This repository can be used to visualize objects of KITTI in camera image, point cloud and bird's eye view. It can be adapted to visualize objects in other point cloud datasets.
- Python >= 3.7 (Anaconda is recommended!)
- Download the repository
(base)$ git clone
(base)$ cd Visualize-KITTI-Objects-in-Videos
- Create a new environment
(base)$ conda create -n pointcloud python=3.7 # note that, the vtk is incompatible with Python 3.8
(base)$ conda activate pointcloud
- Install required packages
(pointcloud)$ pip install opencv-python
(pointcloud)$ pip install pillow
(pointcloud)$ pip install scipy
(pointcloud)$ conda install mayavi -c conda-forge
I use Anaconda with Python 3.8 on Ubuntu 20.04 for running the code!
- Download KITTI tracking data, including
left color images
,camera calibration
andtraining labels
. - Unzip all the downloaded files.
- Remove
subfolder in each folder, and re-organize each folder as follows
--- [label_2]
--- {0000-0020}.txt
--- [calib]
--- {0000-0020}.txt
--- [image_2]
--- [0000-0020] folders with .png images
--- [velodyne]
--- [0000-0020] folders with .bin files
If you don't want to download the dataset, a smaller version in root_path_to_this_repo/data/KITTI/
is provided in this repository with a simplified seuqnece (sequence 0001
). You can also refer this to prepare the dataset.
usage: [-h] [--dataset_path DATASET_PATH]
[--sequence_id SEQUENCE_ID]
[--vis_data_type {camera,pointcloud,bev}] [--fov]
[--vis_box] [--box_type {2d,3d}] [--save_img]
[--save_path SAVE_PATH]
Visualize KITTI Objects in Videos
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--dataset_path DATASET_PATH
the path to KITTI, a default dataset is provided
--sequence_id SEQUENCE_ID
the id of sequence to visualize
--vis_data_type {camera,pointcloud,bev}
show object in camera, pointcloud or birds eye view
--fov only show front view of pointcloud
--vis_box show object box or not
--box_type {2d,3d} designed for visualization in camera, show 2d or 3d
object box
--save_img save visualization result or not
--save_path SAVE_PATH
path to save visualization result
- Visualize objects using 2D box in camera in a video
(pointcloud)$ python --dataset_path=path_to_KITTI --sequence_id=0 --vis_data_type='camera' --vis_box --box_type='2d'
- Visualize objects using 3D box in camera in a video, and save the visualization to images
(pointcloud)$ python --dataset_path=path_to_KITTI --sequence_id=0 --vis_data_type='camera' --vis_box --box_type='3d' --save_img
- Visualize objects in point cloud in a video
(pointcloud)$ python --dataset_path=path_to_KITTI --sequence_id=0 --vis_data_type='pointcloud' --vis_box
- Visualize objects in point cloud in a video in front camera view, and save visualization to images
(pointcloud)$ python --dataset_path=path_to_KITTI --sequence_id=0 --vis_data_type='pointcloud' --fov --vis_box --save_img
- Visualize objects in bird's eye view in a video
(pointcloud)$ python --dataset_path=path_to_KITTI --sequence_id=0 --vis_data_type='bev' --vis_box
Questions and comments are welcomed!