Hylo is a language based on the principles of mutable value semantics (MVS) (Racordon et al. 2022) for safety and efficiency. It is designed to help developers write and maintain correct programs using powerful abstractions without loss of efficiency.
A Hylo program is written in text format. The text of a program is written using the Unicode character set and kept in units called source files. A source file is a sequence of Unicode Extended Grapheme clusters.
This document refers to individual Unicode characters with the notation
is a hexadecimal value representing a Unicode code point, and refers to the Unicode general categories to identify groups of Unicode characters.
A sequence of Unicode characters is translated into a sequence of tokens. The following rules apply during translation:
Comments are treated as though they are a single space
. -
Spaces are ignored unless they appear between the opening and closing delimiters of a character or string literal. Unicode characters with the "White_Space" property are recognized as spaces.
New-line delimiters are ignored unless they appear between the opening and closing delimiters of a character or string literal. Unicode characters with the "Line_Break" property are recognized as new-line delimiters.
The character sequence
starts a single-line comment, which terminates immediately before the next new-line delimiter. -
The character sequences
are multiline comment opening and closing delimiters, respectively. A multiline comment opening delimiter starts a comment that terminates immediately after a matching closing delimiter. Each opening delimiter must have a matching closing delimiter. Multiline comments may nest and need not contain any new-line characters. [Note: The character sequences//
have no special meaning in a multiline comment. The character sequences/*
have no special meaning in a single-line comment. The character sequences//
have no special meaning in a string literal. String and character literal delimiters have no special meaning in a comment.]
A token is a terminal symbol of the syntactic grammar. It falls into one of five categories: scalar literals, keywords, identifiers, raw operators, and punctuators.
A token is associated with a three-valued flag specifying whether it was followed by a raw character, an inline space (including an inline space substituted for a comment), or a new-line delimiter in the source file.
The input "a << b" is translated to a sequence of 4 tokens: identifier, raw-operator, raw-operator, identifier. The first and third tokens are known to be followed by an inline space.
Unless otherwise specified, the token recognized at a given lexical position is the one having the longest possible sequence of characters.
The Boolean literals are
:boolean-literal ::= (one of) true false
Integer literals have the form:
integer-literal ::= binary-literal octal-literal decimal-literal hexadecimal-literal binary-digit ::= (one of) 0 1 _ binary-literal ::= (token) '0b' binary-digit+ octal-digit ::= (one of) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 _ octal-literal ::= (token) '0o' octal-digit+ decimal-digit-head ::= (one of) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 decimal-digit ::= (one of) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _ decimal-literal ::= (token) decimal-digit-head decimal-digit* hexadecimal-digit ::= (one of) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F a b c d e f _ hexadecimal-literal ::= (token) '0x' hexadecimal-digit+
The sequence of digits of a literal are interpreted as follows, ignoring all occurrences of
In a binary literal, as a base 2 integer.
In an octal literal, as a base 8 integer.
In a decimal literal, as a base 10 integer.
In a hexadecimal literal, as a base 16 integer, where the characters
have decimal values ten through fifteen.
The integer literal
is interpreted as the integer5349
in base 10. -
The default inferred type of an integer literal is the Hylo standard library
, which represents a 64-bit signed integer. If the interpreted value of an integer literal is not in the range of representable values for its type, the program is ill-formed.
Floating-point literals have the form:
floating-point-literal ::= (token) decimal-fractional-constant exponent? decimal-literal exponent decimal-fractional-constant ::= (token) decimal-literal '.' floating-point-suffix exponent ::= (token) 'e' exponent-sign? floating-point-suffix 'E' exponent-sign? floating-point-suffix exponent-sign ::= (one of) + - floating-point-suffix ::= (token) floating-point-suffix-head decimal-literal? floating-point-suffix-head ::= (one of) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The significand of a floating-point literal is the decimal-fractional-constant or the decimal-literal preceding the exponent. In the significand, the digits and optional period are interpreted as a base
real numbers
, whereN
is 10, ignoring all occurrences of_
. If exponent is present, the exponente
of the floating-point-literal is the result of interpreting the sequence of an optionalsign
and the digits as a base 10 integer. Otherwise, the exponente
is 0. The scaled value of the literal iss × 10e
. -
The default inferred type of a floating-point literal is the Hylo standard library
, which represents a 64-bit floating point number. If the interpreted value of a floating-point literal is not in the range of representable values for its type, the program is ill-formed. Otherwise, the value of a floating-point literal is the interpreted value if representable, else the larger or smaller representable value nearest the interpreted value, chosen in an implementation-defined manner.
Unicode scalar literals have the form:
unicode-scalar-literal ::= (token) single-quote escape-char single-quote single-quote c-char single-quote escape-char ::= simple-escape unicode-escape simple-escape ::= (one of) \0 \t \n \r \' \" single-quote ::= (one of) ' unicode-escape ::= (token) '\u' hexadecimal-digit+ c-char ::= (regexp) [^']
The hexadecimal-digit of a unicode-escape represents a Unicode scalar value.
String literals have the form:
string-literal ::= simple-string multiline-string simple-string ::= (token) '"' simple-quoted-text-item* '"' simple-quoted-text-item ::= escape-char s-char s-char ::= (regexp) [^"\x0a\x0d] multiline-string ::= (token) '"""' multiline-quoted-text-item+ '"""' multiline-quoted-text-item ::= escape-char m-char m-char ::= (regexp) [^"]|"(?!"")
The first new-line delimiter in a multiline string literal is not part of the value of that literal if it immediately succeeds the opening delimiter. The last new-line delimiter that is succeeded by a contiguous sequence of inline spaces followed by the closing delimiter is called the indentation marker. The indentation marker and the succeeding inline spaces specify the indentation pattern of the literal and are not part of its value. The pattern is defined as the sequence of inline spaces between the indentation marker and the closing delimiter. That sequence must be homogeneous. If the literal has no indentation marker, its indentation pattern is an empty sequence. Each line of a multiline string literal must begin with the indentation pattern of that literal. That prefix is not part of the value of the literal.
let s = """ Hello, World! """ fun main() { print(s) // " Hello,\n World!" }
Identifiers are case-sensitive sequences of letters and digits. They have the form:
identifier ::= identifier-token contextual-keyword identifier-token ::= (token) identifier-head identifier-tail* '`' bq-char+ '`' identifier-head ::= (regexp) [_\p{Lu}\p{Ll}\p{Lt}\p{Lm}\p{Lo}\p{Nl}] identifier-tail ::= (regexp) [\p{Lu}\p{Ll}\p{Lt}\p{Lm}\p{Lo}\p{Mn}\p{Mc}\p{Nl}\p{Nd}\p{Pc}] bq-char ::= (regexp) [^`\x0a\x0d] contextual-keyword ::= (one of) mutating size any in
The following identifiers are reserved keywords and shall not be used to name new entities. [Note: A keyword wrapped in backquotes may be used to name entities.]
Any Self Never as as! any async await break catch conformance continue deinit do else extension false for fun if import in indirect infix init inout let match namespace nil operator postfix prefix property public return set sink some static subscript trait true try type typealias var where while yield yielded
Raw operators have the form:
raw-operator ::= (regexp) [-*/^%&!?\p{Sm}]
[Note: The Unicode category Sm includes +, =, <, >, |, and ~.]
An entity is an object, projection, function, subscript, property, trait, type, namespace, or module.
A name denotes an entity. A name is composed of a stem identifier, and, optionally argument labels and/or an operator notation and/or a method or subscript implementation introducer. A name that is only composed of a stem identifier is called a bare name. A name that contains labels is called a function name. A name that contains an operator notation is called an operator name. An operator name shall not have argument labels. A name, function name, or operator name that contains a method or subscript implementation introducer is called a method name. Every name is introduced by a declaration unless it is a reserved keyword bound to a built-in entity.
are bare names.foo(bar:ham:)
is a function name.infix+
is an operator name.foo.let
. are method names. -
An identifier-expr is said to be a use of the name that it denotes. An expression is said to be a use of all the uses of its sub-expressions.
A binding is a name that denotes an object or projection. The value of a binding is the object denoted by that binding or the value of the projection denoted by that binding. A binding shall be mutable or immutable. A mutable binding shall be used to modify its value; an immutable binding shall not. A binding is dead at a given program point if it denotes an object that has escaped, or if there are no uses of it at that program point and any other program point reachable from there. A mutable binding may be resurrected by reassigning it to an object; an immutable binding may not.
A lexical scope is a region of the program text represented by a syntactic element.
The lexical scope of a module or namespace declaration is called a global scope. The lexical scope of a type, extension, trait, or conformance declaration is called a type scope. Unless specified otherwise, the lexical scope of any other syntactic element is called a local scope.
A lexical scope
contains a lexical scopel2
if the region of the program text covered byl1
includes that covered byl2
. The innermost lexical scope that contains a lexical scopel1
and that is notl1
is called the parent ofl1
. -
A lexical scope
is a sibling of a lexical scopel2
is the lexical scope of a trait, nominal product type, or type alias declarationd
is the lexical scope of an extension or conformance declaration for the entity declared byd
, or ifl2
is a sibling ofl1
. -
The declaration space of a scope is the set of names introduced in that scope and its siblings. The declaration space of a declaration is the declaration space of its lexical scope.
type A { fun foo() {} } extension A { fun bar() {} }
The declarations space of the type declaration includes
. -
A declaration may introduce one or more names in the declaration space of the innermost lexical scope that contains it. A name is said to be conditionally introduced if it is introduced by an extension or conformance declaration that has a where clause; otherwise, it is said to be unconditionally introduced. The same name shall not be unconditionally introduced more than once in a declaration space.
type A { fun foo() {} } extension A { fun foo() {} // error: invalid redeclaration of 'foo' }
The procedure that identifies the entity denoted by a name is called name lookup. The rules of name lookup apply uniformly to all names.
Name lookup succeeds when it finds a single entity or a set of functions, which is called an overload set. Overload resolution takes place after name lookup and identifies a single entity from an overload set using the context in which the name appears.
Access rules are considered only once name lookup and overload resolution have succeeded.
Unqualified name lookup
ulookup(n, s)
for a namen
from a lexical scopes
is described as follows:-
qlookup(n, s) = E
contains an entitye
that is a local binding andn
occurs after the declaration ofe
in the program text,ulookup(n, s) = E
; or -
is not empty,ulookup(n, s) = E
is not the lexical scope of a module declaration,ulookup(n, s) = ulookup(n, s')
is the innermost scope that containss
; or -
is the lexical scope of a module declaration other than the Hylo standard library,ulookup(n, s) = ulookup(n, s')
is the module declaration of the Hylo standard library; or -
is the lexical scope of the Hylo standard library,ulookup(n, s) = {}
Qualified stem name lookup
qslookup(n, s)
for a namen
and a lexical scopes
searches for the entity or entities denoted by a namem
whose stem identifiers are equal to that ofn
in the context of the entity associated withs
. -
Qualified name lookup
qlookup(n, s)
for a namen
and a lexical scopes
searches for the entity or entities denoted byn
in the context of the entity associated withs
. The procedure is described as follows:-
qslookup(n, s) = E
is a bare name,qlookup(n, s) = E
; or -
is a method name,qlookup(n, s) = E'
contains the entities inE
identified by a method namem
whose method introducer is equal to that ofn
; or -
qlookup(n, s) = E'
contains the entities inE
identified byn
qslookup(n, s) = {}
type A { var a: Int fun foo(a: Int) { a.copy() } fun foo(b: Int) -> Int { let { a + b } inout { b += a } } }
Qualified name lookup for
in the lexical scopes
of the declaration ofA
starts with a qualified stem name lookup forfoo(a:)
. That search returns a set with three entities namedfoo(a:)
, andfoo(b:).inout
. Sincefoo(a:)
is a method name, the two last entities are discarded and the seach concludes with a singleton.
- Qualified stem name lookup
qslookup(n, s)
for a namen
in a local or global scopes
is the set containing the entities such that there exists a name in the declaration space ofs
whose stem identifier is equal to the stem identifier ofn
The names introduced in the declaration space of the declaration of a trait, nominal product type, or type alias are members of the declared entity.
The members of a type are members of its aliases.
The members of a trait
are members of all the traits thatT
refines and all the types that conform toT
. -
The members of a generic type parameter are members of all the generic type parameters and associated types that are part of its equivalence class.
Qualified stem name lookup
qslookup(n, s)
for a namen
in a type scopes
is described as follows:-
is the lexical scope of a nominal product type declaration, trait declaration, type alias declaration, generic type parameter declaration, or abstract type declaration,qslookup(n, s)
is the set containing the entities such that there exists a member of the declared type such whose stem identifier is equal to the stem identifier ofn
. -
is the lexical scope of an extension or conformance declaration,qslookup(n, s) = qslookup(n, s')
is the lexical scope of the declaration of the extended type.
A program consists of one or more module declarations linked together.
A name is said to have linkage when it may denote the same entity as a name introduced by a declaration in another scope.
When a name has external linkage, the entity it denotes may be referred to by names from any scope contained in other module declarations or from other scopes of the same module declaration.
When a name has module linkage, the entity it denotes can be referred to by names from any scope in the same module declaration.
When a name has internal linkage, the entity it denotes can be referred to by names from any scope contained in the scope that contains its declaration.
The fundamental storage unit in the Hylo memory model is the byte. A byte is a contiguous sequence of 8 bits. The memory available to a Hylo program consists of one or more sequences of contiguous bytes. Every byte has a unique address.
A memory location is a contiguous region of storage that has been allocated during a program's execution. A memory location has a size. A non-empty memory location has an address, determined as the address of the first byte in that location.
Two memory locations are disjoint if and only if they denote disjoint regions of storage. A memory location
contains another memory locationl2
if and only if the region of storage denoted byl1
contains the region denoted byl2
. Two memory locations shall be disjoint or one shall contain the other. -
A memory location may contain other memory locations, called sub-locations. A memory location that is not a sub-location of any other memory location is called a root memory location.
A root memory location may be bound to a type
. Such a memory location shall have a size and alignment suitable to store an object of typeA
and shall not contain any other memory location. Otherwise, the behavior is undefined. The memory locations contained in a memory location bound toA
are bound according to the memory layout ofA
. -
A memory location bound to
may be used as storage for an object of typeA
. A bound memory location shall not be rebound to another type or deallocated if it is used as storage for an object whose lifetime has not yet ended, or if it is contained in a bound memory location. Otherwise, the behavior is undefined.
The lifetime of a memory location starts when it is allocated and ends when it is deallocated. The lifetime of a memory location falls in one of three categories: static, automatic, or dynamic. The lifetime category is determined by the construct used to allocate the memory location.
A memory location allocated for an object declared by a global binding declaration has static lifetime and is called a static memory location.
A memory location allocated for an object declared by a local binding has automatic lifetime and is called an automatic memory location.
A memory location allocated by a call to
has dynamic lifetime and is called a dynamic memory location.
A program shall terminate the lifetime of a dynamic memory location by calling
. Behavior is undefined if a program callsBuiltin.dealloc
to deallocate a static or automatic memory location. -
A memory location shall not be occupied by an initializing, alive, or deinitializing object when it reaches the end of its lifetime.
When the end of the lifetime a memory location is reached, all names denoting objects stored within that location become invalid. Deallocating a memory location that has already reached the end of its lifetime has undefined behavior.
The constructs in a Hylo program create, destroy, project, access, and modify objects. An object is the result of a scalar literal expression, aggregate literal expression, function call,
subscript call,sink
property call, or it is the value of a unique binding. [Note: A function is not an object but a lambda is.] -
An object has a type determined at compile-time. That type might be polymorphic; in that case, the implementation generates information associated with the object that makes it possible to determine its concrete dynamic type at runtime.
An object occupies a memory location in its period of construction, throughout its lifetime, and in its period of destruction, during which that memory location must be bound to the type of the object.
An object may contain other objects, called sub-objects. A sub-object may be a member sub-object or a buffer element. An object that is not a sub-object of any other object is called a root object.
An object
is nested within another objecto2
if and only if:-
is a sub-object ofo2
; or -
there exists an object
such thato1
is nested withino3
is nested withino2
For every object
, there exists a single root objecto
, determined as follows:-
is a root object, theno
is its own root; -
otherwise, the root object of
is the root object of the object that containso
An object has non-zero size if and only if its type has non-zero size. An object that has non-zero size occupies one or more bytes of contiguous storage, including every byte that is occupied in full or in part by any of its sub-objects.
Unless an object is a sub-object of zero size, the address of that object is the address of the memory location it occupies. Two objects with overlapping lifetimes may have the same address if one is nested within the other, or if at least one is a sub-object that has zero size; otherwise, they have distinct addresses and occupy disjoint memory locations.
The lifetime of an object of type
begins when:-
a memory location has been allocated and bound to
, and -
its initialization is complete.
The lifetime of an object of type
ends when a bound call to any of its sink methods has returned or when the memory location that it occupies has reach the end of its lifetime. -
The properties ascribed to objects throughout this document apply for a given object only during its lifetime. [Note: The behavior of an object under construction and destruction might not be the same as the behavior of an object whose lifetime has started and not ended.]
An object is said to be initializing in the period after its memory location has been bound and before its lifetime has started, alive throughout its lifetime, deinitializing during a bound call to a sink method of that object, and dead in the period after its lifetime has ended and before its storage has been rebound, reused, or deallocated.
If, after the lifetime of an object has ended and before the memory location which the object occupied is reused or deallocated, a new object is stored at the memory location which the original object occupied, the name of the original object automatically denotes the new object and, once the lifetime of the new object has started, can be used to manipulate the new object.
Object types have alignment requirements which place restrictions on the addresses of the memory locations which an object of that type may occupy. An alignment is a platform-specific integer value representing the number of bytes between successive addresses at which a given object can be allocated. An object type imposes an alignment requirement on every object of that type.
Alignments are represented as values of the type
. Valid alignments include only those values ofMemoryLayout<A>.alignnment
for any typeA
plus the value ofPointer.universal_alignment
. Every alignment value shall be a non-negative integral power of two. -
Alignments have an order from weaker to stricter alignments. Stricter alignments have larger alignment values. An address that satisfies an alignment requirement also satisfies any weaker valid alignment requirement.
Comparing alignments is meaningful and provides the obvious results:
Two alignments are equal when their numeric values are equal.
Two alignments are different when their numeric values are not equal.
When an alignment is larger than another it represents a stricter alignment.
An binding is sinkable when it denotes an object whose type conforms to the
trait. A binding that is not sinkable isunsinkable
. -
A binding is said to escape if:
it appears as the right-hand-side of an assignment or initialization of a mutable or member binding; or
it appears as the return value of a function; or
it is used as argument to a
A sinkable binding is escapable at a given program point if it has no use after that program point, and all bindings denoting the same object or sub-objects thereof are escapable at that program point.
A projection exposes an object yielded by a subscript call or property access.
The value of a projection is the object exposed by that projection. A projection has the type of its value.
A projection
projects an objecto
is a projection ofo
or one of its sub-objects; or -
a sub-object of the object projected by
captures a projection ofo
When a projection
projects an objecto
is said to be projected byp
. [Note: Copying creates a new object that is not a projection.] -
type A { property zero: Int { 0 } } fun main() { let x = A() let y = x.zero // 'y' projects 'x' // corollary: 'x' is projected by 'y' }
The projection yielded by a
subscript call or property access projects the arguments bound to the subscript or property's parameters. -
subscript min<T: Comparable>(_ a: T, _ b: T): T { let { yield if a > b { b } else { a } } } fun main() { let (x, y) = (2, 3) let z = min[x, y] // 'z' projects both 'x' and 'y' print(z) }
The expression
min[x, y]
is a call to thelet
implementation ofmin
, which projects the values of its arguments. -
If a projection
projects an objecto
is immutable for the duration ofp
's lifetime. If a projectionp
projects an objecto
is inaccessible for the duration ofp
's lifetime. -
(Example) Mutable and immutable projections:
fun f1() { var x = 42 inout y = x // mutable projection begins here print(x) // error: 'x' is projected mutably x += 1 // error: 'x' is projected mutably print(y) // mutable projection ends afterward } fun f2() { var x = 42 let y = x // immutable projection begins here print(x) // OK x += 1 // error: 'x' is projected immutably print(y) // immutable projection ends afterward }
An object may capture a projection at its initialization. A captured projection is released when the lifetime of the capturing object ends. The captured projections of a closure are defined by its environment. The captured projections of a tuple or instance of a product type are defined by the stored projections that were used to initialize that object.
A Hylo program organizes code into modules. A module is a collection of declarations and import statements defined in one or multiple source files. An individual source file has the form:
source-file ::= whitespace* (module-scope-stmt-list whitespace*)? module-scope-stmt-list ::= (no-implicit-whitespace) module-scope-stmt module-scope-stmt-list stmt-separator module-scope-stmt module-scope-stmt ::= module-scope-decl import-decl module-scope-decl ::= namespace-decl trait-decl type-alias-decl product-type-decl extension-decl conformance-decl binding-decl function-decl subscript-decl operator-decl import-decl ::= 'import' identifier
A module is called an entry module if it defines a public global function named
with type() -> Void
. A program shall contain exactly one entry module.
- Executing a program starts a thread of execution in which the
function of its entry module is invoked. [Note: the arguments passed to the program from the environment in which it is run are stored in the global variableHylo.Environment.Arguments
The immediate sub-expressions of an expression
the operands of
; and -
any function call that
implicitly invokes; and -
is a lambda-expr or async_expr, the initialization of the entities captured; and -
is a function or subscript call, the expression of each default argument used in the call.
A sub-expression of an expression
is an immediate sub-expression ofe
or a sub-expression of an immediate sub-expression ofe
. [Note: Expressions appearing in the lambda-body of a lambda-expr are not sub-expressions of the expression.] -
Modifying an object, calling a library I/O function, or calling a function that does any of those operations are all side effects, which are changes in the state of the execution environment. Evaluation of an expression (or a sub-expression) in general includes both value computations (including determining the memory location of an object for lvalue evaluation and fetching an object previously bound to a binding for rvalue evaluation) and initiation of side effects.
Sequenced before is an asymmetric, transitive, pair-wise relation between evaluations executed by a single thread, which induces a partial order among those evaluations. Given any two evaluations
, ifA
is sequenced beforeB
(or, equivalently,B
is sequenced afterA
), then the execution ofA
shall precede the execution ofB
. IfA
is not sequenced beforeB
is not sequenced beforeA
, thenA
are unsequenced. [Note: the execution of unsequenced evaluations can overlap.] EvaluationsA
are indeterminately sequenced when eitherA
is sequenced beforeB
is sequenced beforeA
, but it is unspecified which. [Note: indeterminately sequenced evaluations cannot overlap, but either could be executed first.] An expressione1
is said to be sequenced before an expressione2
if every value computation and every side effect associated with the expressione1
is sequenced before every value computation and every side effect associated with the expressione2
. -
The immediate sub-expressions of an expression
are sequenced from left to right, unlesse
is a function or subscript call. In that case, the arguments ofe
are sequenced from left to right and the callee is sequenced after the last argument.
The Hylo language is statically typed. Every entity has a type that is known at compile time. The type of an entity is immutable.
A type has a canonical form. Two types are equivalent if and only if they have the same canonical form. A type is either structural or nominal. A nominal type has a name and is defined by a type declaration, unless it is a built-in type. [Note: The types
are not considered nominal types.] -
A type is instantiable if it can be the type of an object. An instantiable type
has a memory layout that defines the size and alignment requirements to bind a memory location toA
. -
A type has a type representation if it can be represented at compile-time. [Note: type representation can be understood as the object representation of a type expression in the compile-time interpreter.]
The object representation of an object is the set of bytes that it occupies in storage. The value representation of an object of type
is the set of bits that participate in representing a value of typeA
. Bits in the object representation that are not part of the value representation are called padding bits.
A built-in type is an instantiable nominal type representing a value on the execution machine. A built-in type may be referred to only in Hylo standard library and shall not conform to any trait.
A built-in type has non-zero size. The value representation of a built-in type determines its value.
A built-in integer types denotes a bit pattern and does not specify signedness. There are six built-in integer types. Five are named
, or64
and denotes the number of bits in the value representation of the type; the sixth is namedBuiltin.Word
and has the same value representation as eitherBuiltin.I32
depending on the execution machine. The object representation of a built-in integer type is the minimum number of bytes necessary to store its value representation. -
There are four built-in floating-point types named
, or80
and denotes the number of bits in the value representation of the type. The object representation of a built-in floating-point type is the minimum number of bytes necessary to store its value representation. -
There is a unique built-in pointer type
that denotes an untyped pointer to a memory location. The object and value representation ofBuiltin.Pointer
are the same as that ofBuiltin.Word
The types form a lattice, partially ordered by a subtyping relation
, for which the least (and only) upper bound isAny
and the greatest (and only) lower bound isNever
. -
If a type
is equivalent to a typeA2
, thenA1 <: A2
. -
If the canonical form of a type
is subtype of the canonical form of a typeA2
, thenA1 <: A2
. -
are union types,A1 <: A2
if all operands ofA1
are subtype ofA2
. IfA2
is a union type andA1
is not,A1 <: A2
is subtype of at least one operand ofA2
. -
are function types,A1 <: A2
have the same number of parameters and labels; and -
the type of each parameter of
is subtype of the type of the corresponding parameter ofA1
; and -
the return type of
is subtype of the return type ofA2
are lambda types,A1 <: A2
the function type of
is subtype of the function type ofA2
; and -
the environment of
are both equivalent or the environment ofA2
is erased.
are existential types,A1 <: A2
if the traits ofA2
are coarser than the traits ofA1
and the associated types ofA1
are equivalent to the associated types ofA2
. -
are bound generic types,A1 <: A2
if each type argument ofA1
is equivalent to the corresponding type argument ofA2
. -
The subtyping relation holds for the following pairs of types:
(A | B) <: (A | B | C)
[E] ((A2) -> B1) <: ((A1) -> B2)
(whereA1 <: A2
andB1 <: B2
) -
(any T & U where ::T.Element == Int) <: (any T where ::T.Element == Int)
A declaration may introduce one or more entities.
A declaration may be composed of other declarations, called sub-declarations. The entities introduced by the sub-declaration of a declaration
are also said to be introduced byd
. [Note: a sub-declaration is part of a declaration itself, unlike a member declaration, which is a separate construct contained in the lexical scope of a declaration.]
Declaration attributes have the form:
decl-attribute ::= attribute-name attribute-argument-list? attribute-name ::= (token) '@' name attribute-argument-list ::= '(' attribute-argument (',' attribute-argument)* ')' attribute-argument ::= simple-string integer-literal
A name is exposed to a lexical scope if it can be referred to from that scope. When a name is exposed to a lexical scope, it is exposed to all scopes contained in that scope. An access modifier specifies how a declaration exposes the names it introduces. Access modifiers have the form:
access-modifier ::= 'public'
A declaration is private if it does not have any access modifier. A private declaration exposes the names that it introduces to the innermost scope that contains it. The static and non-static members introduced in the lexical scope of a type declaration are additionally exposed to the lexical scopes of the conformance declarations of the declared type.
A declaration is public if it has a
access modifier. A public declaration exposes the names it introduces to the parent scope of the innermost scope that contains it. A public declaration that appears in the lexical scope of a module is external. -
type A { var x: Int public fun foo() -> Int { x.copy() } } conformance A: Copyable { public fun copy() -> Self { // 'x' is exposed to the conformance declarations of 'A' A(x: x.copy()) } } fun main() { let A(x: 1) print(a.foo()) // OK print(a.x) // error: 'a.x' is not exposed here }
Member modifiers have the form:
member-modifier ::= receiver-modifier static-modifier receiver-modifier ::= (one of) sink inout yielded static-modifier ::= 'static'
A member modifier may appear at most once in a declaration.
modifier may only apply to a binding, function, subscript, or property declaration at type scope. -
A receiver modifier may only appear in a function, subscript, or property declaration at type scope.
modifier may only appear in a subscript or property declaration.
Conformance lists have the form:
conformance-list ::= ':' name-type-expr (',' name-type-expr)*
Generic clauses have the form:
generic-clause ::= '<' generic-parameter (',' generic-parameter)* where-clause? '>' generic-parameter ::= generic-type-parameter generic-value-parameter generic-type-parameter ::= '@type'? identifier '...'? trait-annotation? ('=' type-expr)? trait-annotation ::= ':' trait-composition generic-value-parameter ::= '@value' identifier ':' type-expr ('=' expr)?
When a generic type parameter is followed by a trait annotation, that annotation is interpreted as a conformance constraint as though it had been written in the where clause.
The generic clause
<X, Y: Copyable & Equatable>
is sugar for<X, Y where Y: Copyable & Equatable>
. -
A generic type parameter whose identifier is directly suffixed by an ellipsis is said to be variadic. Within the generic environment in which it is introduced, a variadic type parameter denotes a list of skolems whose length has been existentially quantified. A generic clause can define at most one variadic type parameter, which must appear last.
Where clauses have the form:
where-clause ::= 'where' where-clause-constraint-list where-clause-constraint-list ::= where-clause-constraint (',' where-clause-constraint)* where-clause-constraint ::= equality-constraint conformance-constraint value-constraint-expr equality-constraint ::= name-type-expr '==' type-expr conformance-constraint ::= name-type-expr ':' trait-composition value-constraint-expr ::= '@value' expr trait-composition ::= name-type-expr ('&' name-type-expr)*
A where clause specifies constraints on the generic parameters introduced by a generic signature, or the associated type requirements introduced by a trait declaration.
An equality constraint specifies that the types denoted by either side of
must be equivalent. -
A conformance constraint specifies that the type denoted by the left hand side of
be conforming to the traits specified in trait-composition. -
A size constraint is an expression denoting a predicate over one or more size parameters. It must be an expression of type
and shall only refer to names introduced in global scopes or size parameters.
Namespace declarations have the form:
namespace-decl ::= namespace-head namespace-body namespace-head ::= access-modifier? 'namespace' identifier namespace-body ::= '{' namespace-member-list? '}' namespace-member-list ::= (no-implicit-whitespace) namespace-member namespace-member-list stmt-separator namespace-member namespace-member ::= namespace-decl trait-decl type-alias-decl product-type-decl extension-decl conformance-decl binding-decl function-decl subscript-decl
A trait is a collection of requirements on a type. [Note: A trait is not a type but it may form a type if it is part of an existential type.]
Trait declarations have the form:
trait-decl ::= trait-head trait-body trait-head ::= access-modifier? 'trait' identifier trait-refinement-list? trait-refinement-list ::= ':' name-type-expr (',' name-type-expr)* trait-body ::= '{' (trait-requirement-decl | ';')* '}' trait-requirement-decl ::= associated-decl function-decl subscript-decl property-decl
trait Shape { static fun name() -> String fun draw(to: inout Canvas) }
A trait declaration may only appear at global scope. It introduces identifier as a name denoting the declared trait.
The associated type, associated size, function, subscript, and property declarations that appear in the body of a trait specify the requirements of that trait. Such declarations may not have access levels. [Note: The access level of a requirement implementation depends on the visibility of the conformances requiring that implementation.]
An associated type declaration defines an associated type requirement. An associated size declaration defines an associated size requirement. An associated type or size is a placeholder for a type or size that relates to the trait and must be specified by conforming types. Associated type and size declarations have the form:
associated-decl ::= associated-type-decl associated-value-decl associated-type-decl ::= associated-type-head associated-type-constraints? ('=' type-expr)? associated-type-head ::= 'type' identifier associated-type-constraints ::= conformance-list conformance-list? where-clause associated-value-decl ::= associated-value-head where-clause? ('=' expr)? associated-value-head ::= 'value' identifier
The constraints of an associated type or size declaration impose constraints on the types that may satisfy an associated type or size requirement.
trait Generator { type Element: Copyable inout fun next() -> (element: Element, done: Bool) }
The trait
declares an associated type requirementElement
, constrained to types that conform to another traitCopyable
appears as in the return type of the method requirementnext
A function declaration that appears in the body of a trait declaration is a method requirement declaration that defines one or more method requirements. A method requirement is the specification of a method that must be implemented in conforming types.
When a method requirement declaration has a method-bundle-body, each method implementation in that body denotes a method requirement. When a method requirement declaration is bodiless, it defines a single method requirement whose kind depends on the receiver modifier of the method requirement declaration.
A method requirement may have one or several default implementations. A default implementation may be defined as the body of a function declaration requirement, as the body of a method implementation in the method-bundle-body of a function requirement declaration, or via a default requirement implementation declared in a trait extension.
trait State { property x: Int { let inout } } trait Counter { fun current() -> Int { 0 } fun offset(by: Int) -> Int { let inout } } extension Counter { fun offset(by value: Int) -> Int { let { current() + value } } } extension Counter where Self: State { fun current() -> Int { x.copy() } fun offset(by value: Int) -> Int { inout { x += value } } }
The method requirement
has two default implementations: one is defined in the declaration ofCounter
and the other in the conditional trait extension. The method requirementCounter.foo.let
has one default implementation, defined in the unconditional trait extension. The method requirementCounter.foo.inout
has one default implementation, defined in the conditional trait extension.
A subscript declaration that appears in the body of a trait declaration is a subscript requirement declaration that defines one or more subscript accessor requirements. A subscript accessor requirement is the specification of a subscript accessor that must be implemented in conforming types.
A subscript requirement declaration must have a subscript-bundle-body. Each subscript accessor implementation in that body denotes a subscript accessor requirement.
A subscript accessor requirement may have one or several default implementations. A default implementation may be defined as the body of a subscript accessor implementation in the subscript-bundle-body of a subscript requirement declaration, or via a default requirement implementation declared in a trait extension.
A property declaration that appears in the body of a trait declaration is a property requirement declaration that defines one or more property accessor requirements. A property accessor requirement is the specification of a property accessor that must be implemented in conforming types.
A property requirement declaration must have a subscript-bundle-body. Each subscript accessor implementation in that body denotes a property accessor requirement.
A property accessor requirement may have one or several default implementations. A default implementation may be defined as the body of a property accessor implementation in the subscript-bundle-body of a property requirement declaration, or via a default requirement implementation declared in a trait extension.
A trait
is said to refine another traitT2
if it declares conformance toT2
and its set of requirements includes all requirements ofT2
. Conformance of the traitT1
shall be declared in the conformance list of the declaration ofT1
. -
Refinement introduces an ordering between the two traits. A trait
is finer than a traitT2
or if there exists a traitT3
such thatT1
is finer thanT2
. Trait refinement shall not introduce cycles. IfT1
is finer thanT2
is said to be coarser thanT1
. -
trait A: C {} // error: refinement introduces a cycle trait B: A {} trait C: B {}
A type
conforms to a traitT1
in a lexical scope if a conformance ofA
is exposed to that scope and ifT1
and satisfies all the requirements ofT1
, or ifA
conforms to a traitT2
such thatT2
. -
trait T { fun foo() } trait U { fun bar() } // declares conformance to 'T' type A: T {} // satisfies conformance to 'T' extension A { fun foo() {} } // declares and satisfies conformance to 'U' conformance A: U { public fun bar() {} }
A source of conformance denotes a declaration defining the conformance of a type to a trait. A type or conformance declaration is a source of conformance for all the traits that appear in its inheritance list. A source of conformance is conditional if it is a conformance declaration with a where clause. A type may have at most one source of conformance to a specific trait. A type that conforms to a trait
shall not have a source of conformance to a traitT2
and the source of conformance toT1
is conditional. -
The conformance of a type
is exposed to a lexical scopel
if and only ifA
is exposed tol
and the source of the conformance is:-
the declaration of
; or -
a conformance declaration declared in
or a lexical scope that containsl
; or -
an external conformance declaration imported from another module.
The conformance of a type
to a traitT
shall not be exposed outside of the lexical scope of a modulem
unless at leastA
is declared inm
. -
import M public type A {} conformance A: M.T {} // OK: conformance is private type B: M.T {} // OK: 'B' is not exposed outside of the module public type C: M.T {} // error: cannot expose conformance to imported trait 'M.T'
A method requirement
is satisfied if by a typeA
has a single methodm
with the same name, type, and kind.m
may be defined in the type declaration, extension declaration, or a conformance declaration ofA
. Ifr
has default implementations, it may be satisfied byA
if there exists a unique default implementation whose conditions are satisfied byA
Nominal product type declarations have the form:
product-type-decl ::= product-type-head product-type-body product-type-head ::= access-modifier? 'type' identifier generic-clause? conformance-list? product-type-body ::= '{' (product-type-member-decl | ';')* '}' product-type-member-decl ::= function-decl deinit-decl subscript-decl property-decl binding-decl product-type-decl type-alias-decl
Type alias declarations have the form:
type-alias-decl ::= type-alias-head '=' type-expr type-alias-head ::= access-modifier? 'typealias' identifier generic-clause? union-decl ::= product-type-decl ('|' product-type-decl)*
Extension declarations have the form:
extension-decl ::= extension-head extension-body extension-head ::= access-modifier? 'extension' type-expr where-clause? extension-body ::= '{' (extension-member-decl | ';')* '}' extension-member-decl ::= function-decl subscript-decl product-type-decl type-alias-decl
An extension declaration may not appear in the lexical scope of a conformance or extension declaration.
access modifier may only appear in extension declarations defined in the lexical scope of a module. An public extension declaration exposes its public members outside of the module in which it is declared. -
When a subscript or method
is defined in an extension declaration, the constraints of the where-clause of that declarations are called the conditions ofe
Conformance declarations have the form:
conformance-decl ::= conformance-head conformance-body conformance-head ::= access-modifier? 'conformance' type-expr conformance-list where-clause? conformance-body ::= '{' (conformance-member-decl | ';')* '}' conformance-member-decl ::= function-decl subscript-decl product-type-decl type-alias-decl
A conformance declaration may not appear in the lexical scope of a conformance or extension declaration.
access modifier may only appear in conformance declarations defined in the lexical scope of a module. A public conformance declaration exposes new conformances outside of the module in which it is declared. -
// In 'MyModule.module.val' public namespace Foo { public trait T {} public conformance Int: T {} // error } public conformance String: T {} // OK: `String` conforms to `T` in importing modules.
Binding declarations have the form:
binding-decl ::= binding-head binding-initializer? binding-head ::= access-modifier? member-modifier* binding-pattern binding-initializer ::= '=' expr
let (name, age): (String, Int) = ("Thomas", 3)
This binding declaration defines two new immutable bindings:
. -
A binding declaration defines a new binding for each name pattern in binding-pattern. The pattern in binding-pattern shall not contain any expression patterns. All bindings introduced by a binding declaration are defined with the same capabilities.
A binding declaration introduced with
defines an immutable binding. The value of a live immutable binding may be projected immutably. The value of an immutable binding may not be projected mutably for the duration of that binding's lifetime. -
A binding declaration introduced with
defines a mutable binding. The value of a live mutable binding may be projected mutably or immutably.
A mutable binding can appear on the left side of an assignment, on the right side of an assignment, as the initializer of a binding, or as the operand of an inout-expr.
A binding declaration may be defined at module scope, namespace scope, type scope, or function scope.
A binding declaration at module scope or namespace scope is called a global binding declaration. It introduces one or more global bindings. A global binding declaration shall be introduced with
. -
A binding declaration at type scope is called a static member binding declaration if it contains a
modifier. Otherwise, it is called a member binding declaration. A static member binding declaration introduces one or more global bindings. A member binding declaration introduces one or more member bindings. -
A binding declaration at function scope is called a local binding declaration. It introduces one or more local bindings.
capability may only appear in a local binding declaration introduced withlet
The initializer of a binding is the expression denoting the value with which that binding is initialized. If a binding is introduced by a binding declaration with a binding-initializer, its initializer is the corresponding sub-expression of binding-initializer, after applying destructuring. Otherwise, its initializer is the corresponding sub-expression of the right hand side of the first assignment expression where that binding appears on the left hand side.
A static member binding declaration, or global binding declaration shall have an binding-initializer. Initialization occurs at the first dynamic use of one of the declared bindings.
A local binding declaration introduced with
shall have a binding-initializer unless it appears in a for-head a match-case-head. If the binding declaration is an immediate sub-statement of a brace-stmt, initialization of all the bindings introduced occurs immediately after declaration. If the binding declaration is a for-head or a condition in a selection expression, initialization of all the bindings introduced occurs immediately after a successful pattern matching. -
A local binding declaration introduced with
creates storage for all the bindings introduced the declaration has a binding-initializer that evaluates to a rvalue or if the right hand side of the initializing statement of the binding evaluates to a rvalue. -
A local binding declaration introduced with
creates storage for all the bindings introduced. Initialization of all the bindings introduced occurs immediately after declaration if it has a binding-initializer. Otherwise, it occurs individually for each binding with the first assignment expression where that binding appear on the left hand side. -
A member binding declaration may not have an initializer. Initialization of all the bindings introduced occurs in the initializer of the object of which they are members (see Type initialization).
Binding lifetimes are not bound to lexical scopes.
A binding is said to be alive at a given program point if that program point falls within one of its lifetimes. Otherwise, it is said to be dead.
The lifetime of a global binding begins when its initialization is complete and ends when the program terminates.
The lifetime of a member binging
begins when the initialization of the objecto
of which it is a sub-object is complete and ends wheno
is consumed, or whenb
is consumed in asink
method ofo
. -
The lifetime of a local binding begins when its initialization is complete and ends after its last use in an operation, or after any consuming operation.
(Example) Lifetime ending at last use.
fun main() { var count = 1 // lifetime of 'count' begins here &count += 1 // a use of 'count' print(count) // last use of 'count', lifetime ends afterward print("done") }
(Example) Lifetime ending because of a consuming operation.
fun main() { sink let count = 1 // lifetime of 'count' begins here sink _ = count // lifetime of 'count' ends here print(count) // error: 'count' has been consumed }
A dead immediate local mutable binding can be re-initialized, starting a new lifetime.
(Example) A binding with two lifetimes.
fun borrow<A>(_ thing: inout T) { var a = [thing] // lifetime of 'thing' ends here print(a) &thing = a.remove_last() // new lifetime of 'thing' starts here. }
The lifetime of
ends whena
is initialized because construction of an array literal consumes the literal's elements. A new lifetime starts beforeborrow
returns as the call toArray.remove_last
produces an independent value.
Function declarations have the form:
function-decl ::= memberwise-init-decl function-head function-signature function-body? memberwise-init-decl ::= access-modifier? 'memberwise' 'init' deinit-decl ::= 'deinit' brace-stmt function-head ::= access-modifier? member-modifier* function-decl-identifier generic-clause? capture-list? function-decl-identifier ::= 'init' 'fun' identifier 'fun' operator-notation operator function-body ::= method-bundle-body brace-stmt method-bundle-body ::= '{' method-impl+ '}' operator ::= (token) raw-operator+
fun gcd(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) -> Int { if b == 0 { a } else { gcd(b, a % b) } }
A function declaration introduces one or more function objects.
A function declaration may be defined at module scope, namespace scope, type scope, or function scope.
A function declaration at module scope or namespace scope is called a global function declaration. It introduces one global function.
A function declaration at type scope that contains a
modifier is called a static method declaration; it is also a global function declaration. A static method declaration introduces one global function. -
A function declaration at type scope that does not contain a
modifier and is not declared withinit
ormemberwise init
is called a method declaration. It introduces one or more methods. -
A function declaration at type scope declared with
is called a initializer declaration. It introduces one global function. -
A function declaration at type scope declared with
memberwise init
is called an explicit memberwise initializer declaration. In introduces one global function. -
A function declaration at type scope declared with
is called a deinitializer declaration. It introduces one sink method. -
A function declaration at function scope is called a local function declaration. It introduces a local function.
introducer and thedeinit
introducer may only appear in a function declaration at type scope. -
A method implementation may only appear in a method declaration.
An operator notation specifier defines an operator member function; it may only appear in a function declaration at type scope.
A capture list may only appear in a function declaration at local scope.
Function signatures have the form:
function-signature ::= '(' parameter-list? ')' receiver-effect? ('->' type-expr)? type-aliases-clause? type-aliases-clause ::= 'where' type-aliases-clause-item (',' type-aliases-clause-item)* type-aliases-clause-item ::= 'typealias'identifier '=' type-expr
The default value of a parameter declaration may not refer to another parameter in a function signature.
The output type of a function signature defines the output type of the containing declaration. If that type is omitted, the output type of the declaration is interpreted as
The brace statement in the body of a global or local function declaration defines its implementation. A global or local function declaration must have a function implementation, unless it is static method declaration.
The parameters declared in the signature of the function declaration containing a function implementation define the parameters of that implementation.
All parameters of a function implementation are treated as immediate local bindings in that implementation, defined before its first statement. All parameters except
parameters are alive before the first statement. Further:-
parameters are immutable and escapable; and -
parameters are mutable and escapable, and they must be alive at the end of every terminating execution path; and -
parameters are dead and mutable, and they must be alive at the end of every terminating execution path.
The output type of a function implementation is the output type of the containing function declaration, unless it is an explicit
method implementation (see Method implementations). A function implementation must have a return statement on every terminating execution path, unless the output type of the containing declaration is()
. In that case, explicit return statements may be omitted. A function implementation must return an escapable object whose type is a subtype of the output type of the containing method declaration. -
keyword may be omitted if the body of the function implementation consists of a single expression. -
(Example) Expression-bodied function
fun factorial(_ n: Int) -> Int { if n > 0 { n * factorial(n - 1) } else { 1 } }
A bodiless method declaration or a method declaration that contains a bodiless method implementation defines a method requirement and may only appear in a trait declaration. A bodiless static method declaration defines a static method requirement and may only appear in a trait declaration.
A method declaration may contain at most one method implementation of each kind. A method declaration that contains one or more explicit method implementations may not have a receiver modifier.
A non-bodiless method declaration must contain an explicit
method implementation, or its body must be a brace statement. In that case, that brace statement is interpreted as an implicit method implementation whose kind depends on the receiver modifier of the method declaration. -
The declaration of a method
that contains an explicitinout
method implementation is automatically provided with a synthesizedsink
method implementation, defined as follows:sink { sink var this = self &this.m(arg1, ..., argn) return this }
The declaration of a method
that contains an explicitsink
method implementation is automatically provided with a synthesizedinout
method implementation, defined as follows:inout { self = m(arg1, ..., argn) }
type Vector2 { var x: Float64 var y: Float64 fun scaled(by factor: Float64) -> Self { let { Vector2(x: x * factor, y: y * factor) } inout { x *= factor; y *= factor } } fun dot(_ other: Vector2) -> Float64 { x * other.x + y * other.y } inout fun transpose() { swap(&x, &y) } }
The method
has an explicitlet
implementation, an explicitinout
implementation and a synthesizedsink
implementation. The methodVector2.dot(_:)
has an implicitlet
implementation. The methodVector2.transpose
has an implicitinout
A method implementation is a function implementation defined in a method. It may be defined implicitly or explicitly (see Method declarations). Explicit method implementations have the form:
method-impl ::= method-introducer brace-stmt? method-introducer ::= (one of) let sink inout set
An explicit method implementation introduced with
is called alet
method implementation; one introduced withsink
is called asink
method implementation; one introduced withinout
is called aninout
method implementation. -
The parameters declared in the signature of the method declaration containing a method implementation define the parameters of that implementation. An additional implicit parameter, called the receiver parameter, and named
, represents the method receiver. -
In an explicit method implementation, the passing convention of the receiver parameter corresponds to the kind of the method implementation: it is
in alet
implementation; it issink
in asink
implementation; it isinout
in ainout
implementation. In an implicit method implementation, the passing convention of the receiver parameter is defined by the receiver modifier of the containing method declaration. -
The output type of an explicit
method implementation is()
Subscript declarations have the form:
subscript-decl ::= subscript-head subscript-signature subscript-body subscript-head ::= access-modifier? member-modifier* 'subscript' identifier? generic-clause? capture-list? subscript-identifier ::= 'subscript' identifier subscript-body ::= '{' subscript-impl+ '}'
subscript min<T, E>(_ a: T, _ b: T, by comparator: [E](T, T) -> Bool): Int { let { yield if comparator(a, b) { a } else { b } } inout { yield &(if comparator(a, b) { a } else { b }) } sink { return if comparator(a, b) { a } else { b } } set { if comparator(a, b) { a = new_value } else { b = new_value } } }
A subscript declaration may be defined at module scope, namespace scope, type scope, or function scope.
A subscript declaration at module scope or namespace scope introduces a global subscript declaration. It introduces a global subscript.
A subscript declaration at type scope that contains a
modifier is called a static subscript declaration; it is also a global subscript declaration. A static member subscript declaration introduces a global subscript. -
A subscript declaration at type scope that does not contain a
modifier is called a member subscript declaration. It introduces a member subscript. A member subscript declaration may not have a receiver modifier. -
A subscript declaration at function scope is a local subscript declaration. It introduces a local subscript.
A member subscript declaration or a static member subscript declaration without an identifier is called a nameless subscript declaration. It introduces a nameless subscript. A nameless subscript declaration must have an explicit parameter list.
A member subscript declaration or a static member subscript declaration may be defined without an explicit parameter list. Such a declaration is called a property subscript declaration. It introduces a property subscript.
A bodiless subscript declaration or a subscript declaration that contains a bodiless subscript implementation defines a subscript requirement and may only appear in a trait declaration. A bodiless static subscript declaration defines a static subscript requirement and may only appear in a trait declaration.
A subscript declaration may contain at most one subscript implementation of each kind.
A capture list may only appear in a subscript declaration at local scope.
Subscript signatures have the form:
subscript-signature ::= '(' parameter-list? ')' receiver-effect? ':' 'var'? type-expr
The default value of a parameter declaration may not refer to another parameter in a subscript signature.
The output type of a subscript signature defines the output type of the containing declaration. If that type is prefixed by
, all projections produced by the subscript are mutable. Otherwise, only the projections produced by theinout
implementation of the subscript are mutable. -
extension Array where Element: Copyable { subscript generator(from start: Int): var [some _] () inout -> Maybe<Element> { fun[let self, sink var i = start]() { if i < self.count() { defer { i+= 1 } return self[i].copy() } else { return nil } } } }
A subscript implementation may be defined implicitly or explicitly. Explicit subscript implementations have the form:
subscript-impl ::= subscript-introducer brace-stmt? subscript-introducer ::= (one of) let sink inout set
An explicit subscript implementation introduced with
is called alet
subscript implementation; one introduced withsink
is called asink
subscript implementation; one introduced withinout
is called aninout
subscript implementation; one introduced withset
is called aset
subscript implementation. -
The parameters declared in the signature of the subscript declaration containing a subscript implementation define the parameters of that implementation. In a member subscript declaration, an additional implicit
parameter, called the receiver parameter, and namedself
, represents the subscript receiver. -
The passing convention of a
parameter depends on the kind of the subscript implementation: it is alet
parameter in alet
subscript implementation; or it is asink
parameter in asink
subscript implementation; or it is aninout
parameter in aninout
subscript implementation; or it is anset
parameter in anset
subscript implementation. -
All parameters of a subscript implementation are treated as immediate local bindings in that implementation, defined before its first statement. All parameters except
parameters are alive before the first statement. Further:-
parameters are mutable and escapable. -
parameters are mutable and escapable. They must be alive at the end of every terminating execution path. -
parameters are dead and mutable. They must be alive at the end of every terminating execution path.
subscript implementation or aninout
subscript implementation must have exactly one a yield statement on every terminating execution path. Given a subscript declaration with an output typeA
, alet
subscript implementation must yield an immutable projection of an object whose type is subtype ofA
, unless the output signature of the subscript declaration is prefixed byvar
. In that case it must yield a mutable projection of an object of typeA
. Aninout
subscript implementation must yield a mutable projection of an object of typeA
. -
subscript implementation must have a return statement on every terminating execution path. It must return an escapable object whose type is subtype of the output type of the containing subscript declaration. -
subscript implementation may be synthesized from alet
and anset
subscript implementation. Asink
subscript implementation may be synthesized from alet
subscript implementation.
Property declarations have the form:
property-decl ::= property-head property-annotation subscript-body property-head ::= member-modifier* 'property' identifier property-annotation ::= ':' type-expr
Parameter declarations have the form:
parameter-list ::= parameter-decl (',' parameter-decl)* parameter-decl ::= (identifier | '_') identifier? (':' parameter-type-expr)? default-value? default-value ::= '=' expr
If a parameter declaration contains two identifiers, the first is used as the argument label and the second is used as the parameter name. Otherwise, the same identifier is used as both the argument label and as the parameter name. If the declaration contains a wildcard followed by an identifier, it defines a positional parameter. The identifier is used as the parameter name.
Parameter declarations define the passing convention of the arguments to the declared parameters in a function call:
A parameter declared without any explicit convention is called a
parameter. -
A parameter declared with the
convention is called asink
parameter. -
A parameter declared with the
convention is called aninout
parameter. -
A parameter declared with the
convention is called anset
parameters andsink
parameters may have a default value. -
A default value must be a non-consuming expression. A default value to a
parameter must evaluate to an escapable object.
Operator declarations have the form:
operator-decl ::= 'operator' operator-notation operator (':' precedence-group)? precedence-group ::= (one of) assignment disjunction conjunction comparison fallback range addition multiplication shift
Capture lists have the form:
capture-list ::= '[' binding-decl (',' binding-decl)* ']'
The bindings of a capture list may not have access or member modifiers.
Statements of the form:
stmt ::= brace-stmt discard-stmt loop-stmt jump-stmt decl-stmt expr
Except as indicated, statements are executed in sequence.
Statements do not require an explicit statement delimiter. Semicolons can be used to separate statements explicitly, for legibility or to disambiguate exceptional situations. [Note: A common practice is to write each statement on a new line.]
Brace statements are sequences of statements executed in a lexical scope.
Brace statements have the form:
brace-stmt ::= '{' stmt-list? '}' stmt-list ::= (no-implicit-whitespace) stmt stmt-list stmt-separator stmt stmt-separator ::= (no-implicit-whitespace) horizontal-space* ((newline | ';') horizontal-space?)+
The statements contained in a brace statements are called its sub-statements.
Control enters the lexical scope of a brace statement before executing any sub-statements and exits that lexical scope when it reaches the end of the brace statement.
Discard statements explicitly discard the result of an expression. They have the form:
discard-stmt ::= '_' '=' expr
Loop statements describe iteration. They have the form:
loop-stmt ::= do-while-stmt while-stmt for-stmt
A loop statement introduces a lexical scope. The body of a loop is a brace statement lexically nested inside the loop's scope.
A loop has three control entry points: a head, a body, and a tail. Control enters a loop from its head. The head belongs to the loop scope and the tail belongs to the body's scope. When a loop statement is executed, control is transferred to its head, entering the loop's scope. If control reaches the end of a loop's body, it is unconditionally transferred to its tail. The body's scope and then the loop's scope are exited when control exits the tail, whether or not it is transferred back to the head.
A continuation test is a procedure that determines whether an additional iteration should take place, or whether control should exit the loop. A continuation test may take in the head or in the body of a loop.
statements have the form:do-while-stmt ::= 'do' brace-stmt 'while' expr
The condition of a
statement belongs to the tail of the loop. It must be an expression of typeBool
, which is evaluated by each continuation test. The test succeeds if the condition evaluates totrue
. That value is not consumed. -
fun main() { var counter = 0 do { counter += 1 let x = counter } while x < 3 }
The binding
that occurs in the condition of thedo-while
statement is declared in its body. -
The head of a
statement unconditionally transfers control to the body of the loop. The tail performs a continuation test. If it succeeds, control is transferred back to the head. Otherwise, control exits the loop.
statements have the form:while-stmt ::= 'while' while-condition-list brace-stmt while-condition-list ::= while-condition-item (',' while-condition-item)* while-condition-item ::= binding-pattern '=' expr expr
The condition of a
belongs to the head of the loop. It is a non-empty sequence of condition items. A condition item that is a binding declaration is considered satisfied if and only if the value of the initializer matches the pattern and can initialize its new bindings. A condition item that is an expression must be of typeBool
and is considered satisfied if and only if it evaluates totrue
. That value is not consumed. If the condition contains more than a single item, the n+1th item is evaluated if and only if the nth item is satisfied. The continuation test succeeds if and only if all items are satisfied. -
The head of a
statement performs a continuation test. If it succeeds, control is transferred to the body of the loop. Otherwise, control exits the loop. The tail unconditionally transfers control back to the head.
statements have the form:for-stmt ::= dor-head for-range for-filter? brace-stmt for-head ::= 'for' binding-decl for-range ::= 'in' expr for-filter ::= 'where' expr
fun main() { var things: Array<Any> = [1, "abc", 3, 2] for inout x: Int in things where x < 3 { x += 1 } print(things) // [2, "abc", 3, 3] }
The pattern and filter expression of a
statement belong to the head of the loop. The range of afor
statement belongs to the lexical scope in which that statement is defined. -
fun main() { for let x in 0 ..< x { print(x) } }
This program is ill-typed. The range refers to a binding introduced in the loop binding.
The range must be an expression of a type that conforms to the
trait. When afor
statement is executed, an iterator objectit
is produced by callingmake_iterator
on the object evaluated by the loop range. The continuation test consists of verifying thatit.next()
does not result in anil
object. The loop iterates over all elements produced by the iterator, unless it is exited early via a break or a return statement. -
The head of a
statement performs a continuation test. If it fails, control exits the loop. Otherwise, it tests whether the latest object projected by the loop's iterator matches the pattern of the binding declaration and can initialize its new bindings. If and only if it does, the loop filter is evaluated. If and only if the filter evaluates totrue
, control enters the body of the loop. The value of the filter is not consumed. If either the pattern of the binding declaration does not match, or the filter is not satisfied, control is transferred back to the head. -
fun main() { var things: Array<Any> = [1, "abc", 3, 2] for inout x: Int in things where x < 3 { x += 1 } print(things) // [2, "abc", 3, 3] }
This program can be understood as though it had been written as:
fun main() { var things: Array<Any> = [1, "abc", 3, 2] var iterator = things.make_iterator() while true { if inout x: Int = iterator.next(), x < 3 { x += 1 } else { break } } print(things) // [2, "abc", 3, 3] }
Jump statements unconditionally transfer control. They have the form:
jump-stmt ::= (no-implicit-whitespace) conditional-binding-stmt 'return' (horizontal-space* expr)? 'yield' horizontal-space* expr 'break' 'continue'
statements are called loop jump statements. A loop jump statement applies to the innermost loop.
Conditional binding statements have the form:
conditional-binding-stmt ::= binding-pattern 'else' cond-binding-fallback conditional-binding-fallback ::= jump-stmt brace-stmt expr
If the body of a conditional binding statement is an expression, it must have type
Return statements return an object from a function, terminating the execution path and transferring control back to the function's caller.
The expression in a return statement is called its operand. If the operand is omitted, it is interpreted as
. A return statement consumes the value of the operand to initialize an escapable object as result of the call to the containing function.
Yield statements project an object out of a subscript, suspending the execution path and temporarily transferring control to the subscript's caller. Control comes back to the subscript once after the last use of the yielded projection at the call site, resuming execution at the statement that directly follows the yield statement.
subscript element<A>(at index: Int, in array: Array<A>): T { print("will yield") yield array[position] if a > b { yield a } else { yield b } print("did yield") } fun main() { let fruits = ["apple", "mango", "orange"] let f = element(at: 1, in: fruits) // "will yield" print("foo") // "foo" print(f) // "mango" // "did yield" print("bar") // "bar" }
The expression in a yield statement is called its operand. A yield statement projects the value of its operand as the result of the call to the containing subscript. The yielded object is projected immutably in a
subscript implementation and mutably in aninout
subscript implementation. The mutability marker&
must prefix a mutable projection.
- Break statements exit a loop. Control is transferred to the statement immediately following the loop, if any.
- Continue statements skip the remainder of a loop body. Control is transferred to the begin of the loop.
Declaration statements have the form:
decl-stmt ::= type-alias-decl product-type-decl extension-decl conformance-decl function-decl subscript-decl binding-decl
Value expressions have the form:
expr ::= infix-expr-head infix-expr-tail* infix-expr-head ::= async-expr await-expr unsafe-expr prefix-expr
A value expression is a sequence of operators and operands that specifies a computation. A value expression results in a value and may cause side effects.
If during the evaluation of a value expression, the result is not mathematically defined or not in the range of representable values for its type, the behavior is undefined.
- A value expression is consuming if and only if its evaluation may end the lifetime of one or more objects not created by the expression's evaluation.
Infix tails have the form:
infix-expr-tail ::= type-casting-tail infix-operator-tail type-casting-tail ::= type-casting-operator type-expr infix-operator-tail ::= infix-operator prefix-expr infix-operator ::= operator '=' '==' '<' '>' '..<' '...'
Async expressions have the form:
async-expr ::= async-expr-head expr async-expr-head '->' type-expr brace-stmt async-expr-head ::= 'async' capture-list?
An async expression defined in a scope shall either escape that scope or be consumed by a consuming method.
await e
is sugar for e.await()
, where await
is a consuming method.
Await expressions have the form:
await-expr ::= 'await' expr
Unsafe expressions have the form:
unsafe-expr ::= 'unsafe' expr
Prefix expressions have the form:
prefix-expr ::= (no-implicit-whitespace) prefix-operator? postfix-expr prefix-operator ::= prefix-operator-head raw-operator* prefix-operator-head ::= (regexp) (?:(?![<])[-*/^%&!?\p{Sm}])
There shall be no whitespace between the operator and the operand of a prefix expression.
Postfix expressions have the form:
postfix-expr ::= (no-implicit-whitespace) compound-expr postfix-expr postfix-operator postfix-operator ::= (token) postfix-operator-head raw-operator* postfix-operator-head ::= (regexp) (?:(?![>])[-*/^%&!?\p{Sm}])
There shall be no whitespace between the operator and the operand of a suffix expression.
Primary expressions have the form:
primary-expr ::= scalar-literal compound-literal primary-decl-ref implicit-member-ref lambda-expr selection-expr inout-expr tuple-expr 'nil'
Scalar literals have the form:
scalar-literal ::= boolean-literal integer-literal floating-point-literal string-literal unicode-scalar-literal
Compound literals have the form:
compound-literal ::= buffer-literal map-literal
A compound literal consumes the value of each of its components.
Buffer literals have the form:
buffer-literal ::= '[' buffer-component-list? ']' buffer-component-list ::= expr (',' expr)* ','?
The type of a buffer literal is
, wheren
is the number of components in the literal andT
is the type of all components. If a buffer literal appears in a typed context,T
may be inferred from that context. Otherwise, the literal may not be empty, the type ofT
is inferred from the first component, and all other components must have the same type. The implementation may issue a warning if the literal has no components. -
let a = [] // error: cannot infer empty buffer type without context let b = [1, 2] // OK, 'b' has type 'Int[2]' let c = [1, 2.0] // error: '2.0' does not have type 'Int' let d: Float64[] = [1, 2] // OK, 'd' has type 'Float64[2]' let e: Int[] = [] // warning: zero-length buffer
Map literals have the form:
map-literal ::= '[' map-component-list ']' '[' ':' ']' map-component-list ::= map-component (',' map-component)* ','? map-component ::= expr ':' expr
A map literal is said to be empty if it has the form
. -
The type of a map literal is
Map<Key, Value>
, whereKey
is the type of the map's keys andValue
is the type of the map's values. If a map literal appears in a typed context,Key
may be inferred from that context. Otherwise, the literal may not be empty, the types ofKey
are inferred from the first component, and all other components must have the same type. -
let a = [:] // error: cannot infer empty map type without context let b = [1: "a", 2: "b"] // OK, 'b' has type 'Map<Int, String>' let c = [1: "a", 2.0: "b"] // error: '2.0' does not have type 'Int' let d: Map<Float64, String> = [1: "a", 2.0: "b"] // OK let e: Map<Float64, String> = [:] // OK
Primary declaration references have the form:
primary-decl-ref ::= identifier-expr static-argument-list? static-argument-list ::= '<' static-argument (',' static-argument)* '>' static-argument ::= (identifier ':')? (expr | type-expr)
Implicit member references have the form:
implicit-member-ref ::= '.' primary-decl-ref
Identifiers have the form:
identifier-expr ::= entity-identifier impl-identifier? entity-identifier ::= identifier function-entity-identifier operator-entity-identifier function-entity-identifier ::= (token) identifier '(' argument-label+ ')' operator-entity-identifier ::= (token) operator-notation operator argument-label ::= (token) identifier ':' impl-identifier ::= (token) '.' method-introducer
An identifier may not have any whitespace between its constituent tokens.
An identifier that denotes a non-static binding member or a non-static method may only be used as part of a value member access. An identifier that denotes a static binding member or a static method may only be used as part of a type member access.
type A { let m: Int static let n = 0 } let foo = A(m: 0) let i = foo.m // OK let j = A.m // error let k = foo.n // error let l = A.n // OK
An identifier may be suffixed by a method introducer if and only if its entity identifier refers to a method declaration for which an explicit or synthesized method implementation for the same method introducer exists.
type Vector2 { var x: Float64 var y: Float64 fun scaled(by factor: Float64) -> Self { let { Vector2(x: x * factor, y: y * factor) } inout { x *= factor; y *= factor } } } let f = Vector2.scaled(by:).let // OK let g = Vector2.scaled(by:).sink // OK
Inout expressions have the form:
inout-expr ::= (no-implicit-whitespace) '&' expr
Tuple expressions have the form:
tuple-expr ::= '(' tuple-expr-element-list? ')' tuple-expr-element-list ::= tuple-expr-element (',' tuple-expr-element)? tuple-expr-element ::= (identifier ':')? expr
Compound expressions have the form:
compound-expr ::= value-member-expr static-value-member-expr function-call-expr subscript-call-expr primary-expr
Value member accesses have the form:
value-member-expr ::= labeled-member-expr indexed-member-expr labeled-member-expr ::= primary-expr '.' primary-decl-ref indexed-member-expr ::= primary-expr '.' member-index member-index ::= (token) decimal-digit-head+
Static value member accesses have the form:
static-value-member-expr ::= type-expr '.' primary-decl-ref
Function calls have the form:
function-call-expr ::= function-call-head call-argument-list? ')' function-call-head ::= (no-implicit-whitespace) primary-expr '(' call-argument-list ::= call-argument (',' call-argument)* call-argument ::= (identifier ':')? expr
The opening parenthesis preceding the call argument list must be on the same line as the callee.
The kind of the call expression depends on its callee:
if the callee is a type expression, the call expression is an initializer call; or
if the callee is a value member expression, the call expression is a method call; or
if the callee is a type member expression referring to a function declaration, the call expression is a static method call;
otherwise, the call expression is a function call.
An initializer all
T(a1, ..., an)
desugars tovar storage: T; T.init(&storage, a1, ..., a2)
. A method callx.m(a1, ..., an)
(or&x.m(a1, ..., an)
) desugars toT.m(x, a1, ..., an)
(or respectivelyT.m(&x, a1, ..., an)
) whereT
is the static type ofx
. -
Arguments to
parameters are consumed. Arguments tolet
parameters are projected immutably in the entire call expression. Arguments toinout
parameters are projected mutably in the entire call expression.
Subscript calls have the form:
subscript-call-expr ::= subscript-call-head call-argument-list? ']' subscript-call-head ::= (no-implicit-whitespace) primary-expr '['
Lambda expressions have the form:
lambda-expr ::= 'fun' capture-list? function-signature lambda-body lambda-body ::= brace-stmt
The parameters of a lambda expressions may not have a default value.
Selection expressions have the form:
selection-expr ::= conditional-expr match-expr
Conditional expressions have the form:
conditional-expr ::= 'if' conditional-clause brace-stmt conditional-tail? conditional-clause ::= conditional-clause-item (',' conditional-clause-item)* conditional-clause-item ::= binding-pattern '=' expr expr conditional-tail ::= 'else' conditional-expr 'else' brace-stmt
Match expressions have the form:
match-expr ::= 'match' expr '{' match-case* '}' match-case ::= match-case-head ('where' expr)? brace-stmt match-case-head ::= binding-decl
Operator notations have the form:
operator-notation ::= (one of) infix prefix postfix
Type casting operators have the form:
type-casting-operator ::= (one of) as as!
A cast expression results in an object or projection whose type is the type denoted by the right operand of the expression.
A cast expression whose left operand is escapable may be used.
An upcast expression is well-formed if the type of the left operand is statically known to be subtype of the type denoted by the right operand. The result of an upcast expression
is an immutable projection of the left operand, unlesse
is the operand of a consuming operation and its left operand is sinkable. In that case, the value of the left operand escapes. -
The evaluation of a downcast expression terminates the program at runtime if the dynamic type of its left operand is not subtype of the type denoted by the right operand. The result of a downcast expression
is a projection of the left operand, which may be immutable or mutable of its left operand is mutable, unlesse
is the operand of a consuming operation and its left operand is sinkable. In that case, the value of the left operand escapes.
https://val-qs97696.slack.com/archives/C035NEV54LE/p1647711237099869 let b = a as Int inout c = a as inout Int var d = a as var Int sink e = a as sink Int
Type expressions have the form:
type-expr ::= async-type-expr conformance-lens-type-expr existential-type-expr opaque-type-expr indirect-type-expr lambda-type-expr name-type-expr stored-projection-type-expr tuple-type-expr union-type-expr wildcard-type-expr '(' type-expr ')'
Asynchronous type expressions have the form:
async-type-expr ::= 'async' type-expr
Conformance lenses have the form:
conformance-lens-type-expr ::= type-expr '::' type-identifier
Existential type expressions have the form:
existential-type-expr ::= 'any' trait-composition where-clause?
Opaque type expressions have the form:
opaque-type-expr ::= 'some' trait-composition where-clause? 'some' '_'
Indirect type expressions have the form:
indirect-type-expr ::= 'indirect' type-expr
Lambda type expressions have the form:
lambda-type-expr ::= lambda-environment? '(' lamda-parameter-list? ')' receiver-effect? '->' type-expr lambda-environment ::= 'thin' '[' type-expr ']' lamda-parameter-list ::= lambda-parameter (',' lambda-parameter)* lambda-parameter ::= (identifier ':')? type-expr receiver-effect ::= (one of) inout sink
Name type expressions have the form:
name-type-expr ::= (type-expr '.')? primary-type-decl-ref primary-type-decl-ref ::= type-identifier type-argument-list? type-identifier ::= identifier
Parameter type expressions have the form:
parameter-type-expr ::= parameter-passing-convention? type-expr parameter-passing-convention ::= (one of) let inout sink yielded
Stored projection type expressions have the form:
stored-projection-type-expr ::= '[' stored-projection-capability type-expr ']' stored-projection-capability ::= 'let' 'inout' 'yielded'
Tuple type expressions have the form:
tuple-type-expr ::= '{' tuple-type-element-list? '}' tuple-type-element-list ::= tuple-type-element (',' tuple-type-element)? tuple-type-element ::= (identifier ':')? type-expr
A tuple type is a structural type composed of zero or more ordered operands. An operand is a type together with an optional label.
Union type expressions have the form:
union-type-expr ::= type-expr ('|' type-expr)+
Wildcard type expressions have the form:
wildcard-type-expr ::= '_'
Patterns have the form:
pattern ::= binding-pattern expr-pattern tuple-pattern wildcard-pattern
Binding patterns have the form:
binding-pattern ::= binding-introducer (tuple-pattern | wildcard-pattern | identifier) binding-annotation? binding-introducer ::= 'let' 'var' 'sink' 'inout' binding-annotation ::= ':' type-expr
Expression patterns have the form:
expr-pattern ::= expr
Tuple patterns have the form:
tuple-pattern ::= '(' tuple-pattern-element-list ')' tuple-pattern-element-list ::= tuple-pattern-element (',' tuple-pattern-element)? tuple-pattern-element ::= (identifier ':')? pattern
Wildcard patterns have the form:
wildcard-pattern ::= '_'
whitespace ::=
horizontal-space ::=
hspace ::= (regexp)
single-line-comment ::= (regexp)
block-comment ::= (no-implicit-whitespace)
block-comment-open '*/'
block-comment-open block-comment '*/'
block-comment-open ::= (regexp)
newline ::= (regexp)