diff --git a/hasjob/forms.py b/hasjob/forms.py
index 9d8806500..f29a85781 100644
--- a/hasjob/forms.py
+++ b/hasjob/forms.py
@@ -354,6 +354,34 @@ def validate(self):
         return success
+    def populate_from(self, post):
+        self.job_headline.data = post.headline
+        self.job_headlineb.data = post.headlineb
+        self.job_type.data = post.type_id
+        self.job_category.data = post.category_id
+        self.job_location.data = post.location
+        self.job_relocation_assist.data = post.relocation_assist
+        self.job_description.data = post.description
+        self.job_perks.data = True if post.perks else False
+        self.job_perks_description.data = post.perks
+        self.job_how_to_apply.data = post.how_to_apply
+        self.company_name.data = post.company_name
+        self.company_url.data = post.company_url
+        self.poster_email.data = post.email
+        self.twitter.data = post.twitter
+        self.hr_contact.data = int(post.hr_contact or False)
+        self.collaborators.data = post.admins
+        self.job_pay_type.data = post.pay_type
+        if post.pay_type is None:
+            # This kludge required because WTForms doesn't know how to handle None in forms
+            self.job_pay_type.data = -1
+        self.job_pay_currency.data = post.pay_currency
+        self.job_pay_cash_min.data = post.pay_cash_min
+        self.job_pay_cash_max.data = post.pay_cash_max
+        self.job_pay_equity.data = bool(post.pay_equity_min and post.pay_equity_max)
+        self.job_pay_equity_min.data = post.pay_equity_min
+        self.job_pay_equity_max.data = post.pay_equity_max
 class ApplicationForm(forms.Form):
     apply_email = forms.RadioField("Email", validators=[forms.validators.DataRequired("Pick an email address")],
diff --git a/hasjob/templates/detail.html b/hasjob/templates/detail.html
index f5e6c6cbb..25ba79917 100644
--- a/hasjob/templates/detail.html
+++ b/hasjob/templates/detail.html
@@ -133,6 +133,11 @@ <h2>What’s wrong with it?</h2>
               <a class="list-group-item" href="{{ post.url_for('edit') }}">
                 <i class="fa fa-fw fa-pencil"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp; Edit this
+              {%- if post.is_old() %}
+                <a class="list-group-item" href="{{ url_for('newjob', template=post.hashid) }}">
+                  <i class="fa fa-fw fa-refresh"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp; Repost this
+                </a>
+              {%- endif %}
               {%- if post.is_public() %}
                 <a class="list-group-item" href="{{ post.url_for('withdraw') }}">
                   <i class="fa fa-fw fa-trash-o"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp; Withdraw this
diff --git a/hasjob/templates/postjob.html b/hasjob/templates/postjob.html
index d8b2c9b8e..c5af3c937 100644
--- a/hasjob/templates/postjob.html
+++ b/hasjob/templates/postjob.html
@@ -2,6 +2,13 @@
 {% from "baseframe/forms.html" import renderfield, rendersubmit, widgetscripts %}
 {% block title %}List a job{% endblock %}
 {% block content %}
+  {%- if archived_post %}
+    <div class="guide">
+      <p>
+        You're reposting <a href="{{archived_post.url_for()}}" target="_blank">{{archived_post.headline}}</a>.
+      </p>
+    </div>
+  {%- endif %}
   <div class="sheet">
     <div class="section first">
       <div class="page-header"><h1>
diff --git a/hasjob/views/listing.py b/hasjob/views/listing.py
index d648e7a55..bc64e2c72 100644
--- a/hasjob/views/listing.py
+++ b/hasjob/views/listing.py
@@ -886,36 +886,7 @@ def editjob(hashid, key, domain=None, form=None, validated=False, newpost=None):
     elif request.method == 'POST':
         flash("Please review the indicated issues", category='interactive')
     elif request.method == 'GET':
-        # Populate form from model
-        form.job_headline.data = post.headline
-        form.job_headlineb.data = post.headlineb
-        form.job_type.data = post.type_id
-        form.job_category.data = post.category_id
-        form.job_location.data = post.location
-        form.job_relocation_assist.data = post.relocation_assist
-        form.job_description.data = post.description
-        form.job_perks.data = True if post.perks else False
-        form.job_perks_description.data = post.perks
-        form.job_how_to_apply.data = post.how_to_apply
-        form.company_name.data = post.company_name
-        form.company_url.data = post.company_url
-        # form.poster_name.data = post.fullname  # Deprecated 2013-11-20
-        form.poster_email.data = post.email
-        form.twitter.data = post.twitter
-        form.hr_contact.data = int(post.hr_contact or False)
-        form.collaborators.data = post.admins
-        form.job_pay_type.data = post.pay_type
-        if post.pay_type is None:
-            # This kludge required because WTForms doesn't know how to handle None in forms
-            form.job_pay_type.data = -1
-        form.job_pay_currency.data = post.pay_currency
-        form.job_pay_cash_min.data = post.pay_cash_min
-        form.job_pay_cash_max.data = post.pay_cash_max
-        form.job_pay_equity.data = bool(post.pay_equity_min and post.pay_equity_max)
-        form.job_pay_equity_min.data = post.pay_equity_min
-        form.job_pay_equity_max.data = post.pay_equity_max
+        form.populate_from(post)
     return render_template('postjob.html', form=form, no_email=no_email)
@@ -924,6 +895,7 @@ def editjob(hashid, key, domain=None, form=None, validated=False, newpost=None):
 @app.route('/new', methods=('GET', 'POST'))
 def newjob():
     form = forms.ListingForm()
+    archived_post = None
     if not g.user:
         if request.method == 'POST' and request.form.get('form.id') == 'newheadline':
             session['headline'] = form.job_headline.data
@@ -953,6 +925,19 @@ def newjob():
         if g.user:
             # form.poster_name.data = g.user.fullname  # Deprecated 2013-11-20
             form.poster_email.data = g.user.email
+    # Job Reposting
+    if request.method == 'GET' and request.args.get('template'):
+        archived_post = JobPost.get(request.args['template'])
+        if not archived_post:
+            abort(404)
+        if not archived_post.admin_is(g.user):
+            abort(403)
+        if not archived_post.is_old():
+            flash("This post is currently active and cannot be posted again.")
+            return redirect(archived_post.url_for(), code=303)
+        form.populate_from(archived_post)
     if request.method == 'POST' and request.form.get('form.id') != 'newheadline' and form.validate():
         # POST request from new job page, with successful validation
         # Move it to the editjob page for handling here forward
@@ -971,4 +956,4 @@ def newjob():
     # 1. GET request, page loaded for the first time
     # 2. POST request from main page's Post a Job box
     # 3. POST request from this page, with errors
-    return render_template('postjob.html', form=form, no_removelogo=True)
+    return render_template('postjob.html', form=form, no_removelogo=True, archived_post=archived_post)