Web Application Link: https://shrouded-dawn-71327.herokuapp.com/
Successful learning objectives from this course:
- Contrast server-based and web client applications, to make an informed decision about creating a server-based web app.
- Propose a web app design that is based on a well-organized architecture and design principles, to ensure reliability, quality, enhancement, maintenance, and adaptability.
- Configure a web app server, using widely-used open source software (including Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB), to provide a solution to a business problem or opportunity.
- Demonstrate professional-level JavaScript skills to implement function closures, callbacks, asynchronous patterns, and to debug an application.
- Design programmatically-generated web documents, using a view engine, and a CSS framework, to present consistent and attractively-formatted content.
- Apply HTTP protocol elements, including messages, URI, clients, GET and POST requests, servers, and responses, to design and implement a modern standards-based web app.
- Create a simple security system including identity management, authentication, authorization, and resource sharing, to control access to a web app by authorized users.
- Select a suitable host for a published web app, to enable access on the public web.