Sentry is an open source real-time error monitoring project that supports many sides, including the Web front end, server side, mobile side, and game side.In order to introduce sentry to Hertz
on the basis of Sentry-Go
, we implement the middleware hertzsentry, which provides some unified interfaces to help users get sentry hub
and report error messages.
This project refers to fibersentry.
go get
import ""
hertzsentry provides a struct named Option
for meeting your requirements. For exampple, you can use WithRePanic
function to configure whether you want to block the request before moving forward with the response.
// WithRePanic configures whether Sentry should repanic after recovery.
// Set to true, if Recover middleware is used.
func WithRePanic(rePanic bool) Option {
return Option{F: func(o *options) {
o.rePanic = rePanic
Hertzsentry attaches an instance of *sentry.Hub
to the *app. RequestContext
so that the hub can be used during the lifetime of the request. Concerning about concurrent scenarios, every request should maintain an unique instance of the *sentry.Hub
for the security of hub. Therefore, We will clone a new instance of sentry.CurrentHub
only when the request used it, so as to reduce the memory cost.
package main
import (
var yourDsn = ""
func main() {
// set interval to 0 means using fs-watching mechanism.
h := server.Default(server.WithAutoReloadRender(true, 0))
// init sentry
if err := sentry.Init(sentry.ClientOptions{
// The DSN to use. If the DSN is not set, the client is effectively disabled.
Dsn: yourDsn,
// Before send callback.
BeforeSend: func(event *sentry.Event, hint *sentry.EventHint) *sentry.Event {
return event
// In debug mode, the debug information is printed to stdout to help you understand what
// sentry is doing.
Debug: true,
// Configures whether SDK should generate and attach stacktraces to pure capture message calls.
AttachStacktrace: true,
}); err != nil {
log.Fatal("sentry init failed")
// use sentry middleware and config with your requirements.
// attention! you should use sentry handler after recovery.Recovery()
h.GET("/hello", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
// use GetHubFromContext to get the hub
if hub := hertzsentry.GetHubFromContext(ctx); hub != nil {
hub.WithScope(func(scope *sentry.Scope) {
scope.SetTag("hertz", "CloudWeGo Hertz")
hub.CaptureMessage("Just for debug")
Send a request to the interface localhost:8888/hello
, then you can see the event in your sentry UI.
curl localhost:8888/hello