Hamler added syntaxes which are more familiar to Erlang programmers.
Hamler support Binary
getA :: Binary -> Maybe Integer
getA << a:24:Big-Integer , b:4:Binary-Little , c:3:Binary >> = Just a
getA _ = Nothing
Map in Hamler is more similar to Erlang
getID :: Map String Integer -> Maybe Integer
getID #{ "Wang":= x, "Thomas" := y, "Leeming" := z } = Just x
getID _ = Nothing
We have atoms and allow pattern match on atom. It is now one of the primitive type in Hamler.
In PureScript, String
is one of the primitive type. However, in Hamler String is [Char]
a list of Char
Tuple can be represented with (a,b)
. Ant they can be pattern matched and are one of the primitive type.
We have use List instead of Array.
[1..10] --[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
[(x,y)| x <- [1..10], y <- [1..10]]] --[(1,1),(1,2)...
While declaring class and instances we use Haskell's syntax.
class Applicative m => Monad m
instance Monad List where