The code is conducted under the following environment:
- Ubuntu 18.04
- Python 3.6.10
- PyTorch 1.8.1
- CUDA 10.2
You can create the environment as follows:
conda env create -f requirements.yaml
The Human3.6M dataset and HumanEva dataset setting follow the VideoPose3D. Please refer to it to set up the Human3.6M dataset (under ./data directory).
The MPI-INF-3DHP dataset setting follows the MMPose. Please refer it to set up the MPI-INF-3DHP dataset (also under ./data directory).
Then run the command below (evaluate on 243 frames input):
python -k gt -c <checkpoint_path> --evaluate <checkpoint_file> -f 243 -s 243
Training on the 243 frames with two GPUs:
python -k gt -f 243 -s 243 -l log/run -c checkpoint -gpu 0,1
Thanks for the baselines, we construct the code based on them:
- VideoPose3D
- SimpleBaseline