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This project is a folk version of d2-admin-start-kit. It separates d2 admin internal stuffs and business logic clearly to help you start D2Admin project quickly and easily.



d2-admin-start-kit-plus expose delegate to integrate with your own implementation.

Replace these delegates default implementation on start up with your own.


Generally we design software architecture in modular way for real project. d2-admin-start-kit-plus defines following directory structure in convention to organize codes.

  • [your module]
    • api
      • [your api].js
      • mock.js
    • views
      • [your page].vue
      • [assets/image.jpg]
    • store
      • [your store].js/ts
      • index.ts (copy from sample and don't modify it)
    • routes.js


ModuleHook provides global application lifecycle hook for each module.

Differences from original D2Admin

We assume you are familiar with D2Admin, and we make a little bit changes from original D2Admin configuration. Please be aware before start to use this project.

  • Support Typescript
  • Build switch in .env
    • ENABLE_MOCK decides to use http request mocking or not .
      • Note that mockjs is replaced by axios-mock-adapter.
    • ENABLE_LOCAL_PROXY decides local proxy to be enabled or not.
    • ENABLE_CDN decides that dependencies will be loaded from cdn rather than built bundle.
  • Devtool
    • it's now source-map, original it's cheap-source-map. If you run into performance issue, consider modify it.
  • Async Vue Component
    • Originally D2Admin switch sync/async Vue component loading by env (development/production). But we have difficulty to handle this in module way with webpack. So we change it to:
      • Load D2Admin components in sync way.
      • Load module components in async way. If you get performance issue, consider change it to sync way.
  • Add a global EventBus, usage:
      created () {
        EventBus.$on('update:msgSync', msgSync => {
          this.eventBusMsg = msgSync
        }).$on('change', modelVal => {
          this.eventBusMsg = modelVal
  • Integrate with vue-cli-plugin-ssh
    • Usage: place a file named upload.config.js under project root dir
        module.exports = {
          host: 'your host',
          port: '22',
          username: 'username',
          password: 'password',
          // privateKey: require('fs').readFileSync('~/.ssh/id_rsa'),
          localPath: 'dist',
          remotePath: 'remote dir path'
    • see the plugin document for more details
  • Setup e2e test by cypress
    npm run test:e2e

Upgrade D2Admin

Pull this project with updates then just copy and replace /src/d2admin directory of your own project should be just fine. Some time you will also have to update configuration files under root folder. Anyway, keep your src/module folder always excluded during sync, which is the place of all your treasures.


  • Support Vuex module register dynamically.
  • Load module dynamically.
  • Permission check for vue component.
  • npm package for D2Admin.