diff --git a/README_fates_emerald_api_expert_only b/README_fates_emerald_api_expert_only
index d1ef7bea9b..0a4e4badf1 100644
--- a/README_fates_emerald_api_expert_only
+++ b/README_fates_emerald_api_expert_only
@@ -1 +1,74 @@
-To be added soon.
+$CTSMROOT/README_fates_emerald_api_expert_only 03/06/2020
+# This document explains how to update the model codes and
+# how to create atmospheric forcing and inputdata for new sites
+# (No technical support will be promised, use at your own risk!)
+# See also Yeliz's notes: https://ctsm-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ for additional details
+######## Two important things to watch out first!!!
+######## Two important things to watch out first!!!
+######## Two important things to watch out first!!!
+(1) Module environment on your supercomputer: DON'T load any module beforehand, except "StdEvn"!
+(2) Git version control:
+ CLM-FATES have very complex and sperate repository system:
+ -> ctsm: always create your own branch, do not touch master!
+ -> cime: remember to create your own branch in cime folder also, to record all the changes you make.
+ -> fates: remember to create your own branch in fates folder also, to record all the changes you make.
+ If you do not create your own branch for "cime" and "fates", when you run "./manage_externals/checkout_externals", your previous "cime" and "fates" will be overwritten.
+######## Download ctsm and update ctsm-fates (Only important steps are illustrated here!!!)
+**** If you are already using fates_emerald_api, skip this! ****
+ git remote add ctsm_ncar https://github.com/ESCOMP/CTSM.git # set a remote name for NCAR CTSM git repository
+ git fetch ctsm_ncar # get the most recent updates of CTSM
+ git merge ctsm_ncar/master # update your current branch with the newest CTSM version
+ git merge ctsm_ncar/fates_next_api # update your current branch with the newest CLM-FATES interface
+##To update fates, you need to go to fates folder
+ git remote add NGEET_fates https://github.com/NGEET/fates.git
+ git fetch NGEET_fates # get the most recent updates of FATES
+ git merge NGEET_fates.git/master # update your current branch with the newest FATES
+######## Adapt ctsm/cime to specific machine (e.g., SAGA and FRAM)
+**** If you are already using fates_emerald_api, skip this! ****
+Following file need to be modified
+See example here, you need look for the setup
+**** If you want to set up new sites, please follow the following steps ****
+######## Make script grids (see "prepare_inputdata.sh" in ./tools)
+######## Make domain file (see "prepare_inputdata.sh" in ./tools)
+######## Make mapping file (see "prepare_inputdata.sh" in ./tools)
+######## Make surface data file (see "prepare_inputdata.sh" in ./tools)
+######## Make and modify FATES parameter file:
+ ## Use existing tools:
+ ./src/fates/tools/FatesPFTIndexSwapper.py # Select PFTs interested.
+ ./src/fates/tools/modify_fates_paramfile.py # Modify PFT parameters
+ ## To use these tools, netcdf and python modules need to be loaded.
+ module load netCDF-Fortran/4.4.4-intel-2018b
+ module load Python/3.6.6-intel-2018b
+ ./FatesPFTIndexSwapper.py --pft-indices=2,6,9,10 --fin=****.nc --fout=****.nc
+ ## The default FATES parameter file is in ./src/fates/parameter_files
+ ## To create a netcdf parameter file: ncgen -o ****.nc fates_params_default.cdl
+######## Make atmospheric forcing for new sites (see "prepare_atm_forcing_****.ncl" in ./tools)
+######## Set each sites as a unique grid type. The following file need to be modified:
+######## Set new atmospheric forcing for the sites
+~/ctsm/cime/src/components/data_comps/datm/cime_config/config_component.xml (for different climate forcing)
+~/ctsm/cime_config/config_component.xml (for different climate forcing)
diff --git a/bld/namelist_files/namelist_defaults_clm4_5.xml b/bld/namelist_files/namelist_defaults_clm4_5.xml
index dc15c3b97d..ed4307b2f3 100644
--- a/bld/namelist_files/namelist_defaults_clm4_5.xml
+++ b/bld/namelist_files/namelist_defaults_clm4_5.xml
@@ -796,6 +796,24 @@ lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/fates_platform/BOR2/surfdata_BOR2_simyr2000.nc
@@ -1155,6 +1173,14 @@ lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/surfdata_0.9x1.25_SSP5-3.4_78pfts_CMIP6_
@@ -1204,7 +1230,14 @@ lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/surfdata_0.9x1.25_SSP5-3.4_78pfts_CMIP6_
@@ -1303,6 +1336,14 @@ lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/surfdata_0.9x1.25_SSP5-3.4_78pfts_CMIP6_
diff --git a/tools/mksurfdata_map/src/mkdomainMod.F90 b/tools/mksurfdata_map/src/mkdomainMod.F90
index 1a66c0f4c5..3aaed88531 100644
--- a/tools/mksurfdata_map/src/mkdomainMod.F90
+++ b/tools/mksurfdata_map/src/mkdomainMod.F90
@@ -257,6 +257,7 @@ logical function domain_read_map(domain, fname)
! Read domain file and compute stuff as needed
call check_ret(nf_open(fname, 0, ncid), subname)
! Assume unstructured grid
diff --git a/tools/prepare_atm_forcing_gswp3.ncl b/tools/prepare_atm_forcing_gswp3.ncl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..287aee91e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/prepare_atm_forcing_gswp3.ncl
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
+load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/popRemap.ncl"
+load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/esmf/ESMF_regridding.ncl"
+load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/contrib/cd_string.ncl"
+;######### SeedClim Sites
+; plot_lat=(/61.0243,60.8231,60.8328,60.9335,60.8203,60.8760,61.0866,60.5445,61.0355,60.8803,60.6652,60.6901/)
+; plot_lon=(/8.12343,7.27596,7.17561,6.41504,8.70466,7.17666,6.63028,6.51468,9.07876,7.16982,6.33738,5.96487/)
+; plot_name=(/"ALP1","ALP2","ALP3","ALP4","SUB1","SUB2","SUB3","SUB4","BOR1","BOR2","BOR3","BOR4"/)
+;######### Landpress Sites
+; plot_lat=(/60.70084,65.83677,64.779,65.79602/)
+; plot_lon=(/5.092566,12.224506,11.2193,12.219299/)
+; plot_name=(/"LYG","BUO","HAV","SKO"/)
+;######### Three-D Sites
+ plot_lat=(/60.88019,60.86183,60.85994/)
+ plot_lon=(/7.16990,7.16800,7.19504/)
+ plot_name=(/"VIKE","JOAS","LIAH"/)
+;######### Finnmark Site
+; plot_lat=(/69.341088/)
+; plot_lon=(/25.293524/)
+; plot_name=(/"FINN"/)
+ mon = ispan(0,11,1)
+ mon@units = "month"
+ month =cd_string(mon,"%N")
+ print(month)
+ do p=0,2,1
+ clim_output = "/cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/atm/datm7/fates_platform/"+plot_name(p)+"/"
+ clim_input = "/cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/atm/datm7/atm_forcing.datm7.GSWP3.0.5d.v1.c170516/"
+ system("mkdir -p "+ clim_output)
+ xfloor=plot_lon(p)-0.005
+ xceil =plot_lon(p)+0.005
+ yfloor=plot_lat(p)-0.005
+ yceil =plot_lat(p)+0.005
+ print(yceil)
+ print(xceil)
+ do year=1901,2010,1
+ do m=0,11,1
+ frsds=addfile(clim_input+"/Solar/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.Solr."+year+"-"+month(m)+".nc","r")
+ fprec=addfile(clim_input+"/Precip/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.Prec."+year+"-"+month(m)+".nc","r")
+ ftphw=addfile(clim_input+"/TPHWL/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.TPQWL."+year+"-"+month(m)+".nc","r")
+ rsds=frsds->FSDS(:,:,:)
+ prec=fprec->PRECTmms(:,:,:)
+ psrf=ftphw->PSRF(:,:,:)
+ tbot=ftphw->TBOT(:,:,:)
+ wind=ftphw->WIND(:,:,:)
+ qbot=ftphw->QBOT(:,:,:)
+ flds=ftphw->FLDS(:,:,:)
+ lon=frsds->LONGXY(0,:)
+ lat=frsds->LATIXY(:,0)
+ time=frsds->time(:)
+ edgew =frsds->EDGEW
+ edgee =frsds->EDGEE
+ edges =frsds->EDGES
+ edgen =frsds->EDGEN
+ longxy =frsds->LONGXY
+ latixy =frsds->LATIXY
+ loni=ind_nearest_coord(plot_lon(p), lon, 0)
+ latj=ind_nearest_coord(plot_lat(p), lat, 0)
+ print(loni)
+ print(latj)
+;########## Creat forcing in netcdf format
+ system("rm -f "+clim_output+"clm1pt_"+plot_name(p)+"_"+year+"-"+month(m)+".nc") ; remove if exists
+ fclim = addfile(clim_output+"clm1pt_"+plot_name(p)+"_"+year+"-"+month(m)+".nc","c")
+ ntim = dimsizes(time) ; get dimension sizes
+ nlat = 1
+ nlon = 1
+ nscalar = 1
+ setfileoption(fclim,"DefineMode",True)
+ fAtt = True ; assign file attributes
+ fAtt@case_title = "GSWP3v1: norway "
+ fAtt@conventions = "CF-1.0"
+ fAtt@title = "CLM single point datm input data"
+ fAtt@history = "Original data from GSWP3v1 data"
+ fAtt@creation_date = systemfunc ("date")
+ fileattdef( fclim, fAtt ) ; copy file attributes
+ dimNames = (/"scalar","lon","lat","time"/)
+ dimSizes = (/ nscalar, nlon, nlat, -1 /)
+ dimUnlim = (/ False, False, False, True/)
+ filedimdef(fclim,dimNames,dimSizes,dimUnlim)
+ filevardef(fclim, "EDGEW" ,typeof(edgew),getvardims(edgew))
+ filevardef(fclim, "EDGEE" ,typeof(edgee),getvardims(edgee))
+ filevardef(fclim, "EDGES" ,typeof(edges),getvardims(edges))
+ filevardef(fclim, "EDGEN" ,typeof(edgen),getvardims(edgen))
+ filevardef(fclim, "LONGXY" ,typeof(longxy) ,getvardims(longxy))
+ filevardef(fclim, "LATIXY" ,typeof(latixy) ,getvardims(latixy))
+ filevardef(fclim, "time",typeof(time),getvardims(time))
+ filevardef(fclim, "FSDS",typeof(rsds),getvardims(rsds))
+ filevardef(fclim, "PRECTmms",typeof(prec),getvardims(prec))
+ filevardef(fclim, "TBOT",typeof(tbot),getvardims(tbot))
+ filevardef(fclim, "WIND",typeof(wind),getvardims(wind))
+ filevardef(fclim, "PSRF",typeof(psrf),getvardims(psrf))
+ filevardef(fclim, "QBOT",typeof(qbot),getvardims(qbot))
+ filevardef(fclim, "FLDS",typeof(flds),getvardims(flds))
+ filevarattdef(fclim,"EDGEW",edgew)
+ filevarattdef(fclim,"EDGEE",edgee)
+ filevarattdef(fclim,"EDGES",edges)
+ filevarattdef(fclim,"EDGEN",edgen)
+ filevarattdef(fclim,"LONGXY",longxy)
+ filevarattdef(fclim,"LATIXY",latixy)
+ filevarattdef(fclim,"time",time)
+ filevarattdef(fclim,"FSDS",rsds)
+ filevarattdef(fclim,"PRECTmms",prec)
+ filevarattdef(fclim,"TBOT",tbot)
+ filevarattdef(fclim,"WIND",wind)
+ filevarattdef(fclim,"PSRF",psrf)
+ filevarattdef(fclim,"QBOT",qbot)
+ filevarattdef(fclim,"FLDS",flds)
+ setfileoption(fclim,"DefineMode",False)
+ print(time)
+ fclim->time = (/time/) ; "(/", "/)" syntax tells NCL to only output the data values to the predefined locations on the file.
+ fclim->EDGEW = (/xfloor/)
+ fclim->EDGEE = (/xceil/)
+ fclim->EDGES = (/yfloor/)
+ fclim->EDGEN = (/yceil/)
+ fclim->LONGXY = (/plot_lon(p)/)
+ fclim->LATIXY = (/plot_lat(p)/)
+ fclim->FSDS = (/rsds(:,latj,loni)/)
+ fclim->PRECTmms = (/prec(:,latj,loni)/) ; !!!! time variable can be modified in the attributes of the variable is also copied. make sure to use (/ /) to only copy data.
+ fclim->TBOT = (/tbot(:,latj,loni)/)
+ fclim->WIND = (/wind(:,latj,loni)/)
+ fclim->PSRF = (/psrf(:,latj,loni)/)
+ fclim->QBOT = (/qbot(:,latj,loni)/)
+ fclim->FLDS = (/flds(:,latj,loni)/)
+ delete(time)
+ delete(rsds)
+ delete(prec)
+ delete(tbot)
+ delete(qbot)
+ delete(wind)
+ delete(psrf)
+ delete(flds)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
diff --git a/tools/prepare_inputdata.sh b/tools/prepare_inputdata.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..3ff8022358
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/prepare_inputdata.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+#SBATCH --account=nn2806k
+#SBATCH --job-name=mkmapdata
+#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=256G --partition=bigmem
+#SBATCH --ntasks=1
+#SBATCH --time=07:00:00
+date="200605" # Need to be the same as the running date
+######### SeedClim Sites
+#plotlat=(61.0243 60.8231 60.8328 60.9335 60.8203 60.8760 61.0866 60.5445 61.0355 60.8803 60.6652 60.6901)
+#plotlon=(8.12343 7.27596 7.17561 6.41504 8.70466 7.17666 6.63028 6.51468 9.07876 7.16982 6.33738 5.96487)
+#plotname=(ALP1 ALP2 ALP3 ALP4 SUB1 SUB2 SUB3 SUB4 BOR1 BOR2 BOR3 BOR4)
+######### Landpress Sites
+#plotlat=(60.70084 65.83677 64.779 65.79602)
+#plotlon=(5.092566 12.224506 11.2193 12.219299)
+#plotname=(LYG BUO HAV SKO)
+######### Three-D Sites
+#plotlat=(60.88019 60.86183 60.85994)
+#plotlon=(7.16990 7.16800 7.19504)
+#plotname=(VIKE JOAS LIAH)
+######### Finnmark Site
+creat_script="T" # T or F, switch for creating script grid or not
+creat_domain="T" # T or F, switch for creating domain file
+creat_mapping="T" # T or F, switch for creating mapping file
+creat_surfdat="T" # T or F, switch for creating surface data file
+run_case="F" # T or F, switch for running many clm experiments automatically. "T" can only be used when all the inputdata are ready!!!!
+run_case_first="F" # T or F, swtich for creating, building and submitting short test runs
+run_case_second="F" # T or F, swtich for running long experiments
+#0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
+for i in 0
+######## Make script grids:
+if [ ${creat_script} == "T" ]
+ module purge
+ module load NCL/6.6.2-intel-2019b
+ cd ~/ctsm/tools/mkmapdata
+ mkdir -p /cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/share/scripgrids/fates_platform/${plotname[i]}
+ echo $i
+ echo ${plotlat[$i]} ${plotlon[$i]}
+ ./mknoocnmap.pl -centerpoint ${plotlat[i]},${plotlon[i]} -name ${plotname[i]} -dx 0.01 -dy 0.01
+ mv ~/ctsm/tools/mkmapgrids/*${plotname[i]}*.nc /cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/share/scripgrids/fates_platform/${plotname[i]}/
+######## Make domain file:
+if [ ${creat_domain} == "T" ]
+ module purge
+ cd ~/ctsm/cime/tools/mapping/gen_domain_files
+ mkdir -p /cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/share/domains/fates_platform/${plotname[i]}
+ #### Compile (Only need to be run at the first time, better to run separately)
+ #cd src/
+ #../../../configure --macros-format Makefile --mpilib mpi-serial --machine saga
+ #. ./.env_mach_specific.sh ; gmake
+ #### Run
+ . ./src/.env_mach_specific.sh
+ ./gen_domain -m /cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/share/scripgrids/fates_platform/${plotname[i]}/map_${plotname[i]}_noocean_to_${plotname[i]}_nomask_aave_da_${date}.nc -o ${plotname[i]} -l ${plotname[i]}
+ mv domain.lnd.${plotname[i]}_${plotname[i]}.${date}.nc domain.lnd.${plotname[i]}.${date}.nc
+ mv domain*${plotname[i]}*.nc /cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/share/domains/fates_platform/${plotname[i]}/
+######## Make mapping file:
+if [ ${creat_mapping} == "T" ]
+ module purge
+ cd ~/ctsm/tools/mkmapdata
+ mkdir -p /cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/fates_platform/${plotname[i]}/
+ #### Modify regridbatch.sh. This has been done in "fates_emerald_api".
+ #### Run regridbatch.sh
+ ./regridbatch.sh 1x1_${plotname[i]} /cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/share/scripgrids/fates_platform/${plotname[i]}/SCRIPgrid_${plotname[i]}_nomask_c${date}.nc
+ mv map*${plotname[i]}*.nc /cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/fates_platform/${plotname[i]}/
+######## Make surface data file:
+if [ ${creat_surfdat} == "T" ]
+ module purge
+ module load netCDF-Fortran/4.5.2-iimpi-2019b
+ cd ~/ctsm/tools/mksurfdata_map
+ mkdir -p /cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/fates_platform/${plotname[i]}
+ #### Compile (Only need to be run at the first time, better to run separately)
+ #module load netCDF-Fortran/4.5.2-iimpi-2019b
+ #Modify Makefile.common. This has been done in "fates_emerald_api".
+ #gmake clean
+ #gmake
+ #### Run
+ ./mksurfdata.pl -no-crop -res usrspec -usr_gname 1x1_${plotname[i]} -usr_gdate ${date} -usr_mapdir /cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/fates_platform/${plotname[i]} -dinlc /cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata -hirespft -years "2005" -allownofile
+ mv surfdata_1x1_${plotname[i]}_hist_16pfts_Irrig_CMIP6_simyr2005_c${date}.nc surfdata_${plotname[i]}_simyr2000.nc
+ mv surfdata*${plotname[i]}* /cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/fates_platform/${plotname[i]}
+######## Create a case
+if [ ${run_case} == "T" ]
+ module purge
+ if [ ${run_case_first} == "T" ]
+ then
+ cd ~/ctsm/cime/scripts
+ ./create_newcase --case ../../../ctsm_cases/2000FATES_seedclim_${plotname[i]} --compset 2000_DATM%1PTGSWP3_CLM50%FATES_SICE_SOCN_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV --res 1x1_${plotname[i]} --machine saga --run-unsupported --project nn2806k
+######## Build the case and run the test
+ cd ~/ctsm_cases/2000FATES_seedclim_${plotname[i]}
+ ./case.setup
+ ./case.build
+ ./case.submit
+ fi
+######## Run the case for longer time
+ if [ ${run_case_second} == "T" ]
+ then
+ cd ~/ctsm_cases/2000FATES_seedclim_${plotname[i]}
+ ./xmlchange --file env_run.xml --id STOP_OPTION --val nyears # set up the time unit (e.g., nyears, nmonths, ndays).
+ ./xmlchange --file env_run.xml --id STOP_N --val 200 # set up the length of the simulation.
+ #./xmlchange --file env_run.xml --id CONTINUE_RUN --val TRUE # if you want to continue your simulation from the restart file, set it to TRUE.
+ ./xmlchange --file env_run.xml --id RESUBMIT --val 9 # set up how many times you want to resubmit your simulation.
+ ./xmlchange --file env_workflow.xml --id JOB_WALLCLOCK_TIME --val 08:00:00 # set up longer queue time for runing the simulation.
+ ./xmlchange --file env_workflow.xml --id JOB_QUEUE --val bigmem # set up which queue to be used. Both "normal" and "bigmem" can be used depending on their availability.
+ ./case.submit
+ fi