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base repository: hashicorp/terraform-plugin-sdk
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base: v2.0.4
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head repository: hashicorp/terraform-plugin-sdk
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compare: v2.25.0
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Showing with 31,897 additions and 10,906 deletions.
  1. +867 −0 .changes/
  2. +7 −0 .changes/
  3. 0 .changes/unreleased/.gitkeep
  4. +23 −0 .changie.yaml
  5. +0 −108 .circleci/config.yml
  6. +1 −0 .github/CODEOWNERS
  7. +249 −4 .github/
  8. +1 −1 .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
  9. +1 −1 .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
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  11. +40 −0 .github/workflows/add-content-to-project.yml
  12. +21 −0 .github/workflows/ci-github-actions.yml
  13. +63 −0 .github/workflows/ci-go.yml
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  18. +92 −0 .github/workflows/release.yml
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  22. +27 −0 .golangci.yml
  23. +8 −0 .goreleaser.yml
  24. +0 −31 .hashibot.hcl
  25. +334 −0
  26. +2 −0 LICENSE
  27. +17 −15 Makefile
  28. +9 −7
  29. +48 −17
  30. +21 −0
  31. +9 −6 diag/helpers.go
  32. +45 −35 go.mod
  33. +169 −407 go.sum
  34. +56 −29 helper/acctest/random.go
  35. +71 −3 helper/acctest/random_test.go
  36. +25 −26 helper/customdiff/compose.go
  37. +16 −1 helper/customdiff/computed.go
  38. +44 −6 helper/customdiff/computed_test.go
  39. +3 −3 helper/customdiff/condition.go
  40. +12 −12 helper/customdiff/condition_test.go
  41. +33 −4 helper/customdiff/force_new.go
  42. +92 −16 helper/customdiff/force_new_test.go
  43. +4 −4 helper/customdiff/testing_test.go
  44. +3 −3 helper/customdiff/validate.go
  45. +3 −3 helper/customdiff/validate_test.go
  46. +30 −9 helper/logging/logging.go
  47. +288 −0 helper/logging/logging_http_transport.go
  48. +286 −0 helper/logging/logging_http_transport_test.go
  49. +10 −1 helper/logging/transport.go
  50. +32 −0 helper/resource/environment_variables.go
  51. +12 −0 helper/resource/error.go
  52. +12 −0 helper/resource/json.go
  53. +352 −23 helper/resource/plugin.go
  54. +299 −0 helper/resource/plugin_test.go
  55. +24 −14 helper/resource/state_shim.go
  56. +58 −0 helper/resource/testcase_providers.go
  57. +469 −0 helper/resource/testcase_providers_test.go
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  59. +170 −0 helper/resource/testcase_validate_test.go
  60. +594 −112 helper/resource/testing.go
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  63. +245 −66 helper/resource/testing_new.go
  64. +71 −73 helper/resource/testing_new_config.go
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  80. +3 −3 helper/schema/field_reader_config.go
  81. +1 −0 helper/schema/field_reader_config_test.go
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  83. +3 −6 helper/schema/field_reader_map.go
  84. +13 −14 helper/schema/field_writer_map.go
  85. +9 −0 helper/schema/field_writer_map_test.go
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  88. +12 −0 helper/schema/json.go
  89. +48 −8 helper/schema/provider.go
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  93. +4 −1 helper/schema/resource_data_get_source.go
  94. +725 −0 helper/schema/resource_data_test.go
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  96. +290 −31 helper/schema/resource_diff_test.go
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  98. +7 −2 helper/schema/resource_timeout.go
  99. +9 −9 helper/schema/resource_timeout_test.go
  100. +396 −136 helper/schema/schema.go
  101. +360 −43 helper/schema/schema_test.go
  102. +3 −36 helper/schema/set.go
  103. +19 −5 helper/schema/shims.go
  104. +10 −4 helper/schema/shims_test.go
  105. +1 −1 {internal/helper/plugin → helper/schema}/unknown.go
  106. +1 −1 {internal/helper/plugin → helper/schema}/unknown_test.go
  107. +4 −1 helper/schema/valuetype.go
  108. +3 −3 helper/structure/suppress_json_diff.go
  109. +39 −38 helper/structure/suppress_json_diff_test.go
  110. +4 −4 helper/validation/float_test.go
  111. +8 −8 helper/validation/int_test.go
  112. +6 −6 helper/validation/map.go
  113. +42 −0 helper/validation/meta.go
  114. +99 −3 helper/validation/meta_test.go
  115. +2 −2 helper/validation/strings.go
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  136. +127 −0 internal/logging/helper_schema_test.go
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  141. +78 −108 internal/plugin/convert/diagnostics_test.go
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  143. +75 −65 internal/plugin/convert/schema_test.go
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  150. +30 −58 internal/plugintest/util.go
  151. +199 −109 internal/plugintest/working_dir.go
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  166. +0 −99 internal/vault/sdk/helper/compressutil/compress_test.go
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  168. +0 −141 internal/vault/sdk/helper/jsonutil/json_test.go
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