Configuring library for haskell-language-server- Preprocessing library for haskell-language-server- Building library for haskell-language-server- [ 1 of 20] Compiling Ide.Logger ( src/Ide/Logger.hs, dist/build/Ide/Logger.o, dist/build/Ide/Logger.dyn_o ) [ 2 of 20] Compiling Ide.Plugin.Config ( src/Ide/Plugin/Config.hs, dist/build/Ide/Plugin/Config.o, dist/build/Ide/Plugin/Config.dyn_o ) [ 3 of 20] Compiling Ide.PluginUtils ( src/Ide/PluginUtils.hs, dist/build/Ide/PluginUtils.o, dist/build/Ide/PluginUtils.dyn_o ) [ 4 of 20] Compiling Ide.Types ( src/Ide/Types.hs, dist/build/Ide/Types.o, dist/build/Ide/Types.dyn_o ) [ 5 of 20] Compiling Ide.Plugin.Formatter ( src/Ide/Plugin/Formatter.hs, dist/build/Ide/Plugin/Formatter.o, dist/build/Ide/Plugin/Formatter.dyn_o ) [ 6 of 20] Compiling Ide.Plugin.StylishHaskell ( src/Ide/Plugin/StylishHaskell.hs, dist/build/Ide/Plugin/StylishHaskell.o, dist/build/Ide/Plugin/StylishHaskell.dyn_o ) [ 7 of 20] Compiling Ide.Plugin.Ormolu ( src/Ide/Plugin/Ormolu.hs, dist/build/Ide/Plugin/Ormolu.o, dist/build/Ide/Plugin/Ormolu.dyn_o ) src/Ide/Plugin/Ormolu.hs:64:16: warning: [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘df’ shadows the existing binding bound at src/Ide/Plugin/Ormolu.hs:61:7 | 64 | Just df -> fromDyn df | ^^ [ 8 of 20] Compiling Ide.Plugin.Fourmolu ( src/Ide/Plugin/Fourmolu.hs, dist/build/Ide/Plugin/Fourmolu.o, dist/build/Ide/Plugin/Fourmolu.dyn_o ) src/Ide/Plugin/Fourmolu.hs:64:16: warning: [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘df’ shadows the existing binding bound at src/Ide/Plugin/Fourmolu.hs:61:7 | 64 | Just df -> fromDyn df | ^^ [ 9 of 20] Compiling Ide.Plugin.Floskell ( src/Ide/Plugin/Floskell.hs, dist/build/Ide/Plugin/Floskell.o, dist/build/Ide/Plugin/Floskell.dyn_o ) [10 of 20] Compiling Ide.Plugin.Brittany ( src/Ide/Plugin/Brittany.hs, dist/build/Ide/Plugin/Brittany.o, dist/build/Ide/Plugin/Brittany.dyn_o ) [11 of 20] Compiling Ide.Plugin ( src/Ide/Plugin.hs, dist/build/Ide/Plugin.o, dist/build/Ide/Plugin.dyn_o ) src/Ide/Plugin.hs:96:36: warning: [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘pid’ shadows the existing binding bound at src/Ide/Plugin.hs:88:15 | 96 | = maker $ concatMap (\(pid, p) -> justs (pid, selector p)) ls | ^^^ src/Ide/Plugin.hs:121:56: warning: [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘range’ shadows the existing binding imported from ‘Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens’ at src/Ide/Plugin.hs:47:1-90 | 121 | makeCodeAction cas lf ideState (CodeActionParams docId range context _) = do | ^^^^^ src/Ide/Plugin.hs:121:62: warning: [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘context’ shadows the existing binding imported from ‘Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens’ at src/Ide/Plugin.hs:47:1-90 | 121 | makeCodeAction cas lf ideState (CodeActionParams docId range context _) = do | ^^^^^^^ src/Ide/Plugin.hs:125:9: warning: [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘actions’ shadows the existing binding imported from ‘Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens’ at src/Ide/Plugin.hs:47:1-90 | 125 | let actions = filter wasRequested . concat $ map unL $ rights r | ^^^^^^^ src/Ide/Plugin.hs:138:33: warning: [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘cmd’ shadows the existing binding imported from ‘Development.Shake’ at src/Ide/Plugin.hs:37:1-65 (and originally defined in ‘Development.Shake.Command’) | 138 | wrapCodeAction _ (CACommand cmd) = return $ Just (CACommand cmd) | ^^^ src/Ide/Plugin.hs:139:39: warning: [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘action’ shadows the existing binding imported from ‘Development.Shake’ at src/Ide/Plugin.hs:37:1-65 (and originally defined in ‘shake-0.19.1:Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules’) | 139 | wrapCodeAction caps (CACodeAction action) = do | ^^^^^^ src/Ide/Plugin.hs:147:13: warning: [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘cmd’ shadows the existing binding imported from ‘Development.Shake’ at src/Ide/Plugin.hs:37:1-65 (and originally defined in ‘Development.Shake.Command’) | 147 | cmd <- mkLspCommand "hls" "fallbackCodeAction" (action ^. title) (Just cmdParams) | ^^^ src/Ide/Plugin.hs:180:30: warning: [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘params’ shadows the existing binding imported from ‘Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens’ at src/Ide/Plugin.hs:47:1-90 | 180 | makeCodeLens cas lf ideState params = do | ^^^^^^ src/Ide/Plugin.hs:220:18: warning: [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘command’ shadows the existing binding imported from ‘Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens’ at src/Ide/Plugin.hs:47:1-90 | 220 | [plugin, command] -> Just (PluginId plugin, CommandId command) | ^^^^^^^ src/Ide/Plugin.hs:221:21: warning: [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘command’ shadows the existing binding imported from ‘Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens’ at src/Ide/Plugin.hs:47:1-90 | 221 | [_, plugin, command] -> Just (PluginId plugin, CommandId command) | ^^^^^^^ src/Ide/Plugin.hs:239:32: warning: [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘edit’ shadows the existing binding imported from ‘Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens’ at src/Ide/Plugin.hs:47:1-90 | 239 | forM_ mEdit $ \edit -> do | ^^^^ src/Ide/Plugin.hs:260:25: warning: [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘cmd’ shadows the existing binding imported from ‘Development.Shake’ at src/Ide/Plugin.hs:37:1-65 (and originally defined in ‘Development.Shake.Command’) | 260 | Just (plugin, cmd) -> runPluginCommand pluginMap lf ide plugin cmd cmdParams | ^^^ src/Ide/Plugin.hs:343:25: warning: [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘action’ shadows the existing binding imported from ‘Development.Shake’ at src/Ide/Plugin.hs:37:1-65 (and originally defined in ‘shake-0.19.1:Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules’) | 343 | wrapUnhandledExceptions action input = | ^^^^^^ src/Ide/Plugin.hs:382:22: warning: [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘title’ shadows the existing binding imported from ‘Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens’ at src/Ide/Plugin.hs:47:1-90 | 382 | mkLspCommand plid cn title args' = do | ^^^^^ src/Ide/Plugin.hs:393:18: warning: [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘commands’ shadows the existing binding imported from ‘Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens’ at src/Ide/Plugin.hs:47:1-90 | 393 | allLspCmdIds pid commands = concat $ map go commands | ^^^^^^^^ src/Ide/Plugin.hs:413:28: warning: [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘params’ shadows the existing binding imported from ‘Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens’ at src/Ide/Plugin.hs:47:1-90 | 413 | makeHover hps _lf ideState params | ^^^^^^ src/Ide/Plugin.hs:446:29: warning: [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘params’ shadows the existing binding imported from ‘Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens’ at src/Ide/Plugin.hs:47:1-90 | 446 | makeSymbols sps lf ideState params | ^^^^^^ src/Ide/Plugin.hs:488:37: warning: [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘params’ shadows the existing binding imported from ‘Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens’ at src/Ide/Plugin.hs:47:1-90 | 488 | renameWith providers lspFuncs state params = do | ^^^^^^ src/Ide/Plugin.hs:492:13: warning: [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘edits’ shadows the existing binding imported from ‘Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens’ at src/Ide/Plugin.hs:47:1-90 | 492 | (_, edits) -> return $ Right $ mconcat edits | ^^^^^ src/Ide/Plugin.hs:531:33: warning: [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘params’ shadows the existing binding imported from ‘Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens’ at src/Ide/Plugin.hs:47:1-90 | 531 | makeCompletions sps lf ideState params@(CompletionParams (TextDocumentIdentifier doc) pos _context _mt) | ^^^^^^ src/Ide/Plugin.hs:579:19: warning: [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘uri’ shadows the existing binding imported from ‘Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens’ at src/Ide/Plugin.hs:47:1-90 | 579 | getPrefixAtPos lf uri pos = do | ^^^ [12 of 20] Compiling Ide.Plugin.Retrie ( src/Ide/Plugin/Retrie.hs, dist/build/Ide/Plugin/Retrie.o, dist/build/Ide/Plugin/Retrie.dyn_o ) src/Ide/Plugin/Retrie.hs:329:20: warning: [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘pm’ shadows the existing binding bound at src/Ide/Plugin/Retrie.hs:327:9 | 329 | (fixities, pm) <- fixFixities f (fixAnns pm) | ^^ src/Ide/Plugin/Retrie.hs:333:13: warning: [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘getParsedModule’ shadows the existing binding imported from ‘Development.IDE.Core.Rules’ at src/Ide/Plugin/Retrie.hs:41:1-43 | 333 | let getParsedModule f contents = do | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Ide/Plugin/Retrie.hs:344:26: warning: [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘parsed’ shadows the existing binding bound at src/Ide/Plugin/Retrie.hs:341:19 | 344 | (fixities, parsed) <- fixFixities f (fixAnns parsed) | ^^^^^^ src/Ide/Plugin/Retrie.hs:356:17: warning: [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘parseModule’ shadows the existing binding imported from ‘GHC’ at src/Ide/Plugin/Retrie.hs:71:68-78 | 356 | let parseModule x = do | ^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Ide/Plugin/Retrie.hs:357:20: warning: [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘fix’ shadows the existing binding imported from ‘Retrie.ExactPrint’ at src/Ide/Plugin/Retrie.hs:86:50-52 | 357 | (fix, res) <- getParsedModule nt x | ^^^ [13 of 20] Compiling Ide.Plugin.Pragmas ( src/Ide/Plugin/Pragmas.hs, dist/build/Ide/Plugin/Pragmas.o, dist/build/Ide/Plugin/Pragmas.dyn_o ) [14 of 20] Compiling Ide.Plugin.ImportLens ( src/Ide/Plugin/ImportLens.hs, dist/build/Ide/Plugin/ImportLens.o, dist/build/Ide/Plugin/ImportLens.dyn_o ) src/Ide/Plugin/ImportLens.hs:143:33: error: • Couldn't match expected type ‘ImportDeclQualifiedStyle’ with actual type ‘Bool’ • In the pattern: True In the pattern: ImportDecl {ideclQualified = True} In a stmt of a pattern guard for an equation for ‘generateLens’: ImportDecl {ideclQualified = True} <- imp | 143 | | ImportDecl{ideclQualified = True} <- imp | ^^^^