You can find all the database related functions under the global object "api.db"
You can create a table that will be available for your Smart Contract only during the deployment of the Smart Contract. Use the indexes array to add one or more indexes to the table. The method that we will be using is:
createTable(tableName: string, indexes: Array<String>)
actions.create = async (payload) => {
// let's create a table called users
await api.db.createTable('users', ['ages']);
To add a record, we will be using:
insert(tableName: string, record: object)
actions.addUser = async (payload) => {
const newUser = {
'id': sender
await api.db.insert('users', newUser);
Similarly to MongoDB, to find a record, we will be using two different methods:
findOne(tableName: string, query: object) returns the object found if it exists, null if otherwise
find(tableName: string, query: object, limit: integer = 1000, offset: integer = 0, indexes: Array<JSON> = []) returns an array of objects that match (empty array of no results)
See the LokiJS docs for the available params
actions.addUser = async (payload) => {
let user = await api.db.findOne('users', { 'id': sender });
if (user) {
// do something with the user
actions.addUser = function (payload) {
let results = await api.db.find('users', { 'name': 'Dan' });
if (results.length > 0) {
// do something with the results
examples with usage of indexes:
actions.addUser = function (payload) {
let results = await api.db.find('users',
{ 'name': 'Dan' },
1000, // limit of 1000 results
0, // offset of 0
{ index: 'age', descending: true }, // use the index age descending
{ index: 'country', descending: false } // use the index country ascending
if (results.length > 0) {
// do something with the results
Similarly to MongoDB, to update a record, we will be using:
update(tableName: string, record: object)
actions.updateUser = async (payload) => {
const { username } = payload;
if (username && typeof username === 'string'){
let user = await api.db.findOne('users', { 'id': sender });
if (user) {
user.username = username;
await api.db.update('users', user);
Similarly to MongoDB, to remove a record, we will be using:
remove(tableName: string, record: object)
actions.removeUser = async (payload) => {
const { userId } = payload;
if (userId && typeof userId === 'string') {
let user = await api.db.findOne('users', { 'id': userId });
if (user)
await api.db.remove('users', user);
The "db" objects gives you the ability to perform queries on tables that are held by other Smart Contracts:
* retrieve a record from the table of a contract
* @param {String} contract contract name
* @param {String} table table name
* @param {JSON} query query to perform on the table
* @returns {Object} returns a record if it exists, null otherwise
findOneInTable(contract: string, table: string, query: object) returns the object found if it exists, null if otherwise
* retrieve records from the table of a contract
* @param {String} contract contract name
* @param {String} table table name
* @param {JSON} query query to perform on the table
* @param {Integer} limit limit the number of records to retrieve
* @param {Integer} offset offset applied to the records set
* @param {Array<Object>} indexes array of index definitions { index: string, descending: boolean }
* @returns {Array<Object>} returns an array of objects if records found, an empty array otherwise
findInTable(contract: string, table: string, query: object, limit: integer, offset: integer, indexes: Array<Object>) returns an array of objects that match (empty array of no results)
actions.addUser = async (payload) => {
const book = await api.db.findOneInTable('books_contract', 'books', { 'owner': sender });
if (book) {
// do something with the book
actions.addUser = async (payload) => {
const books = await api.db.findInTable('books_contract', 'books', { 'owner': sender });
if (results.length > 0) {
// do something with the results