Enumeration SubErrorCodes
Enumerator | Value | Description |
SUB_ERROR_NONE | 0 | No sub error |
METHOD_FAILED | 1 | Method returned a failure status (generic error) |
UNIMPLEMENTED | 2 | Unimplemented method |
INVALID_PARAM | 3 | Invalid parameter |
UNSUPPORTED_SERVICE | 4 | Service not recognized |
UNSUPPORTED_METHOD | 5 | Method not recognized |
TOO_LARGE_ENCODED_FRAME_BUFFER | 6 | Encoded frame bigger than what transport permits |
FRAME_ENCODING_ERR | 7 | Unable to encode frame |
FRAME_DECODING_ERR | 8 | Unable to decode frame |
INCOMPATIBLE_HEADER_VERSION | 9 | Frame header version differs from what is expected and is considered incompatible |
UNSUPPORTED_FRAME_TYPE | 10 | Unrecognized frame type |
UNREGISTERED_NOTIFICATION_RECEIVED | 11 | Server receiving unregistered notification |
INVALID_SESSION | 12 | Session not recognized |
PAYLOAD_DECODING_ERR | 13 | Unable to decode payload |
UNREGISTERED_FRAME_RECEIVED | 14 | Client received a response for which it did not send an RPC call |
INVALID_PASSWORD | 15 | Password does not match specified user |
USER_NOT_FOUND | 16 | Unrecognized user |
ENTITY_NOT_FOUND | 17 | Cannot find entity |
ROBOT_MOVEMENT_IN_PROGRESS | 18 | Robot refuses new control command because robot movement in progress |
ROBOT_NOT_MOVING | 19 | Robot refuses stop command because robot is not moving |
NO_MORE_STORAGE_SPACE | 20 | Unable to execute because no more storage |
ROBOT_NOT_READY | 21 | Robot initialization is not complete |
ROBOT_IN_FAULT | 22 | Robot in fault |
ROBOT_IN_MAINTENANCE | 23 | Robot in maintenance |
ROBOT_IN_UPDATE_MODE | 24 | Robot in update |
ROBOT_IN_EMERGENCY_STOP | 25 | Robot in emergency stop state |
SINGLE_LEVEL_SERVOING | 26 | Robot is in single-level servoing mode |
LOW_LEVEL_SERVOING | 27 | Robot is in low-level servoing mode |
MAPPING_GROUP_NON_ROOT | 28 | Trying to add a non-root MapGroup to Mapping |
MAPPING_INVALID_GROUP | 29 | Trying to add an invalid or non-existent MapGroup to Mapping |
MAPPING_INVALID_MAP | 30 | Trying to add an invalid or non-existent Map to Mapping |
MAP_GROUP_INVALID_MAP | 31 | Trying to add an invalid or non-existent Map to MapGroup |
MAP_GROUP_INVALID_PARENT | 32 | Trying to add a MapGroup under an invalid parent |
MAP_GROUP_INVALID_CHILD | 33 | Trying to add an invalid or non-existent to MapGroup |
MAP_GROUP_INVALID_MOVE | 34 | Trying to change a MapGroup's parent: move not supported |
MAP_IN_USE | 35 | Deleting a Map used in a Mapping or MapGroup |
WIFI_CONNECT_ERROR | 36 | Unable to connect to specified Wifi network |
UNSUPPORTED_NETWORK_TYPE | 37 | Unsupported network type |
TOO_LARGE_ENCODED_PAYLOAD_BUFFER | 38 | Encoded payload bigger than what transport permits |
UPDATE_PERMISSION_DENIED | 39 | Attempting update command on non-updatable entity |
DELETE_PERMISSION_DENIED | 40 | Attempting delete command on non-deletable entity |
DATABASE_ERROR | 41 | Internal DB error |
UNSUPPORTED_OPTION | 42 | Option not supported |
UNSUPPORTED_RESOLUTION | 43 | Resolution not supported |
UNSUPPORTED_FRAME_RATE | 44 | Frame rate not supported |
UNSUPPORTED_BIT_RATE | 45 | Bit rate not supported |
UNSUPPORTED_ACTION | 46 | Action not supported (generic, when an action is not supported for a particular item) |
UNSUPPORTED_FOCUS_ACTION | 47 | Focus action not supported |
VALUE_IS_ABOVE_MAXIMUM | 48 | Specified value is above the supported maximum |
VALUE_IS_BELOW_MINIMUM | 49 | Specified value is below the supported minimum |
DEVICE_DISCONNECTED | 50 | Device is not connected |
DEVICE_NOT_READY | 51 | Device is not ready |
INVALID_DEVICE | 52 | Device id is invalid during bridging |
SAFETY_THRESHOLD_REACHED | 53 | Safety threshold is reached therefore safety is on |
INVALID_USER_SESSION_ACCESS | 54 | Service or function access not allowed: out of session or level access |
CONTROL_MANUAL_STOP | 55 | Manually stopped sequence or action |
CONTROL_OUTSIDE_WORKSPACE | 56 | Commanded Cartesian position is outside of robot workspace |
CONTROL_ACTUATOR_COUNT_MISMATCH | 57 | Number of constraint sent does not correspond to number of actuator (ex: joint speed) |
CONTROL_INVALID_DURATION | 58 | Duration constraint is too short. The robot would need out of limit speeds/accelerations to reach this duration. |
CONTROL_INVALID_SPEED | 59 | Speed constraint is negative |
CONTROL_LARGE_SPEED | 60 | Speed constraint is too high (exceed speed limit of leads to high acceleration) |
CONTROL_INVALID_ACCELERATION | 61 | Speed constraint is too high or duration constraint too short and leads to high acceleration |
CONTROL_INVALID_TIME_STEP | 62 | Refresh rate is smaller than the duration of the trajectory |
CONTROL_LARGE_SIZE | 63 | Duration of the trajectory is more than 100s. The length of the trajectory is limited to 100000 points to avoid saturating the base memory. |
CONTROL_WRONG_MODE | 64 | Control mode is not a trajectory mode |
CONTROL_JOINT_POSITION_LIMIT | 65 | Commanded configuration contains at least one actuator which is out of its physical limits |
CONTROL_NO_FILE_IN_MEMORY | 66 | Trajectory is not computed and try to be started |
CONTROL_INDEX_OUT_OF_TRAJECTORY | 67 | Attempting to read a point of the trajectory with an index higher than the number of point in trajectory point list. |
CONTROL_ALREADY_RUNNING | 68 | Trajectory is already running |
CONTROL_WRONG_STARTING_POINT | 69 | Robot is not on the first point of the trajectory when we try to start the trajectory. This can happen if there is a motion between the moment when trajectory is computed and when it is started. |
CONTROL_UNDEFINED_CONSTRAINT | 71 | Kontrol library is not initialized |
CONTROL_UNINITIALIZED | 72 | Contraint sent is not defined |
CONTROL_NO_ACTION | 73 | Action does not exist |
CONTROL_UNDEFINED | 74 | Undefined error |
WRONG_SERVOING_MODE | 75 | Robot is in not in the right servoing mode |
CONTROL_WRONG_STARTING_SPEED | 76 | Robot is not at the right speed when starting a new trajectory. |
USERNAME_LENGTH_EXCEEDED | 100 | User profile username length exceeds maximum allowed length |
FIRSTNAME_LENGTH_EXCEEDED | 101 | User profile first name length exceeds maximum allowed length |
LASTNAME_LENGTH_EXCEEDED | 102 | User profile last name length exceeds maximum allowed length |
PASSWORD_LENGTH_EXCEEDED | 103 | User profile password length exceeds maximum allowed length |
USERNAME_ALREADY_EXISTS | 104 | User profile username already in use by another profile |
USERNAME_EMPTY | 105 | User profile empty username not allowed |
PASSWORD_NOT_CHANGED | 106 | Change password both passwords are the same |
MAXIMUM_USER_PROFILES_USED | 107 | Maximum number of user profiles in use |
ROUTER_UNVAILABLE | 108 | The client router is currently unavailable. This can happen if an API method is called after the router has been deactivated via the method SetActivationStatus. |
ADDRESS_NOT_IN_VALID_RANGE | 120 | IP Address not valid against netmask |
ADDRESS_NOT_CONFIGURABLE | 121 | IP Address not configurable on specified interface |
SESSION_NOT_IN_CONTROL | 130 | Trying to perform command from a non-controlling session in single-level mode |
METHOD_TIMEOUT | 131 | Timeout occured during method execution |
UNSUPPORTED_ROBOT_CONFIGURATION | 132 | Product Configuration setter method failed because changing this parameter is unsupported on your robot model |
NVRAM_READ_FAIL | 133 | Failed to read in NVRAM. |
NVRAM_WRITE_FAIL | 134 | Failed to write in NVRAM. |
NETWORK_NO_ADDRESS_ASSIGNED | 135 | The specified interface has no assigned IP |
READ_PERMISSION_DENIED | 136 | Attempting read command on unreadable entity |
CONTROLLER_INVALID_MAPPING | 137 | Attempting to assign an unsuited mapping to controller |
ACTION_IN_USE | 138 | Attempting to delete an Action used by another entity |
SEND_FAILED | 139 | An error occured when trying to send the message (Transport error) |
CONTROL_WAYPOINT_TRAJECTORY_ABORTED | 140 | Waypoint trajectory sequence aborted by kontrol library |
CONTROL_PERMISSION_DENIED | 141 | Permission to execute a routine from the kontrol interface denied |
Parent topic: Api (C++)