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173 lines (108 loc) · 4.83 KB

Day 2


Part 1

Input file is comma separated list of integers.

Each instruction is 4 integers: [opcode, address_of_first_operance, address_of_second_operand, address_for_result]. Exception: opcode 99 has no parameters/address.

Opcode 1 => add operands Opcode 2 => multiply operands Opcode 99=> stop

Skip forward 4 integers after each instruction (exception: opcode==99).

Test cases:

1,0,0,0,99 becomes 2,0,0,0,99 (1 + 1 = 2). 2,3,0,3,99 becomes 2,3,0,6,99 (3 * 2 = 6). 2,4,4,5,99,0 becomes 2,4,4,5,99,9801 (99 * 99 = 9801). 1,1,1,4,99,5,6,0,99 becomes 30,1,1,4,2,5,6,0,99.

Actual input:

Before running, replace input[1] with 12, and input[2] with 2 (note: zero-indexed). Result is at input[0].

Part 2

Define “verb” as input[1], “noun” as input[2], and find verb/noun values in 0...99 that yields 19690720. Result is 100 * noun + verb.

Day 5


Part 1

New opcodes

Opcode 3 => store integer input at address of operand Opcode 4 => output value at address of operand

Note: opcodes 3 & 4 increment instruction pointer by 2


mode 0 (position mode) as above.

mode 1 => immediate mode; value of operand is used

Instruction is modes then opcode. Leading zeros dropped. Modes are rtl. e.g.:


DE - two-digit opcode,      02 == opcode 2
 C - mode of 1st parameter,  0 == position mode
 B - mode of 2nd parameter,  1 == immediate mode
 A - mode of 3rd parameter,  0 == position mode,
                                  omitted due to being a leading zero

Integers can be negative.

Actual input

Use input value of 1. Run provided input, and get the output value.

Part 2


5Jump if true: If first operand != 0, set instruction pointer to second operand
6Jump if false: If first operand == 0, set instruction pointer to second operand
7less than: if first operand < second operand, store 1 in address given in third parameter else store 0
8equals: if first operand == second operand, store 1 in address given in third parameter else store 0

Only auto-increment instruction pointer if instruction doesn’t set it.

Test cases:

Here are some jump tests that take an input, then output 0 if the input was zero or 1 if the input was non-zero:

3,12,6,12,15,1,13,14,13,4,13,99,-1,0,1,9 (using position mode) 3,3,1105,-1,9,1101,0,0,12,4,12,99,1 (using immediate mode) Here’s a larger example:

3,21,1008,21,8,20,1005,20,22,107,8,21,20,1006,20,31, 1106,0,36,98,0,0,1002,21,125,20,4,20,1105,1,46,104, 999,1105,1,46,1101,1000,1,20,4,20,1105,1,46,98,99 The above example program uses an input instruction to ask for a single number. The program will then output 999 if the input value is below 8, output 1000 if the input value is equal to 8, or output 1001 if the input value is greater than 8.

Actual input

Input value of 5, get output.

Day 7

Part 1

5 amplifiers (i.e. intcode computers) in series.

5 phases - one for each amplifier - from 0…4. No repetition.

2 values provided as inputs: phase, then input value. For first amplifier, input value is 0. For others, input is output from previous amplifier.

Test cases:

Max thruster signal 43210 (from phase setting sequence 4,3,2,1,0):

3,15,3,16,1002,16,10,16,1,16,15,15,4,15,99,0,0 Max thruster signal 54321 (from phase setting sequence 0,1,2,3,4):

3,23,3,24,1002,24,10,24,1002,23,-1,23, 101,5,23,23,1,24,23,23,4,23,99,0,0 Max thruster signal 65210 (from phase setting sequence 1,0,4,3,2):

3,31,3,32,1002,32,10,32,1001,31,-2,31,1007,31,0,33, 1002,33,7,33,1,33,31,31,1,32,31,31,4,31,99,0,0,0

Actual input

Find max output.

Part 2

Feedback loop: output of final amplifier goes to input of first amplifier.

Phases 5…9.

Repeat until all amplifiers stop (don’t restart any)

Actual input

Input value for first amplifier is 0. Get maximum signal.

Day 9

Part 1

Available memory much larger than initial programme.

Support for large numbers.


mode 2 => relative mode. Operand is at address of parameter + relative base (initial value: 0).


9 => adjust relative base by adding value of only operand.

Test cases:

109,1,204,-1,1001,100,1,100,1008,100,16,101,1006,101,0,99 takes no input and produces a copy of itself as output. 1102,34915192,34915192,7,4,7,99,0 should output a 16-digit number. 104,1125899906842624,99 should output the large number in the middle.