An Ansible role to manage system groups, system users, users authorized keys, and sudo specifications.
# list of system groups
users_profiles__groups: []
## group name
# - name: string
## OPTIONAL: if set to true, group is removed from host
# disabled: bool
## OPTIONAL: group id
# gid: int
## OPTIONAL: system group flag
# system: bool
# list of system users
users_profiles__list: []
## user name
# - name: string
## OPTIONAL: should specified groups be appended
# append: bool
## OPTIONAL: list of users authorized keys
# authorized_keys: [ {
## authorized key
# - key: string
## OPTIONAL: should be authorized key exclusive
# exclusive: boolean
## OPTIONAL: ssh key options
# key_options: string
## OPTIONAL: should directory containing authorized_keys file be managed by ansible
# manage_dir: boolean
## OPTIONAL: if set to true, authorized key is removed
# disabled: boolean
# } ]
## OPTIONAL: user description (GECOS)
# comment: string
## OPTIONAL: should be home directory created if it does not exists
# createhome: bool
## OPTIONAL: user expiration time
# expires: date
## OPTIONAL: should user removal be forced
# force: bool
## OPTIONAL: primary user group
# group: string
## OPTIONAL: list of additional user groups, all groups are removed if empty
# groups: [ string ]
## OPTIONAL: user home directory
# home: string
## OPTIONAL: group of user home directory
# home_group: string
## OPTIONAL: access mode of user home directory
# home_mode: string
## OPTIONAL: owener of user home directory
# home_owner: string
## OPTIONAL: should be user home directory moved, if it's location differs
# move_home: bool
## OPTIONAL: user password
# password: string
## OPTIONAL: should be user home directory removed, when user is removed
# remove: bool
## OPTIONAL: user's default shell
# shell: string
## OPTIONAL: skeleton for home directory creation
# skeleton: string
## OPTIONAL: list of users sudo specifications, if set to empty list specifications are removed
# sudo: [ {
## specification host(s), mutiple values are concatenated with comma
# - host: string | [ string ]
## OPTIONAL: specification operator(s), mutiple values are concatenated with comma
# operator: string | [ string ]
## OPTIONAL: specification tag(s), mutiple values are concatenated with colon
# tag: string | [ string ]
## specification command(s), mutiple values are concatenated with comma
# command: string | [ string ]
# } ]
## OPTIONAL: system user flag
# system: bool
## OPTIONAL: user id
# uid: int
## OPTIONAL: password update behavior
# update_password: bool
## OPTIONAL: should be SSH key generated, if the isn't one
# generate_ssh_key: bool
## OPTIONAL: bit lenght of generated SSH key
# ssh_key_bits: int
## OPTIONAL: comment for generated SSH key
# ssh_key_comment: string
## OPTIONAL: location of file containing generated SSH key
# ssh_key_file: string
## OPTIONAL: passphrase used to encrypt generated SSH key
# ssh_key_passphrase: string
## OPTIONAL: type of generated SSH key
# ssh_key_type: string
## OPTIONAL: if set to true, user is removed from host
# disabled: bool
# default value for exclusive option of authrozied keys
users_profiles__authorized_keys_default_exclusive: false
# default value for manage_dir option of authorized keys
users_profiles__authorized_keys_default_manage_dir: true
# prefix to prepend to filenames of files located in sudo configuration dropins directory
users_profiles__sudo_prefix: ""
# suffix to append to filenames of files located in sudo configuration dropins directory
users_profiles__sudo_suffix: ""
# list of default groups for all users managed by role
# to ignore these for selected user, that must have set option "append" to false in it's specification
users_profiles__users_default_groups_list: []
# should be default groups appended to potential existing user's group
users_profiles__users_default_groups_append: true
- tomashavlas.pre-users_profiles
- tomashavlas.authorized_keys
- tomashavlas.sudo
- tomashavlas.system_groups
- tomashavlas.system_users
- hosts: all
- role: "tomashavlas.users_profiles"
- name: "sshusers"
- name: "remoteuser"
- "sshusers"
For more examples see test cases.
Created by Tomáš Havlas in 2016.