Server-less application that get a summary of Jira issues from text.
I use Zapier to show the Jira issue summary that mentioned in daily log for my team. But Zapier's Jira Integration are able to find only one issue for one zap. It takes too many zaps to find all Jira issue and update a item in notion.
So Jira Summary will find you all Jira issues in daily log text in 1 zap.
# Code By Zapier
import json
import urllib.request
import urllib.error
import datetime
def get_issues(text):
payload = {'text': text}
request = urllib.request.Request('https://<your API Gateway address>/issues/', method='POST', data=json.dumps(payload).encode('utf-8'))
request.add_header('X-Jira-Summary-Token', '1346F3E5-450F-42A2-9A8A-6E1BAAC6103E')
request.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
with urllib.request.urlopen(request) as response:
return json.loads(
except urllib.error.HTTPError:
return {}
logs = input_data['logs']
issues = get_issues(logs)
for key, content in issues.items():
logs = logs.replace(key, '[ {} | {} ]'.format(key, content))
output = {'text': logs, 'today':}
- Python 3.8
- Poetry
- Direnv
- Jira API Token
- AWS Account ( For deploy application. )
Install the dependencies
$ python -m venv .venv
$ venv .venv/bin/activate
$ potery install
Write your own envrc.
$ cp .envrc.template .envrc
$ vim .envrc
$ cat .envrc
export jira_username=<your user name>
export jira_token=<your token>
export jira_baseurl=<your url>
export secret_key=<your secret key>
$ direnv allow
Use zappa to deploy application on AWS Lambda + API Gateway.
# request
GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.64.1
# response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 12:28:53 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain
- required
- payload:
{"text": <your text>}
- headers:
- payload:
# request
POST /issues/ HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.64.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Jira-Summary-Token: sometoken
{"text": "JIRA-1 , JIRA-2"}
# response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 12:28:53 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
"JIRA-1": "Summary of JIRA 1",
"JIRA-1": "Summary of JIRA 2"