I regularly needed to output data in a custom format, which is why I created a DSL based on Rhai.
cargo run -q -- -s test_format.rhai -i test.json
The most important part of the DSL is the ++
The ++
operator takes the values to its left and right and stores them internally. Once the script is done running,
all the stored values get concatenated and returned.
This allows for a really nice way to express what should get output:
let some_number = 1;
// will output 'Test 1'
~ "Test " ++ some_number;
There are also a two more conveniences, namely NL
and IND
is a constant holding the newline character (\r
is a constant holding the indentation string (Default: four spaces).
There are also functions with the same name that take a number and return the value that amount of time. So if you want to
indent something by 3 levels, you can just write IND(3)
If your indentation is different than four spaces, you can set the string for a single indentation level with the
function SET_INDENT
In order to use the DSL you need create a FormattingEngine
and register all types you want to work with.
After that, you can just call the appropriate format function to format your data.