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Alexey Valikov edited this page Sep 12, 2015 · 5 revisions

Compact Naming

Supported by Jsonix since version 2.1.0 and Jsonix Schema Compiler from version 2.2.0.

This feature is not backwards compatible - older Jsonix versions will not be able to read mappings with compact naming. However, newer version of Jsonix (2.1.0 and up) will stil read your "normal" (i.e. not compact) mappings. There are no plans to drop normal mappings.

Jsonix Schema Compiler 2.2.0 and up generate normal mappings by default but have a switch to generate compact mappings instead.

In order to reduce the size of mapping scripts, Jsonix offers compact naming. You can just replace long property names in mappings with their short versions.

Compact naming drastically reduces the size of the mapping files, you can expect 25-50% reduction in size.

The following sections list compact names corresponding to the full names as well as their default values.


Name Compact name Default value Description
name n null Name of the module
defaultElementNamespaceURI dens '' Default namespace URI for elements
defaultAttributeNamespaceURI dans '' Default namespace URI for attributes
typeInfos tis [] Type infos declared in the module
elementInfos eis [] Element infos declared in the module

Element infos

Name Compact name Default value Description
defaultElementNamespaceURI dens defaultElementNamespaceURIof the module Default namespace URI for elements
defaultAttributeNamespaceURI dans defaultAttributeNamespaceURIof the module Default namespace URI for attributes
elementName en Name of the element, may be string or a qualified name. If it is a string, the qualified name will be formed using the defaultElementNamespaceURI
typeInfo ti 'String' Type of the element
substitutionHead sh null Substitution head of the element
scope sc null Scope of the element

Type infos

Name Compact name Default value Description
type t 'classInfo' Type of the type info (ex. class, enum or list)
classInfo c Denotes a class type info
enumInfo enum Denotes a enum type info
list l Denotes a list type
localName ln null Local name of the type within the module
name n moduleName + '.' + localName Full name of the type


Name Compact name Default value Description
baseTypeInfo bti 'String' Type of the list items
separator s ' ' Separator of the list items


Name Compact name Default value Description
baseTypeInfo bti 'String' Base type info of the enum
values vs Values of the enum


Name Compact name Default value Description
defaultElementNamespaceURI dens defaultElementNamespaceURI of the module Default namespace URI for elements
defaultAttributeNamespaceURI dans defaultAttributeNamespaceURI of the module Default namespace URI for attributes
baseTypeInfo bti null Base type info (super-class)
instanceFactory inF null Instance factory - constructor function for instances of this class
properties ps [] Properties


Name Compact name Default value Description
name n Name of the property
defaultElementNamespaceURI dens defaultElementNamespaceURI of the class Default namespace URI for elements
defaultAttributeNamespaceURI dans defaultAttributeNamespaceURI of the class Default namespace URI for attributes
required rq false Whether this is a required property
collection col false Whether this is a collection property
minOccurs mno 1 Minimum number of elements in the collection
maxOccurs mxo null for unbounded Maximum number of elements in the collection
type t 'element' Property type

Mapping properties above apply to all properties.

Property types
Name Compact name Default value Description
anyAttribute aa Any attribute property
anyElement ae Any element property
attribute a Attribute property
elementMap em Element map property
element e Element property
elements es Elements property
elementRef er Element reference property
elementRefs ers Element references property
value v Value property
Any attribute property

Any attribute property does not have any additional mapping parameters.

Any element property
Name Compact name Default value Description
allowDom dom true Whether DOM elements are allowed as-is in case they are not known in this context and can't be unmarshalled
allowTypedObject typed true Whether typed objects are allowed (not just DOM elements)
mixed mx true If mixed content allowed (strings together with DOM elements or typed objects)
Attribute property
Name Compact name Default value Description
attributeName an name of the property Name of the attribute - qualified name or just string. Strings will be qualified using the defaultAttributeNamespaceURI
typeInfo ti 'String' Attribute's type
Element map property
Name Compact name Default value Description
elementName en name of the property Name of the element - qualified name or just string. Strings will be qualified using the defaultElementNamespaceURI
wrapperElementName wen null Name of the wraper element - qualified name or just string. Strings will be qualified using the defaultElementNamespaceURI
key k Key property
value v Value property
Element property
Name Compact name Default value Description
elementName en name of the property Name of the element - qualified name or just string. Strings will be qualified using the defaultElementNamespaceURI
wrapperElementName wen null Name of the wraper element - qualified name or just string. Strings will be qualified using the defaultElementNamespaceURI
typeInfo ti 'String' Element's type
Elements property
Name Compact name Default value Description
wrapperElementName wen null Name of the wraper element - qualified name or just string. Strings will be qualified using the defaultElementNamespaceURI
elementTypeInfos etis [] Element type infos of this property
Elements property - element type infos
Name Compact name Default value Description
elementName en Name of the element - qualified name or just string. Strings will be qualified using the defaultElementNamespaceURI
typeInfo ti 'String' Type info of the element
Element reference property
Name Compact name Default value Description
elementName en name of the property Name of the element - qualified name or just string. Strings will be qualified using the defaultElementNamespaceURI
wrapperElementName wen null Name of the wrapper element - qualified name or just string. Strings will be qualified using the defaultElementNamespaceURI
mixed mx true If this property allows mixed content
Element references property
Name Compact name Default value Description
wrapperElementName wen null Name of the wrapper element - qualified name or just string. Strings will be qualified using the defaultElementNamespaceURI
mixed mx true If this property allows mixed content
elementTypeInfos etis [] Element type infos of this property
Element references property - element type infos
Name Compact name Default value Description
elementName en Name of the element - qualified name or just string. Strings will be qualified using the defaultElementNamespaceURI
typeInfo ti 'String' Type info of the element
Value property
Name Compact name Default value Description
typeInfo ti 'String' Type info of the value

Qualified names

Name Compact name Default value Description
localPart lp Local part
namespaceURI ns '' Namespace URI
prefix p '' Prefix

Type names

Since Jsonix version 2.1.0.

When referencing types within the same module, you can use the compact syntax .MyType instead of the full name MyModule.MyType.


Five = {
	n : 'Five',
	tis : [ {
		ln : 'ValueType',
		ps : [ {
			t : 'v',
			n : 'value'
		} ]
	}, {
		ln : 'ElementsType',
		ps : [ {
			t : 'es',
			n : 'ab',
			etis : [ {
				en : 'a',
				// We can use .ValueType instead of Five.ValueType
				ti : '.ValueType'
			}, {
				en : 'b',
				ti : 'Integer'
			} ]
		} /*...*/ ],
	} ],
	eis : [ /* ... */ ]
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