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91 lines (63 loc) · 3.87 KB

File metadata and controls

91 lines (63 loc) · 3.87 KB

Contributing to DBML

🙈 🎉 First off, welcome and thanks for taking time to contribute ! 🎉 🙈

The following is a set of guidelines for contributing to DBML and its packages, which are hosted in the Holistics Organization on GitHub. Feel free to propose changes to this document by opening an issue or creating a pull request.

Not sure where to start ?

  • PEG.js: DBML uses PEG.js library to parse different database languages and structure them as plain Javascript object.
  • Check out the parse folder in @dbml/core source code to learn more about how to structure and import different grammars from multiple PEG.js files.
  • When you're ready to jump to the source code, look for issues tagged with help wanted label to get list of current issues you can make a contribution to or create a new issue for suggesting enhancement.
  • Check out DBML website for more documentation on DBML syntax.



DBML is structured as monorepo project. We uses yarn and Lerna to organize and manage multiple packages.

Install Yarn then Lerna first:

$ npm install -g yarn lerna

# or if you're already using yarn
$ yarn global add lerna

Clone and build DBML:

$ git clone <>
$ cd dbml
$ yarn install
$ yarn build

Running tests

Run tests for all packages:

$ lerna run test

Run tests for specific package:

$ lerna run test --scope <pkg-name>

Example of running test for @dbml/cli:

$ lerna run test --scope @dbml/cli

info cli using local version of lerna
lerna notice cli v3.16.4
lerna info filter [ '@dbml/cli' ]
lerna info Executing command in 1 package: "yarn run test"
lerna info run Ran npm script 'test' in '@dbml/cli' in 82.1s:
yarn run v1.17.3
$ jest
Done in 81.28s.
lerna success run Ran npm script 'test' in 1 package in 82.1s:
lerna success - @dbml/cli

Pull Requests Process

  • Follow all instructions in the template
  • Label your pull request with appropriate labels. Check out Issue and Pull Request Labels section.
  • You may merge your Pull Request in once you have the sign-off of two other developer, or if you do not have permission to do that, you may request the core team members to merge it for you.

Note: CHANGELOG will be generated based on the type of your Pull Request labels

Issue and Pull Request Labels

Type of Issues

Label name Description
bug Report bugs
enhancement Feature requests
duplicate Duplicate with other issues before
help wanted Need help from the community in resolving these issues
invalid Invalid issues
pkg: <pkg-name> Issues related to specific packages
question Request further information

Pull Request Labels

Label name Description Used for generating CHANGELOG
PR: Breaking Change 💥 Pull Requests propose breaking changes that might break backward compatibility of previous version Yes
PR: Bug Fix 🐛 Pull Requests implement bug fixes Yes
PR: Docs 📝 Pull Requests modify or change documentation of packages Yes
PR: New Feature 🚀 Pull Requests implement new features Yes
PR: Performance 🏃‍♀️ Pull Requests improve execution time of code Yes
PR: Refactor 💩 Pull Requests improve, change current code structure or get rid of code smells No
pkg: <pkg-name> Pull Requests related to specific packages No