Released: Unreleased
Added user prefix to Ansible roles. [tomashavlas]
Enclosed strings into double-quotes instead of single-quotes. [tomashavlas]
Replaced default() jinja filter with it's shorter alias d(). [tomashavlas]
Refactored tests. [tomashavlas]
Released: 2016-07-08
Refactored tests. [tomashavlas]
Tagged tasks. [tomashavlas]
Refactored tasks names. [tomashavlas]
Replaced boolean string representations ('yes','true'/'no','false') with boolean values (true/false). [tomashavlas]
Released: 2016-06-30
Updated minimal Ansible version to
. [tomashavlas] -
Replaced single line conditions with
filter. [tomashavlas]
Released: 2016-06-24
- First public release [tomashavlas]