvelope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
txRWSet := &rwsetutil.TxRwSet{}
if err := txRWSet.FromProtoBytes(responsePayload.Results); err != nil {
return nil, err
return txRWSet, nil

func findValidAndInvalidTxPvtData(txPvtData *ledger.TxPvtData, txRWSet *rwsetutil.TxRwSet, blkNum uint64) (
*ledger.TxPvtData, []*ledger.PvtdataHashMismatch,
) {
var invalidPvtData []*ledger.PvtdataHashMismatch
var toDeleteNsColl []*nsColl
// Compare the hash of pvtData with the hash present in the rwset to
// find valid and invalid pvt data
for _, nsRwset := range txPvtData.WriteSet.NsPvtRwset {
txNum := txPvtData.SeqInBlock
invalidData, invalidNsColl := findInvalidNsPvtData(nsRwset, txRWSet, blkNum, txNum)
invalidPvtData = append(invalidPvtData, invalidData...)
toDeleteNsColl = append(toDeleteNsColl, invalidNsColl...)
for _, nsColl := range toDeleteNsColl {
txPvtData.WriteSet.Remove(nsColl.ns, nsColl.coll)
if len(txPvtData.WriteSet.NsPvtRwset) == 0 {
// denotes that all namespaces had
// invalid pvt data
return nil, invalidPvtData
return txPvtData, invalidPvtData

type nsColl struct {
ns, coll string

func findInvalidNsPvtData(nsRwset *rwset.NsPvtReadWriteSet, txRWSet *rwsetutil.TxRwSet, blkNum, txNum uint64) (
[]*ledger.PvtdataHashMismatch, []*nsColl,
) {
var invalidPvtData []*ledger.PvtdataHashMismatch
var invalidNsColl []*nsColl

ns := nsRwset.Namespace
for _, collPvtRwset := range nsRwset.CollectionPvtRwset {
coll := collPvtRwset.CollectionName
rwsetHash := txRWSet.GetPvtDataHash(ns, coll)
if rwsetHash == nil {
logger.Warningf("namespace: %s collection: %s was not accessed by txNum %d in BlkNum %d. "+
"Unnecessary pvtdata has been passed", ns, coll, txNum, blkNum)
invalidNsColl = append(invalidNsColl, &nsColl{ns, coll})

if !bytes.Equal(util.ComputeSHA256(collPvtRwset.Rwset), rwsetHash) {
invalidPvtData = append(invalidPvtData, &ledger.PvtdataHashMismatch{
BlockNum: blkNum,
TxNum: txNum,
Namespace: ns,
Collection: coll,
ExpectedHash: rwsetHash})
invalidNsColl = append(invalidNsColl, &nsColl{ns, coll})
return invalidPvtData, invalidNsColl
157 changes: 157 additions & 0 deletions core/ledger/kvledger/hashcheck_pvtdata_test.go
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@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package kvledger

import (


func TestConstructValidInvalidBlocksPvtData(t *testing.T) {
env := newTestEnv(t)
defer env.cleanup()
provider := testutilNewProvider(t)
defer provider.Close()

_, gb := testutil.NewBlockGenerator(t, "testLedger", false)
gbHash := gb.Header.Hash()
lg, _ := provider.Create(gb)
defer lg.Close()

// construct pvtData and pubRwSet (i.e., hashed rw set)
v0 := []byte{0}
pvtDataBlk1Tx0, pubSimResBytesBlk1Tx0 := produceSamplePvtdata(t, 0, []string{"ns-1:coll-1", "ns-1:coll-2"}, [][]byte{v0, v0})
v1 := []byte{1}
pvtDataBlk1Tx1, pubSimResBytesBlk1Tx1 := produceSamplePvtdata(t, 1, []string{"ns-1:coll-1", "ns-1:coll-2"}, [][]byte{v1, v1})
v2 := []byte{2}
pvtDataBlk1Tx2, pubSimResBytesBlk1Tx2 := produceSamplePvtdata(t, 2, []string{"ns-1:coll-1", "ns-2:coll-2"}, [][]byte{v2, v2})
v3 := []byte{3}
pvtDataBlk1Tx3, pubSimResBytesBlk1Tx3 := produceSamplePvtdata(t, 3, []string{"ns-1:coll-1", "ns-1:coll-2"}, [][]byte{v3, v3})
v4 := []byte{4}
pvtDataBlk1Tx4, pubSimResBytesBlk1Tx4 := produceSamplePvtdata(t, 4, []string{"ns-1:coll-1", "ns-4:coll-2"}, [][]byte{v4, v4})
v5 := []byte{5}
pvtDataBlk1Tx5, pubSimResBytesBlk1Tx5 := produceSamplePvtdata(t, 5, []string{"ns-1:coll-1", "ns-1:coll-2"}, [][]byte{v5, v5})
v6 := []byte{6}
pvtDataBlk1Tx6, pubSimResBytesBlk1Tx6 := produceSamplePvtdata(t, 6, []string{"ns-6:coll-2"}, [][]byte{v6})
v7 := []byte{7}
_, pubSimResBytesBlk1Tx7 := produceSamplePvtdata(t, 7, []string{"ns-1:coll-2"}, [][]byte{v7})
wrongPvtDataBlk1Tx7, _ := produceSamplePvtdata(t, 7, []string{"ns-6:coll-2"}, [][]byte{v6})

pubSimulationResults := &rwset.TxReadWriteSet{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(pubSimResBytesBlk1Tx7, pubSimulationResults)
assert.NoError(t, err)
tx7PvtdataHash := pubSimulationResults.NsRwset[0].CollectionHashedRwset[0].PvtRwsetHash

// construct block1
simulationResultsBlk1 := [][]byte{pubSimResBytesBlk1Tx0, pubSimResBytesBlk1Tx1, pubSimResBytesBlk1Tx2,
pubSimResBytesBlk1Tx3, pubSimResBytesBlk1Tx4, pubSimResBytesBlk1Tx5,
pubSimResBytesBlk1Tx6, pubSimResBytesBlk1Tx7}
blk1 := testutil.ConstructBlock(t, 1, gbHash, simulationResultsBlk1, false)

// construct a pvtData list for block1
pvtDataBlk1 := map[uint64]*ledger.TxPvtData{
0: pvtDataBlk1Tx0,
1: pvtDataBlk1Tx1,
2: pvtDataBlk1Tx2,
4: pvtDataBlk1Tx4,
5: pvtDataBlk1Tx5,

// construct a missingData list for block1
missingData := &ledger.MissingPrivateDataList{}
missingData.Add("", 3, "ns-1", "coll-1", true)
missingData.Add("", 3, "ns-1", "coll-2", true)
missingData.Add("", 6, "ns-6", "coll-2", true)
missingData.Add("", 7, "ns-1", "coll-2", true)

// commit block1
blockAndPvtData1 := &ledger.BlockAndPvtData{
Block: blk1,
BlockPvtData: pvtDataBlk1,
Missing: missingData}
assert.NoError(t, lg.(*kvLedger).blockStore.CommitWithPvtData(blockAndPvtData1))

// construct pvtData from missing data in tx3, tx6, and tx7
blocksPvtData := []*ledger.BlockPvtData{
BlockNum: 1,
WriteSets: map[uint64]*ledger.TxPvtData{
3: pvtDataBlk1Tx3,
6: pvtDataBlk1Tx6,
7: wrongPvtDataBlk1Tx7,
// ns-6:coll-2 does not present in tx7

expectedValidBlocksPvtData := map[uint64][]*ledger.TxPvtData{
1: {

blocksValidPvtData, hashMismatched, err := ConstructValidAndInvalidPvtData(blocksPvtData, lg.(*kvLedger).blockStore)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, len(expectedValidBlocksPvtData), len(blocksValidPvtData))
assert.ElementsMatch(t, expectedValidBlocksPvtData[1], blocksValidPvtData[1])
// should not include the pvtData passed for the tx7 even in hashmismatched as ns-6:coll-2 does not exist in tx7
assert.Len(t, hashMismatched, 0)

// construct pvtData from missing data in tx7 with wrong pvtData
wrongPvtDataBlk1Tx7, pubSimResBytesBlk1Tx7 = produceSamplePvtdata(t, 7, []string{"ns-1:coll-2"}, [][]byte{v6})
blocksPvtData = []*ledger.BlockPvtData{
BlockNum: 1,
WriteSets: map[uint64]*ledger.TxPvtData{
7: wrongPvtDataBlk1Tx7,
// ns-1:coll-1 exists in tx7 but the passed pvtData is incorrect

expectedHashMismatches := []*ledger.PvtdataHashMismatch{
BlockNum: 1,
TxNum: 7,
Namespace: "ns-1",
Collection: "coll-2",
ExpectedHash: tx7PvtdataHash,

blocksValidPvtData, hashMismatches, err := ConstructValidAndInvalidPvtData(blocksPvtData, lg.(*kvLedger).blockStore)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Len(t, blocksValidPvtData, 0)

assert.ElementsMatch(t, expectedHashMismatches, hashMismatches)

func produceSamplePvtdata(t *testing.T, txNum uint64, nsColls []string, values [][]byte) (*ledger.TxPvtData, []byte) {
builder := rwsetutil.NewRWSetBuilder()
for index, nsColl := range nsColls {
nsCollSplit := strings.Split(nsColl, ":")
ns := nsCollSplit[0]
coll := nsCollSplit[1]
key := fmt.Sprintf("key-%s-%s", ns, coll)
value := values[index]
builder.AddToPvtAndHashedWriteSet(ns, coll, key, value)
simRes, err := builder.GetTxSimulationResults()
assert.NoError(t, err)
pubSimulationResultsBytes, err := proto.Marshal(simRes.PubSimulationResults)
assert.NoError(t, err)
return &ledger.TxPvtData{SeqInBlock: txNum, WriteSet: simRes.PvtSimulationResults}, pubSimulationResultsBytes
24 changes: 22 additions & 2 deletions core/ledger/kvledger/kv_ledger.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package kvledger

import (

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -337,8 +336,29 @@ func (l *kvLedger) GetConfigHistoryRetriever() (ledger.ConfigHistoryRetriever, e
return l.configHistoryRetriever, nil

// TODO: FAB-12849 rename CommitPvtData() ledger API to CommitPvtDataOfOldBlocks()
func (l *kvLedger) CommitPvtData(pvtData []*ledger.BlockPvtData) ([]*ledger.PvtdataHashMismatch, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not yet implemented")
validPvtData, hashMismatches, err := ConstructValidAndInvalidPvtData(pvtData, l.blockStore)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

err = l.blockStore.CommitPvtDataOfOldBlocks(validPvtData)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

// TODO: call txmgr with pvtData list to check whether any states need
// to be updated. if so, update the state.
// We need to compare write set version in the committedPvtData with the
// version in the stateDB. For a tx, if all versions matches, we need to
// committ the pvtData. This will be addressed by FAB-11765.

if err := l.blockStore.ResetLastUpdatedOldBlocksList(); err != nil {
return nil, err

return hashMismatches, nil

func (l *kvLedger) GetMissingPvtDataTracker() (ledger.MissingPvtDataTracker, error) {
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26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions core/ledger/kvledger/txmgmt/rwsetutil/rwset_proto_util.go
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Expand Up @@ -47,6 +47,32 @@ type CollHashedRwSet struct {
PvtRwSetHash []byte

// GetPvtDataHash returns the PvtRwSetHash for a given namespace and collection
func (txRwSet *TxRwSet) GetPvtDataHash(ns, coll string) []byte {
// we could build and use a map to reduce the number of lookup
// in the future call. However, we decided to defer such optimization
// due to the following assumptions (mainly to avoid additioan LOC).
// we assume that the number of namespaces and collections in a txRWSet
// to be very minimal (in a single digit),
for _, nsRwSet := range txRwSet.NsRwSets {
if nsRwSet.NameSpace != ns {
return nsRwSet.getPvtDataHash(coll)
return nil

func (nsRwSet *NsRwSet) getPvtDataHash(coll string) []byte {
for _, collHashedRwSet := range nsRwSet.CollHashedRwSets {
if collHashedRwSet.CollectionName != coll {
return collHashedRwSet.PvtRwSetHash
return nil

// Messages related to PRIVATE read-write set
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions core/ledger/ledger_interface.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -450,9 +450,9 @@ func (e *InvalidCollNameError) Error() string {
// does not match the corresponding hash present in the block
// See function `PeerLedger.CommitPvtData` for the usages
type PvtdataHashMismatch struct {
BlockNum, TxNum uint64
ChaincodeName, CollectionName string
ExpectedHash []byte
BlockNum, TxNum uint64
Namespace, Collection string
ExpectedHash []byte

// DeployedChaincodeInfoProvider is a dependency that is used by ledger to build collection config history
Expand Down

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