# buildah-rmi "1" "March 2017" "buildah" ## NAME buildah\-rmi - Removes one or more images. ## SYNOPSIS **buildah rmi** [*image* ...] ## DESCRIPTION Removes one or more locally stored images. ## LIMITATIONS If the image was pushed to a directory path using the 'dir:' transport the rmi command can not remove the image. Instead standard file system commands should be used. If _imageID_ is a name, but does not include a registry name, buildah will attempt to find and remove an image named using the registry name *localhost*, if no such image is found, it will search for the intended image by attempting to expand the given name using the names of registries provided in the system's registries configuration file, registries.conf. ## OPTIONS **--all, -a** All local images will be removed from the system that do not have containers using the image as a reference image. An image name or id cannot be provided when this option is used. Read/Only images configured by modifying the "additionalimagestores" in the /etc/containers/storage.conf file, can not be removed. **--prune, -p** All local images will be removed from the system that do not have a tag and do not have a child image pointing to them. An image name or id cannot be provided when this option is used. **--force, -f** This option will cause Buildah to remove all containers that are using the image before removing the image from the system. ## EXAMPLE buildah rmi imageID buildah rmi --all buildah rmi --all --force buildah rmi --prune buildah rmi --force imageID buildah rmi imageID1 imageID2 imageID3 ## Files **registries.conf** (`/etc/containers/registries.conf`) registries.conf is the configuration file which specifies which container registries should be consulted when completing image names which do not include a registry or domain portion. **storage.conf** (`/etc/containers/storage.conf`) storage.conf is the storage configuration file for all tools using containers/storage The storage configuration file specifies all of the available container storage options for tools using shared container storage. ## SEE ALSO buildah(1), containers-registries.conf(5), containers-storage.conf(5)