Tables: settings, geotiffs, timeseries
This tables is the catchment index. rem. TYPE BOOLEAN is actually type INTEGER restricted to 0 and 1
ID : INTEGER: automatically set
name : TEXT: catchment name
geojson : TEXT: geojson string of the catchment boundary
is_subregion_of : INTEGER: ID of the parentregion or null.
store_geotiff : BOOLEAN: shall produced geotiffs be stored? Files are only deleted after the timeseries have been updated.
store_length : INTEGER > 0: how long shall the record of geotiff data be in days. Older files will be deleted. This does not affect the computation of timeseries. null for an infinite storage length.
cloud_correct : BOOLEAN: shall geotiffs be cloud corrected?
timeseries : BOOLEAN: shall timeseries be generated from the geotiff data
elev_split : INTEGER>0: the stepsize in meters between elevation zones. For eevry elevation zone a seperate timeseries will be created. A value of null disables seperation by elevation zones.
earliestdate, latestdate: TEXT in format "YYYY-MM-DD": the first resp. latest day for which data shall be generated.
deletion : BOOLEAN: serves as a deletion flag. The downloader will delete every entry with deletion=1 and all its attached data from the database and filesystem.
last_obs_ts : TEXT in format "YYYY-MM-DD": the date of the most recent timeseries datapoint
last_obs_gtif : TEXT in format "YYYY-MM-DD": the date of the most recent geotiff datapoint
ID : INTEGER: automatically set
filepath : TEXT: the path to the corresponding geotiff
catchmentid : INTEGER: The ID of the corresponding catchment entry
date : TEXT in format "YYYY-MM-DD": The date of the observation
ID : INTEGER: automatically set
filepath : TEXT: the path to the corresponding timeseries csv file
catchmentid : INTEGER: The ID of the corresponding catchment entry
elev_zone : INTEGER: an identifier of the elevation zone for which this timeseries is valid
min_elev : INTEGER: The minimum elevation in meters of the zone for which this timeseries is valid
max_elev : INTEGER: The maximum elevation in meters of the zone for which this timeseries is valid