Anyone who is used to using apollo-client as state manager knows that has a fantastic but bureaucratic tool at hand.
A changing in a list of todos, for example, can be a reasonably uncomfortable task, like the twenty-something lines of code below :
Expecting to reduce the effort on jobs like these, I’ve been thinking of ways to make them a little simpler and more straightforward.
The question I’ve tried to answer recently was: is there a way to make this task as simple as using the hook useState?
And yes, it is possible. In the next few lines, I will share the answer found.
The use of hooks is a powerful resource for structuring the behavior of our applications.
It’s amazing how many lines of code I’ve been saving by encapsulating the behavior of my components in these functions.
Since I adopted useState for the local state management of my components, I've been looking for ways to do the same for a broader scope.
For this purpose, I wrote the package useAppState. helloncanella/useAppState *Control the whole app’s state with the ease of a useState. *
With it, you can modify a cached state to, for example, open and close a floating menu.
We have above two isolated components that share the same state isOpen. At the same time, the hook provides a setter that allows the change of this value.
<iframe src="" frameborder=0></iframe>You may assign variables to your queries as follows:
We can illustrate this with an example involving two counters:
<iframe src="" frameborder=0></iframe>The components of this example are structured as follows.
Internally, the way the display Counter to and its controller button AddOneButton are organized is shown below:
The hook useCount encapsulates the behavior of our components as well as the details of interacting with our package, as detailed below:
Note the use of variables in the call of useAppState. It is precisely the assignment of different values to label that gives independence to the states of the counters A and B.
Updating queries without @client
Although the above examples focus on updating queries with the @client directive*, useAppState can be used to update any cached data.*
Any list fetched from the server could be updated locally like this.
<iframe src="" frameborder=0></iframe>Internally, useAppState uses the hook useQuery, launched in August 2019, to reactively access the state of the query. At the same time, a call to client.writeQuery is encapsulated by its setter*.*
The elaboration of this hook involved approximately 40 lines and is available at the link.
I hope this little utility allows you to write a little less :)