#Backbone Editable#
This is an in place editor mixin written in coffeescript for a backbone view.
It defines a method for including mixins (@mixin
, directly inspired by: jashkenas/coffeescript#452 (comment)) and the mixin itself Backbone.Mixin.Editable
This project was extracted from a rails app so usage instructions pertain to rails. Starting in your project root, download the coffeescript file:
cd vendor/assets/javascripts
curl -C - -O https://raw.github.com/matthewsmart/backbone-editable/master/backbone_editable.js.coffee
Include the file in your javascript manifest file, after backbone, but before your backbone app:
//= require underscore
//= require backbone
// Backbone Mixins
//= require backbone_editable
//= require appname
Finally, include the mixin in your view:
class App.Views.MyView extends Backbone.View
@mixin Backbone.Mixin.Editable
initialize: (options = {}) ->
# To redraw the model after changes
# have been made.
@model.on 'change', @render, this
NOTE: All model save events are silent by default. This can be changed
by calling @initEditable(silent_events: false)
. This setting can
be overridden on your editable by setting the data attribute
or data-silent='false'
Now, to make a field in your template editable, regardless of your templating engine you need to set a class and some data attributes
To edit @model.get('options')[3].text:
<div class="editable" data-object="options" data-index="3" data-key="text">
<%= @model.get('options')[3].text %>
To edit @model.get('options').text:
<div class="editable" data-object="options" data-key="text">
<%= @model.get('options').text %>
To edit @model.get('options')[3]:
<div class="editable" data-object="options" data-index="3">
<%= @model.get('options')[3] %>
To edit @model.get('text')
<div class="editable" data-key="text">
<%= @model.get('text') %>
All of these fire a change event and save the model. If you tie render to your models change event, then the model will redraw with the new data.
- Minimum/maximum text field width
- Silent changes