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<p><strong>Assessment:</strong> A voluntary contribution in addition to union dues allocated for specific purposes, such as a GDC or a strike fund.</p><br>
<p><strong>Bad Standing:</strong> A member who has not paid dues for the two month period prior to the current month is considered in Bad Standing and is not entitled to any rights or benefits in the IWW until their dues have been paid. Delegates who are delinquent in filing their monthly reports or who fail to provide their annual delegate clearance forms are also considered members in Bad Standing. After 3 months in bad standing, a 5 month period of unpaid dues prior to the current month, members are considered to be in inactive standing and cannot take part in business meetings.</p><br>
<p><strong>Branch Secretary-Treasurer (BST):</strong> Chief administrative officer of a branch, elected by a democratic vote within the branch. In larger branches, this is typically split into two or more positions, such as Secretary and Treasurer, or co-Secretary-Treasurers. Large branches may also have Assistant Secretary-Treasurers, Assistant Secretaries, and/or Assistant Treasurers to assist with keeping the branch functioning efficiently.</p><br>
<p><strong>Bylaws:</strong> Set of mostly procedural rules that each branch adopts. Available to any member upon request.</p><br>
<p><strong>Delegate:</strong> IWW member who can collect dues, sign up new members, and represent their branch at IWW assemblies. Delegates are elected to one-year terms by shops and branches.</p><br>
<p><strong>Fellow Worker (FW):</strong> How IWW members address each other, i.e. Fellow Worker Joe Hill.</p><br>
<p><strong>Freelance Journalists Union (FJU):</strong> A union for all freelance journalists, bloggers, and other writers in the news media; members of NYC Industrial Union Branch 450.</p><br>
<p><strong>General Convention:</strong> The annual convening of the IWW's legislative body. The membership of each chartered branch with 10 or more members is proportionately represented by branch-elected delegates to who come together to collectively decide what Constitutional amendments are sent to referendum to be voted on by the IWW membership. All members of the IWW in good standing are welcome to attend and speak, however, only credentialed Convention delegates may vote.</p><br>
<p><strong>General Defense Committee (GDC):</strong> a committee of the IWW that provides direct aid and solidarity for legal defense on charges resulting from protests, picketing, or other acts related to job actions or activist causes. The GDC also engages in strike support and other activities consistent with the aims and principles of the IWW.</p><br>
<p><strong>General Executive Board (GEB):</strong> Chief coordinating body of the IWW, consisting of seven members elected to one-year terms annually. The General Executive Board is responsible for the IWW North American Regional Administration's annual budget, and for overseeing union business between General Conventions.</p><br>
<p><strong>General Membership Branch (GMB):</strong> Chartered body of IWW members located in a geographic area composed of workers from different industries. A GMB is a structure designed to aid in the formation of Industrial Union Branches, which are industry-specific.</p><br>
<p><strong>General Organizing Bulletin (GOB):</strong> A monthly bulletin emailed to all members in good standing, which includes the IWW North American Regional Administration officer and committee reports and membership totals.</p><br>
<p><strong>General Secretary-Treasurer (GST):</strong> Chief administrative officer of the IWW, elected to a one-year term annually. </p><br>
<p><strong>Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee (IWOC):</strong> Organizes incarcerated workers on the inside working to end prison slavery, along with allies and supporters on the outside.</p><br>
<p><strong>Industrial Union 460 (IU 460):</strong> Food manufacturing workers who have organized in factories.</p><br>
<p><strong>Industrial Union (IU):</strong> Chartered IWW body consisting of Industrial Union Branches, shops within that IU, and individual members within that IU.</p><br>
<p><strong>Industrial Union Branch (IUB):</strong> Chartered body of IWW members located in a geographic area composed of workers from a single industry.</p><br>
<p><strong>Industrial Worker (IW):</strong> Newspaper of the IWW, founded in 1917 and still around today.</p><br>
<p><strong>Job Shop:</strong> Chartered body of IWW members in the same workplace where majority union representation has been established.</p><br>
<p><strong>Organizing Department Liaison (ODL):</strong> Elected liaison between an IWW body, such as a GMB, IUB, or job shop, and the IWW's Organizing Department Board (ODB).</p><br>
<p><strong>Red Card:</strong> IWW membership card, for keeping track of dues. Bring your Red Card to the GMB meetings.</p><br>
<p><strong>Stardust Family United (SFU):</strong> Union of singing servers at Ellen's Stardust Diner, who organized through the IWW in NYC.</p><br>
<p><strong>Wobbly <em>or</em> Wob:</strong> A member of the Industrial Workers of the World.</p>