NOTE: The installation guide below is only tested to work on Ubuntu, we recommend using docker for other operating systems.
- Install GDAL on your computer using the command below:
sudo apt-get update && \
sudo apt-get -y install gdal-bin python3-gdal && \
sudo apt-get -y autoremove && \
sudo apt-get clean
- Install redis on your computer using the command below:
sudo apt-get -y install redis
sudo apt-get -y install redis-tools # For client
- Confirm Redis Installation
Type ping
it should return pong
If redis is not running check out its documentation
- Clone the Raw Data API repository on your computer
git clone
- Navigate to the repository directory
cd raw-data-api
- Install the python dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you opt for tiles output and have ENABLE_TILES : True
in env variable . Make sure you install [Tippecanoe] (
uvicorn API.main:app --reload
Currently there are two type of queue implemented :
- "raw_daemon" : Queue for default exports which will create each unique id for exports , This queue is attached to 24/7 available workers
- "raw_ondemand" : Queue for recurring exports which will replace the previous exports if present on the system , can be enabled through uuid:false API Param . This queue will be attached to worker which will only spin up upon request.
You should be able to start celery worker by running following command on different shell
- Start for default daemon queue
celery --app API.api_worker worker --loglevel=INFO --queues="raw_daemon" -n 'default_worker'
- Start for on demand queue
celery --app API.api_worker worker --loglevel=INFO --queues="raw_ondemand" -n 'ondemand_worker'
Set no of request that a worker can take at a time by using --concurrency
If you are using postgres database as result_backend for celery you need to install sqlalchemy
pip install SQLAlchemy==2.0.25
Raw Data API uses flower for monitoring the Celery distributed queue. Run this command on a different shell , if you are running redis on same machine your broker could be redis://localhost:6379//
celery --broker=redis://redis:6379// --app API.api_worker flower --port=5000 --queues="raw_daemon,raw_ondemand"
OR Simply use flower from application itself
celery --broker=redis://localhost:6379// flower
After sucessfully starting the server, visit on your browser to view the API docs.
Flower dashboard should be available on port 5000
on your localhost.
If you are running in to worker crash on mac , You can use the OBJC_DISABLE_INITIALIZE_FORK_SAFETY environment variable to disable the Objective-C runtime's fork safety checks. However use this with caution and may result to other errrors