Simple Graph Tool is a free tool visualizing graph theory and supporting 4 types of graph:
- Weighted - Directed Graph
- Weighted - Undirected Graph
- Unweighted - Directed Graph
- Unweighted - Undirected Graph
- Visualization: Providing graphical visualization for the graph. Supporting manipulation (create/edit/delete) for nodes and edge, animated demo of algorithms, displaying properties of the graph's elements
- Matrix Views: Displaying Adjacent matrix and Incidence matrix
- Graph coloring
- Topological Sorting algorithm
- Finding all bridges
- Finding the shortest path (Dijkstra, A*)
- Finding all articulation nodes
- Finding minimum spanning tree
- Finding independent sets of cycles
- Finding Hamiltonian cycles, Euler cycles of the graph
- Finding strongly and weakly connected components of the graph
- Qt5
- CMake >= 3.0
git clone
cd simple-graph-tool
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/qmake # default path: /usr/bin/qmake
make -j