({ name, icon: Icon, action, isPending, hidden, alwaysEnable }) => (
diff --git a/apps/web/components/dashboard/bookmarks/BulkManageListsModal.tsx b/apps/web/components/dashboard/bookmarks/BulkManageListsModal.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9c1f05d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/web/components/dashboard/bookmarks/BulkManageListsModal.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+import { ActionButton } from "@/components/ui/action-button";
+import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button";
+import {
+ Dialog,
+ DialogClose,
+ DialogContent,
+ DialogFooter,
+ DialogHeader,
+ DialogTitle,
+} from "@/components/ui/dialog";
+import {
+ Form,
+ FormControl,
+ FormField,
+ FormItem,
+ FormMessage,
+} from "@/components/ui/form";
+import { toast } from "@/components/ui/use-toast";
+import { zodResolver } from "@hookform/resolvers/zod";
+import { useForm } from "react-hook-form";
+import { z } from "zod";
+import { useAddBookmarkToList } from "@hoarder/shared-react/hooks/lists";
+import { BookmarkListSelector } from "../lists/BookmarkListSelector";
+export default function BulkManageListsModal({
+ bookmarkIds,
+ open,
+ setOpen,
+}: {
+ bookmarkIds: string[];
+ open: boolean;
+ setOpen: (open: boolean) => void;
+}) {
+ const formSchema = z.object({
+ listId: z.string({
+ required_error: "Please select a list",
+ }),
+ });
+ const form = useForm
+ resolver: zodResolver(formSchema),
+ defaultValues: {
+ listId: undefined,
+ },
+ });
+ const { mutateAsync: addToList, isPending: isAddingToListPending } =
+ useAddBookmarkToList({
+ onSettled: () => {
+ form.resetField("listId");
+ },
+ onError: (e) => {
+ if (e.data?.code == "BAD_REQUEST") {
+ toast({
+ variant: "destructive",
+ description: e.message,
+ });
+ } else {
+ toast({
+ variant: "destructive",
+ title: "Something went wrong",
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ });
+ const onSubmit = async (value: z.infer) => {
+ const results = await Promise.allSettled(
+ bookmarkIds.map((bookmarkId) =>
+ addToList({
+ bookmarkId,
+ listId: value.listId,
+ }),
+ ),
+ );
+ const successes = results.filter((r) => r.status == "fulfilled").length;
+ if (successes > 0) {
+ toast({
+ description: `${successes} bookmarks have been added to the list!`,
+ });
+ }
+ setOpen(false);
+ };
+ return (
+ );