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DEC APL Character Set

_0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8 _9 _A _B _C _D _E _F
2_ ¨ ÷ × ¯
4_ 𝐴 𝐵 𝐶 𝐷 𝐸 𝐹 𝐺 𝐻 𝐼 𝐽 𝐾 𝐿 𝑀
5_ 𝑁 𝑂 𝑃 𝑄 𝑅 𝑆 𝑇 𝑈 𝑉 𝑊 𝑋 𝑌 𝑍

This is the 7-bit character set which is embedded in the fonts which DEC included with APL for the VAX circa 1990 as documented in the Users Guide.

Note that this differs from both the character set APL uses internally and from the older chart in DEC STD 107 (1980). It can be used as an 8-bit charset by setting GR to G1 (see [Composite APL Character Set] below).

To display an APL character, send its GL/ASCII character after LS1 (0x0E) and before LS0 (0x0F).

Character GL ASCII Common Name DEC VAX APL name TTY
¨ 21 ! Dieresis Double Dots .DD a1
22 " Less than or Equal to Less than or Equal .LE a2
23 # Or Or .OR a3
24 $ And And & a4
29 ) Alpha Alpha .AL a9
2a * Up Tack Base (Decode) .DE aa
2b + Intersection Down U [sic] .DU ab
2c , Downstile Floor .FL ac
2d - Element of Epsilon .EP ad
2e . Del Del .DL ae
2f / Delta Lower Del .LD af
30 0 Iota Iota .IO b0
31 1 Jot Jot (Small O) .SO b1
32 2 Quad Box .BX b2
33 3 Down Tack Represent (Encode) .EN b3
34 4 Circle Circle (Large O) .LO b4
35 5 Rho Rho .RO b5
36 6 Upstile Ceiling .CE b6
37 7 Drop Down Arrow .DA b7
38 8 Union Up U .UU b8
39 9 Omega Omega .OM b9
3a : Right Shoe Right U .RU ba
3b ; Left Shoe Left U .LU bb
3c < Gets Left arrow _ bc
3d = Right Tack Left Tack [sic] .LK bd
3e > Goto Right arrow (Go to) .GO be
3f ? Greater than or Equal to Greater than or Equal .GE bf
40 @ Diamond Diamond .DM c0
41 A Left Tack Right Tack [sic] .RK c1
42 B Delta Underbar Underscored Delta .UD c2
𝐴 43 C Underlined CAPITAL A Underscored A .ZA c3
𝐵 44 D Underlined CAPITAL B Underscored B .ZB c4
𝐶 45 E Underlined CAPITAL C Underscored C .ZC c5
𝐷 46 F Underlined CAPITAL D Underscored D .ZD c6
𝐸 47 G Underlined CAPITAL E Underscored E .ZE c7
𝐹 48 H Underlined CAPITAL F Underscored F .ZF c8
𝐺 49 I Underlined CAPITAL G Underscored G .ZG c9
𝐻 4a J Underlined CAPITAL H Underscored H .ZH ca
𝐼 4b K Underlined CAPITAL I Underscored I .ZI cb
𝐽 4c L Underlined CAPITAL J Underscored J .ZJ cc
𝐾 4d M Underlined CAPITAL K Underscored K .ZK cd
𝐿 4e N Underlined CAPITAL L Underscored L .ZL ce
𝑀 4f O Underlined CAPITAL M Underscored M .ZM cf
𝑁 50 P Underlined CAPITAL N Underscored N .ZN d0
𝑂 51 Q Underlined CAPITAL O Underscored O .ZO d1
𝑃 52 R Underlined CAPITAL P Underscored P .ZP d2
𝑄 53 S Underlined CAPITAL Q Underscored Q .ZQ d3
𝑅 54 T Underlined CAPITAL R Underscored R .ZR d4
𝑆 55 U Underlined CAPITAL S Underscored S .ZS d5
𝑇 56 V Underlined CAPITAL T Underscored T .ZT d6
𝑈 57 W Underlined CAPITAL U Underscored U .ZU d7
𝑉 58 X Underlined CAPITAL V Underscored V .ZV d8
𝑊 59 Y Underlined CAPITAL W Underscored W .ZW d9
𝑋 5a Z Underlined CAPITAL X Underscored X .ZX da
𝑌 5b [ Underlined CAPITAL Y Underscored Y .ZY db
𝑍 5c \ Underlined CAPITAL Z Underscored Z .ZZ dc
5d ] Lamp Lamp (Comment) " dd
5e ^ I-Beam I-Beam .IB de
5f _ Hydrant Hydrant (Execute) .XQ df
60 ` Thorn Thorn (Format) .FM e0
61 a Domino Divide Quad .DQ e1
62 b Quad Left Arrow Input Quad .IQ e2
63 c Quad Right Arrow Output Quad .OQ e3
64 d Quote Quad Quote Quad .QQ e4
65 e Quad Down Caret Quad Del .QD e5
66 f Grade Up Grade Up .GU e6
67 g Grade Down Grade Down .GD e7
68 h Del Tilde Protected Del .PD e8
69 i Nor Nor .NR e9
6a j Nand Nand .NN ea
6b k Log Logarithm .LG eb
6c l Circle Bar Column Reverse .CR ec
6d m Transpose Transpose .TR ed
6e n Circle Stile Reverse .RV ee
6f o Comma Bar Column Comma .CC ef
70 p Slash Bar Column Slash .CS f0
71 q Slope Bar Column Backslash .CB f1
72 r Left Shoe Underbar Subset .SS f2
73 s Right Shoe Underbar Contains .CO f3
74 t Equal Underbar Match .MT f4
75 u Up Arrow Up Arrow ^ f5
76 v Squad Squish Quad .SQ f6
77 w Squad f7
78 x Squad f8
79 y Squad f9
7a z Squad fa
7b { Squad fb
7c | Squad fc
OUT 7d } OUT [See note 2] [Unused] fd
7e ~ Squad Squish Quad .SQ fe

Note 1: The left/right tack convention changed around the turn of the century. See "London Convention" versus "Bosworth Convention".

Note 2: The "OUT" character is not present in Unicode nor is it mentioned in the VAX APL manual. However it is in the font and discussed online in the APL forums. Normally, the representation is actually of the letters O, U, T overstruck atop each other, and that is the case for the VT220 version of the font, however the VT340 version has the letters written in small, non-overlapping, letters at a diagonal, similar to the graphic ␛ for Escape.

Composite APL Character Set

When running VAX APL, the VT340 and other terminals capable of loading the APL font used what DEC called the "Composite APL Character Set". The setup is:

Active Set Mapping
GL G0 7-bit ASCII
GR G1 APL Character Set
G2 Latin-1 (DEC Supplemental)
G3 DEC Special Graphics

Escape codes to set up Composite APL

The VMS APL User's Guide describes Composite Character Set in Table 1-16, which shows that bytes with the high-bit set display the APL glyphs. While this would be more convenient compared to constantly sending shifts (LS0, LS1), this technique would not work in a modern UTF-8 terminal.

Hackerb9's guess for how to replicate the Composite APL setup: first load the APL font (by catting it to the screen) which names the font Dscs &0 and maps it to G1 (ESC ) & 0). Then send these escape codes:

Set Mapping Escape sequence
G1 APL ESC ) & 0
G2 Latin-1 or MCS ESC . A or ESC ( <
G3 Special Graphics ESC + 0
GL G0 0x0F

To return to normal, remap GR to point to G2: ESC }.

Composite APL table

Based on table 1-16 in the VMS APL User's Guide.

_0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8 _9 _A _B _C _D _E _F
2_ ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
3_ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
4_ @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
5_ P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
6_ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
7_ p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~
A_ ¨ ÷ × ¯
C_ 𝐴 𝐵 𝐶 𝐷 𝐸 𝐹 𝐺 𝐻 𝐼 𝐽 𝐾 𝐿 𝑀
D_ 𝑁 𝑂 𝑃 𝑄 𝑅 𝑆 𝑇 𝑈 𝑉 𝑊 𝑋 𝑌 𝑍
_0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8 _9 _A _B _C _D _E _F

Note 1: ␢ represents characters that are unused.

Note 2: "OUT" is at 0xFD in the font but not shown in the user guide.

Note 3: The font does not define 0xFF although the table shows it as a Squish Quad.