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  author = {Han He},
  title = {{HanLP: Han Language Processing}},
  year = {2014},
  url = {},



  1. Guan, Xinxin, et al. "An Automatic Text Summary Extraction Method Based on Improved TextRank and TF-IDF." IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. IOP Publishing. 2019
  2. Chen, Liang, et al. "Using natural language processing to extract clinically useful information from Chinese electronic medical records." International journal of medical informatics. 2019
  3. Mazodier, Pierric, et al. "Active Reading for Intercomprehension Between Sinogramic Languages." __. 2019
  4. Yao, Jian, et al. "SeeIME: a Chinese mobile IME for Chinese learners based on hybrid Pinyin code." Proceedings of the ACM Turing Celebration Conference-China. ACM. 2019
  5. Yang, Yuting, et al. "How to Write High-quality News on Social Network? Predicting News Quality by Mining Writing Style." arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.00750. 2019
  6. Sun, Jiaqian, et al. "Analysis of the Passion Criminal Tendencies Based on the Topic-Emotion Model." Journal of Physics: Conference Series. IOP Publishing. 2019
  7. Tao, Wan, et al. "Mining Pain Points from Hotel Online Comments based on Sentiment Analysis." 2019 IEEE 8th Joint International Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Conference (ITAIC). IEEE. 2019
  8. He, Han, et al. "Effective Neural Solution for Multi-criteria Word Segmentation." Smart Intelligent Computing and Applications. 2019
  9. Quan, Yong, et al. "Identify Influentials Based on User Behavior Across Different Topics." International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Security. Springer. 2019
  10. Ding, Ruixue, et al. "A Neural Multi-digraph Model for Chinese NER with Gazetteers." Proceedings of the 57th Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics. 2019
  11. Xu, Sheng, et al. "Topic Tensor Network for Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition in Chinese." Proceedings of the 57th Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics. 2019
  12. Wang, Huan, et al. "Incorporating External Knowledge to Boost Machine Comprehension Based Question Answering." European Conference on Information Retrieval. Springer. 2019
  13. Ning, Yishuang, et al. "Domain Knowledge Enhanced Error Correction Service for Intelligent Speech Interaction." International Conference on AI and Mobile Services. Springer. 2019
  14. Luo, Ruixuan, et al. "PKUSEG: A Toolkit for Multi-Domain Chinese Word Segmentation." arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.11455. 2019
  15. 刘一然, et al. "基于 SVM 的学科试题自动分类研究." 计算机应用与软件. 2019
  16. Wang, Kai, et al. "Research on Assisted Generation Method of Emergency Management Structured Case for Natural Text." 2019 IEEE 4th International Conference on Big Data Analytics (ICBDA). IEEE. 2019
  17. Yi, Lu, et al. "Expert Information Automatic Extraction for IOT Knowledge Base." Procedia computer science. 2019
  18. Lei, Ming, et al. "Clustering Algorithm of Ethnic Cultural Resources based on Spark." International Journal of Performability Engineering. 2019
  19. Gong, Yonggang, et al. "Research on Automatic Proofreading Method of Sensitive Information in Content Security." IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. IOP Publishing. 2019
  20. Chen, Yuh-Shyan, et al. "A Few-Shot Transfer Learning Approach Using Text-label Embedding with Legal Attributes for Law Article Prediction." __. 2019
  21. Yang, Yang, et al. "Chinese Multi-Keyword Fuzzy Rank Search over Encrypted Cloud Data Based on Locality-Sensitive Hashing." Journal of Information Science & Engineering. 2019
  22. Gong, Hechen, et al. "A Study of the Chinese spam Classification with Doc2vec and CNN." IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. IOP Publishing. 2019
  23. 侯丽微, et al. "主题关键词信息融合的中文生成式自动摘要研究." 自动化学报. 2019
  24. Gong, Tuanji, et al. "An Attention-based Deep Model for Automatic Short Answer Score." International Journal of Computer Science and Software Engineering. 2019
  25. 陈志豪, et al. "基于注意力和字嵌入的中文医疗问答匹配方法." 计算机应用. 2019
  26. Chai, Zi, et al. "Asking the Crowd: Question Analysis, Evaluation and Generation for Open Discussion on Online Forums." Proceedings of the 57th Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics. 2019
  27. 江俊, et al. "基于峰值密度聚类的电信业投诉热点话题检测方法." 电信科学. 2019
  28. Huang, Subin, et al. "An unsupervised approach for learning a Chinese IS-A taxonomy from an unstructured corpus." Knowledge-Based Systems. 2019
  29. Long, Zi, et al. "Collecting Indicators of Compromise from Unstructured Text of Cybersecurity Articles using Neural-Based Sequence Labelling." arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.02636. 2019
  30. Shao, Lijie, et al. "An Efficient Expansion Word Extraction Algorithm for Educational Video." 2018 7th International Conference on Digital Home (ICDH). IEEE. 2018
  31. Lin, Kunhui, et al. "How to Enhance Chinese Word Segmentation Using Knowledge Graphs." 2018 13th International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE). IEEE. 2018
  32. Luo, Ling, et al. "DUTIR at the CCKS-2018 Task1: A Neural Network Ensemble Approach for Chinese Clinical Named Entity Recognition." CCKS Tasks. 2018
  33. Zhu, Wenhao, et al. "Improve word embedding using both writing and pronunciation." PloS one. 2018
  34. Dong, Yixuan, et al. "Establish Evidence Chain Model on Chinese Criminal Judgment Documents Using Text Similarity Measure." International Conference of Pioneering Computer Scientists, Engineers and Educators. Springer. 2018
  35. Sun, Xiaojie, et al. "Text Sentiment Polarity Classification Method Based on Word Embedding." Proceedings of the 2018 2nd International Conference on Algorithms, Computing and Systems. ACM. 2018
  36. Li, Shen, et al. "Analogical reasoning on chinese morphological and semantic relations." Proceedings of the 56th Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics. 2018
  37. Chen, Jizhi, et al. "Developing educational ontology: a case study in physics." Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Education Technology and Computers. ACM. 2018
  38. Gong, Neng, et al. "The Sogou spoken language understanding system for the NLPCC 2018 evaluation." CCF International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing. Springer. 2018
  39. 谢刚, et al. "面向患者的智能医生框架研究." 计算机科学与探索. 2018
  40. 朱凤山 "在线校园新闻主题分析模型的建立与应用." 电子技术与软件工程. 2018
  41. Che, Jin, et al. "A Chinese text correction and intention identification method for speech interactive context." International Conference on Edge Computing. Springer. 2018
  42. 肖娜 "基于自然语言处理的能源电池领域的知识图谱构建." __. 2018
  43. 张德海ZDH, et al. "基于认知算法的中文本体自动构建工具研究与实现 Research and implementation of automatic Chinese ontology-building tools based on cognitive algorithms 云南民族大学学报: 自然科学版, 2018, 27 (3): 234-242." 云南民族大学学报 (自然科学版). 2018
  44. Xu, Jing, et al. "Unsupervised medical entity recognition and linking in Chinese online medical text." Journal of healthcare engineering. 2018
  45. Wang, Yuming, et al. "Inter-Category Distribution Enhanced Feature Extraction for Efficient Text Classification." International Conference on Big Data. Springer. 2018
  46. Wang, Hao, et al. "A Neural Question Generation System Based on Knowledge Base." CCF International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing. Springer. 2018
  47. Tang, Kaiyu, et al. "AutoHighlight: Automatic Highlights Detection and Segmentation in Soccer Matches." 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). IEEE. 2018
  48. 蒋鸣珂, et al. "企业互联网负面信息分析与去噪." 科技与创新. 2018
  49. 杨昇至 "基于微信平台的医院就诊流程引导系统设计与实现." __. 2018
  50. Chen, Dehua, et al. "Context-Aware End-To-End Relation Extracting from Clinical Texts with Attention-based Bi-Tree-GRU." ILP Up-and-Coming/Short Papers. 2018
  51. Ye, Hai, et al. "Interpretable charge predictions for criminal cases: Learning to generate court views from fact descriptions." arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.08504. 2018
  52. Gao, Chengliang, et al. "An Empirical Study of Emotion Analysis with Different Distributed Representation Methods for Chinese Microblogs." 2018 First Asian Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII Asia). IEEE. 2018
  53. 王兴建 "自然语言处理在军事舆情领域的应用研究." __. 2018
  54. 荣垂田, et al. "中文关键短语自动提取方法研究." 计算机科学与探索. 2018
  55. 孙安, et al. "序列标注模型中的字粒度特征提取方案研究——以 CCKS2017: Task2 临床病历命名实体识别任务为例." 图书情报工作. 2018
  56. Li, Yang, et al. "A Joint Model of Entity Linking and Predicate Recognition for Knowledge Base Question Answering." CCKS Tasks. 2018
  57. Pan, Zejia, et al. "Design and implementation of scientific research information recommendation system." 2018 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Big Data Analysis (ICBDA). IEEE. 2018
  58. Li, Jia, et al. "Developing Embedded Taxonomy and Mining Patients’ Interests From Web-Based Physician Reviews: Mixed-Methods Approach." Journal of medical Internet research. 2018
  59. Wang, Xiaoli, et al. "ALTAS: An Intelligent Text Analysis System Based on Knowledge Graphs." Asia-Pacific Web (APWeb) and Web-Age Information Management (WAIM) Joint International Conference on Web and Big Data. Springer. 2018
  60. Hu, Yunfeng, et al. "Information Extraction and Spatial Distribution of Research Hot Regions on Rocky Desertification in China." Applied Sciences. 2018
  61. Jiang, Yingdi, et al. "The Law of Semantic Change of Opposite Compounds." 2018 International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP). IEEE. 2018
  62. 邬登峰, et al. "基于多粒度特征和混合算法的文档推荐系统." 计算机系统应用. 2018
  63. YAN, Duan-wu, et al. "Design and Implementation of Parallelized LDA Topic Model Based on MapReduce." DEStech Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering. 2018
  64. Zhao, Junlei, et al. "Open Domain Event Attribute Extraction Method." DEStech Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering. 2018
  65. Chen, Haibo, et al. "Research on the Architecture and Technologies of the “Internet+” Smart Site." 2018 12th International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management & Applications (SKIMA). IEEE. 2018
  66. Prystay, T "Formation and Development of Legislation-The Basis of Legal Status of Subjects of Foreign Economic Activity." Law Rev. Kyiv UL. 2018
  67. Gong, Yonggang, et al. "Research and Implementation of Chinese Text Automatic Proofreading System." IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. IOP Publishing. 2018
  68. Jiang, Xin, et al. "Interpretable Rationale Augmented Charge Prediction System." Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations. 2018
  69. Zhang, Siheng, et al. "Improving short-text representation in convolutional networks by dependency parsing." Knowledge and Information Systems. 2018
  70. Zhang, Xi, et al. "Stock market prediction via multi-source multiple instance learning." IEEE Access. 2018
  71. 余本功, et al. "基于多属性加权的社会化问答社区关键词提取方法." 图书情报工作. 2018
  72. Chen, Xu, et al. "HIB-tree: An efficient index method for the big data analytics of large-scale human activity trajectories." Future Generation Computer Systems. 2018
  73. Zhu, Zhiliang, et al. "A Dynamic Personalized News Recommendation System Based on BAP User Profiling Method." IEEE Access. 2018
  74. Shen, Ying, et al. "CBN: Constructing a clinical Bayesian network based on data from the electronic medical record." Journal of biomedical informatics. 2018
  75. Zhong, Junmei, et al. "Chinese electronic health record analysis for recommending medical treatment solutions with NLP and unsupervised learning." MATEC Web of Conferences. EDP Sciences. 2018
  76. Yu, Qing, et al. "Identification of Spam Based on Dependency Syntax and Convolutional Neural Network." 2018 11th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (CISP-BMEI). IEEE. 2018
  77. Glauber, Rafael, et al. "A systematic mapping study on open information extraction." Expert Systems with Applications. 2018
  78. Xu, Sheng, et al. "Employing text matching network to recognise nuclearity in chinese discourse." Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. 2018
  79. 黄杨琛, et al. "基于远程监督的多因子人物关系抽取模型." 通信学报. 2018
  80. Tuulonen, Hanna, et al. "News Automation: The rewards, risks and realities of'machine journlism'." __. 2018
  81. Lv, Jinna, et al. "StoryRoleNet: Social Network Construction of Role Relationship in Video." IEEE Access. 2018
  82. Shen, Ying, et al. "Gastroenterology ontology construction using synonym identification and relation extraction." IEEE Access. 2018
  83. Hui, Li, et al. "A Study of Extraction Methods for Incident Subject Terms Based on Left-Right Branch and Between-Class Distribution Entropies." 2017 13th International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grids (SKG). IEEE. 2017
  84. Zhu, Yueqin, et al. "Intelligent learning for knowledge graph towards geological data." Scientific Programming. 2017
  85. Xia, Guoqing, et al. "Lexicon-based semi-CRF for Chinese clinical text word segmentation." 2017 International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC). IEEE. 2017
  86. Niu, Jianwei, et al. "Sentiment Analysis of Chinese Words Using Word Embedding and Sentiment Morpheme Matching." International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing. Springer. 2017
  87. Li, Jung-Bin, et al. "A rule-based Chinese sentiment mining system with self-expanding dictionary-taking TripAdvisor as an example." 2017 IEEE 14th International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE). IEEE. 2017
  88. 李俊卿 "基于分布式的社交网络信息推荐." __. 2017
  89. 朱金山, et al. "基于敏感词分析的高校舆情监控系统设计与实现." 集宁师范学院学报. 2017
  90. Cui, Chenxi, et al. "Recognize user intents in online interactions from massive social media data." 2017 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Big Data Analysis (ICBDA)(. IEEE. 2017
  91. 肖娜萍 "基于 QFD 的基本公卫信息系统质量改进研究." __. 2017
  92. Luo, Bingfeng, et al. "Learning to predict charges for criminal cases with legal basis." arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.09168. 2017
  93. 孙健, et al. "中文电子病历中的时间关系识别." 计算机应用. 2017
  94. Wu, Pin, et al. "Construction and Verification of Knowledge Base of Political & Economy News based on Mixed Algorithm of Subgraph Feature Extraction and RESCAL." International Journal of Performability Engineering. 2017
  95. Hu, Yue, et al. "Enhanced Microblog Network Representation with User-Generated Content." ITM Web of Conferences. EDP Sciences. 2017
  96. 黄念娥, et al. "本体与条件随机场结合的涉农商品名称抽取与类别标注." 计算机应用. 2017
  97. Tian, Qing, et al. "Analysis and Implementation of Job Repeatability Detection Algorithm." 2017 7th International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Technology (ICASET 2017). Atlantis Press. 2017
  98. 张磊, et al. "产程实时汇报系统的设计与实现." 计算机应用与软件. 2017
  99. Li, Zhenzhen, et al. "Recurrent neural networks with specialized word embedding for chinese clinical named entity recognition." CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2017
  100. Wu, Chunzi, et al. "Extracting Topics Based on Word2Vec and Improved Jaccard Similarity Coefficient." 2017 IEEE Second International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace (DSC). IEEE. 2017
  101. Yunfeng, Hu, et al. "Extraction and dynamic spatial-temporal changes of grassland deterioration research hot regions in china." Journal of resources and ecology. 2017
  102. Huang, Dongchuan, et al. "An approach on Chinese microblog entity linking combining baidu encyclopaedia and word2vec." Procedia Computer Science. 2017
  103. Zhang, Qiang, et al. "Spam comments detection with self-extensible dictionary and text-based features." 2017 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC). IEEE. 2017
  104. 黄蓓静, et al. "远程监督人物关系抽取中的去噪研究." 计算机应用与软件. 2017
  105. Kuzmin, Igor A "Formal Legal Method as a Part of Comparative Studies Methodology." Law: J. Higher Sch. Econ.. 2017
  106. Wu, Xiaoyang, et al. "The CRFs-based Chinese open entity relation extraction." 2017 IEEE Second International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace (DSC). IEEE. 2017
  107. 刘泽锦, et al. "同主题词短文本分类算法中 BTM 的应用与改进 ①." __. 2017
  108. An, Yanxin, et al. "Sentiment analysis for short Chinese text based on character-level methods." 2017 9th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST). IEEE. 2017
  109. Chen, WANG, et al. "Retweet Prediction in Sina Weibo Based on Entity-Level Sentiment Analysis." DEStech Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering. 2016
  110. Dong, Zhenjiang, et al. "A demonstration of qa system based on knowledge base." Asia-Pacific Web Conference. Springer. 2016
  111. Xu, Jing, et al. "An Unsupervised Method for Entity Mentions Extraction in Chinese Text." Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference. Springer. 2016
  112. Fu, Xiaolei, et al. "Group detection for specific topic on micro-blog." 2016 13th Web Information Systems and Applications Conference (WISA). IEEE. 2016
  113. Ma, Lu, et al. "Sentiment orientation analysis of short text based on background and domain sentiment lexicon expansion." 2016 5th International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology (ICCSNT). IEEE. 2016
  114. ZHANG, Shi-jiao, et al. "Removing Duplicates Method of English Tests." DEStech Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering. 2016
  115. Wu, Chunzi, et al. "Event evolution model based on random walk model with hot topic extraction." International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications. Springer. 2016
  116. Shi, Si, et al. "Real-time public mood tracking of Chinese microblog streams with complex event processing." IEEE Access. 2016
  117. Xu, Jing, et al. "An unsupervised method for linking entity mentions in Chinese text." Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference. Springer. 2016
  118. Lai, Yuxuan, et al. "Open domain question answering system based on knowledge base." Natural Language Understanding and Intelligent Applications. 2016
  119. Zhou, Yadong, et al. "Event detection based on interactive communication streams in social network." Proceedings of the 9th EAI International Conference on Mobile Multimedia Communications. ICST (Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and~…. 2016
  120. 孙丽萍, et al. "基于构成模式和条件随机场的企业简称预测." 计算机应用. 2016
  121. Chen, Huan, et al. "Cloud-Based Core Text Processing Services for Sentiment Analysis." 2016 IEEE International Congress on Big Data (BigData Congress). IEEE. 2016
  122. Li, Peijia, et al. "Customer voice sensor: A comprehensive opinion mining system for call center conversation." 2016 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analysis (ICCCBDA). IEEE. 2016
  123. 李学明, et al. "基于用户回复内容观点支持度的评论有用性计算." 计算机应用. 2016
  124. Peixia, Wang, et al. "Using Intelligent System to Extract Search Terms for Sci-Tech Novelty Retrieval." Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery. 2016
  125. 王培霞, et al. "科技查新中检索词智能抽取系统的设计与实现." 数据分析与知识发现. 2016
  126. Jiang, Lan, et al. "Biterm pseudo document topic model for short text." 2016 IEEE 28th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI). IEEE. 2016