From 0daf55ee8b3f2862555c498e6d825889760153c5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Oleksandr Dubenko Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2024 12:13:04 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] frontend: Add snapshot test for window.pluginLib This will make it easier to maintain compatibility with plugins by keeping track of what is in pluginLib object Signed-off-by: Oleksandr Dubenko --- .../plugin/__snapshots__/pluginLib.snapshot | 16111 ++++++++++++++++ frontend/src/plugin/pluginLib.test.ts | 8 + 2 files changed, 16119 insertions(+) create mode 100644 frontend/src/plugin/__snapshots__/pluginLib.snapshot create mode 100644 frontend/src/plugin/pluginLib.test.ts diff --git a/frontend/src/plugin/__snapshots__/pluginLib.snapshot b/frontend/src/plugin/__snapshots__/pluginLib.snapshot new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c7532c9c08 --- /dev/null +++ b/frontend/src/plugin/__snapshots__/pluginLib.snapshot @@ -0,0 +1,16111 @@ +{ + "ApiProxy": { + "apiFactory": [Function], + "apiFactoryWithNamespace": [Function], + "apply": 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For example, in JavaScript, the semi-colon (`;`) can be a commit character that accepts a suggestion and types that character.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + "acceptSuggestionOnEnter": EditorStringEnumOption { + "_allowedValues": [ + "on", + "smart", + "off", + ], + "defaultValue": "on", + "id": 1, + "name": "acceptSuggestionOnEnter", + "schema": { + "default": "on", + "defaultDefaultValue": "on", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "enum": [ + "on", + "smart", + "off", + ], + "markdownDescription": "Controls whether suggestions should be accepted on `Enter`, in addition to `Tab`. Helps to avoid ambiguity between inserting new lines or accepting suggestions.", + "markdownEnumDescriptions": [ + "", + "Only accept a suggestion with `Enter` when it makes a textual change.", + "", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + }, + "accessibilityPageSize": EditorIntOption { + "defaultValue": 10, + "id": 3, + "maximum": 1073741824, + "minimum": 1, + "name": "accessibilityPageSize", + "schema": { + "default": 10, + "defaultDefaultValue": 10, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls the number of lines in the editor that can be read out by a screen reader at once. When we detect a screen reader we automatically set the default to be 500. Warning: this has a performance implication for numbers larger than the default.", + "maximum": 1073741824, + "minimum": 1, + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "tags": [ + "accessibility", + ], + "type": "integer", + }, + }, + "accessibilitySupport": EditorAccessibilitySupport { + "defaultValue": 0, + "id": 2, + "name": "accessibilitySupport", + "schema": { + "default": "auto", + "defaultDefaultValue": "auto", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls if the UI should run in a mode where it is optimized for screen readers.", + "enum": [ + "auto", + "on", + "off", + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "Use platform APIs to detect when a Screen Reader is attached.", + "Optimize for usage with a Screen Reader.", + "Assume a screen reader is not attached.", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "tags": [ + "accessibility", + ], + "type": "string", + }, + }, + "ariaLabel": EditorStringOption { + "defaultValue": "Editor 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undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + }, + "autoClosingComments": EditorStringEnumOption { + "_allowedValues": [ + "always", + "languageDefined", + "beforeWhitespace", + "never", + ], + "defaultValue": "languageDefined", + "id": 7, + "name": "autoClosingComments", + "schema": { + "default": "languageDefined", + "defaultDefaultValue": "languageDefined", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the editor should automatically close comments after the user adds an opening comment.", + "enum": [ + "always", + "languageDefined", + "beforeWhitespace", + "never", + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "", + "Use language configurations to determine when to autoclose comments.", + "Autoclose comments only when the cursor is to the left of whitespace.", + "", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + }, + "autoClosingDelete": EditorStringEnumOption { + "_allowedValues": [ + "always", + "auto", + "never", + ], + 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undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + }, + "autoIndent": EditorEnumOption { + "_allowedValues": [ + "none", + "keep", + "brackets", + "advanced", + "full", + ], + "_convert": [Function], + "defaultValue": 3, + "id": 12, + "name": "autoIndent", + "schema": { + "default": "full", + "defaultDefaultValue": "full", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the editor should automatically adjust the indentation when users type, paste, move or indent lines.", + "enum": [ + "none", + "keep", + "brackets", + "advanced", + "full", + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "The editor will not insert indentation automatically.", + "The editor will keep the current line's indentation.", + "The editor will keep the current line's indentation and honor language defined brackets.", + "The editor will keep the current line's indentation, honor language defined brackets and invoke special onEnterRules defined by languages.", + "The editor will keep the current line's indentation, honor language defined brackets, invoke special onEnterRules defined by languages, and honor indentationRules defined by languages.", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + }, + "autoSurround": EditorStringEnumOption { + "_allowedValues": [ + "languageDefined", + "quotes", + "brackets", + "never", + ], + "defaultValue": "languageDefined", + "id": 14, + "name": "autoSurround", + "schema": { + "default": "languageDefined", + "defaultDefaultValue": "languageDefined", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the editor should automatically surround selections when typing quotes or brackets.", + "enum": [ + "languageDefined", + "quotes", + "brackets", + "never", + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "Use language configurations to determine when to automatically surround selections.", + "Surround with quotes but not brackets.", + "Surround with brackets but not quotes.", + "", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + 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Use `#workbench.colorCustomizations#` to override the bracket highlight colors.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + "editor.bracketPairColorization.independentColorPoolPerBracketType": { + "default": false, + "defaultDefaultValue": false, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether each bracket type has its own independent color pool.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + }, + "bracketPairGuides": GuideOptions { + "defaultValue": { + "bracketPairs": false, + "bracketPairsHorizontal": "active", + "highlightActiveBracketPair": true, + "highlightActiveIndentation": true, + "indentation": true, + }, + "id": 16, + "name": "guides", + "schema": { + "editor.guides.bracketPairs": { + "default": false, + "defaultDefaultValue": false, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether bracket pair guides are enabled or not.", + "enum": [ + true, + "active", + false, + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "Enables bracket pair guides.", + "Enables bracket pair guides only for the active bracket pair.", + "Disables bracket pair guides.", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": [ + "boolean", + "string", + ], + }, + "editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal": { + "default": "active", + "defaultDefaultValue": "active", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether horizontal bracket pair guides are enabled or not.", + "enum": [ + true, + "active", + false, + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "Enables horizontal guides as addition to vertical bracket pair guides.", + "Enables horizontal guides only for the active bracket pair.", + "Disables horizontal bracket pair guides.", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": [ + "boolean", + "string", + ], + }, + "editor.guides.highlightActiveBracketPair": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the editor should highlight the active bracket pair.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + "editor.guides.highlightActiveIndentation": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the editor should highlight the active indent guide.", + "enum": [ + true, + "always", + false, + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "Highlights the active indent guide.", + "Highlights the active indent guide even if bracket guides are highlighted.", + "Do not highlight the active indent guide.", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": [ + "boolean", + "string", + ], + }, + "editor.guides.indentation": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the editor should render indent guides.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + }, + "codeLens": EditorBooleanOption { + "defaultValue": true, + "id": 17, + "name": "codeLens", + "schema": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the editor shows CodeLens.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + "codeLensFontFamily": EditorStringOption { + "defaultValue": "", + "id": 18, + "name": "codeLensFontFamily", + "schema": { + "default": "", + "defaultDefaultValue": "", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls the font family for CodeLens.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + }, + "codeLensFontSize": EditorIntOption { + "defaultValue": 0, + "id": 19, + "maximum": 100, + "minimum": 0, + "name": "codeLensFontSize", + "schema": { + "default": 0, + "defaultDefaultValue": 0, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "markdownDescription": "Controls the font size in pixels for CodeLens. 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Known as 'scrollOff' or 'scrollOffset' in some other editors.", + "maximum": 1073741824, + "minimum": 0, + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "integer", + }, + }, + "cursorSurroundingLinesStyle": EditorStringEnumOption { + "_allowedValues": [ + "default", + "all", + ], + "defaultValue": "default", + "id": 30, + "name": "cursorSurroundingLinesStyle", + "schema": { + "default": "default", + "defaultDefaultValue": "default", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "enum": [ + "default", + "all", + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "`cursorSurroundingLines` is enforced only when triggered via the keyboard or API.", + "`cursorSurroundingLines` is enforced always.", + ], + "markdownDescription": "Controls when `#editor.cursorSurroundingLines#` should be enforced.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + }, + "cursorWidth": EditorIntOption { + "defaultValue": 0, + "id": 31, + "maximum": 1073741824, + "minimum": 0, + "name": "cursorWidth", + "schema": { + "default": 0, + "defaultDefaultValue": 0, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "markdownDescription": "Controls the width of the cursor when `#editor.cursorStyle#` is set to `line`.", + "maximum": 1073741824, + "minimum": 0, + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "integer", + }, + }, + "defaultColorDecorators": EditorBooleanOption { + "defaultValue": false, + "id": 148, + "name": "defaultColorDecorators", + "schema": { + "default": false, + "defaultDefaultValue": false, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "markdownDescription": "Controls whether inline color decorations should be shown using the default document color provider", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + "definitionLinkOpensInPeek": EditorBooleanOption { + "defaultValue": false, + "id": 89, + "name": "definitionLinkOpensInPeek", + "schema": { + "default": false, + "defaultDefaultValue": false, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the Go to Definition mouse gesture always opens the peek widget.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + "disableLayerHinting": EditorBooleanOption { + "defaultValue": false, + "id": 32, + "name": "disableLayerHinting", + "schema": undefined, + }, + "disableMonospaceOptimizations": EditorBooleanOption { + "defaultValue": false, + "id": 33, + "name": "disableMonospaceOptimizations", + "schema": undefined, + }, + "domReadOnly": EditorBooleanOption { + "defaultValue": false, + "id": 34, + "name": "domReadOnly", + "schema": undefined, + }, + "dragAndDrop": EditorBooleanOption { + "defaultValue": true, + "id": 35, + "name": "dragAndDrop", + "schema": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the editor should allow moving selections via drag and drop.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + "dropIntoEditor": EditorDropIntoEditor { + "defaultValue": { + "enabled": true, + "showDropSelector": "afterDrop", + }, + "id": 36, + "name": "dropIntoEditor", + "schema": { + "editor.dropIntoEditor.enabled": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "markdownDescription": "Controls whether you can drag and drop a file into a text editor by holding down the `Shift` key (instead of opening the file in an editor).", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + "editor.dropIntoEditor.showDropSelector": { + "default": "afterDrop", + "defaultDefaultValue": "afterDrop", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "enum": [ + "afterDrop", + "never", + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "Show the drop selector widget after a file is dropped into the editor.", + "Never show the drop selector widget. Instead the default drop provider is always used.", + ], + "markdownDescription": "Controls if a widget is shown when dropping files into the editor. This widget lets you control how the file is dropped.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + }, + }, + "editorClassName": EditorClassName { + "defaultValue": undefined, + "id": 143, + "name": "_never_", + "schema": undefined, + }, + "emptySelectionClipboard": EditorEmptySelectionClipboard { + "defaultValue": true, + "id": 37, + "name": "emptySelectionClipboard", + "schema": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether copying without a selection copies the current line.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + "experimentalWhitespaceRendering": EditorStringEnumOption { + "_allowedValues": [ + "svg", + "font", + "off", + ], + "defaultValue": "svg", + "id": 38, + "name": "experimentalWhitespaceRendering", + "schema": { + "default": "svg", + "defaultDefaultValue": "svg", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether whitespace is rendered with a new, experimental method.", + "enum": [ + "svg", + "font", + "off", + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "Use a new rendering method with svgs.", + "Use a new rendering method with font characters.", + "Use the stable rendering method.", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + }, + "extraEditorClassName": EditorStringOption { + "defaultValue": "", + "id": 39, + "name": "extraEditorClassName", + "schema": undefined, + }, + "fastScrollSensitivity": EditorFloatOption { + "defaultValue": 5, + "id": 40, + "name": "fastScrollSensitivity", + "schema": { + "default": 5, + "defaultDefaultValue": 5, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "markdownDescription": "Scrolling speed multiplier when pressing `Alt`.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "number", + }, + "validationFn": [Function], + }, + "find": EditorFind { + "defaultValue": { + "addExtraSpaceOnTop": true, + "autoFindInSelection": "never", + "cursorMoveOnType": true, + "globalFindClipboard": false, + "loop": true, + "seedSearchStringFromSelection": "always", + }, + "id": 41, + "name": "find", + "schema": { + "editor.find.addExtraSpaceOnTop": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the Find Widget should add extra lines on top of the editor. When true, you can scroll beyond the first line when the Find Widget is visible.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + "editor.find.autoFindInSelection": { + "default": "never", + "defaultDefaultValue": "never", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls the condition for turning on Find in Selection automatically.", + "enum": [ + "never", + "always", + "multiline", + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "Never turn on Find in Selection automatically (default).", + "Always turn on Find in Selection automatically.", + "Turn on Find in Selection automatically when multiple lines of content are selected.", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + "editor.find.cursorMoveOnType": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the cursor should jump to find matches while typing.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + "editor.find.globalFindClipboard": { + "default": false, + "defaultDefaultValue": false, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the Find Widget should read or modify the shared find clipboard on macOS.", + "included": false, + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + "editor.find.loop": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the search automatically restarts from the beginning (or the end) when no further matches can be found.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + "editor.find.seedSearchStringFromSelection": { + "default": "always", + "defaultDefaultValue": "always", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the search string in the Find Widget is seeded from the editor selection.", + "enum": [ + "never", + "always", + "selection", + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "Never seed search string from the editor selection.", + "Always seed search string from the editor selection, including word at cursor position.", + "Only seed search string from the editor selection.", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + }, + }, + "fixedOverflowWidgets": EditorBooleanOption { + "defaultValue": false, + "id": 42, + "name": "fixedOverflowWidgets", + "schema": undefined, + }, + "folding": EditorBooleanOption { + "defaultValue": true, + "id": 43, + "name": "folding", + "schema": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the editor has code folding enabled.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + "foldingHighlight": EditorBooleanOption { + "defaultValue": true, + "id": 45, + "name": "foldingHighlight", + "schema": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the editor should highlight folded ranges.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + "foldingImportsByDefault": EditorBooleanOption { + "defaultValue": false, + "id": 46, + "name": "foldingImportsByDefault", + "schema": { + "default": false, + "defaultDefaultValue": false, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the editor automatically collapses import ranges.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + "foldingMaximumRegions": EditorIntOption { + "defaultValue": 5000, + "id": 47, + "maximum": 65000, + "minimum": 10, + "name": "foldingMaximumRegions", + "schema": { + "default": 5000, + "defaultDefaultValue": 5000, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "The maximum number of foldable regions. Increasing this value may result in the editor becoming less responsive when the current source has a large number of foldable regions.", + "maximum": 65000, + "minimum": 10, + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "integer", + }, + }, + "foldingStrategy": EditorStringEnumOption { + "_allowedValues": [ + "auto", + "indentation", + ], + "defaultValue": "auto", + "id": 44, + "name": "foldingStrategy", + "schema": { + "default": "auto", + "defaultDefaultValue": "auto", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls the strategy for computing folding ranges.", + "enum": [ + "auto", + "indentation", + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "Use a language-specific folding strategy if available, else the indentation-based one.", + "Use the indentation-based folding strategy.", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + }, + "fontFamily": EditorStringOption { + "defaultValue": "'Droid Sans Mono', 'monospace', monospace", + "id": 49, + "name": "fontFamily", + "schema": { + "default": "'Droid Sans Mono', 'monospace', monospace", + "defaultDefaultValue": "'Droid Sans Mono', 'monospace', monospace", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls the font family.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + }, + "fontInfo": EditorFontInfo { + "defaultValue": undefined, + "id": 50, + "name": "_never_", + "schema": undefined, + }, + "fontLigatures2": EditorFontLigatures { + "defaultValue": ""liga" off, "calt" off", + "id": 51, + "name": "fontLigatures", + "schema": { + "anyOf": [ + { + "description": "Enables/Disables font ligatures ('calt' and 'liga' font features). Change this to a string for fine-grained control of the 'font-feature-settings' CSS property.", + "type": "boolean", + }, + { + "description": "Explicit 'font-feature-settings' CSS property. A boolean can be passed instead if one only needs to turn on/off ligatures.", + "type": "string", + }, + ], + "default": false, + "defaultDefaultValue": false, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Configures font ligatures or font features. Can be either a boolean to enable/disable ligatures or a string for the value of the CSS 'font-feature-settings' property.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + }, + }, + "fontSize": EditorFontSize { + "defaultValue": 14, + "id": 52, + "name": "fontSize", + "schema": { + "default": 14, + "defaultDefaultValue": 14, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls the font size in pixels.", + "maximum": 100, + "minimum": 6, + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "number", + }, + }, + "fontVariations": EditorFontVariations { + "defaultValue": "normal", + "id": 54, + "name": "fontVariations", + "schema": { + "anyOf": [ + { + "description": "Enables/Disables the translation from font-weight to font-variation-settings. Change this to a string for fine-grained control of the 'font-variation-settings' CSS property.", + "type": "boolean", + }, + { + "description": "Explicit 'font-variation-settings' CSS property. A boolean can be passed instead if one only needs to translate font-weight to font-variation-settings.", + "type": "string", + }, + ], + "default": false, + "defaultDefaultValue": false, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Configures font variations. Can be either a boolean to enable/disable the translation from font-weight to font-variation-settings or a string for the value of the CSS 'font-variation-settings' property.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + }, + }, + "fontWeight": EditorFontWeight { + "defaultValue": "normal", + "id": 53, + "name": "fontWeight", + "schema": { + "anyOf": [ + { + "errorMessage": "Only "normal" and "bold" keywords or numbers between 1 and 1000 are allowed.", + "maximum": 1000, + "minimum": 1, + "type": "number", + }, + { + "pattern": "^(normal|bold|1000|[1-9][0-9]{0,2})$", + "type": "string", + }, + { + "enum": [ + "normal", + "bold", + "100", + "200", + "300", + "400", + "500", + "600", + "700", + "800", + "900", + ], + }, + ], + "default": "normal", + "defaultDefaultValue": "normal", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls the font weight. Accepts "normal" and "bold" keywords or numbers between 1 and 1000.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + }, + }, + "formatOnPaste": EditorBooleanOption { + "defaultValue": false, + "id": 55, + "name": "formatOnPaste", + "schema": { + "default": false, + "defaultDefaultValue": false, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the editor should automatically format the pasted content. A formatter must be available and the formatter should be able to format a range in a document.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + "formatOnType": EditorBooleanOption { + "defaultValue": false, + "id": 56, + "name": "formatOnType", + "schema": { + "default": false, + "defaultDefaultValue": false, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the editor should automatically format the line after typing.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + "glyphMargin": EditorBooleanOption { + "defaultValue": false, + "id": 57, + "name": "glyphMargin", + "schema": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the editor should render the vertical glyph margin. Glyph margin is mostly used for debugging.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + "gotoLocation": EditorGoToLocation { + "defaultValue": { + "alternativeDeclarationCommand": "editor.action.goToReferences", + "alternativeDefinitionCommand": "editor.action.goToReferences", + "alternativeImplementationCommand": "", + "alternativeReferenceCommand": "", + "alternativeTestsCommand": "", + "alternativeTypeDefinitionCommand": "editor.action.goToReferences", + "multiple": "peek", + "multipleDeclarations": "peek", + "multipleDefinitions": "peek", + "multipleImplementations": "peek", + "multipleReferences": "peek", + "multipleTests": "peek", + "multipleTypeDefinitions": "peek", + }, + "id": 58, + "name": "gotoLocation", + "schema": { + "editor.gotoLocation.alternativeDeclarationCommand": { + "default": "editor.action.goToReferences", + "defaultDefaultValue": "editor.action.goToReferences", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Alternative command id that is being executed when the result of 'Go to Declaration' is the current location.", + "enum": [ + "", + "editor.action.referenceSearch.trigger", + "editor.action.goToReferences", + "editor.action.peekImplementation", + "editor.action.goToImplementation", + "editor.action.peekTypeDefinition", + "editor.action.goToTypeDefinition", + "editor.action.peekDeclaration", + "editor.action.revealDeclaration", + "editor.action.peekDefinition", + "editor.action.revealDefinitionAside", + "editor.action.revealDefinition", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + "editor.gotoLocation.alternativeDefinitionCommand": { + "default": "editor.action.goToReferences", + "defaultDefaultValue": "editor.action.goToReferences", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Alternative command id that is being executed when the result of 'Go to Definition' is the current location.", + "enum": [ + "", + "editor.action.referenceSearch.trigger", + "editor.action.goToReferences", + "editor.action.peekImplementation", + "editor.action.goToImplementation", + "editor.action.peekTypeDefinition", + "editor.action.goToTypeDefinition", + "editor.action.peekDeclaration", + "editor.action.revealDeclaration", + "editor.action.peekDefinition", + "editor.action.revealDefinitionAside", + "editor.action.revealDefinition", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + "editor.gotoLocation.alternativeImplementationCommand": { + "default": "", + "defaultDefaultValue": "", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Alternative command id that is being executed when the result of 'Go to Implementation' is the current location.", + "enum": [ + "", + "editor.action.referenceSearch.trigger", + "editor.action.goToReferences", + "editor.action.peekImplementation", + "editor.action.goToImplementation", + "editor.action.peekTypeDefinition", + "editor.action.goToTypeDefinition", + "editor.action.peekDeclaration", + "editor.action.revealDeclaration", + "editor.action.peekDefinition", + "editor.action.revealDefinitionAside", + "editor.action.revealDefinition", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + "editor.gotoLocation.alternativeReferenceCommand": { + "default": "", + "defaultDefaultValue": "", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Alternative command id that is being executed when the result of 'Go to Reference' is the current location.", + "enum": [ + "", + "editor.action.referenceSearch.trigger", + "editor.action.goToReferences", + "editor.action.peekImplementation", + "editor.action.goToImplementation", + "editor.action.peekTypeDefinition", + "editor.action.goToTypeDefinition", + "editor.action.peekDeclaration", + "editor.action.revealDeclaration", + "editor.action.peekDefinition", + "editor.action.revealDefinitionAside", + "editor.action.revealDefinition", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + "editor.gotoLocation.alternativeTypeDefinitionCommand": { + "default": "editor.action.goToReferences", + "defaultDefaultValue": "editor.action.goToReferences", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Alternative command id that is being executed when the result of 'Go to Type Definition' is the current location.", + "enum": [ + "", + "editor.action.referenceSearch.trigger", + "editor.action.goToReferences", + "editor.action.peekImplementation", + "editor.action.goToImplementation", + "editor.action.peekTypeDefinition", + "editor.action.goToTypeDefinition", + "editor.action.peekDeclaration", + "editor.action.revealDeclaration", + "editor.action.peekDefinition", + "editor.action.revealDefinitionAside", + "editor.action.revealDefinition", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + "editor.gotoLocation.multiple": { + "default": null, + "defaultDefaultValue": undefined, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "deprecationMessage": "This setting is deprecated, please use separate settings like 'editor.editor.gotoLocation.multipleDefinitions' or 'editor.editor.gotoLocation.multipleImplementations' instead.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + }, + "editor.gotoLocation.multipleDeclarations": { + "default": "peek", + "defaultDefaultValue": "peek", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls the behavior the 'Go to Declaration'-command when multiple target locations exist.", + "enum": [ + "peek", + "gotoAndPeek", + "goto", + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "Show Peek view of the results (default)", + "Go to the primary result and show a Peek view", + "Go to the primary result and enable Peek-less navigation to others", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + "editor.gotoLocation.multipleDefinitions": { + "default": "peek", + "defaultDefaultValue": "peek", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls the behavior the 'Go to Definition'-command when multiple target locations exist.", + "enum": [ + "peek", + "gotoAndPeek", + "goto", + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "Show Peek view of the results (default)", + "Go to the primary result and show a Peek view", + "Go to the primary result and enable Peek-less navigation to others", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + "editor.gotoLocation.multipleImplementations": { + "default": "peek", + "defaultDefaultValue": "peek", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls the behavior the 'Go to Implementations'-command when multiple target locations exist.", + "enum": [ + "peek", + "gotoAndPeek", + "goto", + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "Show Peek view of the results (default)", + "Go to the primary result and show a Peek view", + "Go to the primary result and enable Peek-less navigation to others", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + "editor.gotoLocation.multipleReferences": { + "default": "peek", + "defaultDefaultValue": "peek", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls the behavior the 'Go to References'-command when multiple target locations exist.", + "enum": [ + "peek", + "gotoAndPeek", + "goto", + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "Show Peek view of the results (default)", + "Go to the primary result and show a Peek view", + "Go to the primary result and enable Peek-less navigation to others", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + "editor.gotoLocation.multipleTypeDefinitions": { + "default": "peek", + "defaultDefaultValue": "peek", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls the behavior the 'Go to Type Definition'-command when multiple target locations exist.", + "enum": [ + "peek", + "gotoAndPeek", + "goto", + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "Show Peek view of the results (default)", + "Go to the primary result and show a Peek view", + "Go to the primary result and enable Peek-less navigation to others", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + }, + }, + "hideCursorInOverviewRuler": EditorBooleanOption { + "defaultValue": false, + "id": 59, + "name": "hideCursorInOverviewRuler", + "schema": { + "default": false, + "defaultDefaultValue": false, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the cursor should be hidden in the overview ruler.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + "hover": EditorHover { + "defaultValue": { + "above": true, + "delay": 300, + "enabled": true, + "hidingDelay": 300, + "sticky": true, + }, + "id": 60, + "name": "hover", + "schema": { + "editor.hover.above": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Prefer showing hovers above the line, if there's space.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + "editor.hover.delay": { + "default": 300, + "defaultDefaultValue": 300, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls the delay in milliseconds after which the hover is shown.", + "maximum": 10000, + "minimum": 0, + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "number", + }, + "editor.hover.enabled": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the hover is shown.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + "editor.hover.hidingDelay": { + "default": 300, + "defaultDefaultValue": 300, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls the delay in milliseconds after which the hover is hidden. Requires `editor.hover.sticky` to be enabled.", + "minimum": 0, + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "integer", + }, + "editor.hover.sticky": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the hover should remain visible when mouse is moved over it.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + }, + "inDiffEditor": EditorBooleanOption { + "defaultValue": false, + "id": 61, + "name": "inDiffEditor", + "schema": undefined, + }, + "inlayHints": EditorInlayHints { + "defaultValue": { + "enabled": "on", + "fontFamily": "", + "fontSize": 0, + "padding": false, + }, + "id": 142, + "name": "inlayHints", + "schema": { + "editor.inlayHints.enabled": { + "default": "on", + "defaultDefaultValue": "on", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Enables the inlay hints in the editor.", + "enum": [ + "on", + "onUnlessPressed", + "offUnlessPressed", + "off", + ], + "markdownEnumDescriptions": [ + "Inlay hints are enabled", + "Inlay hints are showing by default and hide when holding Ctrl+Alt", + "Inlay hints are hidden by default and show when holding Ctrl+Alt", + "Inlay hints are disabled", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + "editor.inlayHints.fontFamily": { + "default": "", + "defaultDefaultValue": "", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "markdownDescription": "Controls font family of inlay hints in the editor. When set to empty, the `#editor.fontFamily#` is used.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + "editor.inlayHints.fontSize": { + "default": 0, + "defaultDefaultValue": 0, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "markdownDescription": "Controls font size of inlay hints in the editor. As default the `#editor.fontSize#` is used when the configured value is less than `5` or greater than the editor font size.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "number", + }, + "editor.inlayHints.padding": { + "default": false, + "defaultDefaultValue": false, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Enables the padding around the inlay hints in the editor.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + }, + "inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose": EditorBooleanOption { + "defaultValue": false, + "id": 150, + "name": "inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose", + "schema": { + "default": false, + "defaultDefaultValue": false, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the accessibility hint should be provided to screen reader users when an inline completion is shown.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + "inlineEdit": InlineEditorEdit { + "defaultValue": { + "enabled": false, + "fontFamily": "default", + "keepOnBlur": false, + "showToolbar": "onHover", + }, + "id": 63, + "name": "experimentalInlineEdit", + "schema": { + "editor.experimentalInlineEdit.enabled": { + "default": false, + "defaultDefaultValue": false, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether to show inline edits in the editor.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + "editor.experimentalInlineEdit.fontFamily": { + "default": "default", + "defaultDefaultValue": "default", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls the font family of the inline edit.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + "editor.experimentalInlineEdit.showToolbar": { + "default": "onHover", + "defaultDefaultValue": "onHover", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls when to show the inline edit toolbar.", + "enum": [ + "always", + "onHover", + "never", + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "Show the inline edit toolbar whenever an inline suggestion is shown.", + "Show the inline edit toolbar when hovering over an inline suggestion.", + "Never show the inline edit toolbar.", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + }, + }, + "inlineSuggest": InlineEditorSuggest { + "defaultValue": { + "enabled": true, + "fontFamily": "default", + "keepOnBlur": false, + "mode": "subwordSmart", + "showToolbar": "onHover", + "suppressSuggestions": false, + }, + "id": 62, + "name": "inlineSuggest", + "schema": { + "editor.inlineSuggest.enabled": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether to automatically show inline suggestions in the editor.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + "editor.inlineSuggest.fontFamily": { + "default": "default", + "defaultDefaultValue": "default", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls the font family of the inline suggestions.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + "editor.inlineSuggest.showToolbar": { + "default": "onHover", + "defaultDefaultValue": "onHover", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls when to show the inline suggestion toolbar.", + "enum": [ + "always", + "onHover", + "never", + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "Show the inline suggestion toolbar whenever an inline suggestion is shown.", + "Show the inline suggestion toolbar when hovering over an inline suggestion.", + "Never show the inline suggestion toolbar.", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + "editor.inlineSuggest.suppressSuggestions": { + "default": false, + "defaultDefaultValue": false, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls how inline suggestions interact with the suggest widget. If enabled, the suggest widget is not shown automatically when inline suggestions are available.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + }, + "layoutInfo": EditorLayoutInfoComputer { + "defaultValue": undefined, + "id": 146, + "name": "_never_", + "schema": undefined, + }, + "letterSpacing": EditorFloatOption { + "defaultValue": 0, + "id": 64, + "name": "letterSpacing", + "schema": { + "default": 0, + "defaultDefaultValue": 0, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls the letter spacing in pixels.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "number", + }, + "validationFn": [Function], + }, + "lightbulb": EditorLightbulb { + "defaultValue": { + "enabled": "onCode", + }, + "id": 65, + "name": "lightbulb", + "schema": { + "editor.lightbulb.enabled": { + "default": "onCode", + "defaultDefaultValue": "onCode", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Enables the Code Action lightbulb in the editor.", + "enum": [ + "off", + "onCode", + "on", + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "Disable the code action menu.", + "Show the code action menu when the cursor is on lines with code.", + "Show the code action menu when the cursor is on lines with code or on empty lines.", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "tags": [ + "experimental", + ], + "type": "string", + }, + }, + }, + "lineDecorationsWidth": EditorLineDecorationsWidth { + "defaultValue": 10, + "id": 66, + "name": "lineDecorationsWidth", + "schema": undefined, + }, + "lineHeight": EditorLineHeight { + "defaultValue": 0, + "id": 67, + "name": "lineHeight", + "schema": { + "default": 0, + "defaultDefaultValue": 0, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "markdownDescription": "Controls the line height. + - Use 0 to automatically compute the line height from the font size. + - Values between 0 and 8 will be used as a multiplier with the font size. + - Values greater than or equal to 8 will be used as effective values.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "number", + }, + "validationFn": [Function], + }, + "lineNumbers": EditorRenderLineNumbersOption { + "defaultValue": { + "renderFn": null, + "renderType": 1, + }, + "id": 68, + "name": "lineNumbers", + "schema": { + "default": "on", + "defaultDefaultValue": "on", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls the display of line numbers.", + "enum": [ + "off", + "on", + "relative", + "interval", + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "Line numbers are not rendered.", + "Line numbers are rendered as absolute number.", + "Line numbers are rendered as distance in lines to cursor position.", + "Line numbers are rendered every 10 lines.", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + }, + "lineNumbersMinChars": EditorIntOption { + "defaultValue": 5, + "id": 69, + "maximum": 300, + "minimum": 1, + "name": "lineNumbersMinChars", + "schema": undefined, + }, + "linkedEditing": EditorBooleanOption { + "defaultValue": false, + "id": 70, + "name": "linkedEditing", + "schema": { + "default": false, + "defaultDefaultValue": false, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the editor has linked editing enabled. Depending on the language, related symbols such as HTML tags, are updated while editing.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + "links": EditorBooleanOption { + "defaultValue": true, + "id": 71, + "name": "links", + "schema": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the editor should detect links and make them clickable.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + "matchBrackets": EditorStringEnumOption { + "_allowedValues": [ + "always", + "near", + "never", + ], + "defaultValue": "always", + "id": 72, + "name": "matchBrackets", + "schema": { + "default": "always", + "defaultDefaultValue": "always", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Highlight matching brackets.", + "enum": [ + "always", + "near", + "never", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + }, + "minimap": EditorMinimap { + "defaultValue": { + "autohide": false, + "enabled": true, + "maxColumn": 120, + "renderCharacters": true, + "scale": 1, + "sectionHeaderFontSize": 9, + "sectionHeaderLetterSpacing": 1, + "showMarkSectionHeaders": true, + "showRegionSectionHeaders": true, + "showSlider": "mouseover", + "side": "right", + "size": "proportional", + }, + "id": 73, + "name": "minimap", + "schema": { + "editor.minimap.autohide": { + "default": false, + "defaultDefaultValue": false, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the minimap is hidden automatically.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + "editor.minimap.enabled": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the minimap is shown.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + "editor.minimap.maxColumn": { + "default": 120, + "defaultDefaultValue": 120, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Limit the width of the minimap to render at most a certain number of columns.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "number", + }, + "editor.minimap.renderCharacters": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Render the actual characters on a line as opposed to color blocks.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + "editor.minimap.scale": { + "default": 1, + "defaultDefaultValue": 1, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Scale of content drawn in the minimap: 1, 2 or 3.", + "enum": [ + 1, + 2, + 3, + ], + "maximum": 3, + "minimum": 1, + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "number", + }, + "editor.minimap.sectionHeaderFontSize": { + "default": 9, + "defaultDefaultValue": 9, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls the font size of section headers in the minimap.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "number", + }, + "editor.minimap.sectionHeaderLetterSpacing": { + "default": 1, + "defaultDefaultValue": 1, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls the amount of space (in pixels) between characters of section header. This helps the readability of the header in small font sizes.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "number", + }, + "editor.minimap.showMarkSectionHeaders": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether MARK: comments are shown as section headers in the minimap.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + "editor.minimap.showRegionSectionHeaders": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether named regions are shown as section headers in the minimap.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + "editor.minimap.showSlider": { + "default": "mouseover", + "defaultDefaultValue": "mouseover", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls when the minimap slider is shown.", + "enum": [ + "always", + "mouseover", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + "editor.minimap.side": { + "default": "right", + "defaultDefaultValue": "right", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls the side where to render the minimap.", + "enum": [ + "left", + "right", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + "editor.minimap.size": { + "default": "proportional", + "defaultDefaultValue": "proportional", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls the size of the minimap.", + "enum": [ + "proportional", + "fill", + "fit", + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "The minimap has the same size as the editor contents (and might scroll).", + "The minimap will stretch or shrink as necessary to fill the height of the editor (no scrolling).", + "The minimap will shrink as necessary to never be larger than the editor (no scrolling).", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + }, + }, + "mouseStyle": EditorStringEnumOption { + "_allowedValues": [ + "text", + "default", + "copy", + ], + "defaultValue": "text", + "id": 74, + "name": "mouseStyle", + "schema": undefined, + }, + "mouseWheelScrollSensitivity": EditorFloatOption { + "defaultValue": 1, + "id": 75, + "name": "mouseWheelScrollSensitivity", + "schema": { + "default": 1, + "defaultDefaultValue": 1, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "markdownDescription": "A multiplier to be used on the `deltaX` and `deltaY` of mouse wheel scroll events.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "number", + }, + "validationFn": [Function], + }, + "mouseWheelZoom": EditorBooleanOption { + "defaultValue": false, + "id": 76, + "name": "mouseWheelZoom", + "schema": { + "default": false, + "defaultDefaultValue": false, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "markdownDescription": "Zoom the font of the editor when using mouse wheel and holding `Ctrl`.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + "multiCursorLimit": EditorIntOption { + "defaultValue": 10000, + "id": 80, + "maximum": 100000, + "minimum": 1, + "name": "multiCursorLimit", + "schema": { + "default": 10000, + "defaultDefaultValue": 10000, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "markdownDescription": "Controls the max number of cursors that can be in an active editor at once.", + "maximum": 100000, + "minimum": 1, + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "integer", + }, + }, + "multiCursorMergeOverlapping": EditorBooleanOption { + "defaultValue": true, + "id": 77, + "name": "multiCursorMergeOverlapping", + "schema": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Merge multiple cursors when they are overlapping.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + "multiCursorModifier": EditorEnumOption { + "_allowedValues": [ + "ctrlCmd", + "alt", + ], + "_convert": [Function], + "defaultValue": "altKey", + "id": 78, + "name": "multiCursorModifier", + "schema": { + "default": "alt", + "defaultDefaultValue": "alt", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "enum": [ + "ctrlCmd", + "alt", + ], + "markdownDescription": "The modifier to be used to add multiple cursors with the mouse. The Go to Definition and Open Link mouse gestures will adapt such that they do not conflict with the [multicursor modifier](", + "markdownEnumDescriptions": [ + "Maps to `Control` on Windows and Linux and to `Command` on macOS.", + "Maps to `Alt` on Windows and Linux and to `Option` on macOS.", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + }, + "multiCursorPaste": EditorStringEnumOption { + "_allowedValues": [ + "spread", + "full", + ], + "defaultValue": "spread", + "id": 79, + "name": "multiCursorPaste", + "schema": { + "default": "spread", + "defaultDefaultValue": "spread", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "enum": [ + "spread", + "full", + ], + "markdownDescription": "Controls pasting when the line count of the pasted text matches the cursor count.", + "markdownEnumDescriptions": [ + "Each cursor pastes a single line of the text.", + "Each cursor pastes the full text.", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + }, + "occurrencesHighlight": EditorStringEnumOption { + "_allowedValues": [ + "off", + "singleFile", + "multiFile", + ], + "defaultValue": "singleFile", + "id": 81, + "name": "occurrencesHighlight", + "schema": { + "default": "singleFile", + "defaultDefaultValue": "singleFile", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "enum": [ + "off", + "singleFile", + "multiFile", + ], + "markdownDescription": "Controls whether occurrences should be highlighted across open files.", + "markdownEnumDescriptions": [ + "Does not highlight occurrences.", + "Highlights occurrences only in the current file.", + "Experimental: Highlights occurrences across all valid open files.", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + }, + "overviewRulerBorder": EditorBooleanOption { + "defaultValue": true, + "id": 82, + "name": "overviewRulerBorder", + "schema": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether a border should be drawn around the overview ruler.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + "overviewRulerLanes": EditorIntOption { + "defaultValue": 2, + "id": 83, + "maximum": 3, + "minimum": 0, + "name": "overviewRulerLanes", + "schema": undefined, + }, + "padding": EditorPadding { + "defaultValue": { + "bottom": 0, + "top": 0, + }, + "id": 84, + "name": "padding", + "schema": { + "editor.padding.bottom": { + "default": 0, + "defaultDefaultValue": 0, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls the amount of space between the bottom edge of the editor and the last line.", + "maximum": 1000, + "minimum": 0, + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "number", + }, + "": { + "default": 0, + "defaultDefaultValue": 0, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls the amount of space between the top edge of the editor and the first line.", + "maximum": 1000, + "minimum": 0, + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "number", + }, + }, + }, + "parameterHints": EditorParameterHints { + "defaultValue": { + "cycle": true, + "enabled": true, + }, + "id": 86, + "name": "parameterHints", + "schema": { + "editor.parameterHints.cycle": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the parameter hints menu cycles or closes when reaching the end of the list.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + "editor.parameterHints.enabled": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Enables a pop-up that shows parameter documentation and type information as you type.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + }, + "pasteAs": EditorPasteAs { + "defaultValue": { + "enabled": true, + "showPasteSelector": "afterPaste", + }, + "id": 85, + "name": "pasteAs", + "schema": { + "editor.pasteAs.enabled": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "markdownDescription": "Controls whether you can paste content in different ways.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + "editor.pasteAs.showPasteSelector": { + "default": "afterPaste", + "defaultDefaultValue": "afterPaste", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "enum": [ + "afterPaste", + "never", + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "Show the paste selector widget after content is pasted into the editor.", + "Never show the paste selector widget. Instead the default pasting behavior is always used.", + ], + "markdownDescription": "Controls if a widget is shown when pasting content in to the editor. This widget lets you control how the file is pasted.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + }, + }, + "peekWidgetDefaultFocus": EditorStringEnumOption { + "_allowedValues": [ + "tree", + "editor", + ], + "defaultValue": "tree", + "id": 87, + "name": "peekWidgetDefaultFocus", + "schema": { + "default": "tree", + "defaultDefaultValue": "tree", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether to focus the inline editor or the tree in the peek widget.", + "enum": [ + "tree", + "editor", + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "Focus the tree when opening peek", + "Focus the editor when opening peek", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + }, + "pixelRatio": EditorPixelRatio { + "defaultValue": undefined, + "id": 144, + "name": "_never_", + "schema": undefined, + }, + "placeholder": PlaceholderOption { + "defaultValue": undefined, + "id": 88, + "name": "placeholder", + "schema": undefined, + }, + "quickSuggestions": EditorQuickSuggestions { + "defaultValue": { + "comments": "off", + "other": "on", + "strings": "off", + }, + "id": 90, + "name": "quickSuggestions", + "schema": { + "additionalProperties": false, + "default": { + "comments": "off", + "other": "on", + "strings": "off", + }, + "defaultDefaultValue": { + "comments": "off", + "other": "on", + "strings": "off", + }, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "markdownDescription": "Controls whether suggestions should automatically show up while typing. This can be controlled for typing in comments, strings, and other code. Quick suggestion can be configured to show as ghost text or with the suggest widget. Also be aware of the `#editor.suggestOnTriggerCharacters#`-setting which controls if suggestions are triggered by special characters.", + "properties": { + "comments": { + "anyOf": [ + { + "type": "boolean", + }, + { + "enum": [ + "on", + "inline", + "off", + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "Quick suggestions show inside the suggest widget", + "Quick suggestions show as ghost text", + "Quick suggestions are disabled", + ], + "type": "string", + }, + ], + "default": "off", + "description": "Enable quick suggestions inside comments.", + }, + "other": { + "anyOf": [ + { + "type": "boolean", + }, + { + "enum": [ + "on", + "inline", + "off", + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "Quick suggestions show inside the suggest widget", + "Quick suggestions show as ghost text", + "Quick suggestions are disabled", + ], + "type": "string", + }, + ], + "default": "on", + "description": "Enable quick suggestions outside of strings and comments.", + }, + "strings": { + "anyOf": [ + { + "type": "boolean", + }, + { + "enum": [ + "on", + "inline", + "off", + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "Quick suggestions show inside the suggest widget", + "Quick suggestions show as ghost text", + "Quick suggestions are disabled", + ], + "type": "string", + }, + ], + "default": "off", + "description": "Enable quick suggestions inside strings.", + }, + }, + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "object", + }, + }, + "quickSuggestionsDelay": EditorIntOption { + "defaultValue": 10, + "id": 91, + "maximum": 1073741824, + "minimum": 0, + "name": "quickSuggestionsDelay", + "schema": { + "default": 10, + "defaultDefaultValue": 10, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls the delay in milliseconds after which quick suggestions will show up.", + "maximum": 1073741824, + "minimum": 0, + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "integer", + }, + }, + "readOnly": EditorBooleanOption { + "defaultValue": false, + "id": 92, + "name": "readOnly", + 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Use multiple values for multiple rulers. No rulers are drawn if array is empty.", + "items": { + "anyOf": [ + { + "description": "Number of monospace characters at which this editor ruler will render.", + "type": "number", + }, + { + "properties": { + "color": { + "description": "Color of this editor ruler.", + "format": "color-hex", + "type": "string", + }, + "column": { + "description": "Number of monospace characters at which this editor ruler will render.", + "type": "number", + }, + }, + "type": [ + "object", + ], + }, + ], + }, + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "array", + }, + }, + "screenReaderAnnounceInlineSuggestion": EditorBooleanOption { + "defaultValue": true, + "id": 8, + "name": "screenReaderAnnounceInlineSuggestion", + "schema": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Control whether inline suggestions are announced by a screen reader.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "tags": [ + "accessibility", + ], + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + "scrollBeyondLastColumn": EditorIntOption { + "defaultValue": 4, + "id": 105, + "maximum": 1073741824, + "minimum": 0, + "name": "scrollBeyondLastColumn", + "schema": { + "default": 4, + "defaultDefaultValue": 4, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls the number of extra characters beyond which the editor will scroll horizontally.", + "maximum": 1073741824, + "minimum": 0, + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "integer", + }, + }, + "scrollBeyondLastLine": EditorBooleanOption { + "defaultValue": true, + "id": 106, + "name": "scrollBeyondLastLine", + "schema": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the editor will scroll beyond the last line.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + "scrollPredominantAxis": EditorBooleanOption { + "defaultValue": true, + "id": 107, + "name": "scrollPredominantAxis", + "schema": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Scroll only along the predominant axis when scrolling both vertically and horizontally at the same time. Prevents horizontal drift when scrolling vertically on a trackpad.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + "scrollbar": EditorScrollbar { + "defaultValue": { + "alwaysConsumeMouseWheel": true, + "arrowSize": 11, + "handleMouseWheel": true, + "horizontal": 1, + "horizontalHasArrows": false, + "horizontalScrollbarSize": 12, + "horizontalSliderSize": 12, + "ignoreHorizontalScrollbarInContentHeight": false, + "scrollByPage": false, + "useShadows": true, + "vertical": 1, + "verticalHasArrows": false, + "verticalScrollbarSize": 14, + "verticalSliderSize": 14, + }, + "id": 104, + "name": "scrollbar", + "schema": { + "editor.scrollbar.horizontal": { + "default": "auto", + "defaultDefaultValue": "auto", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls the visibility of the horizontal scrollbar.", + "enum": [ + "auto", + "visible", + "hidden", + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "The horizontal scrollbar will be visible only when necessary.", + "The horizontal scrollbar will always be visible.", + "The horizontal scrollbar will always be hidden.", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + "editor.scrollbar.horizontalScrollbarSize": { + "default": 12, + "defaultDefaultValue": 12, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "The height of the horizontal scrollbar.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "number", + }, + "editor.scrollbar.ignoreHorizontalScrollbarInContentHeight": { + "default": false, + "defaultDefaultValue": false, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "When set, the horizontal scrollbar will not increase the size of the editor's content.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + "editor.scrollbar.scrollByPage": { + "default": false, + "defaultDefaultValue": false, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether clicks scroll by page or jump to click position.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + "editor.scrollbar.vertical": { + "default": "auto", + "defaultDefaultValue": "auto", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls the visibility of the vertical scrollbar.", + "enum": [ + "auto", + "visible", + "hidden", + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "The vertical scrollbar will be visible only when necessary.", + "The vertical scrollbar will always be visible.", + "The vertical scrollbar will always be hidden.", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + "editor.scrollbar.verticalScrollbarSize": { + "default": 14, + "defaultDefaultValue": 14, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "The width of the vertical scrollbar.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "number", + }, + }, + }, + "selectOnLineNumbers": EditorBooleanOption { + "defaultValue": true, + "id": 110, + "name": "selectOnLineNumbers", + "schema": undefined, + }, + "selectionClipboard": EditorBooleanOption { + "defaultValue": true, + "id": 108, + "name": "selectionClipboard", + "schema": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the Linux primary clipboard should be supported.", + "included": true, + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + "selectionHighlight": EditorBooleanOption { + "defaultValue": true, + "id": 109, + "name": "selectionHighlight", + "schema": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the editor should highlight matches similar to the selection.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + "showDeprecated": EditorBooleanOption { + "defaultValue": true, + "id": 141, + "name": "showDeprecated", + "schema": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls strikethrough deprecated variables.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + "showFoldingControls": EditorStringEnumOption { + "_allowedValues": [ + "always", + "never", + "mouseover", + ], + "defaultValue": "mouseover", + "id": 111, + "name": "showFoldingControls", + "schema": { + "default": "mouseover", + "defaultDefaultValue": "mouseover", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls when the folding controls on the gutter are shown.", + "enum": [ + "always", + "never", + "mouseover", + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "Always show the folding controls.", + "Never show the folding controls and reduce the gutter size.", + "Only show the folding controls when the mouse is over the gutter.", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + 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"Whether subwords (like 'foo' in 'fooBar' or 'foo_bar') should be selected.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + }, + "smoothScrolling": EditorBooleanOption { + "defaultValue": false, + "id": 115, + "name": "smoothScrolling", + "schema": { + "default": false, + "defaultDefaultValue": false, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether the editor will scroll using an animation.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + "snippetSuggestions": EditorStringEnumOption { + "_allowedValues": [ + "top", + "bottom", + "inline", + "none", + ], + "defaultValue": "inline", + "id": 113, + "name": "snippetSuggestions", + "schema": { + "default": "inline", + "defaultDefaultValue": "inline", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether snippets are shown with other suggestions and how they are sorted.", + "enum": [ + "top", + "bottom", + 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If the outline model does not exist, it will fall back on the folding provider model which falls back on the indentation model. This order is respected in all three cases.", + "enum": [ + "outlineModel", + "foldingProviderModel", + "indentationModel", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + "editor.stickyScroll.enabled": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Shows the nested current scopes during the scroll at the top of the editor.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "tags": [ + "experimental", + ], + "type": "boolean", + }, + "editor.stickyScroll.maxLineCount": { + "default": 5, + "defaultDefaultValue": 5, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Defines the maximum number of sticky lines to show.", + "maximum": 20, + "minimum": 1, + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "number", + }, + "editor.stickyScroll.scrollWithEditor": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Enable scrolling of Sticky Scroll with the editor's horizontal scrollbar.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + }, + "stickyTabStops": EditorBooleanOption { + "defaultValue": false, + "id": 117, + "name": "stickyTabStops", + "schema": { + "default": false, + "defaultDefaultValue": false, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Emulate selection behavior of tab characters when using spaces for indentation. Selection will stick to tab stops.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + }, + "stopRenderingLineAfter": EditorIntOption { + "defaultValue": 10000, + "id": 118, + "maximum": 1073741824, + "minimum": -1, + "name": "stopRenderingLineAfter", + "schema": undefined, + }, + "suggest": EditorSuggest { + "defaultValue": { + "filterGraceful": true, + "insertMode": "insert", + "localityBonus": false, + "matchOnWordStartOnly": true, + "preview": false, + "previewMode": "subwordSmart", + "selectionMode": "always", + "shareSuggestSelections": false, + "showClasses": true, + "showColors": true, + "showConstants": true, + "showConstructors": true, + "showDeprecated": true, + "showEnumMembers": true, + "showEnums": true, + "showEvents": true, + "showFields": true, + "showFiles": true, + "showFolders": true, + "showFunctions": true, + "showIcons": true, + "showInlineDetails": true, + "showInterfaces": true, + "showIssues": true, + "showKeywords": true, + "showMethods": true, + "showModules": true, + "showOperators": true, + "showProperties": true, + "showReferences": true, + "showSnippets": true, + "showStatusBar": false, + "showStructs": true, + "showTypeParameters": true, + "showUnits": true, + "showUsers": true, + "showValues": true, + "showVariables": true, + "showWords": true, + "snippetsPreventQuickSuggestions": false, + }, + "id": 119, + "name": "suggest", + "schema": { + "editor.suggest.filterGraceful": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether filtering and sorting suggestions accounts for small typos.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + "editor.suggest.filteredTypes": { + "default": {}, + "defaultDefaultValue": undefined, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "deprecationMessage": "This setting is deprecated, please use separate settings like 'editor.suggest.showKeywords' or 'editor.suggest.showSnippets' instead.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "object", + }, + "editor.suggest.insertMode": { + "default": "insert", + "defaultDefaultValue": "insert", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether words are overwritten when accepting completions. Note that this depends on extensions opting into this feature.", + "enum": [ + "insert", + "replace", + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "Insert suggestion without overwriting text right of the cursor.", + "Insert suggestion and overwrite text right of the cursor.", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + "editor.suggest.localityBonus": { + "default": false, + "defaultDefaultValue": false, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether sorting favors words that appear close to the cursor.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + "editor.suggest.matchOnWordStartOnly": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "markdownDescription": "When enabled IntelliSense filtering requires that the first character matches on a word start. For example, `c` on `Console` or `WebContext` but _not_ on `description`. When disabled IntelliSense will show more results but still sorts them by match quality.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + "editor.suggest.maxVisibleSuggestions": { + "default": 0, + "defaultDefaultValue": undefined, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "deprecationMessage": "This setting is deprecated. The suggest widget can now be resized.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "number", + }, + "editor.suggest.preview": { + "default": false, + "defaultDefaultValue": false, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "description": "Controls whether to preview the suggestion outcome in the editor.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + "editor.suggest.selectionMode": { + "default": "always", + "defaultDefaultValue": "always", + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "enum": [ + "always", + "never", + "whenTriggerCharacter", + "whenQuickSuggestion", + ], + "enumDescriptions": [ + "Always select a suggestion when automatically triggering IntelliSense.", + "Never select a suggestion when automatically triggering IntelliSense.", + "Select a suggestion only when triggering IntelliSense from a trigger character.", + "Select a suggestion only when triggering IntelliSense as you type.", + ], + "markdownDescription": "Controls whether a suggestion is selected when the widget shows. Note that this only applies to automatically triggered suggestions (`#editor.quickSuggestions#` and `#editor.suggestOnTriggerCharacters#`) and that a suggestion is always selected when explicitly invoked, e.g via `Ctrl+Space`.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + "editor.suggest.shareSuggestSelections": { + "default": false, + "defaultDefaultValue": false, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "markdownDescription": "Controls whether remembered suggestion selections are shared between multiple workspaces and windows (needs `#editor.suggestSelection#`).", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + "editor.suggest.showClasses": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "markdownDescription": "When enabled IntelliSense shows `class`-suggestions.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + 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widget.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + "editor.suggest.showInterfaces": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "markdownDescription": "When enabled IntelliSense shows `interface`-suggestions.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + "editor.suggest.showIssues": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "markdownDescription": "When enabled IntelliSense shows `issues`-suggestions.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + "editor.suggest.showKeywords": { + "default": true, + "defaultDefaultValue": true, + "defaultValueSource": undefined, + "markdownDescription": "When enabled IntelliSense shows `keyword`-suggestions.", + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "boolean", + }, + "editor.suggest.showMethods": { + 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This is a fast algorithm that works correctly for monospace fonts and certain scripts (like Latin characters) where glyphs are of equal width.", + "Delegates wrapping points computation to the browser. This is a slow algorithm, that might cause freezes for large files, but it works correctly in all cases.", + ], + "restricted": false, + "scope": 5, + "source": undefined, + "type": "string", + }, + }, + }, + }, + "EditorType": { + "ICodeEditor": "vs.editor.ICodeEditor", + "IDiffEditor": "vs.editor.IDiffEditor", + }, + "EditorZoom": { + "_onDidChangeZoomLevel": Emitter { + "_deliveryQueue": undefined, + "_event": [Function], + "_leakageMon": undefined, + "_options": undefined, + "_perfMon": undefined, + "_size": 0, + }, + "_zoomLevel": 0, + "onDidChangeZoomLevel": [Function], + }, + "EndOfLinePreference": { + "0": "TextDefined", + "1": "LF", + "2": "CRLF", + "CRLF": 2, + "LF": 1, + "TextDefined": 0, + }, + "EndOfLineSequence": { + "0": "LF", + "1": "CRLF", + "CRLF": 1, + "LF": 0, + }, + "FindMatch": [Function], + "FontInfo": [Function], + "GlyphMarginLane": { + "1": "Left", + "2": "Center", + "3": "Right", + "Center": 2, + "Left": 1, + "Right": 3, + }, + "InjectedTextCursorStops": { + 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