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A port of nervana neon to OpenCL:

  • Kepler direct convolution kernels: done :-)
  • Implementation of Winograd 4x4,3x3 in Opencl: in progress

The original neon, documentation etc is at

Direct convolution kernels

These were ported from the neon CUDA direct convolution kernels. The performance is almost the same (maybe 10-20% difference, on NVIDIA hardware).



  • NVIDIA GPU (though should be straightforward to make it work also on AMD etc, but for now should be NVIDIA)
  • CUDA and GPU drivers installed
  • OpenCL library installed/available


git clone neonCl
cd neonCl

Before running any script, do:

source env3/bin/activate


Please see neon-benchmarks

Basically, to within ~10-20% of the speed of the original CUDA direct convolution kernels

Correctness tests




Implementation notes

  • currently targeted at NVIDIA devices, using OpenCL 1.2, but allowing use of inline PTX assembler occasionally, where OpenCL 1.2 doesnt include some functionality
  • concretely, the following inline methods need to be implemented for other platforms, eg using OpenCL methods, or platform-specific assembly, or similar:
    • __shfl (OpenCL 2.0 sub-groups?)
    • __ballot (OpenCL 2.0 sub groups?)
    • __popc (OpenCL 2.0 popcnt?)
    • __atomicAdd (OpenCL 2.0 atomics?)

Winograd convolution

There is no CUDA implementation of Winograd available in neon, only SASS. For now, what I'm doing is:

  • I'm using the image and filter transform kernels, which were in CUDA in neon, but I've modified the layout, probably not in a good way, but I couldnt figure out how to use the existing layout :-)
  • wrote an OpenCL kernel from scratch for doing the gemm part, and applying the output transformation

Performance at the moment is atrocious. So, I'm doing a bunch of experiments at gpu-experiments to figure out how to improve it a bit. I'm also reading through , which seems to be a mine of useful information.

The kernels are in To run them, run For now, they are under development, and I havent provided any way to run them from eg within a framework. This will follow, once performance is good enough to be useful.

I also ported them to cuda :-) Run using

Optimization notes

Let's consider one specific geometry, which will be:

image size: 56x56
kernel size: 3x3
stride: 1x1
padding: 1
input channels: 32
output channels: 32
batch size: 32
winograd geometry: F(4x4,3x3)

Current timings on a 940M are:

  • calcU 0.23ms
  • calcV: 3.14ms
  • calcM: 42.84ms
  • calcO: 4.50ms

Total: 50.71ms

By comparison, using the same geometry with direct convolution (not even the SASS winograd), takes someting like ~1ms, in total :-P

Clearly there's a bunch of work to do :-)

Theoretical limits

Let's think about things like:

  • the number of operations involved in this geometry
  • the minimum bandwidth required

For reference, the Lavin and Gray paper, , 'algorithm 1'

For calcM:

operations required = 6 * 6 * tiles * tiles * N * K * C * 2
                    = 72NKC(HW/16) = 4.5NKCHW
                    = 4.5 * 32 * 32 * 32 * 56 * 56 = 4.62e8
incoming bandwidth required:
   U = 6 * 6 * K * C = 36CK = 36864 floats = 145e3 bytes
   V = 6 * 6 * N * tiles * tiles * C
     = 36 * NC * (HW/16) = 2.25NCHW
     = 2.61e6 floats = 1.05e7 bytes
total incoming = 145e3 + 1.05e7 = 1.06e7 bytes
outgoing bandwidth required:
   M = N * K * tiles * tiles * 6 * 6
     = NK(HW/16) * 36
     = 2.25NKHW
     = 2.36e6 floats
     = 9.44e6 bytes

Therefore, just based on bandwidth, if max bandwidth for 940M is 14.40GiB/second, we'd expect execution time to be:

time = (1.06e7+9.44e6)/14.40/1024/1024/1024 seconds
     = 0.00130 seconds
     = 1.3 milliseconds
Of which:
   incoming: 0.00069seconds = 0.69milliseconds
   outgoing: 0.00061seconds = 0.61milliseconds

maximum theoretical flops (assuming all inputs comes from off-chip, and output goes back to off-chip, during M calculation):

gflops = 4.62e8 / 0.0013 / 1e9
       = 355 gigaflops/second


Apache 2.0, per original neon


experimental port of nervana neon kernels in OpenCL







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