- Added support for Rails 5.2.
- Added support for Rails 5.1.
- Support Rails 4.1 and 4.2.
- Support Rails 4.
- Drop support to Rails < 3.2 and Ruby 1.8.
- Fixed bug that was causing all activerecord attributes be saved as nil
- Avoid symbol injection on forms
- Removed deprecated methods in version 1.2
- Added persisted? header and a generator
- No more class attributes, just define a headers method
- Rails 3 compatibility
- Rename to mail_form and launch Rails 2.3 branch
- Added support to template
- Added support to symbols on :sender, :subject and :recipients
- Added support to symbols on :validate
- Added support to request objects and append DSL
- Added support to :attachments (thanks to @andrewtimberlake)
- First release