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Herb Sutter edited this page Feb 13, 2024 · 52 revisions

Welcome to the cppfront wiki!

This wiki collects some Cpp2 language design notes, and links to related projects.

Cpp2 info

The beginnings of documentation...

  • Cpp2 Setup: Visual Studio. Set up VS to build your .cpp2 file, and error output and debugging should Just Work.
  • operator=, this & that. Unification of { copy, move, convert } x { construction, assignment }, with notes about how they are related and the special this and that parameters.

Design notes

These Cpp2/cppfront design notes cover things like rationale for a given design choice, and alternatives considered. They are not intended to be exhaustive, but to give a basic answer to why something is the way it is, always subject to "this is an experiment! we'll learn."

Related projects

Here are some useful projects related to cppfront. These are created and maintained by other people (thanks!), so please direct questions and bug report to the authors. If you think I'm linking to one that shouldn't be linked to, please open an issue and explain why; thanks!