There’s an instance of Lockee running on
Seen those luggage lockers at the railway station? It’s like that, but for files.
Tag your locker, select a file from your device, and enter a passphrase.
To retrieve a stored file, go to
and enter your passphrase.
Lockers are anonymous and passphrase protected. No personal information is required or collected. Files put in lockers are encrypted on your device before being sent securely to the server.
Lockee is Free and Open Source software. You can see the source code and even run your own instance. Questions or comments? Contact Hylke Bons.
git clone
cd Lockee/
npm install
npm start
By default, Lockee is accessible on http://localhost:3000/
. You can change this, as well as other configuration options, in config.json.
You can use, modify, and redistribute Lockee under the terms of the AGPLv3, given that you change the software’s visible name and logo.
There are different ways you can help, and you don't need to code to contribute. Current important to do items:
- Safari support
- Security review
- Accessibility review
- Mobile CSS
- More file type icons
- More cover photos (Creative Commons licensed work)
All contributions are appreciated!