1.Exploring CLIP for Assessing the Look and Feel of Images ⬇️
Measuring the perception of visual content is a long-standing problem in computer vision. Many mathematical models have been developed to evaluate the look or quality of an image. Despite the effectiveness of such tools in quantifying degradations such as noise and blurriness levels, such quantification is loosely coupled with human language. When it comes to more abstract perception about the feel of visual content, existing methods can only rely on supervised models that are explicitly trained with labeled data collected via laborious user study. In this paper, we go beyond the conventional paradigms by exploring the rich visual language prior encapsulated in Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) models for assessing both the quality perception (look) and abstract perception (feel) of images in a zero-shot manner. In particular, we discuss effective prompt designs and show an effective prompt pairing strategy to harness the prior. We also provide extensive experiments on controlled datasets and Image Quality Assessment (IQA) benchmarks. Our results show that CLIP captures meaningful priors that generalize well to different perceptual assessments. Code will be avaliable at this https URL.
2.Dynamic 3D Scene Analysis by Point Cloud Accumulation ⬇️
Multi-beam LiDAR sensors, as used on autonomous vehicles and mobile robots, acquire sequences of 3D range scans ("frames"). Each frame covers the scene sparsely, due to limited angular scanning resolution and occlusion. The sparsity restricts the performance of downstream processes like semantic segmentation or surface reconstruction. Luckily, when the sensor moves, frames are captured from a sequence of different viewpoints. This provides complementary information and, when accumulated in a common scene coordinate frame, yields a denser sampling and a more complete coverage of the underlying 3D scene. However, often the scanned scenes contain moving objects. Points on those objects are not correctly aligned by just undoing the scanner's ego-motion. In the present paper, we explore multi-frame point cloud accumulation as a mid-level representation of 3D scan sequences, and develop a method that exploits inductive biases of outdoor street scenes, including their geometric layout and object-level rigidity. Compared to state-of-the-art scene flow estimators, our proposed approach aims to align all 3D points in a common reference frame correctly accumulating the points on the individual objects. Our approach greatly reduces the alignment errors on several benchmark datasets. Moreover, the accumulated point clouds benefit high-level tasks like surface reconstruction.
3.CelebV-HQ: A Large-Scale Video Facial Attributes Dataset ⬇️
Large-scale datasets have played indispensable roles in the recent success of face generation/editing and significantly facilitated the advances of emerging research fields. However, the academic community still lacks a video dataset with diverse facial attribute annotations, which is crucial for the research on face-related videos. In this work, we propose a large-scale, high-quality, and diverse video dataset with rich facial attribute annotations, named the High-Quality Celebrity Video Dataset (CelebV-HQ). CelebV-HQ contains 35,666 video clips with the resolution of 512x512 at least, involving 15,653 identities. All clips are labeled manually with 83 facial attributes, covering appearance, action, and emotion. We conduct a comprehensive analysis in terms of age, ethnicity, brightness stability, motion smoothness, head pose diversity, and data quality to demonstrate the diversity and temporal coherence of CelebV-HQ. Besides, its versatility and potential are validated on two representative tasks, i.e., unconditional video generation and video facial attribute editing. Furthermore, we envision the future potential of CelebV-HQ, as well as the new opportunities and challenges it would bring to related research directions. Data, code, and models are publicly available. Project page: this https URL.
4.Self-Distilled Vision Transformer for Domain Generalization ⬇️
In recent past, several domain generalization (DG) methods have been proposed, showing encouraging performance, however, almost all of them build on convolutional neural networks (CNNs). There is little to no progress on studying the DG performance of vision transformers (ViTs), which are challenging the supremacy of CNNs on standard benchmarks, often built on i.i.d assumption. This renders the real-world deployment of ViTs doubtful. In this paper, we attempt to explore ViTs towards addressing the DG problem. Similar to CNNs, ViTs also struggle in out-of-distribution scenarios and the main culprit is overfitting to source domains. Inspired by the modular architecture of ViTs, we propose a simple DG approach for ViTs, coined as self-distillation for ViTs. It reduces the overfitting to source domains by easing the learning of input-output mapping problem through curating non-zero entropy supervisory signals for intermediate transformer blocks. Further, it does not introduce any new parameters and can be seamlessly plugged into the modular composition of different ViTs. We empirically demonstrate notable performance gains with different DG baselines and various ViT backbones in five challenging datasets. Moreover, we report favorable performance against recent state-of-the-art DG methods. Our code along with pre-trained models are publicly available at: this https URL
5.SegPGD: An Effective and Efficient Adversarial Attack for Evaluating and Boosting Segmentation Robustness ⬇️
Deep neural network-based image classifications are vulnerable to adversarial perturbations. The image classifications can be easily fooled by adding artificial small and imperceptible perturbations to input images. As one of the most effective defense strategies, adversarial training was proposed to address the vulnerability of classification models, where the adversarial examples are created and injected into training data during training. The attack and defense of classification models have been intensively studied in past years. Semantic segmentation, as an extension of classifications, has also received great attention recently. Recent work shows a large number of attack iterations are required to create effective adversarial examples to fool segmentation models. The observation makes both robustness evaluation and adversarial training on segmentation models challenging. In this work, we propose an effective and efficient segmentation attack method, dubbed SegPGD. Besides, we provide a convergence analysis to show the proposed SegPGD can create more effective adversarial examples than PGD under the same number of attack iterations. Furthermore, we propose to apply our SegPGD as the underlying attack method for segmentation adversarial training. Since SegPGD can create more effective adversarial examples, the adversarial training with our SegPGD can boost the robustness of segmentation models. Our proposals are also verified with experiments on popular Segmentation model architectures and standard segmentation datasets.
6.MemSAC: Memory Augmented Sample Consistency for Large Scale Domain Adaptation ⬇️
Practical real world datasets with plentiful categories introduce new challenges for unsupervised domain adaptation like small inter-class discriminability, that existing approaches relying on domain invariance alone cannot handle sufficiently well. In this work we propose MemSAC, which exploits sample level similarity across source and target domains to achieve discriminative transfer, along with architectures that scale to a large number of categories. For this purpose, we first introduce a memory augmented approach to efficiently extract pairwise similarity relations between labeled source and unlabeled target domain instances, suited to handle an arbitrary number of classes. Next, we propose and theoretically justify a novel variant of the contrastive loss to promote local consistency among within-class cross domain samples while enforcing separation between classes, thus preserving discriminative transfer from source to target. We validate the advantages of MemSAC with significant improvements over previous state-of-the-art on multiple challenging transfer tasks designed for large-scale adaptation, such as DomainNet with 345 classes and fine-grained adaptation on Caltech-UCSD birds dataset with 200 classes. We also provide in-depth analysis and insights into the effectiveness of MemSAC.
7.LightX3ECG: A Lightweight and eXplainable Deep Learning System for 3-lead Electrocardiogram Classification ⬇️
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are a group of heart and blood vessel disorders that is one of the most serious dangers to human health, and the number of such patients is still growing. Early and accurate detection plays a key role in successful treatment and intervention. Electrocardiogram (ECG) is the gold standard for identifying a variety of cardiovascular abnormalities. In clinical practices and most of the current research, standard 12-lead ECG is mainly used. However, using a lower number of leads can make ECG more prevalent as it can be conveniently recorded by portable or wearable devices. In this research, we develop a novel deep learning system to accurately identify multiple cardiovascular abnormalities by using only three ECG leads.
8.RSG-Net: Towards Rich Sematic Relationship Prediction for Intelligent Vehicle in Complex Environments ⬇️
Behavioral and semantic relationships play a vital role on intelligent self-driving vehicles and ADAS systems. Different from other research focused on trajectory, position, and bounding boxes, relationship data provides a human understandable description of the object's behavior, and it could describe an object's past and future status in an amazingly brief way. Therefore it is a fundamental method for tasks such as risk detection, environment understanding, and decision making. In this paper, we propose RSG-Net (Road Scene Graph Net): a graph convolutional network designed to predict potential semantic relationships from object proposals, and produces a graph-structured result, called "Road Scene Graph". The experimental results indicate that this network, trained on Road Scene Graph dataset, could efficiently predict potential semantic relationships among objects around the ego-vehicle.
9.OpenFilter: A Framework to Democratize Research Access to Social Media AR Filters ⬇️
Augmented Reality or AR filters on selfies have become very popular on social media platforms for a variety of applications, including marketing, entertainment and aesthetics. Given the wide adoption of AR face filters and the importance of faces in our social structures and relations, there is increased interest by the scientific community to analyze the impact of such filters from a psychological, artistic and sociological perspective. However, there are few quantitative analyses in this area mainly due to a lack of publicly available datasets of facial images with applied AR filters. The proprietary, close nature of most social media platforms does not allow users, scientists and practitioners to access the code and the details of the available AR face filters. Scraping faces from these platforms to collect data is ethically unacceptable and should, therefore, be avoided in research. In this paper, we present OpenFilter, a flexible framework to apply AR filters available in social media platforms on existing large collections of human faces. Moreover, we share FairBeauty and B-LFW, two beautified versions of the publicly available FairFace and LFW datasets and we outline insights derived from the analysis of these beautified datasets.
10.Action Quality Assessment using Transformers ⬇️
Action quality assessment (AQA) is an active research problem in video-based applications that is a challenging task due to the score variance per frame. Existing methods address this problem via convolutional-based approaches but suffer from its limitation of effectively capturing long-range dependencies. With the recent advancements in Transformers, we show that they are a suitable alternative to the conventional convolutional-based architectures. Specifically, can transformer-based models solve the task of AQA by effectively capturing long-range dependencies, parallelizing computation, and providing a wider receptive field for diving videos? To demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed architectures, we conducted comprehensive experiments and achieved a competitive Spearman correlation score of 0.9317. Additionally, we explore the hyperparameters effect on the model's performance and pave a new path for exploiting Transformers in AQA.
11.ALTO: A Large-Scale Dataset for UAV Visual Place Recognition and Localization ⬇️
We present the ALTO dataset, a vision-focused dataset for the development and benchmarking of Visual Place Recognition and Localization methods for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. The dataset is composed of two long (approximately 150km and 260km) trajectories flown by a helicopter over Ohio and Pennsylvania, and it includes high precision GPS-INS ground truth location data, high precision accelerometer readings, laser altimeter readings, and RGB downward facing camera imagery. In addition, we provide reference imagery over the flight paths, which makes this dataset suitable for VPR benchmarking and other tasks common in Localization, such as image registration and visual odometry. To the author's knowledge, this is the largest real-world aerial-vehicle dataset of this kind. Our dataset is available at this https URL.
12.Estimación de áreas de cultivo mediante Deep Learning y programación convencional ⬇️
Artificial Intelligence has enabled the implementation of more accurate and efficient solutions to problems in various areas. In the agricultural sector, one of the main needs is to know at all times the extent of land occupied or not by crops in order to improve production and profitability. The traditional methods of calculation demand the collection of data manually and in person in the field, causing high labor costs, execution times, and inaccuracy in the results. The present work proposes a new method based on Deep Learning techniques complemented with conventional programming for the determination of the area of populated and unpopulated crop areas. We have considered as a case study one of the most recognized companies in the planting and harvesting of sugar cane in Ecuador. The strategy combines a Generative Adversarial Neural Network (GAN) that is trained on a dataset of aerial photographs of natural and urban landscapes to improve image resolution; a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) trained on a dataset of aerial photographs of sugar cane plots to distinguish populated or unpopulated crop areas; and a standard image processing module for the calculation of areas in a percentage manner. The experiments performed demonstrate a significant improvement in the quality of the aerial photographs as well as a remarkable differentiation between populated and unpopulated crop areas, consequently, a more accurate result of cultivated and uncultivated areas. The proposed method can be extended to the detection of possible pests, areas of weed vegetation, dynamic crop development, and both qualitative and quantitative quality control.
13.Error-Aware Spatial Ensembles for Video Frame Interpolation ⬇️
Video frame interpolation~(VFI) algorithms have improved considerably in recent years due to unprecedented progress in both data-driven algorithms and their implementations. Recent research has introduced advanced motion estimation or novel warping methods as the means to address challenging VFI scenarios. However, none of the published VFI works considers the spatially non-uniform characteristics of the interpolation error (IE). This work introduces such a solution. By closely examining the correlation between optical flow and IE, the paper proposes novel error prediction metrics that partition the middle frame into distinct regions corresponding to different IE levels. Building upon this IE-driven segmentation, and through the use of novel error-controlled loss functions, it introduces an ensemble of spatially adaptive interpolation units that progressively processes and integrates the segmented regions. This spatial ensemble results in an effective and computationally attractive VFI solution. Extensive experimentation on popular video interpolation benchmarks indicates that the proposed solution outperforms the current state-of-the-art (SOTA) in applications of current interest.
14.Exploiting Diversity of Unlabeled Data for Label-Efficient Semi-Supervised Active Learning ⬇️
The availability of large labeled datasets is the key component for the success of deep learning. However, annotating labels on large datasets is generally time-consuming and expensive. Active learning is a research area that addresses the issues of expensive labeling by selecting the most important samples for labeling. Diversity-based sampling algorithms are known as integral components of representation-based approaches for active learning. In this paper, we introduce a new diversity-based initial dataset selection algorithm to select the most informative set of samples for initial labeling in the active learning setting. Self-supervised representation learning is used to consider the diversity of samples in the initial dataset selection algorithm. Also, we propose a novel active learning query strategy, which uses diversity-based sampling on consistency-based embeddings. By considering the consistency information with the diversity in the consistency-based embedding scheme, the proposed method could select more informative samples for labeling in the semi-supervised learning setting. Comparative experiments show that the proposed method achieves compelling results on CIFAR-10 and Caltech-101 datasets compared with previous active learning approaches by utilizing the diversity of unlabeled data.
15.Deforming Radiance Fields with Cages ⬇️
Recent advances in radiance fields enable photorealistic rendering of static or dynamic 3D scenes, but still do not support explicit deformation that is used for scene manipulation or animation. In this paper, we propose a method that enables a new type of deformation of the radiance field: free-form radiance field deformation. We use a triangular mesh that encloses the foreground object called cage as an interface, and by manipulating the cage vertices, our approach enables the free-form deformation of the radiance field. The core of our approach is cage-based deformation which is commonly used in mesh deformation. We propose a novel formulation to extend it to the radiance field, which maps the position and the view direction of the sampling points from the deformed space to the canonical space, thus enabling the rendering of the deformed scene. The deformation results of the synthetic datasets and the real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
16.TreeSketchNet: From Sketch To 3D Tree Parameters Generation ⬇️
3D modeling of non-linear objects from stylized sketches is a challenge even for experts in computer graphics. The extrapolation of objects parameters from a stylized sketch is a very complex and cumbersome task. In the present study, we propose a broker system that mediates between the modeler and the 3D modelling software and can transform a stylized sketch of a tree into a complete 3D model. The input sketches do not need to be accurate or detailed, and only need to represent a rudimentary outline of the tree that the modeler wishes to 3D-model. Our approach is based on a well-defined Deep Neural Network (DNN) architecture, we called TreeSketchNet (TSN), based on convolutions and able to generate Weber and Penn parameters that can be interpreted by the modelling software to generate a 3D model of a tree starting from a simple sketch. The training dataset consists of synthetically-generated sketches that are associated with Weber-Penn parameters generated by a dedicated Blender modelling software add-on. The accuracy of the proposed method is demonstrated by testing the TSN with both synthetic and hand-made sketches. Finally, we provide a qualitative analysis of our results, by evaluating the coherence of the predicted parameters with several distinguishing features.
17.ArtFID: Quantitative Evaluation of Neural Style Transfer ⬇️
The field of neural style transfer has experienced a surge of research exploring different avenues ranging from optimization-based approaches and feed-forward models to meta-learning methods. The developed techniques have not just progressed the field of style transfer, but also led to breakthroughs in other areas of computer vision, such as all of visual synthesis. However, whereas quantitative evaluation and benchmarking have become pillars of computer vision research, the reproducible, quantitative assessment of style transfer models is still lacking. Even in comparison to other fields of visual synthesis, where widely used metrics exist, the quantitative evaluation of style transfer is still lagging behind. To support the automatic comparison of different style transfer approaches and to study their respective strengths and weaknesses, the field would greatly benefit from a quantitative measurement of stylization performance. Therefore, we propose a method to complement the currently mostly qualitative evaluation schemes. We provide extensive evaluations and a large-scale user study to show that the proposed metric strongly coincides with human judgment.
18.Online Adaptive Personalization for Face Anti-spoofing ⬇️
Face authentication systems require a robust anti-spoofing module as they can be deceived by fabricating spoof images of authorized users. Most recent face anti-spoofing methods rely on optimized architectures and training objectives to alleviate the distribution shift between train and test users. However, in real online scenarios, past data from a user contains valuable information that could be used to alleviate the distribution shift. We thus introduce OAP (Online Adaptive Personalization): a lightweight solution which can adapt the model online using unlabeled data. OAP can be applied on top of most anti-spoofing methods without the need to store original biometric images. Through experimental evaluation on the SiW dataset, we show that OAP improves recognition performance of existing methods on both single video setting and continual setting, where spoof videos are interleaved with live ones to simulate spoofing attacks. We also conduct ablation studies to confirm the design choices for our solution.
19.What is Healthy? Generative Counterfactual Diffusion for Lesion Localization ⬇️
Reducing the requirement for densely annotated masks in medical image segmentation is important due to cost constraints. In this paper, we consider the problem of inferring pixel-level predictions of brain lesions by only using image-level labels for training. By leveraging recent advances in generative diffusion probabilistic models (DPM), we synthesize counterfactuals of "How would a patient appear if X pathology was not present?". The difference image between the observed patient state and the healthy counterfactual can be used for inferring the location of pathology. We generate counterfactuals that correspond to the minimal change of the input such that it is transformed to healthy domain. This requires training with healthy and unhealthy data in DPMs. We improve on previous counterfactual DPMs by manipulating the generation process with implicit guidance along with attention conditioning instead of using classifiers. Code is available at this https URL.
20.Equivariance and Invariance Inductive Bias for Learning from Insufficient Data ⬇️
We are interested in learning robust models from insufficient data, without the need for any externally pre-trained checkpoints. First, compared to sufficient data, we show why insufficient data renders the model more easily biased to the limited training environments that are usually different from testing. For example, if all the training swan samples are "white", the model may wrongly use the "white" environment to represent the intrinsic class swan. Then, we justify that equivariance inductive bias can retain the class feature while invariance inductive bias can remove the environmental feature, leaving the class feature that generalizes to any environmental changes in testing. To impose them on learning, for equivariance, we demonstrate that any off-the-shelf contrastive-based self-supervised feature learning method can be deployed; for invariance, we propose a class-wise invariant risk minimization (IRM) that efficiently tackles the challenge of missing environmental annotation in conventional IRM. State-of-the-art experimental results on real-world benchmarks (VIPriors, ImageNet100 and NICO) validate the great potential of equivariance and invariance in data-efficient learning. The code is available at this https URL
21.DeepFusion: Real-Time Dense 3D Reconstruction for Monocular SLAM using Single-View Depth and Gradient Predictions ⬇️
While the keypoint-based maps created by sparse monocular simultaneous localisation and mapping (SLAM) systems are useful for camera tracking, dense 3D reconstructions may be desired for many robotic tasks. Solutions involving depth cameras are limited in range and to indoor spaces, and dense reconstruction systems based on minimising the photometric error between frames are typically poorly constrained and suffer from scale ambiguity. To address these issues, we propose a 3D reconstruction system that leverages the output of a convolutional neural network (CNN) to produce fully dense depth maps for keyframes that include metric scale.
Our system, DeepFusion, is capable of producing real-time dense reconstructions on a GPU. It fuses the output of a semi-dense multiview stereo algorithm with the depth and gradient predictions of a CNN in a probabilistic fashion, using learned uncertainties produced by the network. While the network only needs to be run once per keyframe, we are able to optimise for the depth map with each new frame so as to constantly make use of new geometric constraints. Based on its performance on synthetic and real-world datasets, we demonstrate that DeepFusion is capable of performing at least as well as other comparable systems.
22.Video object tracking based on YOLOv7 and DeepSORT ⬇️
Multiple object tracking (MOT) is an important technology in the field of computer vision, which is widely used in automatic driving, intelligent monitoring, behavior recognition and other directions. Among the current popular MOT methods based on deep learning, Detection Based Tracking (DBT) is the most widely used in industry, and the performance of them depend on their object detection network. At present, the DBT algorithm with good performance and the most widely used is YOLOv5-DeepSORT. Inspired by YOLOv5-DeepSORT, with the proposal of YOLOv7 network, which performs better in object detection, we apply YOLOv7 as the object detection part to the DeepSORT, and propose YOLOv7-DeepSORT. After experimental evaluation, compared with the previous YOLOv5-DeepSORT, YOLOv7-DeepSORT performances better in tracking accuracy.
23.Domain Decorrelation with Potential Energy Ranking ⬇️
Machine learning systems, especially the methods based on deep learning, enjoy great success in modern computer vision tasks under experimental settings. Generally, these classic deep learning methods are built on the \emph{i.i.d.} assumption, supposing the training and test data are drawn from a similar distribution independently and identically. However, the aforementioned \emph{i.i.d.} assumption is in general unavailable in the real-world scenario, and as a result, leads to sharp performance decay of deep learning algorithms. Behind this, domain shift is one of the primary factors to be blamed. In order to tackle this problem, we propose using \textbf{Po}tential \textbf{E}nergy \textbf{R}anking (PoER) to decouple the object feature and the domain feature (\emph{i.e.,} appearance feature) in given images, promoting the learning of label-discriminative features while filtering out the irrelevant correlations between the objects and the background. PoER helps the neural networks to capture label-related features which contain the domain information first in shallow layers and then distills the label-discriminative representations out progressively, enforcing the neural networks to be aware of the characteristic of objects and background which is vital to the generation of domain-invariant features. PoER reports superior performance on domain generalization benchmarks, improving the average top-1 accuracy by at least 1.20% compared to the existing methods. Moreover, we use PoER in the ECCV 2022 NICO Challenge\footnote{this https URL}, achieving top place with only a vanilla ResNet-18. The code has been made available at this https URL.
24.Multi-Scale RAFT: Combining Hierarchical Concepts for Learning-based Optical FLow Estimation ⬇️
Many classical and learning-based optical flow methods rely on hierarchical concepts to improve both accuracy and robustness. However, one of the currently most successful approaches -- RAFT -- hardly exploits such concepts. In this work, we show that multi-scale ideas are still valuable. More precisely, using RAFT as a baseline, we propose a novel multi-scale neural network that combines several hierarchical concepts within a single estimation framework. These concepts include (i) a partially shared coarse-to-fine architecture, (ii) multi-scale features, (iii) a hierarchical cost volume and (iv) a multi-scale multi-iteration loss. Experiments on MPI Sintel and KITTI clearly demonstrate the benefits of our approach. They show not only substantial improvements compared to RAFT, but also state-of-the-art results -- in particular in non-occluded regions. Code will be available at this https URL.
25.Deep Laparoscopic Stereo Matching with Transformers ⬇️
The self-attention mechanism, successfully employed with the transformer structure is shown promise in many computer vision tasks including image recognition, and object detection. Despite the surge, the use of the transformer for the problem of stereo matching remains relatively unexplored. In this paper, we comprehensively investigate the use of the transformer for the problem of stereo matching, especially for laparoscopic videos, and propose a new hybrid deep stereo matching framework (HybridStereoNet) that combines the best of the CNN and the transformer in a unified design. To be specific, we investigate several ways to introduce transformers to volumetric stereo matching pipelines by analyzing the loss landscape of the designs and in-domain/cross-domain accuracy. Our analysis suggests that employing transformers for feature representation learning, while using CNNs for cost aggregation will lead to faster convergence, higher accuracy and better generalization than other options. Our extensive experiments on Sceneflow, SCARED2019 and dVPN datasets demonstrate the superior performance of our HybridStereoNet.
26.Applying Spatiotemporal Attention to Identify Distracted and Drowsy Driving with Vision Transformers ⬇️
A 20% rise in car crashes in 2021 compared to 2020 has been observed as a result of increased distraction and drowsiness. Drowsy and distracted driving are the cause of 45% of all car crashes. As a means to decrease drowsy and distracted driving, detection methods using computer vision can be designed to be low-cost, accurate, and minimally invasive. This work investigated the use of the vision transformer to outperform state-of-the-art accuracy from 3D-CNNs. Two separate transformers were trained for drowsiness and distractedness. The drowsy video transformer model was trained on the National Tsing-Hua University Drowsy Driving Dataset (NTHU-DDD) with a Video Swin Transformer model for 10 epochs on two classes -- drowsy and non-drowsy simulated over 10.5 hours. The distracted video transformer was trained on the Driver Monitoring Dataset (DMD) with Video Swin Transformer for 50 epochs over 9 distraction-related classes. The accuracy of the drowsiness model reached 44% and a high loss value on the test set, indicating overfitting and poor model performance. Overfitting indicates limited training data and applied model architecture lacked quantifiable parameters to learn. The distracted model outperformed state-of-the-art models on DMD reaching 97.5%, indicating that with sufficient data and a strong architecture, transformers are suitable for unfit driving detection. Future research should use newer and stronger models such as TokenLearner to achieve higher accuracy and efficiency, merge existing datasets to expand to detecting drunk driving and road rage to create a comprehensive solution to prevent traffic crashes, and deploying a functioning prototype to revolutionize the automotive safety industry.
27.Improving Pseudo Labels With Intra-Class Similarity for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation ⬇️
Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) transfers knowledge from a label-rich source domain to a different but related fully-unlabeled target domain. To address the problem of domain shift, more and more UDA methods adopt pseudo labels of the target samples to improve the generalization ability on the target domain. However, inaccurate pseudo labels of the target samples may yield suboptimal performance with error accumulation during the optimization process. Moreover, once the pseudo labels are generated, how to remedy the generated pseudo labels is far from explored. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to improve the accuracy of the pseudo labels in the target domain. It first generates coarse pseudo labels by a conventional UDA method. Then, it iteratively exploits the intra-class similarity of the target samples for improving the generated coarse pseudo labels, and aligns the source and target domains with the improved pseudo labels. The accuracy improvement of the pseudo labels is made by first deleting dissimilar samples, and then using spanning trees to eliminate the samples with the wrong pseudo labels in the intra-class samples. We have applied the proposed approach to several conventional UDA methods as an additional term. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can boost the accuracy of the pseudo labels and further lead to more discriminative and domain invariant features than the conventional baselines.
28.Efficient Graph-Friendly COCO Metric Computation for Train-Time Model Evaluation ⬇️
Evaluating the COCO mean average precision (MaP) and COCO recall metrics as part of the static computation graph of modern deep learning frameworks poses a unique set of challenges. These challenges include the need for maintaining a dynamic-sized state to compute mean average precision, reliance on global dataset-level statistics to compute the metrics, and managing differing numbers of bounding boxes between images in a batch. As a consequence, it is common practice for researchers and practitioners to evaluate COCO metrics as a post training evaluation step. With a graph-friendly algorithm to compute COCO Mean Average Precision and recall, these metrics could be evaluated at training time, improving visibility into the evolution of the metrics through training curve plots, and decreasing iteration time when prototyping new model versions.
Our contributions include an accurate approximation algorithm for Mean Average Precision, an open source implementation of both COCO mean average precision and COCO recall, extensive numerical benchmarks to verify the accuracy of our implementations, and an open-source training loop that include train-time evaluation of mean average precision and recall.
29.Active Learning Strategies for Weakly-supervised Object Detection ⬇️
Object detectors trained with weak annotations are affordable alternatives to fully-supervised counterparts. However, there is still a significant performance gap between them. We propose to narrow this gap by fine-tuning a base pre-trained weakly-supervised detector with a few fully-annotated samples automatically selected from the training set using ``box-in-box'' (BiB), a novel active learning strategy designed specifically to address the well-documented failure modes of weakly-supervised detectors. Experiments on the VOC07 and COCO benchmarks show that BiB outperforms other active learning techniques and significantly improves the base weakly-supervised detector's performance with only a few fully-annotated images per class. BiB reaches 97% of the performance of fully-supervised Fast RCNN with only 10% of fully-annotated images on VOC07. On COCO, using on average 10 fully-annotated images per class, or equivalently 1% of the training set, BiB also reduces the performance gap (in AP) between the weakly-supervised detector and the fully-supervised Fast RCNN by over 70%, showing a good trade-off between performance and data efficiency. Our code is publicly available at this https URL.
30.Black-box Few-shot Knowledge Distillation ⬇️
Knowledge distillation (KD) is an efficient approach to transfer the knowledge from a large "teacher" network to a smaller "student" network. Traditional KD methods require lots of labeled training samples and a white-box teacher (parameters are accessible) to train a good student. However, these resources are not always available in real-world applications. The distillation process often happens at an external party side where we do not have access to much data, and the teacher does not disclose its parameters due to security and privacy concerns. To overcome these challenges, we propose a black-box few-shot KD method to train the student with few unlabeled training samples and a black-box teacher. Our main idea is to expand the training set by generating a diverse set of out-of-distribution synthetic images using MixUp and a conditional variational auto-encoder. These synthetic images along with their labels obtained from the teacher are used to train the student. We conduct extensive experiments to show that our method significantly outperforms recent SOTA few/zero-shot KD methods on image classification tasks. The code and models are available at: this https URL
31.W2N:Switching From Weak Supervision to Noisy Supervision for Object Detection ⬇️
Weakly-supervised object detection (WSOD) aims to train an object detector only requiring the image-level annotations. Recently, some works have managed to select the accurate boxes generated from a well-trained WSOD network to supervise a semi-supervised detection framework for better performance. However, these approaches simply divide the training set into labeled and unlabeled sets according to the image-level criteria, such that sufficient mislabeled or wrongly localized box predictions are chosen as pseudo ground-truths, resulting in a sub-optimal solution of detection performance. To overcome this issue, we propose a novel WSOD framework with a new paradigm that switches from weak supervision to noisy supervision (W2N). Generally, with given pseudo ground-truths generated from the well-trained WSOD network, we propose a two-module iterative training algorithm to refine pseudo labels and supervise better object detector progressively. In the localization adaptation module, we propose a regularization loss to reduce the proportion of discriminative parts in original pseudo ground-truths, obtaining better pseudo ground-truths for further training. In the semi-supervised module, we propose a two tasks instance-level split method to select high-quality labels for training a semi-supervised detector. Experimental results on different benchmarks verify the effectiveness of W2N, and our W2N outperforms all existing pure WSOD methods and transfer learning methods. Our code is publicly available at this https URL.
32.Is GPT-3 all you need for Visual Question Answering in Cultural Heritage? ⬇️
The use of Deep Learning and Computer Vision in the Cultural Heritage domain is becoming highly relevant in the last few years with lots of applications about audio smart guides, interactive museums and augmented reality. All these technologies require lots of data to work effectively and be useful for the user. In the context of artworks, such data is annotated by experts in an expensive and time consuming process. In particular, for each artwork, an image of the artwork and a description sheet have to be collected in order to perform common tasks like Visual Question Answering. In this paper we propose a method for Visual Question Answering that allows to generate at runtime a description sheet that can be used for answering both visual and contextual questions about the artwork, avoiding completely the image and the annotation process. For this purpose, we investigate on the use of GPT-3 for generating descriptions for artworks analyzing the quality of generated descriptions through captioning metrics. Finally we evaluate the performance for Visual Question Answering and captioning tasks.
33.IGFormer: Interaction Graph Transformer for Skeleton-based Human Interaction Recognition ⬇️
Human interaction recognition is very important in many applications. One crucial cue in recognizing an interaction is the interactive body parts. In this work, we propose a novel Interaction Graph Transformer (IGFormer) network for skeleton-based interaction recognition via modeling the interactive body parts as graphs. More specifically, the proposed IGFormer constructs interaction graphs according to the semantic and distance correlations between the interactive body parts, and enhances the representation of each person by aggregating the information of the interactive body parts based on the learned graphs. Furthermore, we propose a Semantic Partition Module to transform each human skeleton sequence into a Body-Part-Time sequence to better capture the spatial and temporal information of the skeleton sequence for learning the graphs. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets demonstrate that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art with a significant margin.
34.Intention-Conditioned Long-Term Human Egocentric Action Forecasting @ EGO4D Challenge 2022 ⬇️
To anticipate how a human would act in the future, it is essential to understand the human intention since it guides the human towards a certain goal. In this paper, we propose a hierarchical architecture which assumes a sequence of human action (low-level) can be driven from the human intention (high-level). Based on this, we deal with Long-Term Action Anticipation task in egocentric videos. Our framework first extracts two level of human information over the N observed videos human actions through a Hierarchical Multi-task MLP Mixer (H3M). Then, we condition the uncertainty of the future through an Intention-Conditioned Variational Auto-Encoder (I-CVAE) that generates K stable predictions of the next Z=20 actions that the observed human might perform. By leveraging human intention as high-level information, we claim that our model is able to anticipate more time-consistent actions in the long-term, thus improving the results over baseline methods in EGO4D Challenge. This work ranked first in the EGO4D LTA Challenge by providing more plausible anticipated sequences, improving the anticipation of nouns and overall actions. The code is available at this https URL.
35.Dynamic Channel Selection in Self-Supervised Learning ⬇️
Whilst computer vision models built using self-supervised approaches are now commonplace, some important questions remain. Do self-supervised models learn highly redundant channel features? What if a self-supervised network could dynamically select the important channels and get rid of the unnecessary ones? Currently, convnets pre-trained with self-supervision have obtained comparable performance on downstream tasks in comparison to their supervised counterparts in computer vision. However, there are drawbacks to self-supervised models including their large numbers of parameters, computationally expensive training strategies and a clear need for faster inference on downstream tasks. In this work, our goal is to address the latter by studying how a standard channel selection method developed for supervised learning can be applied to networks trained with self-supervision. We validate our findings on a range of target budgets
$t_{d}$ for channel computation on image classification task across different datasets, specifically CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet-100, obtaining comparable performance to that of the original network when selecting all channels but at a significant reduction in computation reported in terms of FLOPs.
36.Balancing Stability and Plasticity through Advanced Null Space in Continual Learning ⬇️
Continual learning is a learning paradigm that learns tasks sequentially with resources constraints, in which the key challenge is stability-plasticity dilemma, i.e., it is uneasy to simultaneously have the stability to prevent catastrophic forgetting of old tasks and the plasticity to learn new tasks well. In this paper, we propose a new continual learning approach, Advanced Null Space (AdNS), to balance the stability and plasticity without storing any old data of previous tasks. Specifically, to obtain better stability, AdNS makes use of low-rank approximation to obtain a novel null space and projects the gradient onto the null space to prevent the interference on the past tasks. To control the generation of the null space, we introduce a non-uniform constraint strength to further reduce forgetting. Furthermore, we present a simple but effective method, intra-task distillation, to improve the performance of the current task. Finally, we theoretically find that null space plays a key role in plasticity and stability, respectively. Experimental results show that the proposed method can achieve better performance compared to state-of-the-art continual learning approaches.
37.Few-Shot Object Detection by Knowledge Distillation Using Bag-of-Visual-Words Representations ⬇️
While fine-tuning based methods for few-shot object detection have achieved remarkable progress, a crucial challenge that has not been addressed well is the potential class-specific overfitting on base classes and sample-specific overfitting on novel classes. In this work we design a novel knowledge distillation framework to guide the learning of the object detector and thereby restrain the overfitting in both the pre-training stage on base classes and fine-tuning stage on novel classes. To be specific, we first present a novel Position-Aware Bag-of-Visual-Words model for learning a representative bag of visual words (BoVW) from a limited size of image set, which is used to encode general images based on the similarities between the learned visual words and an image. Then we perform knowledge distillation based on the fact that an image should have consistent BoVW representations in two different feature spaces. To this end, we pre-learn a feature space independently from the object detection, and encode images using BoVW in this space. The obtained BoVW representation for an image can be considered as distilled knowledge to guide the learning of object detector: the extracted features by the object detector for the same image are expected to derive the consistent BoVW representations with the distilled knowledge. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of our method and demonstrate the superiority over other state-of-the-art methods.
38.Revisiting AP Loss for Dense Object Detection: Adaptive Ranking Pair Selection ⬇️
Average precision (AP) loss has recently shown promising performance on the dense object detection task. However,a deep understanding of how AP loss affects the detector from a pairwise ranking perspective has not yet been this http URL this work, we revisit the average precision (AP)loss and reveal that the crucial element is that of selecting the ranking pairs between positive and negative samples.Based on this observation, we propose two strategies to improve the AP loss. The first of these is a novel Adaptive Pairwise Error (APE) loss that focusing on ranking pairs in both positive and negative samples. Moreover,we select more accurate ranking pairs by exploiting the normalized ranking scores and localization scores with a clustering algorithm. Experiments conducted on the MSCOCO dataset support our analysis and demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method compared with current classification and ranking loss. The code is available at this https URL.
39.Riemannian Geometry Approach for Minimizing Distortion and its Applications ⬇️
Given an affine transformation
$T$ , we define its Fisher distortion$Dist_F(T)$ . We show that the Fisher distortion has Riemannian metric structure and provide an algorithm for finding mean distorting transformation -- namely -- for a given set ${T_{i}}{i=1}^N$ of affine transformations, find an affine transformation $T$ that minimize the overall distortion $\sum{i=1}^NDist_F^{2}(T^{-1}T_{i}).$ The mean distorting transformation can be useful in some fields -- in particular, we apply it for rendering affine panoramas.
40.Cost Volume Pyramid Network with Multi-strategies Range Searching for Multi-view Stereo ⬇️
Multi-view stereo is an important research task in computer vision while still keeping challenging. In recent years, deep learning-based methods have shown superior performance on this task. Cost volume pyramid network-based methods which progressively refine depth map in coarse-to-fine manner, have yielded promising results while consuming less memory. However, these methods fail to take fully consideration of the characteristics of the cost volumes in each stage, leading to adopt similar range search strategies for each cost volume stage. In this work, we present a novel cost volume pyramid based network with different searching strategies for multi-view stereo. By choosing different depth range sampling strategies and applying adaptive unimodal filtering, we are able to obtain more accurate depth estimation in low resolution stages and iteratively upsample depth map to arbitrary resolution. We conducted extensive experiments on both DTU and BlendedMVS datasets, and results show that our method outperforms most state-of-the-art methods.
41.Deep dual stream residual network with contextual attention for pansharpening of remote sensing images ⬇️
Pansharpening enhances spatial details of high spectral resolution multispectral images using features of high spatial resolution panchromatic image. There are a number of traditional pansharpening approaches but producing an image exhibiting high spectral and spatial fidelity is still an open problem. Recently, deep learning has been used to produce promising pansharpened images; however, most of these approaches apply similar treatment to both multispectral and panchromatic images by using the same network for feature extraction. In this work, we present present a novel dual attention-based two-stream network. It starts with feature extraction using two separate networks for both images, an encoder with attention mechanism to recalibrate the extracted features. This is followed by fusion of the features forming a compact representation fed into an image reconstruction network to produce a pansharpened image. The experimental results on the Pléiades dataset using standard quantitative evaluation metrics and visual inspection demonstrates that the proposed approach performs better than other approaches in terms of pansharpened image quality.
42.3D Siamese Transformer Network for Single Object Tracking on Point Clouds ⬇️
Siamese network based trackers formulate 3D single object tracking as cross-correlation learning between point features of a template and a search area. Due to the large appearance variation between the template and search area during tracking, how to learn the robust cross correlation between them for identifying the potential target in the search area is still a challenging problem. In this paper, we explicitly use Transformer to form a 3D Siamese Transformer network for learning robust cross correlation between the template and the search area of point clouds. Specifically, we develop a Siamese point Transformer network to learn shape context information of the target. Its encoder uses self-attention to capture non-local information of point clouds to characterize the shape information of the object, and the decoder utilizes cross-attention to upsample discriminative point features. After that, we develop an iterative coarse-to-fine correlation network to learn the robust cross correlation between the template and the search area. It formulates the cross-feature augmentation to associate the template with the potential target in the search area via cross attention. To further enhance the potential target, it employs the ego-feature augmentation that applies self-attention to the local k-NN graph of the feature space to aggregate target features. Experiments on the KITTI, nuScenes, and Waymo datasets show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on the 3D single object tracking task.
43.RA-Depth: Resolution Adaptive Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation ⬇️
Existing self-supervised monocular depth estimation methods can get rid of expensive annotations and achieve promising results. However, these methods suffer from severe performance degradation when directly adopting a model trained on a fixed resolution to evaluate at other different resolutions. In this paper, we propose a resolution adaptive self-supervised monocular depth estimation method (RA-Depth) by learning the scale invariance of the scene depth. Specifically, we propose a simple yet efficient data augmentation method to generate images with arbitrary scales for the same scene. Then, we develop a dual high-resolution network that uses the multi-path encoder and decoder with dense interactions to aggregate multi-scale features for accurate depth inference. Finally, to explicitly learn the scale invariance of the scene depth, we formulate a cross-scale depth consistency loss on depth predictions with different scales. Extensive experiments on the KITTI, Make3D and NYU-V2 datasets demonstrate that RA-Depth not only achieves state-of-the-art performance, but also exhibits a good ability of resolution adaptation.
44.TransCL: Transformer Makes Strong and Flexible Compressive Learning ⬇️
Compressive learning (CL) is an emerging framework that integrates signal acquisition via compressed sensing (CS) and machine learning for inference tasks directly on a small number of measurements. It can be a promising alternative to classical image-domain methods and enjoys great advantages in memory saving and computational efficiency. However, previous attempts on CL are not only limited to a fixed CS ratio, which lacks flexibility, but also limited to MNIST/CIFAR-like datasets and do not scale to complex real-world high-resolution (HR) data or vision tasks. In this paper, a novel transformer-based compressive learning framework on large-scale images with arbitrary CS ratios, dubbed TransCL, is proposed. Specifically, TransCL first utilizes the strategy of learnable block-based compressed sensing and proposes a flexible linear projection strategy to enable CL to be performed on large-scale images in an efficient block-by-block manner with arbitrary CS ratios. Then, regarding CS measurements from all blocks as a sequence, a pure transformer-based backbone is deployed to perform vision tasks with various task-oriented heads. Our sufficient analysis presents that TransCL exhibits strong resistance to interference and robust adaptability to arbitrary CS ratios. Extensive experiments for complex HR data demonstrate that the proposed TransCL can achieve state-of-the-art performance in image classification and semantic segmentation tasks. In particular, TransCL with a CS ratio of
$10%$ can obtain almost the same performance as when operating directly on the original data and can still obtain satisfying performance even with an extremely low CS ratio of$1%$ . The source codes of our proposed TransCL is available at \url{this https URL}.
45.Jigsaw-ViT: Learning Jigsaw Puzzles in Vision Transformer ⬇️
The success of Vision Transformer (ViT) in various computer vision tasks has promoted the ever-increasing prevalence of this convolution-free network. The fact that ViT works on image patches makes it potentially relevant to the problem of jigsaw puzzle solving, which is a classical self-supervised task aiming at reordering shuffled sequential image patches back to their natural form. Despite its simplicity, solving jigsaw puzzle has been demonstrated to be helpful for diverse tasks using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), such as self-supervised feature representation learning, domain generalization, and fine-grained classification.
In this paper, we explore solving jigsaw puzzle as a self-supervised auxiliary loss in ViT for image classification, named Jigsaw-ViT. We show two modifications that can make Jigsaw-ViT superior to standard ViT: discarding positional embeddings and masking patches randomly. Yet simple, we find that Jigsaw-ViT is able to improve both in generalization and robustness over the standard ViT, which is usually rather a trade-off. Experimentally, we show that adding the jigsaw puzzle branch provides better generalization than ViT on large-scale image classification on ImageNet. Moreover, the auxiliary task also improves robustness to noisy labels on Animal-10N, Food-101N, and Clothing1M as well as adversarial examples. Our implementation is available at this https URL.
46.Reference-based Image Super-Resolution with Deformable Attention Transformer ⬇️
Reference-based image super-resolution (RefSR) aims to exploit auxiliary reference (Ref) images to super-resolve low-resolution (LR) images. Recently, RefSR has been attracting great attention as it provides an alternative way to surpass single image SR. However, addressing the RefSR problem has two critical challenges: (i) It is difficult to match the correspondence between LR and Ref images when they are significantly different; (ii) How to transfer the relevant texture from Ref images to compensate the details for LR images is very challenging. To address these issues of RefSR, this paper proposes a deformable attention Transformer, namely DATSR, with multiple scales, each of which consists of a texture feature encoder (TFE) module, a reference-based deformable attention (RDA) module and a residual feature aggregation (RFA) module. Specifically, TFE first extracts image transformation (e.g., brightness) insensitive features for LR and Ref images, RDA then can exploit multiple relevant textures to compensate more information for LR features, and RFA lastly aggregates LR features and relevant textures to get a more visually pleasant result. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our DATSR achieves state-of-the-art performance on benchmark datasets quantitatively and qualitatively.
47.Optimal Boxes: Boosting End-to-End Scene Text Recognition by Adjusting Annotated Bounding Boxes via Reinforcement Learning ⬇️
Text detection and recognition are essential components of a modern OCR system. Most OCR approaches attempt to obtain accurate bounding boxes of text at the detection stage, which is used as the input of the text recognition stage. We observe that when using tight text bounding boxes as input, a text recognizer frequently fails to achieve optimal performance due to the inconsistency between bounding boxes and deep representations of text recognition. In this paper, we propose Box Adjuster, a reinforcement learning-based method for adjusting the shape of each text bounding box to make it more compatible with text recognition models. Additionally, when dealing with cross-domain problems such as synthetic-to-real, the proposed method significantly reduces mismatches in domain distribution between the source and target domains. Experiments demonstrate that the performance of end-to-end text recognition systems can be improved when using the adjusted bounding boxes as the ground truths for training. Specifically, on several benchmark datasets for scene text understanding, the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art text spotters by an average of 2.0% F-Score on end-to-end text recognition tasks and 4.6% F-Score on domain adaptation tasks.
48.Hybrid Classifiers for Spatio-temporal Real-time Abnormal Behaviors Detection, Tracking, and Recognition in Massive Hajj Crowds ⬇️
Individual abnormal behaviors vary depending on crowd sizes, contexts, and scenes. Challenges such as partial occlusions, blurring, large-number abnormal behavior, and camera viewing occur in large-scale crowds when detecting, tracking, and recognizing individuals with abnormal behaviors. In this paper, our contribution is twofold. First, we introduce an annotated and labeled large-scale crowd abnormal behaviors Hajj dataset (HAJJv2). Second, we propose two methods of hybrid Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Random Forests (RFs) to detect and recognize Spatio-temporal abnormal behaviors in small and large-scales crowd videos. In small-scale crowd videos, a ResNet-50 pre-trained CNN model is fine-tuned to verify whether every frame is normal or abnormal in the spatial domain. If anomalous behaviors are observed, a motion-based individuals detection method based on the magnitudes and orientations of Horn-Schunck optical flow is used to locate and track individuals with abnormal behaviors. A Kalman filter is employed in large-scale crowd videos to predict and track the detected individuals in the subsequent frames. Then, means, variances, and standard deviations statistical features are computed and fed to the RF to classify individuals with abnormal behaviors in the temporal domain. In large-scale crowds, we fine-tune the ResNet-50 model using YOLOv2 object detection technique to detect individuals with abnormal behaviors in the spatial domain.
49.NeuMesh: Learning Disentangled Neural Mesh-based Implicit Field for Geometry and Texture Editing ⬇️
Very recently neural implicit rendering techniques have been rapidly evolved and shown great advantages in novel view synthesis and 3D scene reconstruction. However, existing neural rendering methods for editing purposes offer limited functionality, e.g., rigid transformation, or not applicable for fine-grained editing for general objects from daily lives. In this paper, we present a novel mesh-based representation by encoding the neural implicit field with disentangled geometry and texture codes on mesh vertices, which facilitates a set of editing functionalities, including mesh-guided geometry editing, designated texture editing with texture swapping, filling and painting operations. To this end, we develop several techniques including learnable sign indicators to magnify spatial distinguishability of mesh-based representation, distillation and fine-tuning mechanism to make a steady convergence, and the spatial-aware optimization strategy to realize precise texture editing. Extensive experiments and editing examples on both real and synthetic data demonstrate the superiority of our method on representation quality and editing ability. Code is available on the project webpage: this https URL.
50.Domain Adaptive Person Search ⬇️
Person search is a challenging task which aims to achieve joint pedestrian detection and person re-identification (ReID). Previous works have made significant advances under fully and weakly supervised settings. However, existing methods ignore the generalization ability of the person search models. In this paper, we take a further step and present Domain Adaptive Person Search (DAPS), which aims to generalize the model from a labeled source domain to the unlabeled target domain. Two major challenges arises under this new setting: one is how to simultaneously solve the domain misalignment issue for both detection and Re-ID tasks, and the other is how to train the ReID subtask without reliable detection results on the target domain. To address these challenges, we propose a strong baseline framework with two dedicated designs. 1) We design a domain alignment module including image-level and task-sensitive instance-level alignments, to minimize the domain discrepancy. 2) We take full advantage of the unlabeled data with a dynamic clustering strategy, and employ pseudo bounding boxes to support ReID and detection training on the target domain. With the above designs, our framework achieves 34.7% in mAP and 80.6% in top-1 on PRW dataset, surpassing the direct transferring baseline by a large margin. Surprisingly, the performance of our unsupervised DAPS model even surpasses some of the fully and weakly supervised methods. The code is available at this https URL.
51.On Mitigating Hard Clusters for Face Clustering ⬇️
Face clustering is a promising way to scale up face recognition systems using large-scale unlabeled face images. It remains challenging to identify small or sparse face image clusters that we call hard clusters, which is caused by the heterogeneity, \ie, high variations in size and sparsity, of the clusters. Consequently, the conventional way of using a uniform threshold (to identify clusters) often leads to a terrible misclassification for the samples that should belong to hard clusters. We tackle this problem by leveraging the neighborhood information of samples and inferring the cluster memberships (of samples) in a probabilistic way. We introduce two novel modules, Neighborhood-Diffusion-based Density (NDDe) and Transition-Probability-based Distance (TPDi), based on which we can simply apply the standard Density Peak Clustering algorithm with a uniform threshold. Our experiments on multiple benchmarks show that each module contributes to the final performance of our method, and by incorporating them into other advanced face clustering methods, these two modules can boost the performance of these methods to a new state-of-the-art. Code is available at: this https URL.
52.Sub-Aperture Feature Adaptation in Single Image Super-resolution Model for Light Field Imaging ⬇️
With the availability of commercial Light Field (LF) cameras, LF imaging has emerged as an up and coming technology in computational photography. However, the spatial resolution is significantly constrained in commercial microlens based LF cameras because of the inherent multiplexing of spatial and angular information. Therefore, it becomes the main bottleneck for other applications of light field cameras. This paper proposes an adaptation module in a pretrained Single Image Super Resolution (SISR) network to leverage the powerful SISR model instead of using highly engineered light field imaging domain specific Super Resolution models. The adaption module consists of a Sub aperture Shift block and a fusion block. It is an adaptation in the SISR network to further exploit the spatial and angular information in LF images to improve the super resolution performance. Experimental validation shows that the proposed method outperforms existing light field super resolution algorithms. It also achieves PSNR gains of more than 1 dB across all the datasets as compared to the same pretrained SISR models for scale factor 2, and PSNR gains 0.6 to 1 dB for scale factor 4.
53.Salient Object Detection for Point Clouds ⬇️
This paper researches the unexplored task-point cloud salient object detection (SOD). Differing from SOD for images, we find the attention shift of point clouds may provoke saliency conflict, i.e., an object paradoxically belongs to salient and non-salient categories. To eschew this issue, we present a novel view-dependent perspective of salient objects, reasonably reflecting the most eye-catching objects in point cloud scenarios. Following this formulation, we introduce PCSOD, the first dataset proposed for point cloud SOD consisting of 2,872 in-/out-door 3D views. The samples in our dataset are labeled with hierarchical annotations, e.g., super-/sub-class, bounding box, and segmentation map, which endows the brilliant generalizability and broad applicability of our dataset verifying various conjectures. To evidence the feasibility of our solution, we further contribute a baseline model and benchmark five representative models for a comprehensive comparison. The proposed model can effectively analyze irregular and unordered points for detecting salient objects. Thanks to incorporating the task-tailored designs, our method shows visible superiority over other baselines, producing more satisfactory results. Extensive experiments and discussions reveal the promising potential of this research field, paving the way for further study.
54.nLMVS-Net: Deep Non-Lambertian Multi-View Stereo ⬇️
We introduce a novel multi-view stereo (MVS) method that can simultaneously recover not just per-pixel depth but also surface normals, together with the reflectance of textureless, complex non-Lambertian surfaces captured under known but natural illumination. Our key idea is to formulate MVS as an end-to-end learnable network, which we refer to as nLMVS-Net, that seamlessly integrates radiometric cues to leverage surface normals as view-independent surface features for learned cost volume construction and filtering. It first estimates surface normals as pixel-wise probability densities for each view with a novel shape-from-shading network. These per-pixel surface normal densities and the input multi-view images are then input to a novel cost volume filtering network that learns to recover per-pixel depth and surface normal. The reflectance is also explicitly estimated by alternating with geometry reconstruction. Extensive quantitative evaluations on newly established synthetic and real-world datasets show that nLMVS-Net can robustly and accurately recover the shape and reflectance of complex objects in natural settings.
55.Seeking Subjectivity in Visual Emotion Distribution Learning ⬇️
Visual Emotion Analysis (VEA), which aims to predict people's emotions towards different visual stimuli, has become an attractive research topic recently. Rather than a single label classification task, it is more rational to regard VEA as a Label Distribution Learning (LDL) problem by voting from different individuals. Existing methods often predict visual emotion distribution in a unified network, neglecting the inherent subjectivity in its crowd voting process. In psychology, the \textit{Object-Appraisal-Emotion} model has demonstrated that each individual's emotion is affected by his/her subjective appraisal, which is further formed by the affective memory. Inspired by this, we propose a novel \textit{Subjectivity Appraise-and-Match Network (SAMNet)} to investigate the subjectivity in visual emotion distribution. To depict the diversity in crowd voting process, we first propose the \textit{Subjectivity Appraising} with multiple branches, where each branch simulates the emotion evocation process of a specific individual. Specifically, we construct the affective memory with an attention-based mechanism to preserve each individual's unique emotional experience. A subjectivity loss is further proposed to guarantee the divergence between different individuals. Moreover, we propose the \textit{Subjectivity Matching} with a matching loss, aiming at assigning unordered emotion labels to ordered individual predictions in a one-to-one correspondence with the Hungarian algorithm. Extensive experiments and comparisons are conducted on public visual emotion distribution datasets, and the results demonstrate that the proposed SAMNet consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. Ablation study verifies the effectiveness of our method and visualization proves its interpretability.
56.Towards Complex Document Understanding By Discrete Reasoning ⬇️
Document Visual Question Answering (VQA) aims to understand visually-rich documents to answer questions in natural language, which is an emerging research topic for both Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision. In this work, we introduce a new Document VQA dataset, named TAT-DQA, which consists of 3,067 document pages comprising semi-structured table(s) and unstructured text as well as 16,558 question-answer pairs by extending the TAT-QA dataset. These documents are sampled from real-world financial reports and contain lots of numbers, which means discrete reasoning capability is demanded to answer questions on this dataset. Based on TAT-DQA, we further develop a novel model named MHST that takes into account the information in multi-modalities, including text, layout and visual image, to intelligently address different types of questions with corresponding strategies, i.e., extraction or reasoning. Extensive experiments show that the MHST model significantly outperforms the baseline methods, demonstrating its effectiveness. However, the performance still lags far behind that of expert humans. We expect that our new TAT-DQA dataset would facilitate the research on deep understanding of visually-rich documents combining vision and language, especially for scenarios that require discrete reasoning. Also, we hope the proposed model would inspire researchers to design more advanced Document VQA models in future.
57.Behind Every Domain There is a Shift: Adapting Distortion-aware Vision Transformers for Panoramic Semantic Segmentation ⬇️
In this paper, we address panoramic semantic segmentation, which provides a full-view and dense-pixel understanding of surroundings in a holistic way. Panoramic segmentation is under-explored due to two critical challenges: (1) image distortions and object deformations on panoramas; (2) lack of annotations for training panoramic segmenters. To tackle these problems, we propose a Transformer for Panoramic Semantic Segmentation (Trans4PASS) architecture. First, to enhance distortion awareness, Trans4PASS, equipped with Deformable Patch Embedding (DPE) and Deformable MLP (DMLP) modules, is capable of handling object deformations and image distortions whenever (before or after adaptation) and wherever (shallow or deep levels) by design. We further introduce the upgraded Trans4PASS+ model, featuring DMLPv2 with parallel token mixing to improve the flexibility and generalizability in modeling discriminative cues. Second, we propose a Mutual Prototypical Adaptation (MPA) strategy for unsupervised domain adaptation. Third, aside from Pinhole-to-Panoramic (Pin2Pan) adaptation, we create a new dataset (SynPASS) with 9,080 panoramic images to explore a Synthetic-to-Real (Syn2Real) adaptation scheme in 360° imagery. Extensive experiments are conducted, which cover indoor and outdoor scenarios, and each of them is investigated with Pin2Pan and Syn2Real regimens. Trans4PASS+ achieves state-of-the-art performances on four domain adaptive panoramic semantic segmentation benchmarks. Code is available at this https URL.
58.Visual Perturbation-aware Collaborative Learning for Overcoming the Language Prior Problem ⬇️
Several studies have recently pointed that existing Visual Question Answering (VQA) models heavily suffer from the language prior problem, which refers to capturing superficial statistical correlations between the question type and the answer whereas ignoring the image contents. Numerous efforts have been dedicated to strengthen the image dependency by creating the delicate models or introducing the extra visual annotations. However, these methods cannot sufficiently explore how the visual cues explicitly affect the learned answer representation, which is vital for language reliance alleviation. Moreover, they generally emphasize the class-level discrimination of the learned answer representation, which overlooks the more fine-grained instance-level patterns and demands further optimization. In this paper, we propose a novel collaborative learning scheme from the viewpoint of visual perturbation calibration, which can better investigate the fine-grained visual effects and mitigate the language prior problem by learning the instance-level characteristics. Specifically, we devise a visual controller to construct two sorts of curated images with different perturbation extents, based on which the collaborative learning of intra-instance invariance and inter-instance discrimination is implemented by two well-designed discriminators. Besides, we implement the information bottleneck modulator on latent space for further bias alleviation and representation calibration. We impose our visual perturbation-aware framework to three orthodox baselines and the experimental results on two diagnostic VQA-CP benchmark datasets evidently demonstrate its effectiveness. In addition, we also justify its robustness on the balanced VQA benchmark.
59.Enhancing Image Rescaling using Dual Latent Variables in Invertible Neural Network ⬇️
Normalizing flow models have been used successfully for generative image super-resolution (SR) by approximating complex distribution of natural images to simple tractable distribution in latent space through Invertible Neural Networks (INN). These models can generate multiple realistic SR images from one low-resolution (LR) input using randomly sampled points in the latent space, simulating the ill-posed nature of image upscaling where multiple high-resolution (HR) images correspond to the same LR. Lately, the invertible process in INN has also been used successfully by bidirectional image rescaling models like IRN and HCFlow for joint optimization of downscaling and inverse upscaling, resulting in significant improvements in upscaled image quality. While they are optimized for image downscaling too, the ill-posed nature of image downscaling, where one HR image could be downsized to multiple LR images depending on different interpolation kernels and resampling methods, is not considered. A new downscaling latent variable, in addition to the original one representing uncertainties in image upscaling, is introduced to model variations in the image downscaling process. This dual latent variable enhancement is applicable to different image rescaling models and it is shown in extensive experiments that it can improve image upscaling accuracy consistently without sacrificing image quality in downscaled LR images. It is also shown to be effective in enhancing other INN-based models for image restoration applications like image hiding.
60.A Deep Dive into Deep Cluster ⬇️
Deep Learning has demonstrated a significant improvement against traditional machine learning approaches in different domains such as image and speech recognition. Their success on benchmark datasets is transferred to the real-world through pretrained models by practitioners. Pretraining visual models using supervised learning requires a significant amount of expensive data annotation. To tackle this limitation, DeepCluster - a simple and scalable unsupervised pretraining of visual representations - has been proposed. However, the underlying work of the model is not yet well understood. In this paper, we analyze DeepCluster internals and exhaustively evaluate the impact of various hyperparameters over a wide range of values on three different datasets. Accordingly, we propose an explanation of why the algorithm works in practice. We also show that DeepCluster convergence and performance highly depend on the interplay between the quality of the randomly initialized filters of the convolutional layer and the selected number of clusters. Furthermore, we demonstrate that continuous clustering is not critical for DeepCluster convergence. Therefore, early stopping of the clustering phase will reduce the training time and allow the algorithm to scale to large datasets. Finally, we derive plausible hyperparameter selection criteria in a semi-supervised setting.
61.SAVCHOI: Detecting Suspicious Activities using Dense Video Captioning with Human Object Interactions ⬇️
Detecting suspicious activities in surveillance videos has been a longstanding problem, which can further lead to difficulties in detecting crimes. The authors propose a novel approach for detecting and summarizing the suspicious activities going on in the surveillance videos. They also create ground truth summaries for the UCF-Crime video dataset. Further, the authors test existing state-of-the-art algorithms for Dense Video Captioning for a subset of this dataset and propose a model for this task by leveraging Human-Object Interaction models for the Visual features. They observe that this formulation for Dense Captioning achieves large gains over earlier approaches by a significant margin. The authors also perform an ablative analysis of the dataset and the model and report their findings.
62.Inter-model Interpretability: Self-supervised Models as a Case Study ⬇️
Since early machine learning models, metrics such as accuracy and precision have been the de facto way to evaluate and compare trained models. However, a single metric number doesn't fully capture the similarities and differences between models, especially in the computer vision domain. A model with high accuracy on a certain dataset might provide a lower accuracy on another dataset, without any further insights. To address this problem we build on a recent interpretability technique called Dissect to introduce \textit{inter-model interpretability}, which determines how models relate or complement each other based on the visual concepts they have learned (such as objects and materials). Towards this goal, we project 13 top-performing self-supervised models into a Learned Concepts Embedding (LCE) space that reveals proximities among models from the perspective of learned concepts. We further crossed this information with the performance of these models on four computer vision tasks and 15 datasets. The experiment allowed us to categorize the models into three categories and revealed for the first time the type of visual concepts different tasks requires. This is a step forward for designing cross-task learning algorithms.
63.Object State Change Classification in Egocentric Videos using the Divided Space-Time Attention Mechanism ⬇️
This report describes our submission called "TarHeels" for the Ego4D: Object State Change Classification Challenge. We use a transformer-based video recognition model and leverage the Divided Space-Time Attention mechanism for classifying object state change in egocentric videos. Our submission achieves the second-best performance in the challenge. Furthermore, we perform an ablation study to show that identifying object state change in egocentric videos requires temporal modeling ability. Lastly, we present several positive and negative examples to visualize our model's predictions. The code is publicly available at: this https URL
64.VizWiz-FewShot: Locating Objects in Images Taken by People With Visual Impairments ⬇️
We introduce a few-shot localization dataset originating from photographers who authentically were trying to learn about the visual content in the images they took. It includes nearly 10,000 segmentations of 100 categories in over 4,500 images that were taken by people with visual impairments. Compared to existing few-shot object detection and instance segmentation datasets, our dataset is the first to locate holes in objects (e.g., found in 12.3% of our segmentations), it shows objects that occupy a much larger range of sizes relative to the images, and text is over five times more common in our objects (e.g., found in 22.4% of our segmentations). Analysis of three modern few-shot localization algorithms demonstrates that they generalize poorly to our new dataset. The algorithms commonly struggle to locate objects with holes, very small and very large objects, and objects lacking text. To encourage a larger community to work on these unsolved challenges, we publicly share our annotated few-shot dataset at this https URL .
65.Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Detection for Fine-Grained Videos with Hierarchical Atomic Actions ⬇️
Action understanding has evolved into the era of fine granularity, as most human behaviors in real life have only minor differences. To detect these fine-grained actions accurately in a label-efficient way, we tackle the problem of weakly-supervised fine-grained temporal action detection in videos for the first time. Without the careful design to capture subtle differences between fine-grained actions, previous weakly-supervised models for general action detection cannot perform well in the fine-grained setting. We propose to model actions as the combinations of reusable atomic actions which are automatically discovered from data through self-supervised clustering, in order to capture the commonality and individuality of fine-grained actions. The learnt atomic actions, represented by visual concepts, are further mapped to fine and coarse action labels leveraging the semantic label hierarchy. Our approach constructs a visual representation hierarchy of four levels: clip level, atomic action level, fine action class level and coarse action class level, with supervision at each level. Extensive experiments on two large-scale fine-grained video datasets, FineAction and FineGym, show the benefit of our proposed weakly-supervised model for fine-grained action detection, and it achieves state-of-the-art results.
66.Cross-Modal 3D Shape Generation and Manipulation ⬇️
Creating and editing the shape and color of 3D objects require tremendous human effort and expertise. Compared to direct manipulation in 3D interfaces, 2D interactions such as sketches and scribbles are usually much more natural and intuitive for the users. In this paper, we propose a generic multi-modal generative model that couples the 2D modalities and implicit 3D representations through shared latent spaces. With the proposed model, versatile 3D generation and manipulation are enabled by simply propagating the editing from a specific 2D controlling modality through the latent spaces. For example, editing the 3D shape by drawing a sketch, re-colorizing the 3D surface via painting color scribbles on the 2D rendering, or generating 3D shapes of a certain category given one or a few reference images. Unlike prior works, our model does not require re-training or fine-tuning per editing task and is also conceptually simple, easy to implement, robust to input domain shifts, and flexible to diverse reconstruction on partial 2D inputs. We evaluate our framework on two representative 2D modalities of grayscale line sketches and rendered color images, and demonstrate that our method enables various shape manipulation and generation tasks with these 2D modalities.
67.PatchRD: Detail-Preserving Shape Completion by Learning Patch Retrieval and Deformation ⬇️
This paper introduces a data-driven shape completion approach that focuses on completing geometric details of missing regions of 3D shapes. We observe that existing generative methods lack the training data and representation capacity to synthesize plausible, fine-grained details with complex geometry and topology. Our key insight is to copy and deform patches from the partial input to complete missing regions. This enables us to preserve the style of local geometric features, even if it drastically differs from the training data. Our fully automatic approach proceeds in two stages. First, we learn to retrieve candidate patches from the input shape. Second, we select and deform some of the retrieved candidates to seamlessly blend them into the complete shape. This method combines the advantages of the two most common completion methods: similarity-based single-instance completion, and completion by learning a shape space. We leverage repeating patterns by retrieving patches from the partial input, and learn global structural priors by using a neural network to guide the retrieval and deformation steps. Experimental results show our approach considerably outperforms baselines across multiple datasets and shape categories. Code and data are available at this https URL.
68.Hierarchical Semi-Supervised Contrastive Learning for Contamination-Resistant Anomaly Detection ⬇️
Anomaly detection aims at identifying deviant samples from the normal data distribution. Contrastive learning has provided a successful way to sample representation that enables effective discrimination on anomalies. However, when contaminated with unlabeled abnormal samples in training set under semi-supervised settings, current contrastive-based methods generally 1) ignore the comprehensive relation between training data, leading to suboptimal performance, and 2) require fine-tuning, resulting in low efficiency. To address the above two issues, in this paper, we propose a novel hierarchical semi-supervised contrastive learning (HSCL) framework, for contamination-resistant anomaly detection. Specifically, HSCL hierarchically regulates three complementary relations: sample-to-sample, sample-to-prototype, and normal-to-abnormal relations, enlarging the discrimination between normal and abnormal samples with a comprehensive exploration of the contaminated data. Besides, HSCL is an end-to-end learning approach that can efficiently learn discriminative representations without fine-tuning. HSCL achieves state-of-the-art performance in multiple scenarios, such as one-class classification and cross-dataset detection. Extensive ablation studies further verify the effectiveness of each considered relation. The code is available at this https URL.
69.Image Denoising Using Convolutional Autoencoder ⬇️
With the inexorable digitalisation of the modern world, every subset in the field of technology goes through major advancements constantly. One such subset is digital images which are ever so popular. Images can not always be as visually pleasing or clear as you would want them to be and are often distorted or obscured with noise. A number of techniques to enhance images have come up as the years passed, all with their own respective pros and cons. In this paper, we look at one such particular technique which accomplishes this task with the help of a neural network model commonly known as an autoencoder. We construct different architectures for the model and compare results in order to decide the one best suited for the task. The characteristics and working of the model are discussed briefly knowing which can help set a path for future research.
70.Learning Dynamic Facial Radiance Fields for Few-Shot Talking Head Synthesis ⬇️
Talking head synthesis is an emerging technology with wide applications in film dubbing, virtual avatars and online education. Recent NeRF-based methods generate more natural talking videos, as they better capture the 3D structural information of faces. However, a specific model needs to be trained for each identity with a large dataset. In this paper, we propose Dynamic Facial Radiance Fields (DFRF) for few-shot talking head synthesis, which can rapidly generalize to an unseen identity with few training data. Different from the existing NeRF-based methods which directly encode the 3D geometry and appearance of a specific person into the network, our DFRF conditions face radiance field on 2D appearance images to learn the face prior. Thus the facial radiance field can be flexibly adjusted to the new identity with few reference images. Additionally, for better modeling of the facial deformations, we propose a differentiable face warping module conditioned on audio signals to deform all reference images to the query space. Extensive experiments show that with only tens of seconds of training clip available, our proposed DFRF can synthesize natural and high-quality audio-driven talking head videos for novel identities with only 40k iterations. We highly recommend readers view our supplementary video for intuitive comparisons. Code is available in this https URL.
71.Learning Generalizable Light Field Networks from Few Images ⬇️
We explore a new strategy for few-shot novel view synthesis based on a neural light field representation. Given a target camera pose, an implicit neural network maps each ray to its target pixel's color directly. The network is conditioned on local ray features generated by coarse volumetric rendering from an explicit 3D feature volume. This volume is built from the input images using a 3D ConvNet. Our method achieves competitive performances on synthetic and real MVS data with respect to state-of-the-art neural radiance field based competition, while offering a 100 times faster rendering.
72.Label-Guided Auxiliary Training Improves 3D Object Detector ⬇️
Detecting 3D objects from point clouds is a practical yet challenging task that has attracted increasing attention recently. In this paper, we propose a Label-Guided auxiliary training method for 3D object detection (LG3D), which serves as an auxiliary network to enhance the feature learning of existing 3D object detectors. Specifically, we propose two novel modules: a Label-Annotation-Inducer that maps annotations and point clouds in bounding boxes to task-specific representations and a Label-Knowledge-Mapper that assists the original features to obtain detection-critical representations. The proposed auxiliary network is discarded in inference and thus has no extra computational cost at test time. We conduct extensive experiments on both indoor and outdoor datasets to verify the effectiveness of our approach. For example, our proposed LG3D improves VoteNet by 2.5% and 3.1% mAP on the SUN RGB-D and ScanNetV2 datasets, respectively.
73.Combining Internal and External Constraints for Unrolling Shutter in Videos ⬇️
Videos obtained by rolling-shutter (RS) cameras result in spatially-distorted frames. These distortions become significant under fast camera/scene motions. Undoing effects of RS is sometimes addressed as a spatial problem, where objects need to be rectified/displaced in order to generate their correct global shutter (GS) frame. However, the cause of the RS effect is inherently temporal, not spatial. In this paper we propose a space-time solution to the RS problem. We observe that despite the severe differences between their xy frames, a RS video and its corresponding GS video tend to share the exact same xt slices -- up to a known sub-frame temporal shift. Moreover, they share the same distribution of small 2D xt-patches, despite the strong temporal aliasing within each video. This allows to constrain the GS output video using video-specific constraints imposed by the RS input video. Our algorithm is composed of 3 main components: (i) Dense temporal upsampling between consecutive RS frames using an off-the-shelf method, (which was trained on regular video sequences), from which we extract GS "proposals". (ii) Learning to correctly merge an ensemble of such GS "proposals" using a dedicated MergeNet. (iii) A video-specific zero-shot optimization which imposes the similarity of xt-patches between the GS output video and the RS input video. Our method obtains state-of-the-art results on benchmark datasets, both numerically and visually, despite being trained on a small synthetic RS/GS dataset. Moreover, it generalizes well to new complex RS videos with motion types outside the distribution of the training set (e.g., complex non-rigid motions) -- videos which competing methods trained on much more data cannot handle well. We attribute these generalization capabilities to the combination of external and internal constraints.
74.TIPS: Text-Induced Pose Synthesis ⬇️
In computer vision, human pose synthesis and transfer deal with probabilistic image generation of a person in a previously unseen pose from an already available observation of that person. Though researchers have recently proposed several methods to achieve this task, most of these techniques derive the target pose directly from the desired target image on a specific dataset, making the underlying process challenging to apply in real-world scenarios as the generation of the target image is the actual aim. In this paper, we first present the shortcomings of current pose transfer algorithms and then propose a novel text-based pose transfer technique to address those issues. We divide the problem into three independent stages: (a) text to pose representation, (b) pose refinement, and (c) pose rendering. To the best of our knowledge, this is one of the first attempts to develop a text-based pose transfer framework where we also introduce a new dataset DF-PASS, by adding descriptive pose annotations for the images of the DeepFashion dataset. The proposed method generates promising results with significant qualitative and quantitative scores in our experiments.
75.Keypoint-less Camera Calibration for Sports Field Registration in Soccer ⬇️
Sports field registration in broadcast videos is typically interpreted as the task of homography estimation, which provides a mapping between a planar field and the corresponding visible area of the image. In contrast to previous approaches, we consider the task as a camera calibration problem. First, we introduce a differentiable objective function that is able to learn the camera pose and focal length from segment correspondences (e.g., lines, point clouds), based on pixel-level annotations for segments of a known calibration object, i.e., the sports field. The calibration module iteratively minimizes the segment reprojection error induced by the estimated camera parameters. Second, we propose a novel approach for 3D sports field registration from broadcast soccer images. The calibration module does not require any training data and compared to the typical solution, which subsequently refines an initial estimation, our solution does it in one step. The proposed method is evaluated for sports field registration on two datasets and achieves superior results compared to two state-of-the-art approaches.
76.Improving Test-Time Adaptation via Shift-agnostic Weight Regularization and Nearest Source Prototypes ⬇️
This paper proposes a novel test-time adaptation strategy that adjusts the model pre-trained on the source domain using only unlabeled online data from the target domain to alleviate the performance degradation due to the distribution shift between the source and target domains. Adapting the entire model parameters using the unlabeled online data may be detrimental due to the erroneous signals from an unsupervised objective. To mitigate this problem, we propose a shift-agnostic weight regularization that encourages largely updating the model parameters sensitive to distribution shift while slightly updating those insensitive to the shift, during test-time adaptation. This regularization enables the model to quickly adapt to the target domain without performance degradation by utilizing the benefit of a high learning rate. In addition, we present an auxiliary task based on nearest source prototypes to align the source and target features, which helps reduce the distribution shift and leads to further performance improvement. We show that our method exhibits state-of-the-art performance on various standard benchmarks and even outperforms its supervised counterpart.
77.Semi-supervised Deep Multi-view Stereo ⬇️
Significant progress has been witnessed in learning-based Multi-view Stereo (MVS) of supervised and unsupervised settings. To combine their respective merits in accuracy and completeness, meantime reducing the demand for expensive labeled data, this paper explores a novel semi-supervised setting of learning-based MVS problem that only a tiny part of the MVS data is attached with dense depth ground truth. However, due to huge variation of scenarios and flexible setting in views, semi-supervised MVS problem (Semi-MVS) may break the basic assumption in classic semi-supervised learning, that unlabeled data and labeled data share the same label space and data distribution. To handle these issues, we propose a novel semi-supervised MVS framework, namely SE-MVS. For the simple case that the basic assumption works in MVS data, consistency regularization encourages the model predictions to be consistent between original sample and randomly augmented sample via constraints on KL divergence. For further troublesome case that the basic assumption is conflicted in MVS data, we propose a novel style consistency loss to alleviate the negative effect caused by the distribution gap. The visual style of unlabeled sample is transferred to labeled sample to shrink the gap, and the model prediction of generated sample is further supervised with the label in original labeled sample. The experimental results on DTU, BlendedMVS, GTA-SFM, and Tanks&Temples datasets show the superior performance of the proposed method. With the same settings in backbone network, our proposed SE-MVS outperforms its fully-supervised and unsupervised baselines.
78.Kernel Relative-prototype Spectral Filtering for Few-shot Learning ⬇️
Few-shot learning performs classification tasks and regression tasks on scarce samples. As one of the most representative few-shot learning models, Prototypical Network represents each class as sample average, or a prototype, and measures the similarity of samples and prototypes by Euclidean distance. In this paper, we propose a framework of spectral filtering (shrinkage) for measuring the difference between query samples and prototypes, or namely the relative prototypes, in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS). In this framework, we further propose a method utilizing Tikhonov regularization as the filter function for few-shot classification. We conduct several experiments to verify our method utilizing different kernels based on the miniImageNet dataset, tiered-ImageNet dataset and CIFAR-FS dataset. The experimental results show that the proposed model can perform the state-of-the-art. In addition, the experimental results show that the proposed shrinkage method can boost the performance. Source code is available at this https URL.
79.Learning Graph Neural Networks for Image Style Transfer ⬇️
State-of-the-art parametric and non-parametric style transfer approaches are prone to either distorted local style patterns due to global statistics alignment, or unpleasing artifacts resulting from patch mismatching. In this paper, we study a novel semi-parametric neural style transfer framework that alleviates the deficiency of both parametric and non-parametric stylization. The core idea of our approach is to establish accurate and fine-grained content-style correspondences using graph neural networks (GNNs). To this end, we develop an elaborated GNN model with content and style local patches as the graph vertices. The style transfer procedure is then modeled as the attention-based heterogeneous message passing between the style and content nodes in a learnable manner, leading to adaptive many-to-one style-content correlations at the local patch level. In addition, an elaborated deformable graph convolutional operation is introduced for cross-scale style-content matching. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed semi-parametric image stylization approach yields encouraging results on the challenging style patterns, preserving both global appearance and exquisite details. Furthermore, by controlling the number of edges at the inference stage, the proposed method also triggers novel functionalities like diversified patch-based stylization with a single model.
80.Affective Behaviour Analysis Using Pretrained Model with Facial Priori ⬇️
Affective behaviour analysis has aroused researchers' attention due to its broad applications. However, it is labor exhaustive to obtain accurate annotations for massive face images. Thus, we propose to utilize the prior facial information via Masked Auto-Encoder (MAE) pretrained on unlabeled face images. Furthermore, we combine MAE pretrained Vision Transformer (ViT) and AffectNet pretrained CNN to perform multi-task emotion recognition. We notice that expression and action unit (AU) scores are pure and intact features for valence-arousal (VA) regression. As a result, we utilize AffectNet pretrained CNN to extract expression scores concatenating with expression and AU scores from ViT to obtain the final VA features. Moreover, we also propose a co-training framework with two parallel MAE pretrained ViT for expression recognition tasks. In order to make the two views independent, we random mask most patches during the training process. Then, JS divergence is performed to make the predictions of the two views as consistent as possible. The results on ABAW4 show that our methods are effective.
81.Learnable Privacy-Preserving Anonymization for Pedestrian Images ⬇️
This paper studies a novel privacy-preserving anonymization problem for pedestrian images, which preserves personal identity information (PII) for authorized models and prevents PII from being recognized by third parties. Conventional anonymization methods unavoidably cause semantic information loss, leading to limited data utility. Besides, existing learned anonymization techniques, while retaining various identity-irrelevant utilities, will change the pedestrian identity, and thus are unsuitable for training robust re-identification models. To explore the privacy-utility trade-off for pedestrian images, we propose a joint learning reversible anonymization framework, which can reversibly generate full-body anonymous images with little performance drop on person re-identification tasks. The core idea is that we adopt desensitized images generated by conventional methods as the initial privacy-preserving supervision and jointly train an anonymization encoder with a recovery decoder and an identity-invariant model. We further propose a progressive training strategy to improve the performance, which iteratively upgrades the initial anonymization supervision. Experiments further demonstrate the effectiveness of our anonymized pedestrian images for privacy protection, which boosts the re-identification performance while preserving privacy. Code is available at \url{this https URL}.
82.MAR: Masked Autoencoders for Efficient Action Recognition ⬇️
Standard approaches for video recognition usually operate on the full input videos, which is inefficient due to the widely present spatio-temporal redundancy in videos. Recent progress in masked video modelling, i.e., VideoMAE, has shown the ability of vanilla Vision Transformers (ViT) to complement spatio-temporal contexts given only limited visual contents. Inspired by this, we propose propose Masked Action Recognition (MAR), which reduces the redundant computation by discarding a proportion of patches and operating only on a part of the videos. MAR contains the following two indispensable components: cell running masking and bridging classifier. Specifically, to enable the ViT to perceive the details beyond the visible patches easily, cell running masking is presented to preserve the spatio-temporal correlations in videos, which ensures the patches at the same spatial location can be observed in turn for easy reconstructions. Additionally, we notice that, although the partially observed features can reconstruct semantically explicit invisible patches, they fail to achieve accurate classification. To address this, a bridging classifier is proposed to bridge the semantic gap between the ViT encoded features for reconstruction and the features specialized for classification. Our proposed MAR reduces the computational cost of ViT by 53% and extensive experiments show that MAR consistently outperforms existing ViT models with a notable margin. Especially, we found a ViT-Large trained by MAR outperforms the ViT-Huge trained by a standard training scheme by convincing margins on both Kinetics-400 and Something-Something v2 datasets, while our computation overhead of ViT-Large is only 14.5% of ViT-Huge.
83.Improved Regularization of Event-based Learning by Reversing and Drifting ⬇️
Event camera has an enormous potential in challenging scenes for its advantages of high temporal resolution, high dynamic range, low power consumption, and no motion blur. However, event-based learning is hindered by insufficient generalization ability. In this paper, we first analyze the influence of different brightness variations on event data. Then we propose two novel augmentation methods: EventReverse and EventDrift. By reversing and drifting events to their corresponding positions in the spatiotemporal or polarity domain, the proposed methods generate samples affected by different brightness variations, which improves the robustness of event-based learning and results in a better generalization. Extensive experiments on N-CARS, N-Caltech101 and CIFAR10-DVS datasets demonstrate that our method is general and remarkably effective.
84.Robust Scene Inference under Noise-Blur Dual Corruptions ⬇️
Scene inference under low-light is a challenging problem due to severe noise in the captured images. One way to reduce noise is to use longer exposure during the capture. However, in the presence of motion (scene or camera motion), longer exposures lead to motion blur, resulting in loss of image information. This creates a trade-off between these two kinds of image degradations: motion blur (due to long exposure) vs. noise (due to short exposure), also referred as a dual image corruption pair in this paper. With the rise of cameras capable of capturing multiple exposures of the same scene simultaneously, it is possible to overcome this trade-off. Our key observation is that although the amount and nature of degradation varies for these different image captures, the semantic content remains the same across all images. To this end, we propose a method to leverage these multi exposure captures for robust inference under low-light and motion. Our method builds on a feature consistency loss to encourage similar results from these individual captures, and uses the ensemble of their final predictions for robust visual recognition. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on simulated images as well as real captures with multiple exposures, and across the tasks of object detection and image classification.
85.Explored An Effective Methodology for Fine-Grained Snake Recognition ⬇️
Fine-Grained Visual Classification (FGVC) is a longstanding and fundamental problem in computer vision and pattern recognition, and underpins a diverse set of real-world applications. This paper describes our contribution at SnakeCLEF2022 with FGVC. Firstly, we design a strong multimodal backbone to utilize various meta-information to assist in fine-grained identification. Secondly, we provide new loss functions to solve the long tail distribution with dataset. Then, in order to take full advantage of unlabeled datasets, we use self-supervised learning and supervised learning joint training to provide pre-trained model. Moreover, some effective data process tricks also are considered in our experiments. Last but not least, fine-tuned in downstream task with hard mining, ensambled kinds of model performance. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method can effectively improve the performance of fine-grained recognition. Our method can achieve a macro f1 score 92.7% and 89.4% on private and public dataset, respectively, which is the 1st place among the participators on private leaderboard.
86.Spatial-temporal Analysis for Automated Concrete Workability Estimation ⬇️
Concrete workability measure is mostly determined based on subjective assessment of a certified assessor with visual inspections. The potential human error in measuring the workability and the resulting unnecessary adjustments for the workability is a major challenge faced by the construction industry, leading to significant costs, material waste and delay. In this paper, we try to apply computer vision techniques to observe the concrete mixing process and estimate the workability. Specifically, we collected the video data and then built three different deep neural networks for spatial-temporal regression. The pilot study demonstrates a practical application with computer vision techniques to estimate the concrete workability during the mixing process.
87.Face Deblurring using Dual Camera Fusion on Mobile Phones ⬇️
Motion blur of fast-moving subjects is a longstanding problem in photography and very common on mobile phones due to limited light collection efficiency, particularly in low-light conditions. While we have witnessed great progress in image deblurring in recent years, most methods require significant computational power and have limitations in processing high-resolution photos with severe local motions. To this end, we develop a novel face deblurring system based on the dual camera fusion technique for mobile phones. The system detects subject motion to dynamically enable a reference camera, e.g., ultrawide angle camera commonly available on recent premium phones, and captures an auxiliary photo with faster shutter settings. While the main shot is low noise but blurry, the reference shot is sharp but noisy. We learn ML models to align and fuse these two shots and output a clear photo without motion blur. Our algorithm runs efficiently on Google Pixel 6, which takes 463 ms overhead per shot. Our experiments demonstrate the advantage and robustness of our system against alternative single-image, multi-frame, face-specific, and video deblurring algorithms as well as commercial products. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first mobile solution for face motion deblurring that works reliably and robustly over thousands of images in diverse motion and lighting conditions.
88.Generative Artisan: A Semantic-Aware and Controllable CLIPstyler ⬇️
Recall that most of the current image style transfer methods require the user to give an image of a particular style and then extract that styling feature and texture to generate the style of an image, but there are still some problems: the user may not have a reference style image, or it may be difficult to summarise the desired style in mind with just one image. The recently proposed CLIPstyler has solved this problem, which is able to perform style transfer based only on the provided description of the style image. Although CLIPstyler can achieve good performance when landscapes or portraits appear alone, it can blur the people and lose the original semantics when people and landscapes coexist. Based on these issues, we demonstrate a novel framework that uses a pre-trained CLIP text-image embedding model and guides image style transfer through an FCN semantic segmentation network. Specifically, we solve the portrait over-styling problem for both selfies and real-world landscape with human subjects photos, enhance the contrast between the effect of style transfer in portrait and landscape, and make the degree of image style transfer in different semantic parts fully controllable. Our Generative Artisan resolve the failure case of CLIPstyler and yield both qualitative and quantitative methods to prove ours have much better results than CLIPstyler in both selfies and real-world landscape with human subjects photos. This improvement makes it possible to commercialize our framework for business scenarios such as retouching graphics software.
89.Defining an action of SO(d)-rotations on images generated by projections of d-dimensional objects: Applications to pose inference with Geometric VAEs ⬇️
Recent advances in variational autoencoders (VAEs) have enabled learning latent manifolds as compact Lie groups, such as
$SO(d)$ . Since this approach assumes that data lies on a subspace that is homeomorphic to the Lie group itself, we here investigate how this assumption holds in the context of images that are generated by projecting a$d$ -dimensional volume with unknown pose in$SO(d)$ . Upon examining different theoretical candidates for the group and image space, we show that the attempt to define a group action on the data space generally fails, as it requires more specific geometric constraints on the volume. Using geometric VAEs, our experiments confirm that this constraint is key to proper pose inference, and we discuss the potential of these results for applications and future work.
90.Self-Supervised Learning of Echocardiogram Videos Enables Data-Efficient Clinical Diagnosis ⬇️
Given the difficulty of obtaining high-quality labels for medical image recognition tasks, there is a need for deep learning techniques that can be adequately fine-tuned on small labeled data sets. Recent advances in self-supervised learning techniques have shown that such an in-domain representation learning approach can provide a strong initialization for supervised fine-tuning, proving much more data-efficient than standard transfer learning from a supervised pretraining task. However, these applications are not adapted to applications to medical diagnostics captured in a video format. With this progress in mind, we developed a self-supervised learning approach catered to echocardiogram videos with the goal of learning strong representations for downstream fine-tuning on the task of diagnosing aortic stenosis (AS), a common and dangerous disease of the aortic valve. When fine-tuned on 1% of the training data, our best self-supervised learning model achieves 0.818 AUC (95% CI: 0.794, 0.840), while the standard transfer learning approach reaches 0.644 AUC (95% CI: 0.610, 0.677). We also find that our self-supervised model attends more closely to the aortic valve when predicting severe AS as demonstrated by saliency map visualizations.
91.Towards Open Set 3D Learning: A Benchmark on Object Point Clouds ⬇️
In the last years, there has been significant progress in the field of 3D learning on classification, detection and segmentation problems. The vast majority of the existing studies focus on canonical closed-set conditions, neglecting the intrinsic open nature of the real-world. This limits the abilities of autonomous systems involved in safety-critical applications that require managing novel and unknown signals. In this context exploiting 3D data can be a valuable asset since it conveys rich information about the geometry of sensed objects and scenes. This paper provides the first broad study on Open Set 3D learning. We introduce a novel testbed with settings of increasing difficulty in terms of category semantic shift and cover both in-domain (synthetic-to-synthetic) and cross-domain (synthetic-to-real) scenarios. Moreover, we investigate the related out-of-distribution and Open Set 2D literature to understand if and how their most recent approaches are effective on 3D data. Our extensive benchmark positions several algorithms in the same coherent picture, revealing their strengths and limitations. The results of our analysis may serve as a reliable foothold for future tailored Open Set 3D models.
92.High-Resolution Swin Transformer for Automatic Medical Image Segmentation ⬇️
The Resolution of feature maps is critical for medical image segmentation. Most of the existing Transformer-based networks for medical image segmentation are U-Net-like architecture that contains an encoder that utilizes a sequence of Transformer blocks to convert the input medical image from high-resolution representation into low-resolution feature maps and a decoder that gradually recovers the high-resolution representation from low-resolution feature maps. Unlike previous studies, in this paper, we utilize the network design style from the High-Resolution Network (HRNet), replace the convolutional layers with Transformer blocks, and continuously exchange information from the different resolution feature maps that are generated by Transformer blocks. The newly Transformer-based network presented in this paper is denoted as High-Resolution Swin Transformer Network (HRSTNet). Extensive experiments illustrate that HRSTNet can achieve comparable performance with the state-of-the-art Transformer-based U-Net-like architecture on Brain Tumor Segmentation(BraTS) 2021 and the liver dataset from Medical Segmentation Decathlon. The code of HRSTNet will be publicly available at this https URL.
93.Self-Support Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation ⬇️
Existing few-shot segmentation methods have achieved great progress based on the support-query matching framework. But they still heavily suffer from the limited coverage of intra-class variations from the few-shot supports provided. Motivated by the simple Gestalt principle that pixels belonging to the same object are more similar than those to different objects of same class, we propose a novel self-support matching strategy to alleviate this problem, which uses query prototypes to match query features, where the query prototypes are collected from high-confidence query predictions. This strategy can effectively capture the consistent underlying characteristics of the query objects, and thus fittingly match query features. We also propose an adaptive self-support background prototype generation module and self-support loss to further facilitate the self-support matching procedure. Our self-support network substantially improves the prototype quality, benefits more improvement from stronger backbones and more supports, and achieves SOTA on multiple datasets. Codes are at \url{this https URL}.
94.HPS-Det: Dynamic Sample Assignment with Hyper-Parameter Search for Object Detection ⬇️
Sample assignment plays a prominent part in modern object detection approaches. However, most existing methods rely on manual design to assign positive / negative samples, which do not explicitly establish the relationships between sample assignment and object detection performance. In this work, we propose a novel dynamic sample assignment scheme based on hyper-parameter search. We first define the number of positive samples assigned to each ground truth as the hyper-parameters and employ a surrogate optimization algorithm to derive the optimal choices. Then, we design a dynamic sample assignment procedure to dynamically select the optimal number of positives at each training iteration. Experiments demonstrate that the resulting HPS-Det brings improved performance over different object detection baselines. Moreover, We analyze the hyper-parameter reusability when transferring between different datasets and between different backbones for object detection, which exhibits the superiority and versatility of our method.
95.Audio-driven Neural Gesture Reenactment with Video Motion Graphs ⬇️
Human speech is often accompanied by body gestures including arm and hand gestures. We present a method that reenacts a high-quality video with gestures matching a target speech audio. The key idea of our method is to split and re-assemble clips from a reference video through a novel video motion graph encoding valid transitions between clips. To seamlessly connect different clips in the reenactment, we propose a pose-aware video blending network which synthesizes video frames around the stitched frames between two clips. Moreover, we developed an audio-based gesture searching algorithm to find the optimal order of the reenacted frames. Our system generates reenactments that are consistent with both the audio rhythms and the speech content. We evaluate our synthesized video quality quantitatively, qualitatively, and with user studies, demonstrating that our method produces videos of much higher quality and consistency with the target audio compared to previous work and baselines.
96.Unstructured Road Segmentation using Hypercolumn based Random Forests of Local experts ⬇️
Monocular vision based road detection methods are mostly based on machine learning methods, relying on classification and feature extraction accuracy, and suffer from appearance, illumination and weather changes. Traditional methods introduce the predictions into conditional random fields or markov random fields models to improve the intermediate predictions based on structure. These methods are optimization based and therefore resource heavy and slow, making it unsuitable for real time applications. We propose a method to detect and segment roads with a random forest classifier of local experts with superpixel based machine-learned features. The random forest takes in machine learnt descriptors from a pre-trained convolutional neural network - VGG-16. The features are also pooled into their respective superpixels, allowing for local structure to be continuous. We compare our algorithm against Nueral Network based methods and Traditional approaches (based on Hand-crafted features), on both Structured Road (CamVid and Kitti) and Unstructured Road Datasets. Finally, we introduce a Road Scene Dataset with 1000 annotated images, and verify that our algorithm works well in non-urban and rural road scenarios.
97.Online Knowledge Distillation via Mutual Contrastive Learning for Visual Recognition ⬇️
The teacher-free online Knowledge Distillation (KD) aims to train an ensemble of multiple student models collaboratively and distill knowledge from each other. Although existing online KD methods achieve desirable performance, they often focus on class probabilities as the core knowledge type, ignoring the valuable feature representational information. We present a Mutual Contrastive Learning (MCL) framework for online KD. The core idea of MCL is to perform mutual interaction and transfer of contrastive distributions among a cohort of networks in an online manner. Our MCL can aggregate cross-network embedding information and maximize the lower bound to the mutual information between two networks. This enables each network to learn extra contrastive knowledge from others, leading to better feature representations, thus improving the performance of visual recognition tasks. Beyond the final layer, we extend MCL to several intermediate layers assisted by auxiliary feature refinement modules. This further enhances the ability of representation learning for online KD. Experiments on image classification and transfer learning to visual recognition tasks show that MCL can lead to consistent performance gains against state-of-the-art online KD approaches. The superiority demonstrates that MCL can guide the network to generate better feature representations. Our code is publicly available at this https URL.
98.Contrastive Monotonic Pixel-Level Modulation ⬇️
Continuous one-to-many mapping is a less investigated yet important task in both low-level visions and neural image translation. In this paper, we present a new formulation called MonoPix, an unsupervised and contrastive continuous modulation model, and take a step further to enable a pixel-level spatial control which is critical but can not be properly handled previously. The key feature of this work is to model the monotonicity between controlling signals and the domain discriminator with a novel contrastive modulation framework and corresponding monotonicity constraints. We have also introduced a selective inference strategy with logarithmic approximation complexity and support fast domain adaptations. The state-of-the-art performance is validated on a variety of continuous mapping tasks, including AFHQ cat-dog and Yosemite summer-winter translation. The introduced approach also helps to provide a new solution for many low-level tasks like low-light enhancement and natural noise generation, which is beyond the long-established practice of one-to-one training and inference. Code is available at this https URL.
99.Marior: Margin Removal and Iterative Content Rectification for Document Dewarping in the Wild ⬇️
Camera-captured document images usually suffer from perspective and geometric deformations. It is of great value to rectify them when considering poor visual aesthetics and the deteriorated performance of OCR systems. Recent learning-based methods intensively focus on the accurately cropped document image. However, this might not be sufficient for overcoming practical challenges, including document images either with large marginal regions or without margins. Due to this impracticality, users struggle to crop documents precisely when they encounter large marginal regions. Simultaneously, dewarping images without margins is still an insurmountable problem. To the best of our knowledge, there is still no complete and effective pipeline for rectifying document images in the wild. To address this issue, we propose a novel approach called Marior (Margin Removal and \Iterative Content Rectification). Marior follows a progressive strategy to iteratively improve the dewarping quality and readability in a coarse-to-fine manner. Specifically, we divide the pipeline into two modules: margin removal module (MRM) and iterative content rectification module (ICRM). First, we predict the segmentation mask of the input image to remove the margin, thereby obtaining a preliminary result. Then we refine the image further by producing dense displacement flows to achieve content-aware rectification. We determine the number of refinement iterations adaptively. Experiments demonstrate the state-of-the-art performance of our method on public benchmarks. The resources are available at this https URL for further comparison.
100.Semantic Abstraction: Open-World 3D Scene Understanding from 2D Vision-Language Models ⬇️
We study open-world 3D scene understanding, a family of tasks that require agents to reason about their 3D environment with an open-set vocabulary and out-of-domain visual inputs - a critical skill for robots to operate in the unstructured 3D world. Towards this end, we propose Semantic Abstraction (SemAbs), a framework that equips 2D Vision-Language Models (VLMs) with new 3D spatial capabilities, while maintaining their zero-shot robustness. We achieve this abstraction using relevancy maps extracted from CLIP, and learn 3D spatial and geometric reasoning skills on top of those abstractions in a semantic-agnostic manner. We demonstrate the usefulness of SemAbs on two open-world 3D scene understanding tasks: 1) completing partially observed objects and 2) localizing hidden objects from language descriptions. Experiments show that SemAbs can generalize to novel vocabulary, materials/lighting, classes, and domains (i.e., real-world scans) from training on limited 3D synthetic data. Code and data will be available at this https URL
101.Combining Hybrid Architecture and Pseudo-label for Semi-supervised Abdominal Organ Segmentation ⬇️
Abdominal organ segmentation has many important clinical applications, such as organ quantification, surgical planning, and disease diagnosis. However, manually annotating organs from CT scans is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Semi-supervised learning has shown the potential to alleviate this challenge by learning from a large set of unlabeled images and limited labeled samples. In this work, we follow the self-training strategy and employ a hybrid architecture (PHTrans) with CNN and Transformer for both teacher and student models to generate precise pseudo-labels. Afterward, we introduce them with label data together into a two-stage segmentation framework with lightweight PHTrans for training to improve the performance and generalization ability of the model while remaining efficient. Experiments on the validation set of FLARE2022 demonstrate that our method achieves excellent segmentation performance as well as fast and low-resource model inference. The average DSC and HSD are 0.8956 and 0.9316, respectively. Under our development environments, the average inference time is 18.62 s, the average maximum GPU memory is 1995.04 MB, and the area under the GPU memory-time curve and the average area under the CPU utilization-time curve are 23196.84 and 319.67.
102.SSBNet: Improving Visual Recognition Efficiency by Adaptive Sampling ⬇️
Downsampling is widely adopted to achieve a good trade-off between accuracy and latency for visual recognition. Unfortunately, the commonly used pooling layers are not learned, and thus cannot preserve important information. As another dimension reduction method, adaptive sampling weights and processes regions that are relevant to the task, and is thus able to better preserve useful information. However, the use of adaptive sampling has been limited to certain layers. In this paper, we show that using adaptive sampling in the building blocks of a deep neural network can improve its efficiency. In particular, we propose SSBNet which is built by inserting sampling layers repeatedly into existing networks like ResNet. Experiment results show that the proposed SSBNet can achieve competitive image classification and object detection performance on ImageNet and COCO datasets. For example, the SSB-ResNet-RS-200 achieved 82.6% accuracy on ImageNet dataset, which is 0.6% higher than the baseline ResNet-RS-152 with a similar complexity. Visualization shows the advantage of SSBNet in allowing different layers to focus on different positions, and ablation studies further validate the advantage of adaptive sampling over uniform methods.
103.Intelligent 3D Network Protocol for Multimedia Data Classification using Deep Learning ⬇️
In videos, the human's actions are of three-dimensional (3D) signals. These videos investigate the spatiotemporal knowledge of human behavior. The promising ability is investigated using 3D convolution neural networks (CNNs). The 3D CNNs have not yet achieved high output for their well-established two-dimensional (2D) equivalents in still photographs. Board 3D Convolutional Memory and Spatiotemporal fusion face training difficulty preventing 3D CNN from accomplishing remarkable evaluation. In this paper, we implement Hybrid Deep Learning Architecture that combines STIP and 3D CNN features to enhance the performance of 3D videos effectively. After implementation, the more detailed and deeper charting for training in each circle of space-time fusion. The training model further enhances the results after handling complicated evaluations of models. The video classification model is used in this implemented model. Intelligent 3D Network Protocol for Multimedia Data Classification using Deep Learning is introduced to further understand spacetime association in human endeavors. In the implementation of the result, the well-known dataset, i.e., UCF101 to, evaluates the performance of the proposed hybrid technique. The results beat the proposed hybrid technique that substantially beats the initial 3D CNNs. The results are compared with state-of-the-art frameworks from literature for action recognition on UCF101 with an accuracy of 95%.
104.Active Pointly-Supervised Instance Segmentation ⬇️
The requirement of expensive annotations is a major burden for training a well-performed instance segmentation model. In this paper, we present an economic active learning setting, named active pointly-supervised instance segmentation (APIS), which starts with box-level annotations and iteratively samples a point within the box and asks if it falls on the object. The key of APIS is to find the most desirable points to maximize the segmentation accuracy with limited annotation budgets. We formulate this setting and propose several uncertainty-based sampling strategies. The model developed with these strategies yields consistent performance gain on the challenging MS-COCO dataset, compared against other learning strategies. The results suggest that APIS, integrating the advantages of active learning and point-based supervision, is an effective learning paradigm for label-efficient instance segmentation.
105.GraphFit: Learning Multi-scale Graph-Convolutional Representation for Point Cloud Normal Estimation ⬇️
We propose a precise and efficient normal estimation method that can deal with noise and nonuniform density for unstructured 3D point clouds. Unlike existing approaches that directly take patches and ignore the local neighborhood relationships, which make them susceptible to challenging regions such as sharp edges, we propose to learn graph convolutional feature representation for normal estimation, which emphasizes more local neighborhood geometry and effectively encodes intrinsic relationships. Additionally, we design a novel adaptive module based on the attention mechanism to integrate point features with their neighboring features, hence further enhancing the robustness of the proposed normal estimator against point density variations. To make it more distinguishable, we introduce a multi-scale architecture in the graph block to learn richer geometric features. Our method outperforms competitors with the state-of-the-art accuracy on various benchmark datasets, and is quite robust against noise, outliers, as well as the density variations.
106.Multimodal Emotion Recognition with Modality-Pairwise Unsupervised Contrastive Loss ⬇️
Emotion recognition is involved in several real-world applications. With an increase in available modalities, automatic understanding of emotions is being performed more accurately. The success in Multimodal Emotion Recognition (MER), primarily relies on the supervised learning paradigm. However, data annotation is expensive, time-consuming, and as emotion expression and perception depends on several factors (e.g., age, gender, culture) obtaining labels with a high reliability is hard. Motivated by these, we focus on unsupervised feature learning for MER. We consider discrete emotions, and as modalities text, audio and vision are used. Our method, as being based on contrastive loss between pairwise modalities, is the first attempt in MER literature. Our end-to-end feature learning approach has several differences (and advantages) compared to existing MER methods: i) it is unsupervised, so the learning is lack of data labelling cost; ii) it does not require data spatial augmentation, modality alignment, large number of batch size or epochs; iii) it applies data fusion only at inference; and iv) it does not require backbones pre-trained on emotion recognition task. The experiments on benchmark datasets show that our method outperforms several baseline approaches and unsupervised learning methods applied in MER. Particularly, it even surpasses a few supervised MER state-of-the-art.
107.3D Labeling Tool ⬇️
Training and testing supervised object detection models require a large collection of images with ground truth labels. Labels define object classes in the image, as well as their locations, shape, and possibly other information such as pose. The labeling process has proven extremely time consuming, even with the presence of manpower. We introduce a novel labeling tool for 2D images as well as 3D triangular meshes: 3D Labeling Tool (3DLT). This is a standalone, feature-heavy and cross-platform software that does not require installation and can run on Windows, macOS and Linux-based distributions. Instead of labeling the same object on every image separately like current tools, we use depth information to reconstruct a triangular mesh from said images and label the object only once on the aforementioned mesh. We use registration to simplify 3D labeling, outlier detection to improve 2D bounding box calculation and surface reconstruction to expand labeling possibility to large point clouds. Our tool is tested against state of the art methods and it greatly surpasses them in terms of speed while preserving accuracy and ease of use.
108.Progressive Scene Text Erasing with Self-Supervision ⬇️
Scene text erasing seeks to erase text contents from scene images and current state-of-the-art text erasing models are trained on large-scale synthetic data. Although data synthetic engines can provide vast amounts of annotated training samples, there are differences between synthetic and real-world data. In this paper, we employ self-supervision for feature representation on unlabeled real-world scene text images. A novel pretext task is designed to keep consistent among text stroke masks of image variants. We design the Progressive Erasing Network in order to remove residual texts. The scene text is erased progressively by leveraging the intermediate generated results which provide the foundation for subsequent higher quality results. Experiments show that our method significantly improves the generalization of the text erasing task and achieves state-of-the-art performance on public benchmarks.
109.CompNVS: Novel View Synthesis with Scene Completion ⬇️
We introduce a scalable framework for novel view synthesis from RGB-D images with largely incomplete scene coverage. While generative neural approaches have demonstrated spectacular results on 2D images, they have not yet achieved similar photorealistic results in combination with scene completion where a spatial 3D scene understanding is essential. To this end, we propose a generative pipeline performing on a sparse grid-based neural scene representation to complete unobserved scene parts via a learned distribution of scenes in a 2.5D-3D-2.5D manner. We process encoded image features in 3D space with a geometry completion network and a subsequent texture inpainting network to extrapolate the missing area. Photorealistic image sequences can be finally obtained via consistency-relevant differentiable rendering. Comprehensive experiments show that the graphical outputs of our method outperform the state of the art, especially within unobserved scene parts.
110.Learning Object Placement via Dual-path Graph Completion ⬇️
Object placement aims to place a foreground object over a background image with a suitable location and size. In this work, we treat object placement as a graph completion problem and propose a novel graph completion module (GCM). The background scene is represented by a graph with multiple nodes at different spatial locations with various receptive fields. The foreground object is encoded as a special node that should be inserted at a reasonable place in this graph. We also design a dual-path framework upon the structure of GCM to fully exploit annotated composite images. With extensive experiments on OPA dataset, our method proves to significantly outperform existing methods in generating plausible object placement without loss of diversity.
111.When Counting Meets HMER: Counting-Aware Network for Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition ⬇️
Recently, most handwritten mathematical expression recognition (HMER) methods adopt the encoder-decoder networks, which directly predict the markup sequences from formula images with the attention mechanism. However, such methods may fail to accurately read formulas with complicated structure or generate long markup sequences, as the attention results are often inaccurate due to the large variance of writing styles or spatial layouts. To alleviate this problem, we propose an unconventional network for HMER named Counting-Aware Network (CAN), which jointly optimizes two tasks: HMER and symbol counting. Specifically, we design a weakly-supervised counting module that can predict the number of each symbol class without the symbol-level position annotations, and then plug it into a typical attention-based encoder-decoder model for HMER. Experiments on the benchmark datasets for HMER validate that both joint optimization and counting results are beneficial for correcting the prediction errors of encoder-decoder models, and CAN consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. In particular, compared with an encoder-decoder model for HMER, the extra time cost caused by the proposed counting module is marginal. The source code is available at this https URL.
112.UC-OWOD: Unknown-Classified Open World Object Detection ⬇️
Open World Object Detection (OWOD) is a challenging computer vision problem that requires detecting unknown objects and gradually learning the identified unknown classes. However, it cannot distinguish unknown instances as multiple unknown classes. In this work, we propose a novel OWOD problem called Unknown-Classified Open World Object Detection (UC-OWOD). UC-OWOD aims to detect unknown instances and classify them into different unknown classes. Besides, we formulate the problem and devise a two-stage object detector to solve UC-OWOD. First, unknown label-aware proposal and unknown-discriminative classification head are used to detect known and unknown objects. Then, similarity-based unknown classification and unknown clustering refinement modules are constructed to distinguish multiple unknown classes. Moreover, two novel evaluation protocols are designed to evaluate unknown-class detection. Abundant experiments and visualizations prove the effectiveness of the proposed method. Code is available at this https URL.
113.BuyTheDips: PathLoss for improved topology-preserving deep learning-based image segmentation ⬇️
Capturing the global topology of an image is essential for proposing an accurate segmentation of its domain. However, most of existing segmentation methods do not preserve the initial topology of the given input, which is detrimental for numerous downstream object-based tasks. This is all the more true for deep learning models which most work at local scales. In this paper, we propose a new topology-preserving deep image segmentation method which relies on a new leakage loss: the Pathloss. Our method is an extension of the BALoss [1], in which we want to improve the leakage detection for better recovering the closeness property of the image segmentation. This loss allows us to correctly localize and fix the critical points (a leakage in the boundaries) that could occur in the predictions, and is based on a shortest-path search algorithm. This way, loss minimization enforces connectivity only where it is necessary and finally provides a good localization of the boundaries of the objects in the image. Moreover, according to our research, our Pathloss learns to preserve stronger elongated structure compared to methods without using topology-preserving loss. Training with our topological loss function, our method outperforms state-of-the-art topology-aware methods on two representative datasets of different natures: Electron Microscopy and Historical Map.
114.Meta Spatio-Temporal Debiasing for Video Scene Graph Generation ⬇️
Video scene graph generation (VidSGG) aims to parse the video content into scene graphs, which involves modeling the spatio-temporal contextual information in the video. However, due to the long-tailed training data in datasets, the generalization performance of existing VidSGG models can be affected by the spatio-temporal conditional bias problem. In this work, from the perspective of meta-learning, we propose a novel Meta Video Scene Graph Generation (MVSGG) framework to address such a bias problem. Specifically, to handle various types of spatio-temporal conditional biases, our framework first constructs a support set and a group of query sets from the training data, where the data distribution of each query set is different from that of the support set w.r.t. a type of conditional bias. Then, by performing a novel meta training and testing process to optimize the model to obtain good testing performance on these query sets after training on the support set, our framework can effectively guide the model to learn to well generalize against biases. Extensive experiments demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed framework.
115.Arbitrary Style Transfer with Structure Enhancement by Combining the Global and Local Loss ⬇️
Arbitrary style transfer generates an artistic image which combines the structure of a content image and the artistic style of the artwork by using only one trained network. The image representation used in this method contains content structure representation and the style patterns representation, which is usually the features representation of high-level in the pre-trained classification networks. However, the traditional classification networks were designed for classification which usually focus on high-level features and ignore other features. As the result, the stylized images distribute style elements evenly throughout the image and make the overall image structure unrecognizable. To solve this problem, we introduce a novel arbitrary style transfer method with structure enhancement by combining the global and local loss. The local structure details are represented by Lapstyle and the global structure is controlled by the image depth. Experimental results demonstrate that our method can generate higher-quality images with impressive visual effects on several common datasets, comparing with other state-of-the-art methods.
116.Satellite Detection in Unresolved Space Imagery for Space Domain Awareness Using Neural Networks ⬇️
This work utilizes a MobileNetV2 Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for fast, mobile detection of satellites, and rejection of stars, in cluttered unresolved space imagery. First, a custom database is created using imagery from a synthetic satellite image program and labeled with bounding boxes over satellites for "satellite-positive" images. The CNN is then trained on this database and the inference is validated by checking the accuracy of the model on an external dataset constructed of real telescope imagery. In doing so, the trained CNN provides a method of rapid satellite identification for subsequent utilization in ground-based orbit estimation.
117.Halftoning with Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning ⬇️
Deep neural networks have recently succeeded in digital halftoning using vanilla convolutional layers with high parallelism. However, existing deep methods fail to generate halftones with a satisfying blue-noise property and require complex training schemes. In this paper, we propose a halftoning method based on multi-agent deep reinforcement learning, called HALFTONERS, which learns a shared policy to generate high-quality halftone images. Specifically, we view the decision of each binary pixel value as an action of a virtual agent, whose policy is trained by a low-variance policy gradient. Moreover, the blue-noise property is achieved by a novel anisotropy suppressing loss function. Experiments show that our halftoning method produces high-quality halftones while staying relatively fast.
118.PS-NeRF: Neural Inverse Rendering for Multi-view Photometric Stereo ⬇️
Traditional multi-view photometric stereo (MVPS) methods are often composed of multiple disjoint stages, resulting in noticeable accumulated errors. In this paper, we present a neural inverse rendering method for MVPS based on implicit representation. Given multi-view images of a non-Lambertian object illuminated by multiple unknown directional lights, our method jointly estimates the geometry, materials, and lights. Our method first employs multi-light images to estimate per-view surface normal maps, which are used to regularize the normals derived from the neural radiance field. It then jointly optimizes the surface normals, spatially-varying BRDFs, and lights based on a shadow-aware differentiable rendering layer. After optimization, the reconstructed object can be used for novel-view rendering, relighting, and material editing. Experiments on both synthetic and real datasets demonstrate that our method achieves far more accurate shape reconstruction than existing MVPS and neural rendering methods. Our code and model can be found at this https URL.
119.Orientation and Context Entangled Network for Retinal Vessel Segmentation ⬇️
Most of the existing deep learning based methods for vessel segmentation neglect two important aspects of retinal vessels, one is the orientation information of vessels, and the other is the contextual information of the whole fundus region. In this paper, we propose a robust Orientation and Context Entangled Network (denoted as OCE-Net), which has the capability of extracting complex orientation and context information of the blood vessels. To achieve complex orientation aware, a Dynamic Complex Orientation Aware Convolution (DCOA Conv) is proposed to extract complex vessels with multiple orientations for improving the vessel continuity. To simultaneously capture the global context information and emphasize the important local information, a Global and Local Fusion Module (GLFM) is developed to simultaneously model the long-range dependency of vessels and focus sufficient attention on local thin vessels. A novel Orientation and Context Entangled Non-local (OCE-NL) module is proposed to entangle the orientation and context information together. In addition, an Unbalanced Attention Refining Module (UARM) is proposed to deal with the unbalanced pixel numbers of background, thick and thin vessels. Extensive experiments were performed on several commonly used datasets (DRIVE, STARE and CHASEDB1) and some more challenging datasets (AV-WIDE, UoA-DR, RFMiD and UK Biobank). The ablation study shows that the proposed method achieves promising performance on maintaining the continuity of thin vessels and the comparative experiments demonstrate that our OCE-Net can achieve state-of-the-art performance on retinal vessel segmentation.
120.Deep Pneumonia: Attention-Based Contrastive Learning for Class-Imbalanced Pneumonia Lesion Recognition in Chest X-rays ⬇️
Computer-aided X-ray pneumonia lesion recognition is important for accurate diagnosis of pneumonia. With the emergence of deep learning, the identification accuracy of pneumonia has been greatly improved, but there are still some challenges due to the fuzzy appearance of chest X-rays. In this paper, we propose a deep learning framework named Attention-Based Contrastive Learning for Class-Imbalanced X-Ray Pneumonia Lesion Recognition (denoted as Deep Pneumonia). We adopt self-supervised contrastive learning strategy to pre-train the model without using extra pneumonia data for fully mining the limited available dataset. In order to leverage the location information of the lesion area that the doctor has painstakingly marked, we propose mask-guided hard attention strategy and feature learning with contrastive regulation strategy which are applied on the attention map and the extracted features respectively to guide the model to focus more attention on the lesion area where contains more discriminative features for improving the recognition performance. In addition, we adopt Class-Balanced Loss instead of traditional Cross-Entropy as the loss function of classification to tackle the problem of serious class imbalance between different classes of pneumonia in the dataset. The experimental results show that our proposed framework can be used as a reliable computer-aided pneumonia diagnosis system to assist doctors to better diagnose pneumonia cases accurately.
121.Two-Aspect Information Fusion Model For ABAW4 Multi-task Challenge ⬇️
In this paper, we propose the solution to the Multi-Task Learning (MTL) Challenge of the 4th Affective Behavior Analysis in-the-wild (ABAW) competition. The task of ABAW is to predict frame-level emotion descriptors from videos: discrete emotional state; valence and arousal; and action units. Although researchers have proposed several approaches and achieved promising results in ABAW, current works in this task rarely consider interactions between different emotion descriptors. To this end, we propose a novel end to end architecture to achieve full integration of different types of information. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed solution.
122.Do Perceptually Aligned Gradients Imply Adversarial Robustness? ⬇️
In the past decade, deep learning-based networks have achieved unprecedented success in numerous tasks, including image classification. Despite this remarkable achievement, recent studies have demonstrated that such networks are easily fooled by small malicious perturbations, also known as adversarial examples. This security weakness led to extensive research aimed at obtaining robust models. Beyond the clear robustness benefits of such models, it was also observed that their gradients with respect to the input align with human perception. Several works have identified Perceptually Aligned Gradients (PAG) as a byproduct of robust training, but none have considered it as a standalone phenomenon nor studied its own implications. In this work, we focus on this trait and test whether Perceptually Aligned Gradients imply Robustness. To this end, we develop a novel objective to directly promote PAG in training classifiers and examine whether models with such gradients are more robust to adversarial attacks. Extensive experiments on CIFAR-10 and STL validate that such models have improved robust performance, exposing the surprising bidirectional connection between PAG and robustness.
123.Evaluation of Different Annotation Strategies for Deployment of Parking Spaces Classification Systems ⬇️
When using vision-based approaches to classify individual parking spaces between occupied and empty, human experts often need to annotate the locations and label a training set containing images collected in the target parking lot to fine-tune the system. We propose investigating three annotation types (polygons, bounding boxes, and fixed-size squares), providing different data representations of the parking spaces. The rationale is to elucidate the best trade-off between handcraft annotation precision and model performance. We also investigate the number of annotated parking spaces necessary to fine-tune a pre-trained model in the target parking lot. Experiments using the PKLot dataset show that it is possible to fine-tune a model to the target parking lot with less than 1,000 labeled samples, using low precision annotations such as fixed-size squares.
124.Neural-Sim: Learning to Generate Training Data with NeRF ⬇️
Training computer vision models usually requires collecting and labeling vast amounts of imagery under a diverse set of scene configurations and properties. This process is incredibly time-consuming, and it is challenging to ensure that the captured data distribution maps well to the target domain of an application scenario. Recently, synthetic data has emerged as a way to address both of these issues. However, existing approaches either require human experts to manually tune each scene property or use automatic methods that provide little to no control; this requires rendering large amounts of random data variations, which is slow and is often suboptimal for the target domain. We present the first fully differentiable synthetic data pipeline that uses Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) in a closed-loop with a target application's loss function. Our approach generates data on-demand, with no human labor, to maximize accuracy for a target task. We illustrate the effectiveness of our method on synthetic and real-world object detection tasks. We also introduce a new "YCB-in-the-Wild" dataset and benchmark that provides a test scenario for object detection with varied poses in real-world environments.
125.Egocentric scene context for human-centric environment understanding from video ⬇️
First-person video highlights a camera-wearer's activities in the context of their persistent environment. However, current video understanding approaches reason over visual features from short video clips that are detached from the underlying physical space and only capture what is directly seen. We present an approach that links egocentric video and camera pose over time by learning representations that are predictive of the camera-wearer's (potentially unseen) local surroundings to facilitate human-centric environment understanding. We train such models using videos from agents in simulated 3D environments where the environment is fully observable, and test them on real-world videos of house tours from unseen environments. We show that by grounding videos in their physical environment, our models surpass traditional scene classification models at predicting which room a camera-wearer is in (where frame-level information is insufficient), and can leverage this grounding to localize video moments corresponding to environment-centric queries, outperforming prior methods. Project page: this http URL
126.Deep neural network heatmaps capture Alzheimer's disease patterns reported in a large meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies ⬇️
Deep neural networks currently provide the most advanced and accurate machine learning models to distinguish between structural MRI scans of subjects with Alzheimer's disease and healthy controls. Unfortunately, the subtle brain alterations captured by these models are difficult to interpret because of the complexity of these multi-layer and non-linear models. Several heatmap methods have been proposed to address this issue and analyze the imaging patterns extracted from the deep neural networks, but no quantitative comparison between these methods has been carried out so far. In this work, we explore these questions by deriving heatmaps from Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) trained using T1 MRI scans of the ADNI data set, and by comparing these heatmaps with brain maps corresponding to Support Vector Machines (SVM) coefficients. Three prominent heatmap methods are studied: Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP), Integrated Gradients (IG), and Guided Grad-CAM (GGC). Contrary to prior studies where the quality of heatmaps was visually or qualitatively assessed, we obtained precise quantitative measures by computing overlap with a ground-truth map from a large meta-analysis that combined 77 voxel-based morphometry (VBM) studies independently from ADNI. Our results indicate that all three heatmap methods were able to capture brain regions covering the meta-analysis map and achieved better results than SVM coefficients. Among them, IG produced the heatmaps with the best overlap with the independent meta-analysis.
127.An Impartial Take to the CNN vs Transformer Robustness Contest ⬇️
Following the surge of popularity of Transformers in Computer Vision, several studies have attempted to determine whether they could be more robust to distribution shifts and provide better uncertainty estimates than Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). The almost unanimous conclusion is that they are, and it is often conjectured more or less explicitly that the reason of this supposed superiority is to be attributed to the self-attention mechanism. In this paper we perform extensive empirical analyses showing that recent state-of-the-art CNNs (particularly, ConvNeXt) can be as robust and reliable or even sometimes more than the current state-of-the-art Transformers. However, there is no clear winner. Therefore, although it is tempting to state the definitive superiority of one family of architectures over another, they seem to enjoy similar extraordinary performances on a variety of tasks while also suffering from similar vulnerabilities such as texture, background, and simplicity biases.
128.Dynamic Graph Reasoning for Multi-person 3D Pose Estimation ⬇️
Multi-person 3D pose estimation is a challenging task because of occlusion and depth ambiguity, especially in the cases of crowd scenes. To solve these problems, most existing methods explore modeling body context cues by enhancing feature representation with graph neural networks or adding structural constraints. However, these methods are not robust for their single-root formulation that decoding 3D poses from a root node with a pre-defined graph. In this paper, we propose GR-M3D, which models the \textbf{M}ulti-person \textbf{3D} pose estimation with dynamic \textbf{G}raph \textbf{R}easoning. The decoding graph in GR-M3D is predicted instead of pre-defined. In particular, It firstly generates several data maps and enhances them with a scale and depth aware refinement module (SDAR). Then multiple root keypoints and dense decoding paths for each person are estimated from these data maps. Based on them, dynamic decoding graphs are built by assigning path weights to the decoding paths, while the path weights are inferred from those enhanced data maps. And this process is named dynamic graph reasoning (DGR). Finally, the 3D poses are decoded according to dynamic decoding graphs for each detected person. GR-M3D can adjust the structure of the decoding graph implicitly by adopting soft path weights according to input data, which makes the decoding graphs be adaptive to different input persons to the best extent and more capable of handling occlusion and depth ambiguity than previous methods. We empirically show that the proposed bottom-up approach even outperforms top-down methods and achieves state-of-the-art results on three 3D pose datasets.
129.Video Swin Transformers for Egocentric Video Understanding @ Ego4D Challenges 2022 ⬇️
We implemented Video Swin Transformer as a base architecture for the tasks of Point-of-No-Return temporal localization and Object State Change Classification. Our method achieved competitive performance on both challenges.
130.PieTrack: An MOT solution based on synthetic data training and self-supervised domain adaptation ⬇️
In order to cope with the increasing demand for labeling data and privacy issues with human detection, synthetic data has been used as a substitute and showing promising results in human detection and tracking tasks. We participate in the 7th Workshop on Benchmarking Multi-Target Tracking (BMTT), themed on "How Far Can Synthetic Data Take us"? Our solution, PieTrack, is developed based on synthetic data without using any pre-trained weights. We propose a self-supervised domain adaptation method that enables mitigating the domain shift issue between the synthetic (e.g., MOTSynth) and real data (e.g., MOT17) without involving extra human labels. By leveraging the proposed multi-scale ensemble inference, we achieved a final HOTA score of 58.7 on the MOT17 testing set, ranked third place in the challenge.
131.Rich Feature Distillation with Feature Affinity Module for Efficient Image Dehazing ⬇️
Single-image haze removal is a long-standing hurdle for computer vision applications. Several works have been focused on transferring advances from image classification, detection, and segmentation to the niche of image dehazing, primarily focusing on contrastive learning and knowledge distillation. However, these approaches prove computationally expensive, raising concern regarding their applicability to on-the-edge use-cases. This work introduces a simple, lightweight, and efficient framework for single-image haze removal, exploiting rich "dark-knowledge" information from a lightweight pre-trained super-resolution model via the notion of heterogeneous knowledge distillation. We designed a feature affinity module to maximize the flow of rich feature semantics from the super-resolution teacher to the student dehazing network. In order to evaluate the efficacy of our proposed framework, its performance as a plug-and-play setup to a baseline model is examined. Our experiments are carried out on the RESIDE-Standard dataset to demonstrate the robustness of our framework to the synthetic and real-world domains. The extensive qualitative and quantitative results provided establish the effectiveness of the framework, achieving gains of upto 15% (PSNR) while reducing the model size by $\sim$20 times.
132.C3-SL: Circular Convolution-Based Batch-Wise Compression for Communication-Efficient Split Learning ⬇️
Most existing studies improve the efficiency of Split learning (SL) by compressing the transmitted features. However, most works focus on dimension-wise compression that transforms high-dimensional features into a low-dimensional space. In this paper, we propose circular convolution-based batch-wise compression for SL (C3-SL) to compress multiple features into one single feature. To avoid information loss while merging multiple features, we exploit the quasi-orthogonality of features in high-dimensional space with circular convolution and superposition. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to explore the potential of batch-wise compression under the SL scenario. Based on the simulation results on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100, our method achieves a 16x compression ratio with negligible accuracy drops compared with the vanilla SL. Moreover, C3-SL significantly reduces 1152x memory and 2.25x computation overhead compared to the state-of-the-art dimension-wise compression method.
133.Exploiting High Quality Tactile Sensors for Simplified Grasping ⬇️
Robots are expected to grasp a wide range of objects varying in shape, weight or material type. Providing robots with tactile capabilities similar to humans is thus essential for applications involving human-to-robot or robot-to-robot interactions, particularly in those situations where a robot is expected to grasp and manipulate complex objects not previously encountered. A critical aspect for successful object grasp and manipulation is the use of high-quality fingertips equipped with multiple high-performance sensors, distributed appropriately across a specific contact surface.
In this paper, we present a detailed analysis of the use of two different types of commercially available robotic fingertips (BioTac and WTS-FT), each of which is equipped with multiple sensors distributed across the fingertips' contact surface. We further demonstrate that, due to the high performance of the fingertips, a complex adaptive grasping algorithm is not required for grasping of everyday objects. We conclude that a simple algorithm based on a proportional controller will suffice for many grasping applications, provided the relevant fingertips exhibit high sensitivity. In a quantified assessment, we also demonstrate that, due in part to the sensor distribution, the BioTac-based fingertip performs better than the WTS-FT device, in enabling lifting of loads up to 850g, and that the simple proportional controller can adapt the grasp even when the object is exposed to significant external vibrational challenges.
134.Stable Parallel Training of Wasserstein Conditional Generative Adversarial Neural Networks ⬇️
We propose a stable, parallel approach to train Wasserstein Conditional Generative Adversarial Neural Networks (W-CGANs) under the constraint of a fixed computational budget. Differently from previous distributed GANs training techniques, our approach avoids inter-process communications, reduces the risk of mode collapse and enhances scalability by using multiple generators, each one of them concurrently trained on a single data label. The use of the Wasserstein metric also reduces the risk of cycling by stabilizing the training of each generator. We illustrate the approach on the CIFAR10, CIFAR100, and ImageNet1k datasets, three standard benchmark image datasets, maintaining the original resolution of the images for each dataset. Performance is assessed in terms of scalability and final accuracy within a limited fixed computational time and computational resources. To measure accuracy, we use the inception score, the Frechet inception distance, and image quality. An improvement in inception score and Frechet inception distance is shown in comparison to previous results obtained by performing the parallel approach on deep convolutional conditional generative adversarial neural networks (DC-CGANs) as well as an improvement of image quality of the new images created by the GANs approach. Weak scaling is attained on both datasets using up to 2,000 NVIDIA V100 GPUs on the OLCF supercomputer Summit.
135.Continual Few-Shot Learning with Adversarial Class Storage ⬇️
Humans have a remarkable ability to quickly and effectively learn new concepts in a continuous manner without forgetting old knowledge. Though deep learning has made tremendous successes on various computer vision tasks, it faces challenges for achieving such human-level intelligence. In this paper, we define a new problem called continual few-shot learning, in which tasks arrive sequentially and each task is associated with a few training samples. We propose Continual Meta-Learner (CML) to solve this problem. CML integrates metric-based classification and a memory-based mechanism along with adversarial learning into a meta-learning framework, which leads to the desirable properties: 1) it can quickly and effectively learn to handle a new task; 2) it overcomes catastrophic forgetting; 3) it is model-agnostic. We conduct extensive experiments on two image datasets, MiniImageNet and CIFAR100. Experimental results show that CML delivers state-of-the-art performance in terms of classification accuracy on few-shot learning tasks without catastrophic forgetting.
136.OCTAve: 2D en face Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Vessel Segmentation in Weakly-Supervised Learning with Locality Augmentation ⬇️
While there have been increased researches using deep learning techniques for the extraction of vascular structure from the 2D en face OCTA, for such approach, it is known that the data annotation process on the curvilinear structure like the retinal vasculature is very costly and time consuming, albeit few tried to address the annotation problem.
In this work, we propose the application of the scribble-base weakly-supervised learning method to automate the pixel-level annotation. The proposed method, called OCTAve, combines the weakly-supervised learning using scribble-annotated ground truth augmented with an adversarial and a novel self-supervised deep supervision. Our novel mechanism is designed to utilize the discriminative outputs from the discrimination layer of a UNet-like architecture where the Kullback-Liebler Divergence between the aggregate discriminative outputs and the segmentation map predicate is minimized during the training. This combined method leads to the better localization of the vascular structure as shown in our experiments. We validate our proposed method on the large public datasets i.e., ROSE, OCTA-500. The segmentation performance is compared against both state-of-the-art fully-supervised and scribble-based weakly-supervised approaches. The implementation of our work used in the experiments is located at [LINK].
137.Cov3d: Detection of the presence and severity of COVID-19 from CT scans using 3D ResNets ⬇️
Deep learning has been used to assist in the analysis of medical imaging. One such use is the classification of Computed Tomography (CT) scans when detecting for COVID-19 in subjects. This paper presents Cov3d, a three dimensional convolutional neural network for detecting the presence and severity of COVID19 from chest CT scans. Trained on the COV19-CT-DB dataset with human expert annotations, it achieves a macro f1 score of 0.9476 on the validation set for the task of detecting the presence of COVID19. For the task of classifying the severity of COVID19, it achieves a macro f1 score of 0.7552. Both results improve on the baseline results of the `AI-enabled Medical Image Analysis Workshop and Covid-19 Diagnosis Competition' (MIA-COV19D) in 2022.
138.Hardware-in-the-loop simulation of a UAV autonomous landing algorithm implemented in SoC FPGA ⬇️
This paper presents a system for hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) simulation of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) control algorithms implemented on a heterogeneous SoC FPGA computing platforms. The AirSim simulator running on a PC and an Arty Z7 development board with a Zynq SoC chip from AMD Xilinx were used. Communication was carried out via a serial USB link. An application for autonomous landing on a specially marked landing strip was selected as a case study. A landing site detection algorithm was implemented on the Zynq SoC platform. This allowed processing a 1280 x 720 @ 60 fps video stream in real time. Performed tests showed that the system works correctly and there are no delays that could negatively affect the stability of the control. The proposed concept is characterised by relative simplicity and low implementation cost. At the same time, it can be applied to test various types of high-level perception and control algorithms for UAV implemented on embedded platforms. We provide the code developed on GitHub, which includes both Python scripts running on the PC and C code running on Arty Z7.
139.On Binding Objects to Symbols: Learning Physical Concepts to Understand Real from Fake ⬇️
We revisit the classic signal-to-symbol barrier in light of the remarkable ability of deep neural networks to generate realistic synthetic data. DeepFakes and spoofing highlight the feebleness of the link between physical reality and its abstract representation, whether learned by a digital computer or a biological agent. Starting from a widely applicable definition of abstract concept, we show that standard feed-forward architectures cannot capture but trivial concepts, regardless of the number of weights and the amount of training data, despite being extremely effective classifiers. On the other hand, architectures that incorporate recursion can represent a significantly larger class of concepts, but may still be unable to learn them from a finite dataset. We qualitatively describe the class of concepts that can be "understood" by modern architectures trained with variants of stochastic gradient descent, using a (free energy) Lagrangian to measure information complexity. Even if a concept has been understood, however, a network has no means of communicating its understanding to an external agent, except through continuous interaction and validation. We then characterize physical objects as abstract concepts and use the previous analysis to show that physical objects can be encoded by finite architectures. However, to understand physical concepts, sensors must provide persistently exciting observations, for which the ability to control the data acquisition process is essential (active perception). The importance of control depends on the modality, benefiting visual more than acoustic or chemical perception. Finally, we conclude that binding physical entities to digital identities is possible in finite time with finite resources, solving in principle the signal-to-symbol barrier problem, but we highlight the need for continuous validation.
140.Cross-Modal Contrastive Representation Learning for Audio-to-Image Generation ⬇️
Multiple modalities for certain information provide a variety of perspectives on that information, which can improve the understanding of the information. Thus, it may be crucial to generate data of different modality from the existing data to enhance the understanding. In this paper, we investigate the cross-modal audio-to-image generation problem and propose Cross-Modal Contrastive Representation Learning (CMCRL) to extract useful features from audios and use it in the generation phase. Experimental results show that CMCRL enhances quality of images generated than previous research.
141.REPNP: Plug-and-Play with Deep Reinforcement Learning Prior for Robust Image Restoration ⬇️
Image restoration schemes based on the pre-trained deep models have received great attention due to their unique flexibility for solving various inverse problems. In particular, the Plug-and-Play (PnP) framework is a popular and powerful tool that can integrate an off-the-shelf deep denoiser for different image restoration tasks with known observation models. However, obtaining the observation model that exactly matches the actual one can be challenging in practice. Thus, the PnP schemes with conventional deep denoisers may fail to generate satisfying results in some real-world image restoration tasks. We argue that the robustness of the PnP framework is largely limited by using the off-the-shelf deep denoisers that are trained by deterministic optimization. To this end, we propose a novel deep reinforcement learning (DRL) based PnP framework, dubbed RePNP, by leveraging a light-weight DRL-based denoiser for robust image restoration tasks. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed RePNP is robust to the observation model used in the PnP scheme deviating from the actual one. Thus, RePNP can generate more reliable restoration results for image deblurring and super resolution tasks. Compared with several state-of-the-art deep image restoration baselines, RePNP achieves better results subjective to model deviation with fewer model parameters.
142.Domain-invariant Feature Exploration for Domain Generalization ⬇️
Deep learning has achieved great success in the past few years. However, the performance of deep learning is likely to impede in face of non-IID situations. Domain generalization (DG) enables a model to generalize to an unseen test distribution, i.e., to learn domain-invariant representations. In this paper, we argue that domain-invariant features should be originating from both internal and mutual sides. Internal invariance means that the features can be learned with a single domain and the features capture intrinsic semantics of data, i.e., the property within a domain, which is agnostic to other domains. Mutual invariance means that the features can be learned with multiple domains (cross-domain) and the features contain common information, i.e., the transferable features w.r.t. other domains. We then propose DIFEX for Domain-Invariant Feature EXploration. DIFEX employs a knowledge distillation framework to capture the high-level Fourier phase as the internally-invariant features and learn cross-domain correlation alignment as the mutually-invariant features. We further design an exploration loss to increase the feature diversity for better generalization. Extensive experiments on both time-series and visual benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed DIFEX achieves state-of-the-art performance.
143.An Encryption Method of ConvMixer Models without Performance Degradation ⬇️
In this paper, we propose an encryption method for ConvMixer models with a secret key. Encryption methods for DNN models have been studied to achieve adversarial defense, model protection and privacy-preserving image classification. However, the use of conventional encryption methods degrades the performance of models compared with that of plain models. Accordingly, we propose a novel method for encrypting ConvMixer models. The method is carried out on the basis of an embedding architecture that ConvMixer has, and models encrypted with the method can have the same performance as models trained with plain images only when using test images encrypted with a secret key. In addition, the proposed method does not require any specially prepared data for model training or network modification. In an experiment, the effectiveness of the proposed method is evaluated in terms of classification accuracy and model protection in an image classification task on the CIFAR10 dataset.
144.Patchwork++: Fast and Robust Ground Segmentation Solving Partial Under-Segmentation Using 3D Point Cloud ⬇️
In the field of 3D perception using 3D LiDAR sensors, ground segmentation is an essential task for various purposes, such as traversable area detection and object recognition. Under these circumstances, several ground segmentation methods have been proposed. However, some limitations are still encountered. First, some ground segmentation methods require fine-tuning of parameters depending on the surroundings, which is excessively laborious and time-consuming. Moreover, even if the parameters are well adjusted, a partial under-segmentation problem can still emerge, which implies ground segmentation failures in some regions. Finally, ground segmentation methods typically fail to estimate an appropriate ground plane when the ground is above another structure, such as a retaining wall. To address these problems, we propose a robust ground segmentation method called Patchwork++, an extension of Patchwork. Patchwork++ exploits adaptive ground likelihood estimation (A-GLE) to calculate appropriate parameters adaptively based on the previous ground segmentation results. Moreover, temporal ground revert (TGR) alleviates a partial under-segmentation problem by using the temporary ground property. Also, region-wise vertical plane fitting (R-VPF) is introduced to segment the ground plane properly even if the ground is elevated with different layers. Finally, we present reflected noise removal (RNR) to eliminate virtual noise points efficiently based on the 3D LiDAR reflection model. We demonstrate the qualitative and quantitative evaluations using a SemanticKITTI dataset. Our code is available at this https URL
145.Deep learning based non-contact physiological monitoring in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit ⬇️
Preterm babies in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) have to undergo continuous monitoring of their cardiac health. Conventional monitoring approaches are contact-based, making the neonates prone to various nosocomial infections. Video-based monitoring approaches have opened up potential avenues for contactless measurement. This work presents a pipeline for remote estimation of cardiopulmonary signals from videos in NICU setup. We have proposed an end-to-end deep learning (DL) model that integrates a non-learning based approach to generate surrogate ground truth (SGT) labels for supervision, thus refraining from direct dependency on true ground truth labels. We have performed an extended qualitative and quantitative analysis to examine the efficacy of our proposed DL-based pipeline and achieved an overall average mean absolute error of 4.6 beats per minute (bpm) and root mean square error of 6.2 bpm in the estimated heart rate.
146.Sparse-based Domain Adaptation Network for OCTA Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction ⬇️
Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography (OCTA) with high-resolution is important for the quantification and analysis of retinal vasculature. However, the resolution of OCTA images is inversely proportional to the field of view at the same sampling frequency, which is not conducive to clinicians for analyzing larger vascular areas. In this paper, we propose a novel Sparse-based domain Adaptation Super-Resolution network (SASR) for the reconstruction of realistic 6x6 mm2/low-resolution (LR) OCTA images to high-resolution (HR) representations. To be more specific, we first perform a simple degradation of the 3x3 mm2/high-resolution (HR) image to obtain the synthetic LR image. An efficient registration method is then employed to register the synthetic LR with its corresponding 3x3 mm2 image region within the 6x6 mm2 image to obtain the cropped realistic LR image. We then propose a multi-level super-resolution model for the fully-supervised reconstruction of the synthetic data, guiding the reconstruction of the realistic LR images through a generative-adversarial strategy that allows the synthetic and realistic LR images to be unified in the feature domain. Finally, a novel sparse edge-aware loss is designed to dynamically optimize the vessel edge structure. Extensive experiments on two OCTA sets have shown that our method performs better than state-of-the-art super-resolution reconstruction methods. In addition, we have investigated the performance of the reconstruction results on retina structure segmentations, which further validate the effectiveness of our approach.
147.Spatial-Temporal Federated Learning for Lifelong Person Re-identification on Distributed Edges ⬇️
Data drift is a thorny challenge when deploying person re-identification (ReID) models into real-world devices, where the data distribution is significantly different from that of the training environment and keeps changing. To tackle this issue, we propose a federated spatial-temporal incremental learning approach, named FedSTIL, which leverages both lifelong learning and federated learning to continuously optimize models deployed on many distributed edge clients. Unlike previous efforts, FedSTIL aims to mine spatial-temporal correlations among the knowledge learnt from different edge clients. Specifically, the edge clients first periodically extract general representations of drifted data to optimize their local models. Then, the learnt knowledge from edge clients will be aggregated by centralized parameter server, where the knowledge will be selectively and attentively distilled from spatial- and temporal-dimension with carefully designed mechanisms. Finally, the distilled informative spatial-temporal knowledge will be sent back to correlated edge clients to further improve the recognition accuracy of each edge client with a lifelong learning method. Extensive experiments on a mixture of five real-world datasets demonstrate that our method outperforms others by nearly 4% in Rank-1 accuracy, while reducing communication cost by 62%. All implementation codes are publicly available on this https URL
148.Improved Super Resolution of MR Images Using CNNs and Vision Transformers ⬇️
State of the art magnetic resonance (MR) image super-resolution methods (ISR) using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) leverage limited contextual information due to the limited spatial coverage of CNNs. Vision transformers (ViT) learn better global context that is helpful in generating superior quality HR images. We combine local information of CNNs and global information from ViTs for image super resolution and output super resolved images that have superior quality than those produced by state of the art methods. We include extra constraints through multiple novel loss functions that preserve structure and texture information from the low resolution to high resolution images.
149.Can we achieve robustness from data alone? ⬇️
Adversarial training and its variants have come to be the prevailing methods to achieve adversarially robust classification using neural networks. However, its increased computational cost together with the significant gap between standard and robust performance hinder progress and beg the question of whether we can do better. In this work, we take a step back and ask: Can models achieve robustness via standard training on a suitably optimized set? To this end, we devise a meta-learning method for robust classification, that optimizes the dataset prior to its deployment in a principled way, and aims to effectively remove the non-robust parts of the data. We cast our optimization method as a multi-step PGD procedure on kernel regression, with a class of kernels that describe infinitely wide neural nets (Neural Tangent Kernels - NTKs). Experiments on MNIST and CIFAR-10 demonstrate that the datasets we produce enjoy very high robustness against PGD attacks, when deployed in both kernel regression classifiers and neural networks. However, this robustness is somewhat fallacious, as alternative attacks manage to fool the models, which we find to be the case for previous similar works in the literature as well. We discuss potential reasons for this and outline further avenues of research.
150.Proving Common Mechanisms Shared by Twelve Methods of Boosting Adversarial Transferability ⬇️
Although many methods have been proposed to enhance the transferability of adversarial perturbations, these methods are designed in a heuristic manner, and the essential mechanism for improving adversarial transferability is still unclear. This paper summarizes the common mechanism shared by twelve previous transferability-boosting methods in a unified view, i.e., these methods all reduce game-theoretic interactions between regional adversarial perturbations. To this end, we focus on the attacking utility of all interactions between regional adversarial perturbations, and we first discover and prove the negative correlation between the adversarial transferability and the attacking utility of interactions. Based on this discovery, we theoretically prove and empirically verify that twelve previous transferability-boosting methods all reduce interactions between regional adversarial perturbations. More crucially, we consider the reduction of interactions as the essential reason for the enhancement of adversarial transferability. Furthermore, we design the interaction loss to directly penalize interactions between regional adversarial perturbations during attacking. Experimental results show that the interaction loss significantly improves the transferability of adversarial perturbations.
151.PCA: Semi-supervised Segmentation with Patch Confidence Adversarial Training ⬇️
Deep learning based semi-supervised learning (SSL) methods have achieved strong performance in medical image segmentation, which can alleviate doctors' expensive annotation by utilizing a large amount of unlabeled data. Unlike most existing semi-supervised learning methods, adversarial training based methods distinguish samples from different sources by learning the data distribution of the segmentation map, leading the segmenter to generate more accurate predictions. We argue that the current performance restrictions for such approaches are the problems of feature extraction and learning preference. In this paper, we propose a new semi-supervised adversarial method called Patch Confidence Adversarial Training (PCA) for medical image segmentation. Rather than single scalar classification results or pixel-level confidence maps, our proposed discriminator creates patch confidence maps and classifies them at the scale of the patches. The prediction of unlabeled data learns the pixel structure and context information in each patch to get enough gradient feedback, which aids the discriminator in convergent to an optimal state and improves semi-supervised segmentation performance. Furthermore, at the discriminator's input, we supplement semantic information constraints on images, making it simpler for unlabeled data to fit the expected data distribution. Extensive experiments on the Automated Cardiac Diagnosis Challenge (ACDC) 2017 dataset and the Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) 2019 challenge dataset show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art semi-supervised methods, which demonstrates its effectiveness for medical image segmentation.
152.FD-MAR: Fourier Dual-domain Network for CT Metal Artifact Reduction ⬇️
The presence of high-density objects such as metal implants and dental fillings can introduce severely streak-like artifacts in computed tomography (CT) images, greatly limiting subsequent diagnosis. Although various deep neural networks-based methods have been proposed for metal artifact reduction (MAR), they usually suffer from poor performance due to limited exploitation of global context in the sinogram domain, secondary artifacts introduced in the image domain, and the requirement of precise metal masks. To address these issues, this paper explores fast Fourier convolution for MAR in both sinogram and image domains, and proposes a Fourier dual-domain network for MAR, termed FD-MAR. Specifically, we first propose a Fourier sinogram restoration network, which can leverage sinogram-wide receptive context to fill in the metal-corrupted region from uncorrupted region and, hence, is robust to the metal trace. Second, we propose a Fourier refinement network in the image domain, which can refine the reconstructed images in a local-to-global manner by exploring image-wide context information. As a result, the proposed FD-MAR can explore the sinogram- and image-wide receptive fields for MAR. By optimizing FD-MAR with a composite loss function, extensive experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed FD-MAR over the state-of-the-art MAR methods in terms of quantitative metrics and visual comparison. Notably, FD-MAR does not require precise metal masks, which is of great importance in clinical routine.
153.Modeling Associative Plasticity between Synapses to Enhance Learning of Spiking Neural Networks ⬇️
Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) are the third generation of artificial neural networks that enable energy-efficient implementation on neuromorphic hardware. However, the discrete transmission of spikes brings significant challenges to the robust and high-performance learning mechanism. Most existing works focus solely on learning between neurons but ignore the influence between synapses, resulting in a loss of robustness and accuracy. To address this problem, we propose a robust and effective learning mechanism by modeling the associative plasticity between synapses (APBS) observed from the physiological phenomenon of associative long-term potentiation (ALTP). With the proposed APBS method, synapses of the same neuron interact through a shared factor when concurrently stimulated by other neurons. In addition, we propose a spatiotemporal cropping and flipping (STCF) method to improve the generalization ability of our network. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approaches achieve superior performance on static CIFAR-10 datasets and state-of-the-art performance on neuromorphic MNIST-DVS, CIFAR10-DVS datasets by a lightweight convolution network. To our best knowledge, this is the first time to explore a learning method between synapses and an extended approach for neuromorphic data.
154.DCT Approximations Based on Chen's Factorization ⬇️
In this paper, two 8-point multiplication-free DCT approximations based on the Chen's factorization are proposed and their fast algorithms are also derived. Both transformations are assessed in terms of computational cost, error energy, and coding gain. Experiments with a JPEG-like image compression scheme are performed and results are compared with competing methods. The proposed low-complexity transforms are scaled according to Jridi-Alfalou-Meher algorithm to effect 16- and 32-point approximations. The new sets of transformations are embedded into an HEVC reference software to provide a fully HEVC-compliant video coding scheme. We show that approximate transforms can outperform traditional transforms and state-of-the-art methods at a very low complexity cost.
155.A Simplistic and Cost-Effective Design for Real-World Development of an Ambient Assisted Living System for Fall Detection and Indoor Localization: Proof of Concept ⬇️
Falls, highly common in the constantly increasing global aging population, can have a variety of negative effects on their health, well-being, and quality of life, including restricting their capabilities to conduct Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), which are crucial for one's sustenance. Timely assistance during falls is highly necessary, which involves tracking the indoor location of the elderly during their diverse navigational patterns associated with ADLs to detect the precise location of a fall. With the decreasing caregiver population on a global scale, it is important that the future of intelligent living environments can detect falls during ADLs while being able to track the indoor location of the elderly in the real world. To address these challenges, this work proposes a cost-effective and simplistic design paradigm for an Ambient Assisted Living system that can capture multimodal components of user behaviors during ADLs that are necessary for performing fall detection and indoor localization in a simultaneous manner in the real world. Proof of concept results from real-world experiments are presented to uphold the effective working of the system. The findings from two comparison studies with prior works in this field are also presented to uphold the novelty of this work. The first comparison study shows how the proposed system outperforms prior works in the areas of indoor localization and fall detection in terms of the effectiveness of its software design and hardware design. The second comparison study shows that the cost for the development of this system is the least as compared to prior works in these fields, which involved real-world development of the underlining systems, thereby upholding its cost-effective nature.
156.Robots Enact Malignant Stereotypes ⬇️
Stereotypes, bias, and discrimination have been extensively documented in Machine Learning (ML) methods such as Computer Vision (CV) [18, 80], Natural Language Processing (NLP) [6], or both, in the case of large image and caption models such as OpenAI CLIP [14]. In this paper, we evaluate how ML bias manifests in robots that physically and autonomously act within the world. We audit one of several recently published CLIP-powered robotic manipulation methods, presenting it with objects that have pictures of human faces on the surface which vary across race and gender, alongside task descriptions that contain terms associated with common stereotypes. Our experiments definitively show robots acting out toxic stereotypes with respect to gender, race, and scientifically-discredited physiognomy, at scale. Furthermore, the audited methods are less likely to recognize Women and People of Color. Our interdisciplinary sociotechnical analysis synthesizes across fields and applications such as Science Technology and Society (STS), Critical Studies, History, Safety, Robotics, and AI. We find that robots powered by large datasets and Dissolution Models (sometimes called "foundation models", e.g. CLIP) that contain humans risk physically amplifying malignant stereotypes in general; and that merely correcting disparities will be insufficient for the complexity and scale of the problem. Instead, we recommend that robot learning methods that physically manifest stereotypes or other harmful outcomes be paused, reworked, or even wound down when appropriate, until outcomes can be proven safe, effective, and just. Finally, we discuss comprehensive policy changes and the potential of new interdisciplinary research on topics like Identity Safety Assessment Frameworks and Design Justice to better understand and address these harms.
157.Detection and Initial Assessment of Lunar Landing Sites Using Neural Networks ⬇️
Robotic and human lunar landings are a focus of future NASA missions. Precision landing capabilities are vital to guarantee the success of the mission, and the safety of the lander and crew. During the approach to the surface there are multiple challenges associated with Hazard Relative Navigation to ensure safe landings. This paper will focus on a passive autonomous hazard detection and avoidance sub-system to generate an initial assessment of possible landing regions for the guidance system. The system uses a single camera and the MobileNetV2 neural network architecture to detect and discern between safe landing sites and hazards such as rocks, shadows, and craters. Then a monocular structure from motion will recreate the surface to provide slope and roughness analysis.
158.Chunk-aware Alignment and Lexical Constraint for Visual Entailment with Natural Language Explanations ⬇️
Visual Entailment with natural language explanations aims to infer the relationship between a text-image pair and generate a sentence to explain the decision-making process. Previous methods rely mainly on a pre-trained vision-language model to perform the relation inference and a language model to generate the corresponding explanation. However, the pre-trained vision-language models mainly build token-level alignment between text and image yet ignore the high-level semantic alignment between the phrases (chunks) and visual contents, which is critical for vision-language reasoning. Moreover, the explanation generator based only on the encoded joint representation does not explicitly consider the critical decision-making points of relation inference. Thus the generated explanations are less faithful to visual-language reasoning. To mitigate these problems, we propose a unified Chunk-aware Alignment and Lexical Constraint based method, dubbed as CALeC. It contains a Chunk-aware Semantic Interactor (arr. CSI), a relation inferrer, and a Lexical Constraint-aware Generator (arr. LeCG). Specifically, CSI exploits the sentence structure inherent in language and various image regions to build chunk-aware semantic alignment. Relation inferrer uses an attention-based reasoning network to incorporate the token-level and chunk-level vision-language representations. LeCG utilizes lexical constraints to expressly incorporate the words or chunks focused by the relation inferrer into explanation generation, improving the faithfulness and informativeness of the explanations. We conduct extensive experiments on three datasets, and experimental results indicate that CALeC significantly outperforms other competitor models on inference accuracy and quality of generated explanations.
159.Brain tumor detection using artificial convolutional neural networks ⬇️
In this paper, a convolutional neural network (CNN) was used to classify NMR images of human brains with 4 different types of tumors: meningioma, glioma and pituitary gland tumors. During the training phase of this project, an accuracy of 100% was obtained, meanwhile, in the evaluation phase the precision was 96%.