Activate exitlag trial accounts (unlimited trial accounts)
This script was created for educational purposes only, I am not responsible for how this program is being used.
- A Brain
- Python Installed
- Resets Trial (Unlimited usage)
- Easy to Use.
- Download and install python and exitlag.
- Download to your Downloads folder.
- Create a account on exitlag with the password
- You can use a TEMP MAIL or check #12 to create temp mails for Exitlag.
- Now open CMD and type
pip install websockets
to install the module. - After that type
python Downloads/
or add the location if your files download somewhere else. - Type the account's email and press return.
- It should activate the account and you will get free access to exitlag for 3 days.
- Now simply login using the email in exitlag software that you have downloaded earlier.
- Check issue #12 if you get problem related to TEMP MAIL