Hardware (schematic and PCB) and software for a WIFI connected device offering lots of functionality: CO2 measuring, IR Transmitter, IR receiver and temperature sensor. As output it has an OLED display, and RGB LED and beeper. Its based on the ESP8266 microcontroller and tts part of my home automation system based on a raspberry pi running Mosquitoo, Nodered, InfluxDB and Grafana.
- Add temperature offset in firware (seams device is reading hotter then ambient?)
- Switch to a passive buzzer (should get rid of the reset beeping)
- Add PCB jumper (solder) to endable/disable buzzer
- Configuration of WIFI SSID/PWD via web interface
- Extend firmware to support learning IR codes
- Extend firmware for remote sending on AC commands
- Schematic and PCB design in Eagle
- WIFI connected
- MQTT firmware written using PlatformIO
- Plugs in the mains (no need for any USB seperate power brick)
- IR output: PCB has 3 possible positions for the IR Led just use the one convenient for you
- IR input (can be usefull to learn IR codes)
- measures the room temperature via DS18B20
- RGB Led to show green-orange-red depending on CO2 concentration
- Beeper on board
- 32x128 OLED dispaly
- based on popular ESP8266
3D case design in Fusion 360. | Putting case and PCB together |
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