All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixed error where floating IP's is not being used.
- Fixed error to get volume capability due to change in type fromat. (Fix breaking changes only work with thor2 and above)
- Added List volumes support
- Tested working with go 1.21.3 and k8 v1.27.4
- Fixed error while creating share to track task status.
- Added check for nfs mount before attempting to delete nfs mount volume.
- Update docker dev file to use go lang v:1.21 and gocsi v:1.2.2
- Updated the deprecated module
- Added url parse to URI string, it was crashing the CSI when share name have % in it
- Added condition to expand volume only when share state is Mounted state
- Added share name length restriction to 80 characters.
- Removed unnecessary mount option
- Supports online resize of file-backed devices
- Switch to UBI image
- Version update to UBI 8.4
- Support for Portal Floating IPs
- Support for share descriptions
- Support for Hammerspace 4.4.0
- Tested with Kubernetes up until 1.18
- Support for resize for NFS (without remount) and file-backed (requires remount) volumes
- Support for Hammerspace 4.3.0
- Tested with Kubernetes 1.16, 1.17
- Topology key
- Ability to set additional metadata tags on plugin created shares and files
- Kubernetes 1.14 deployment manifests
- Golang version 1.10 -> 1.12
- Default size (1GB) for file-backed volumes
- Support for filesystems other than nfs for Mount Volumes
- Wait for file-backed volumes to exist on metadata server before responded successful for create
- Return error if source snapshot does not exist
- Issue where block volume snapshots may not be properly deleted
- Ability to specify export path prefix to use when mounting to a data portal HS_DATA_PORTAL_MOUNT_PREFIX
- Command execution timeout of 5 minutes
- Support for CSI spec v0.3 (Kubernetes 1.10-1.12)
- Combined Kubernetes Deployment yaml files
- HS_TLS_VERIFY defaults to false
- Require HTTPS communication with Hammerspace API
- Set objectives on file for block volumes
- Include required CA root certificates in docker image
- Support for CSI spec 1.0
- Mounted Volumes
- Create
- Delete
- Snapshot
- Publish/Unpublish
- Block Volumes
- Create
- Create from snapshot source
- Delete
- Snapshot
- Publish/Unpublish
- Mounted Volumes