- Download and install Git: https://git-scm.com/downloads (default options).
- Create SSH key pair, add new key pair to SSH agent, add public get to GitLab/GitHub.
- Configure the
# update the repo
cd ~/some_repo/
git pull
# show existing branches
git branch
# example
> git branch # show existing branches, '*' is current branch
* main (formerly called `master`)
# switch branches
> git checkout <branch_name>
# example
> git checkout yml_refactor
Switched to branch 'yml_refactor'
> git branch # shows existing branches
main (formerly called `master`, `*` is the currently active branch)
* yml_refactor
# create a new branch
> git branch <new_branch_name> # creates branch, but does not checkout the new branch
# example
> git branch json_refactor # creates the new branch
> git branch # shows existing branches
main (formerly called `master`, `*` is the currently active branch)
* yml_refactor
json_refactor # here is the new branch
> git checkout json_refactor # switch to the json_refactor branch
Switched to branch 'json_refactor'
main (formerly called `master`, `*` is the currently active branch)
* json_refactor
# tell GitLab try track a new branch
> git push origin <new_branch_name> # let GitLab track the local branch
# example
> git push origin json_refactor
# sync GitLab's new branch to your local new branch
> git push --set-upstream origin <new_branch_name>
# example
> git push --set-upstream origin yml_refactor
Branch 'yml_refactor' set up to track remote branch 'yml_refactor' from 'origin'.
# develop new code on new branch
# example
> vim new_file.json # develop content
> git add new.json
> git commit -m 'proposed new json content'
> git push
# create a merge request on the GitLab GUI (not done locally)
# see https://cee-gitlab.sandia.gov/pygators/engine/-/branches
# After the GitLab repo owner does the merge
# then delete the local branch ...
# move to the master branch, then delete a branch
> git checkout master
> git branch --delete <branch_name>
# examples
> git checkout master
> git branch --delete feature/json_refactor
> git branch -d gui_experiment # -d is equivalent to --delete