Scaffold has been created with Docker support in mind so that you can build a container image of the service to be run locally without installing the prerequisites .NET Core and PostgreSQL. Docker support is facilitated by the docker-compose.yml
file included in the root of this solution.
To build a container image of the service using the latest base images, simply run;
docker-compose build --force-rm --pull
Scaffold can be run locally in Docker without installing the prerequisites .NET Core and PostgreSQL. To run the service in Docker locally and in the background, run;
docker-compose up -d
If a container image of the service doesn't exist, this command will also build it. Once up and running you can access the service on http://localhost
To stop the service running in Docker, run;
docker-compose down
This will stop the service and the PostgreSQL containers that were running in the background. This command will also leave behind a Docker volume belonging to PostgreSQL which contains any data that was persisted to the database. To remove this volume, run;
docker-compose down --volumes
When developing the service, you may only want to run the PostgreSQL database locally in Docker and not the service. To do this, use the command;
docker-compose up -d postgres
This is ideal if you don't want to install PostgreSQL onto your computer or need to manage different versions for different projects. In this scenario you would run the service natively on your machine.
To run the service natively on your computer, change directory to the Scaffold.WebApi project under Sources and run;
dotnet run
Once up and running you can access the service on http://localhost
Included in the docker-compose.yml
file are other services that you can spin up in Docker should you need them for local development. These services and the path to their UIs if they have one are:
- Grafana - http://localhost:3000
- Jaeger - http://localhost:16686/search
- Prometheus - http://localhost:9090/graph
- OpenTelemetry collector
To spin up any combination of these services, use the command;
docker-compose up -d [service...]
For example to spin up Grafana, Jaeger, Prometheus and the OpenTelemetry collector in one command, use;
docker-compose up -d grafana jaeger prometheus opentelemetry-collector